I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 207 Chapter 0202: Mercury single bullet, bloody underground laboratory [Please subscribe] [6

Chapter 207 Chapter 0202: Mercury single bullet, bloody underground laboratory [Please subscribe] [6.6K]

Xiaowei began to faithfully execute the orders issued by Rosen on the 1st.

With the flicker of gunfire, the research assistants in white coats were shot one after another.

Blood spurted out from the wound, staining the white coat with bloody flowers.

The British soldiers wearing red military uniforms and bicorn hats quickly raised their guns and fired back.

Black powder bullets can only leave white marks on the polymer bulletproof plate on the Z2 exoskeleton.

And every time a shot is fired, a large amount of dense smoke comes out.

Amid the raucous sound of gunfire, a layer of gunpowder smoke soon filled the precinct hall.

The paper documents on the desks and operating tables were shattered into pieces and turned into flying scraps of paper.

The bullets shoot out in all directions, and when they hit the hard ground or wall, they will create a series of sparks.

The kerosene lamp was smashed and the kerosene inside spread on the table.

Little wicks floated on the oil.

All the screams were muffled by the roaring rapid-fire machine guns.

At the beginning of the killing, Rosen had already turned his attention to the passage ahead.

This is a partition hall, with one passage each on the left, right and front.

The location where the previous reconnaissance bees were attacked is right in front, where the core area is also located.

As for the left and right sides, there are no life radio signals at all.

Judging from these guys stuck in the division hall.

When a mini-nuclear explosion occurred above, the transfer was carried out in advance.

Rosen thought silently in his heart.

The gunfire quickly subsided.

He made a cursory inspection of the scene and found nothing of value.

The small arms and firearms scattered around those foreign soldiers were far inferior to the bolt-action rifles modified by Tang Jing.

The same is true for sleeve-type water-cooled machine guns.

The theoretical rate of fire of about 600 rounds per minute can be called a meat grinder-like firepower in this era.

But the effect in actual combat is unsatisfactory.

Any warrior with strong bones or Yunzang realm can resist two to three hundred rounds head-on.

They are both firearms, and the power of the small weapons in the wasteland can completely destroy the firearms of these foreigners.

These antique firearms pose no threat to Rosen and others.

Therefore, there is no need to seize it.

Only in terms of light weapons, the equipment at the weapons factory in Tianqing is not much different from that in the West.

Instead of spending time seizing this junk, he should be promoting his magically modified bolt-action rifle.

The magically modified version of the old antique will not destroy the advantages of wasteland weapons, but also has the ability to crush foreign firearms. It is completely suitable for spreading in large quantities to support and arm the forces under its command.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

Now is the time to light this prairie fire.

Rosen's strategy is to first distribute powerful wasteland weapons to his confidants.

The peripheral members carry weapons modified by the Bahuang native magic.

Form a multi-level armed force.

In the future, according to the development situation, the proportion of wasteland armed forces will be gradually increased.

In this way, the overall combat effectiveness can be gradually upgraded.

"Just keep going."

"There's nothing of value here."

"Gui Lao's reaction is not slow. Maybe he has already made plans for this situation."

Rosen reminded in the communication channel.

At this time, Zhang Zhenyu, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

"Asen, why do you think those demons insist on conducting these human experiments?"

The answer to this question is actually not difficult to understand.

Rosen pondered for a moment before answering in a calm voice.

"Because the human body is the most accessible taboo."

There is not much explanation. If an issue like this is discussed in depth, it will definitely involve ethics, morality, biotechnology and other fields.

In fact, the enlightenment of modern medicine is inseparable from the large number of human body manuscripts drawn by early anatomy doctors.

Be it a monster or an orthodox human being.

It is always easier to achieve breakthroughs through internal exploration than external exploration.

What's more, the demons have already discovered the magical effects of blood cores.

He waved his armored arm, signaling the two of them to get ready to move on.

It is foreseeable that there will be a fierce battle next.

Extreme biotechnologists have the potential to become madmen.

Regarding this, both worlds seem to be no exception.

The research assistants and foreign soldiers who fell in a pool of blood were simply pushed out as cannon fodder to delay time.

Now that he has been delayed for a few more minutes, Rosen does not intend to waste any more time here.

