I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 198 Chapter 0193: Practicing martial arts, the ghost guy came to visit [Please subscribe]

Regarding the formation of a legion in the Eight Desolate Realms, Rosen actually had an idea for a long time.

Based on the Iron Man Martial Arts Association, young and strong warriors are recruited from the anti-foreign warriors.

It doesn't matter if your cultivation level is worse.

The most important thing is to be young enough and have the courage to forge ahead.

At the beginning, anti-foreign hatred can be used as a driving force, and later on, discipline can be cultivated through training and actual combat.

Good fighters are made by fighting.

Of course, there will inevitably be casualties in war.

Therefore, it has become an iron rule not to fight unprepared battles.

You don’t need to hunt wolves, but you can’t live without a wolf hunting gun.

Several days passed quickly.

Rosen has been traveling between the two worlds these days, delivering the first batch of fresh ingredients.

Because the nitrogen sealing workshop at the camp has been completed.

The ingredients brought this time included a batch of Chinese cabbage, potatoes, carrots, white radish and even some mushrooms.

In addition, there are seasonings such as onions, ginger, and garlic.

All vegetables are purchased from near Jinmen.

Lawson's self-built greenhouse will have at least a few months to produce output.

In fact, these local vegetables are not growing well.

Many cabbages are also covered with insect holes.

Tianqing's unimproved seeds and traditional planting techniques are still a little less interesting after all.

In terms of output alone, it is far from being comparable to the large-scale agricultural model of later generations.

But even so, these vegetables can still be regarded as precious materials in the wasteland.

The number was small, but it still made Commissioner No. 7 look shocked.

He didn't expect Rosen to actually do what he promised and bring out fresh ingredients.

Every vegetable brought by Rosen this time has been carefully washed to ensure that no insect eggs remain.

Commissioner No. 7 readily settled the payment.

Driving away in a modified half-track refrigerated truck carrying vegetables encapsulated in nitrogen bags.

Rosen went to Iron Tomb and Black Town respectively.

The remaining T-21 power armor has been modified and can be installed as a whole.

Among the 19 T-21s, including the batch delivered previously.

Seven of them were transferred to the Eight Desolate Realms, and the remaining 12 were placed in the camp and incorporated into the Thorn Shield Legion for garrison and camp defense purposes.

The 10 T-30 powered armors obtained from Yuan Yewen of the Oil Machine Rage Group were also sent to Black Town to officially undergo armed transformation.

Ottok is very efficient.

In other words, his relationship in the Hangcheng United District is still very strong.

In just three days, 6 electromagnetic guns firing 5KG mass bombs, 4 Shenguang-V medium particle cannons, 4 six-unit electromagnetic mortars, 2 sets of Meissner reaction shields, and 8 sets of Guangwei II The energy shield is all in place.

As these T-30s are heavy-duty aircraft, the modification plan is quite violent.

The main weapons are a 5KG electromagnetic gun and a medium particle cannon, both of which are medium-sized armed vehicle-level weapons with powerful frontal damage capabilities.

Among them, the T-30, which is equipped with an electromagnetic gun as its main weapon, will also carry a six-pack of electromagnetic mortars on its back.

At the same time, equip the other robotic arm with a laser sniper cannon.

Designed for attacks and suppression of medium and long-range targets.

This configuration is equivalent to a double-squad array of 24 mortars.

In the case of a salvo of fire, it is enough to form Xu Jin's barrage.

The secondary weapon of the T-30 power armor equipped with a 5KG electromagnetic gun is a 20mm six-barreled cannon, plus a 76mm rocket launcher with 2×8 rounds.

Mainly responsible for medium and short-range support and frontal attack.

The electromagnetic gun's hard kill effect is very good.

Excellent against enemy armor and fortress bunkers.

In order to ensure a certain degree of mobility, the armaments are temporarily arranged in this way.

In fact, with the load capacity of the T-30, it can also be equipped with several light weapon modules.

But there is no need, because these T-30 power armors will not fight alone.

Instead, slaves wearing exoskeletons will fight together.

It is matched with heavy-duty final weapons.

There is absolutely no need to add a variety of light weapons like the Forsaken to make up for the lack of firepower.

Rosen originally wanted to dispatch a batch of these 10 T-30s and take them to the Bahuang Realm.

But after thinking about it, I gave up.

There were not many of them in the first place, but they were pumped back and forth, and the firepower on both sides was not up to standard.

Moreover, the modified T-21 is enough to meet the technological and military requirements of Tianjin.

At least it's okay to handle a great martial artist in the Condensing Marrow Realm.

The weapon technology of humans in the wasteland has actually reached its full capacity in terms of lethality very early on.

The development is extremely uneven, and can even be described as taking an eccentric approach.

On the contrary, the defense system was added later.