Reforming into the arrow formation, with the mechanical dog leading the way, they officially entered the passage leading to the core area.

This passage is also very spacious.

There were a lot of manuscript papers scattered on the ground as well as various garbage left behind by the hasty retreat.

Suddenly, there was a feeling that this place had been abandoned.

Not far away is the end of the passage, which also has a leather door curtain.

There was no light source in the passage, and as they advanced, light came in.

The length of this passage was less than ten meters, and Rosen ordered to stop as soon as he could step into it.

"Aim at the entrance of the passage ahead and fire the particle cannon together after 3 seconds."

After saying this, Rosen raised his left arm.

The front end of the Shenguang-2 generation small-caliber beam energy particle cannon installed below was filled with light green light.

Zhang Yuening and Zhang Zhenyu also quickly activated the particle cannon.



After Rosen gave the order, three arm-thick green beams shot toward the end of the passage.

When the beam surged past, there was still a faint afterimage of the particle arc shining.

The leather curtain was penetrated in the blink of an eye.

The three beams of light continued to shoot deeper.

In the flash of lightning, Rosen and the others saw a brand new monster.

There were three more eye-catching holes in the bloody bloated body.

These holes bear some traces of burning, and smoke rises erratically after burning.

There was blood gushing out from the wounds, but those wounds were nothing compared to the huge body of the bloody monster.

Rosen seemed to have been mentally prepared for this.

There are things like blood nuclei that go against common sense to forcibly eliminate the body's rejection reaction.

Even if the basic biotechnology foundation of the foreigners in the Bahuang Realm is lacking.

With this, you can also create many fancy monsters.

The reason why most of the foreign monsters are stitched bodies, rather than self-created brand-new individuals like the Golden Ears in the wasteland, is because the underlying technology is not enough and does not involve the level of genes and artificial creatures.

Using ready-made limbs for suturing became the best option.

The large bloody tentacle monster at the end of the passage ahead has obviously undergone new changes based on the stitched monster.

"Fire with full force!"

Six Xiaowei No. 1 and four combat mechanical dogs immediately began to unleash their firepower.

The electromagnetic rapid-fire cannon on Rosen's shoulder also began to fire continuously.

The Zhang brothers and sisters used electromagnetic sniper cannons as supporting firepower.

The passage was suddenly filled with jumping arcs and flashing gun flames.

Now that everyone knows there is a monster ahead, Rosen will definitely not stupidly rush over and fight hand-to-hand.

The advantage of firepower is range and attack efficiency.

Otherwise, there would be no such saying as "Everything within range is the truth."

Directly guarding the passage, there is no way the opponent can get in due to his bloated size.

Coupled with the concentration of firepower, this monster can be caught off guard.

It is worth mentioning that after being hit by three particle cannons, the bloody monster was not angered, but moved to the side wisely.

During the transfer, it suffered several more rounds from electromagnetic rapid-fire cannons and sniper cannons.

The electromagnetic gun with powerful kinetic energy can take away large chunks of flesh and blood from its body every time.

As for the attacks of Xiaowei No. 1 and the combat mechanical dog, it can only be said that they are better than nothing.

This monster is huge and looks like a blood-red mountain of flesh.

To deal with such monsters in the neighborhood, armor-piercing explosive bombs are usually used to deal damage in two stages, first piercing the armor and then exploding.

Of course, as long as the firepower is sufficient, electromagnetic rapid-fire cannons and sniper cannons can also destroy it.

But after realizing that it seemed like it couldn't hold it any longer, the monster quickly retreated to the side.

At the same time, he also used his bloody tentacles to roll up the metal tables, chairs and other debris and pile them crazily into the passage.

It looks like it plans to block the passage.

"A little wisdom, but not much."

Rosen shook his head and blasted away the debris with a few rounds of mass bullets.

Then more than ten mini-missiles were launched forward.


These small missiles emit tail flames and streaks of white smoke.

They turned around and hit the monster hiding aside.

Explosions and fires rang out one after another.

"Start the assault!"

Rosen decisively issued new instructions.

The fastest responders are still Xiaowei No. 1 and the mechanical dog.

A robot without emotions will only act faithfully according to instructions and will not think about shrinking.

Followed closely by Rosen himself, the weapon configuration of the Forsaken Power Armor is destined to serve as an assaulter when necessary.

The Zhang brothers and sisters fought from both sides. The Little Golden Crow Plasma Cannon equipped with their T-21 has a very good killing effect on most living organisms.

The motorized wheels of the sliding system rub against the ground.

Rosen rushed out of the messy passage slowly but really quickly.

Before the mechanical dog running at the front could stand still, it was rolled up by a tentacle as thick as a human arm, and then slapped hard on the ground, causing many parts to burst out.

There are more than one tentacles, and they are dancing like branches in a cluster of flowers.

The four combat mechanical dogs that entered first were all rolled up.

Three of the six Xiaowei No. 1s that arrived subsequently had tentacles wrapped around their waists.

However, relying on the mechanical power of the Z2-type exoskeleton, the three Xiaowei-1s struggled violently.

Although it is still difficult to completely resist the fate of being dragged past.

But at least it's not as helpless as a mechanical dog.

Rosen didn't pause at all, but instead increased his power.

The vortex engine behind him sprayed arc light.

The speed of the sliding system has been greatly increased again.

Relying on the tyranny of the armored body, the Abandoned Man violently knocked away the debris blocking the road.

After leaving the passage, the view suddenly became clearer.

This is like the original office area, with many desks and chairs made of metal.

There are also several old-fashioned manual printers.

At this time, all the tables and chairs had been overturned and piled up against the wall.

Most of the space was occupied by the bloody monster.

If the previous multi-armed monsters were more or less humanoid.

Then the monster in front of him no longer looks like a human being.

It is exceptionally large in size.

He is about six meters tall, and his body is as bloated as a rice dumpling.

The bloody fat is stacked together, like a tower of minced meat.

You can't even see where its feet are.

There are about a dozen tentacles extending from the monster's back, and they look very active.

Each tentacle has a ring-like structure, which is not only extremely flexible, but also stretchable.

At this moment, the monster had shocking wounds on its body.

It was like someone had cut off several large pieces of his huge body with a knife.

They were all injuries from previous attacks.

The mutilation caused by this kind of injury coupled with the distorted and weird appearance makes people feel inexplicably inconsistent.

Crazy tentacles pulled Xiaowei No. 1.

Their more than two tons of mechanical force are working hard to resist the pull of the tentacles.

The six Xiaowei No. 1s wrestling with it at the same time immediately made the monster's pull become strenuous.

After Rosen appeared, the monster suddenly retracted the tentacles wrapped around Xiaowei No. 1 as if it was frightened.

The next moment, all the tentacles rushed towards Rosen.

The electromagnetic rapid-fire cannon opened fire, and several tentacles were blown up in the air.

The rest forced past the high-speed airflow shield and entangled the chest and limbs of the abandoned person respectively.

This monster also cleverly fixed its armored arms to both sides.

But when it tried to pull, it collapsed.

It can't be said that it is motionless, but it is moving extremely slowly.


Rosen sneered, retracted the sliding system of his feet, and metal spikes popped out from under his feet and were firmly driven into the cement floor.

This is the stable mode of power armor.

Can significantly enhance the stability and friction of your feet.

Sometimes it is used for walking on ice, but more often it is mainly used to stabilize the standing posture.

This moment made the monster confused.

How can power armor be so easy to deal with?

However, this monster is still a bit of a thief. Its tentacles are designed to contain the weapon system.

Making it impossible to adjust the shooting angle.

And this monster is determined to target Rosen.

A layer of rich blood suddenly appeared on the body surface.

The strength of the tentacles almost doubled immediately.

This made the figure of the abandoned person, which was originally as stable as a mountain, finally start to shake again.

But Rosen remained unfazed.

His lips pursed.

Surging spiritual thoughts enveloped the body, and an invisible formation was quickly constructed.

In just two or three seconds, when the abandoned person had just been pulled a few meters, the formation was formed.

Seven peach-sized fire beads swirled and formed abruptly on the side of the monster.

Rosen's spiritual thoughts were connected to these fire beads.

In an instant, all the fire beads hit the monster directly.

Among those layers of fat, there is a head.

It's just that the head is completely embedded in the body and is only occasionally exposed.

And those fire beads are the magic [Seven Star Fire Beads]!