Therefore, in terms of lethality, it is not inferior to the extraordinary power of the Eight Desolate Realms.

At least that's the case in the early to mid-term.

Coupled with the universality of technology, it is the technology side that has a war advantage.

After all, it takes more than ten years, or even twenty or thirty years, to train a great martial artist.

But when the production line is complete and energy and materials are sufficient, power armor can continue to come off the production line.

Although humans in the wasteland cannot destroy the planet under extreme outbreaks, it is still very easy to destroy the ecosystem several times.

Rosen's early and mid-term advantages have been established.

The pursuit of extraordinary power naturally seems less urgent.

After settling things in the wasteland, his attention turned back to the Bahuang Realm again.

I had a splitting headache for almost two days.

The Zhang brothers and sisters finally regained their strength on the third day.

The effect after the injection of genetic medicine was unexpectedly good.

Zhang Zhenyu just practiced daily, and actually broke through the obscurity directly, tempered the first ray of Qi and blood in the marrow, and officially entered the strong bone realm.

Now that he has the reputation of a little martial artist, there will be much less gossip from the outside world.

This is the lowest level of being in charge of a martial arts school as agreed by Jinmen.

When the Iron Man Martial Arts Association was formed before, his realm affected the recruitment of talents.

Let alone the Condensing Marrow Realm, not even the Yunzang Realm warriors are willing to join.

If it weren't for the adequate treatment, I'm afraid there wouldn't be any.

At present, most of the members in the martial arts association are here under the banner of being anti-foreign.

There are also a small number of people who come for the regular money and training venues provided by the monthly martial arts meeting.

The stall looks big, but actually it’s not very compact inside.

There are two main reasons.

The first is Zhang Zhenyu’s lack of strength.

The second is that the martial arts meeting was not showy and did not show enough force.

Previous rumors of massacres in the concession gradually faded away with the passage of time.

The subsequent performance of Iron Man Martial Arts Club was too bland.

In summary.

These are all issues that need to be rectified.

Rosen was very indifferent to this.

What can you use to fight if you are not developed? Use an iron tip?

Those people believe it or not, get out of here, it is just a screening.

In comparison, development has a greater advantage for Rosen.

In troubled times, there is no shortage of manpower, and the performance depends on strength, not reckless thinking.

Zhang Zhenyu, who has become a young martial artist in the Strong Bone Realm, can open the talisman secret room left by Zhang Yuntian.

However, because the initial vitality blood is too weak, it still needs to be consolidated for a few days.

This made Li Jingmin, who came to the door many times, a little anxious, but he had to suppress his emotions.

In the past few days, Rosen has officially started practicing martial arts with Zhang Zhenyu.

The first thing taught is Liuyuan Xinyi Quan.

Fists and feet are the basis of weapons.

The latter is an extension of the former.

You can only practice fist and foot martial arts first, and then you can transition to weapons after you become proficient in the techniques.

In the early morning, the sky is still dark.

In the Zhang Family Martial Arts Hall not far from the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

Zhang Zhenyu stood facing Rosen with a solemn expression.

"Asen, have you memorized all the key points in the Xinyi Fist Manual?"

"It's already memorized like a stream."

Rosen nodded slightly.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhenyu walked up and spoke.

He stepped into the role of master.

"very good."

"There are eleven more important words here, please remember them, Asen."

"The heart is the master, the eyes are the commander, and the limbs are the pioneers."

"Look at my demonstration. The punches are empty, startling, fierce, fierce, divine, strange, ruthless and poisonous."

After saying that, he nodded slightly with one leg and stepped back a few feet.

Start practicing boxing routines for Rosen.

The fists and arms are fluttering, and the wind is whistling.

"It must be understood that a tiger's heart cannot be hurt by a man. A tiger has the will to eat people. It is not ruthless or poisonous in battle, and has no punches to throw out. It treats the opponent as if he were walking, and treats him as if he were a wormwood. Don't be afraid of the enemy."

"The move must be like picking characters before it rises, and falling like characters before falling. The hand must rise like a steel file, and the hand must fall like a hook."

Rosen watched Zhang Zhenyu's drills and moves analysis intently.

Unconsciously, I started imitating it.

Once, twice, three times...

As the movements gradually took shape, Rosen felt a warm current surging inside his body.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed.

The heat of midsummer has died down.

The coolness of autumn is truly comforting.

Improved wheat seeds were sown.

Care is taken by hired professional farmers.

This concept is still very rare in Tianqing.

It is not the traditional sharecropping model, but direct funding for farmers to take full-time care.

At the same time, this pattern is puzzling.

The cost paid is not as good as going directly to the market to buy the finished product.

But Rosen believes that it is necessary for him to master agricultural skills.

Especially high-yield advanced agriculture.

Anyway, the markets on both sides are not equal. The food he produces must at least satisfy the self-sufficiency and trade in the wasteland area.