Rosen doesn't just have power armor.

He himself is both a warrior and a monk.

Fire beads are not simple flames, but a special condensed state similar to plasma.

Under the control of divine thoughts, the seven fire beads rushed towards the location where the head was hidden.

The first few fire beads melted through the thick flesh.

The last two fire beads hit the weird shapeless head.

In the floating smoke, the fire beads melted the flesh on the head.

The monster received this precise blow, and all its tentacles subconsciously retracted.

It was only then that the Zhang family brothers and sisters arrived belatedly.

I can't blame them for being annoying.

Mainly because of the [Drawing Central Defender·Scavenger] modification plan in order to obtain enough firepower.

Mobility is basically completely sacrificed.

Even the scroll engine on the back has been removed.

The bipedal sliding system is much slower.

However, the two of them fired the plasma cannon as soon as they left the entrance of the passage.

Two balls of hot plasma flew towards the monster.

Two huge depressions were melted directly on the huge body.

Then two more electromagnetic sniper cannons blasted past.

After the Abandoned Man's body regained its mobility, Rosen also followed up with a last-ditch fire.

This monster's defense is not outstanding, but because of its relatively large size, its vitality is relatively tenacious.

But again, no matter how stubborn the organism is, it cannot withstand the continuous baptism of fire.

The burst of this attack completely turned the monster into a pulp.

Among the remains and bones inside its body, Rosen found many blood-colored beads.

These are blood demon cores, one level lower than blood cores.

But the effects are similar. It can be used as a tonic to enhance the effect.

It can be regarded as a second-level treasure medicine.

After this monster was defeated, there was no resistance left in sight.

According to the feedback of life radio detection, the last less than a hundred life radio signals were concentrated in the nearby compartment closed by a steel gate.

The heavy door is studded with rivets.

It looked like it weighed at least several tons.

In fact, if Rosen is willing to search carefully, there should be a lot of supplies and raw materials in other sections of the laboratory.

But he didn't want to waste time.

This time I came to destroy and silence, not to loot.

What attracted him to foreign monsters was not gold and silver wealth, but the monsters themselves.

So far, except for the two fifth-level headless horsemen at the door, there are no traces of other monsters. Most of the monsters blocking the way are monsters produced in the laboratory.

It can be seen that the foreign monsters are wary of him.

After the accident, he would rather hide than come out and confront him head-on.

However, hiding is always the last resort.

In modern warfare, defense is often passive.

The circular gate located next to it is very thick.

Some are like the treasury doors of later generations, but they appear more rugged.

The rivets on the surface have a distinct industrial style.

Rosen thought about buying a few ground-penetrating bombs next time.

Cleaning the turtle shell every time is really troublesome.

The monster just destroyed three mechanical dogs, caused obvious deformation of the Z2 exoskeletons of the two Xiaowei 1s, and caused some glitches in the laser transmitter on Rosen's shoulder.

The compartment in front of me is obviously specially made.

The thickness of the walls on both sides is also unusual.

After receiving a 0.85KG mass bomb, it can be found that there are not only steel bars in the cement wall, but also a lot of fine iron wire mixed in. This is to imitate fiber materials and increase the strength of the wall.

There is actually not much difference between wall-bang and door-bang.

So the three of them aimed at the seemingly heavy door and opened fire.

The 0.85KG and 1.25KG mass bombs hit alternately, which turned the surface of the seemingly heavy steel door into a flowering sausage, blooming with "iron flowers".

This door, which was given high hopes by the foreign monsters, stood for almost a minute and a half.

This is also due to the slow rate of fire of the electromagnetic sniper gun.

Before the door was broken open, the three of them had brand new firearms in their hands.

The weapon module of the power armor is no longer used.

The door, which was almost reduced to iron filings, collapsed.

A few sixth-level vampires and a dozen five-stripe vampires transformed into a bloody mist and poured out.

Another seven or eight headless horsemen armed with heavy hammers and swords followed closely behind.

However, Rosen and others had already been prepared to deal with it.

The weapon that the three men later changed into was an AA-50 shotgun.

It is equipped with a modified mercury version of the No. 12 single-head bullet.

This group of swarming monsters is quite intimidating at first glance.

But the three of them were not afraid at all.

The shotgun in his hand clicked the trigger continuously.

"Bang bang bang!"

Single-head bullets shot out one after another.

The effective range of this shotgun is not high.

The modified ammunition only flew more than ten meters before exploding suddenly.

The mercury inside breaks down into small droplets of liquid.

In just the blink of an eye, the front was covered by mercury liquid.

They fell head-over-heels towards these monsters.

The wails sounded almost in sync.

Rosen and others did not stop pulling the trigger.

The droplets of mercury turned into a "heavy rain" in an instant.

This extremely luxurious style of play is almost impossible to see in the Bahuang Realm.

Because mercury, as well as mercury ore, are contraband outside Middle-earth and are equally rare in quantity.

In Tianqing, mercury is almost as rare as gold.

It is rarely seen in normal times.

Even if they can be found occasionally, they are not in such large quantities.

This style of play can only be described as arrogant, even luxurious.

In fact, the mercury consumed by Rosen and the Zhang brothers and sisters in this wave was enough to hire innate masters or great monks to take action.

Nowadays, many great medicines require flowing silver to assist in forming the elixir.

So from a certain perspective, liquid silver and gold also have extremely high value.

He had spent most of his fortune to buy the little silver brought by the manager of the Red Shark Gang.

There are no shortcomings in this style of play, and the effect on dealing with monsters is immediate.

If I really want to talk about a shortcoming, it is that it is too luxurious and not suitable for public display.

But this is nothing to Rosen, who has two worlds behind him.

The effect of mercury on demons is comparable to that of high-strength industrial acid.

Be it a vampire or a headless horseman.

As long as it is exposed to it, an annihilation reaction will occur immediately.

The demon itself and the mercury annihilate each other.

Those six-stripe vampires are better, at least they can carry them for a while.

Within two seconds, the five-striped demon howled and returned to its original shape, turning into pools of bright red viscous liquid, like a red swamp.

There are blood cores floating in these swamps.

The shape of the crystals protects them from erosion and dissolution.

Those headless horsemen were even worse. After their bodies melted, their armors remained, becoming empty shells.

The six-marked vampire couldn't hold it for long, and he howled in pain after revealing his true form.

Madly grabbing the mercury-stained face, he pulled off the half-melted flesh and blood.

They were so arrogant.

But now he can only wait in pain for death to come.

Without waiting too long, the three of them stepped through the sticky liquid and entered the final compartment.

There are about sixty or seventy vampire scientists hiding inside.

They were once humans, but they all accepted the First Embrace and transformed into secondary vampires.

Have a long life and great energy.

This makes them far more efficient in scientific research than before.

These vampire scientists are the real essence of this laboratory.

Their faces were as pale as vampires, and they were all huddled in the corner.

Many people are still holding documents and archives in their arms.

The Abandoned War Helmet rotated slightly, and Rosen quickly scanned all the vampire scientists present.

Then he walked towards a white-haired old man in position C.

He held the smallest number of documents in his arms.

The sound of heavy treading on the ground echoed, and the figure of the abandoned person blocked the light of the kerosene lamp, casting a large shadow in front of it.

Without asking a question or hesitating, Rosen stretched out his armored arm and opened the hand of the elderly vampire scientist, and easily took the document in his hand.

I looked at the slightly wrinkled cover, which had a title written in English.

"Preliminary Summary of Research Reports on Blood Nuclear Variants"

This is a collection of research reports and papers.

Put this thing away.

The electromagnetic rapid-fire cannon on Rosen's shoulder lit up with arc light.

Amidst the exciting arc flash, a 0.85KG shot came out of the gun and directly smashed the guy's head.

"He killed Mentor Rolando!"

"Fight him!"

"For the glory of England!"

The other vampire scientists suddenly opened their fangs and opened their mouths and pounced on Rosen like crazy.

At this time, the roar of a shotgun sounded behind him.

The mercury single-head bullet showed its power again.

Rosen put the document into the [Consciousness Space], and then calmly bathed in the rain of bullets.

Let the vampire scientists bite and scratch at the armor, then melt and die in mourning.

This scene is cruel, yet so reasonable.

Thanks to [Mr. Accountant] for voting for 3 monthly votes

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[The number of words in this chapter is limited, some readers will thank you in the chapter tomorrow]

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