It is not intended to be released locally in Tianqing.

In more than ten days, Rosen was basically familiar with the moves of Liuyuan Xinyi Fist.

The punches are quite powerful and can punch through a locust tree as thick as a calf with bare hands.

When attacking with full force, the lethality is more than doubled.

What follows is just water grinding.

In addition, he also practiced a step that was not too sophisticated.

It's called Feng Xu Bu, imitating the wind blowing catkins.

By consciously dodging and moving, he can even easily avoid five crossbow bolts fired from 20 meters away.

Moreover, while practicing martial arts and steps, Rosen found that his [nervous response] and [body strength] had improved to a certain extent.

The days in the Bahuang Realm were still very fulfilling.

During this period, the formation of the Iron Man Legion also made some progress.

More than 500 young warriors were recruited from martial arts associations and society.

The level of these warriors is not high, but they are young and have few feet.

Interested in the suggestion of attacking foreigners.

Nationality is a very important factor. When chaos is coming, there are many people who are like dogs.

But most people still hate those foreign ghosts.

After all, the foreign ghost's slogan sounds nice, but after all, he will not treat the dog as one of his own.

Even more so for the people of Tianqing

So with the generous use of money, a martial arts arena and barracks were built in a short period of time.

There are targets and off-road obstacles, and they look decent.

At present, it is not possible to train according to the standards of wasteland soldiers. The key is to first develop discipline and basic tactical movements.

That attracted Prince Kang's attention.

This kind of large-scale investment seems to be more than just cultivating a private army.

But at least half a month later, the new army trained by Prince Kang will be launched.

The training period is less than two months.

Because after the Tianping Army received support from England, its ferocity suddenly increased.

It is now divided into two branches.

One group went north from the coastal provinces, and the other group has taken over Hunan Province and is currently fighting fiercely in the capital city of Gan Province.

There are foreign fleets escorting all the way along the coast.

Strictly speaking, today Tianqing and Yingjili have once again entered a state of open war.

The new fleet "Blood Spirit" is wandering in the Bohai Bay.

Coupled with the Gu Whistle Point, most of Tianjin is actually considered an area controlled by foreigners.

The atmosphere between the two sides has been a little off lately.

Although there was no overt action, there was still an atmosphere of tension.

This has become a tacit buffer zone for both parties.

Rosen turned a blind eye to this.

However, foreigners have indeed been making frequent moves recently.

The newly formed "Blood Spirit" fleet has powerful dual flagships.

They are the "Scarlet Warrior" and the "Black Prince".

The total length is 128m, the displacement of the former is 9284 tons, and the displacement of the latter is 9398 tons, and the draft is 8.2m deep.

The hull is made of wrought iron and is divided into 92 watertight compartments laterally. There are also two bilge keels on the bottom of the ship to reduce the instability caused by the long hull.

This is a new technology used by the Royal Navy of England.

It's just that the too-long hull still makes steering inconvenient.

These two ironclad battleships used hybrid power, which is very popular today.

The "Scarlet Warrior" relied on steam power to reach a top speed of 14.3 knots, and the Black Prince also reached a speed of 13.8 knots. The coal stored in it was enough to sail about 2,100 nautical miles at 11 knots.

This information comes from overseas newspapers and periodicals.

By building a network of contacts in Xiangjiang, Rosen can always receive these "fashionable" news.

The flagship is equipped with 26 68-pound guns, 10 110-pound breech-loading rifled guns, 4 40-pound breech-loading rifled guns, and multiple small-caliber rapid-fire guns.

But this is just the data disclosed, just to encourage people.

The actual parameters should be slightly weaker than the above.

The good news is that English has not yet mastered the technology of nitrocellulose gunpowder.

Naval artillery did not transition to the era of line-tight guns.

However, the technical problem of the air-holding system of the breech gun has been solved, which has increased the charge and the range has also been significantly improved.

With the firepower of these two ships, if they stayed in the port, they would be enough to bombard the old city.

Zhang Zhenyu and others were confused by these technologies.

Rosen could understand everything just by taking a look.

The threat of war creeps in.

No one knows how long this buffer place can last.

If England really has the ambition to support the Tianping Army in a large-scale invasion.

As the gateway to the Beijing-Hebei region, Jinmen is an unavoidable threshold outside Kyoto.

After the fall of Gukou, Tianqing basically lost its sea power in the Bohai Sea.

The situation is getting worse.

Three or four days passed before and after.

When Zhang Zhenyu was ready to open the Talisman Secret Room.

Suddenly a large group of foreigners came to visit.

[I don’t like to see the development of farming, so I will simplify it and speed up the dispute now. The fight will start in these two chapters. It is also the same in the wasteland. Hidden dangers in the neighborhood will subsequently break out]

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