I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 209 Chapter 0204: Attack on the steam engine room, mercury air blast bomb [Please subscribe]

This particle cannon looks quite heavy.

When Rosen in the K-0 power armor was carrying it.

The entire body of the aircraft sank several meters visibly to the naked eye. This was due to the sudden increase in load and the failure of the engine power to keep up.

This is the Shenguang-V generation medium-sized particle cannon, a vehicle-level weapon.

The good things that Ottok helped Rosen get from the Hangzhou United District.

Mainly used to transform those batches of T-30 power armor.

Rosen deliberately left one as a backup before coming to the Bahuang Realm.

Beam energy weapons have less recoil.

In theory, after modification, it is no problem to use power armor for single-handed launch.

The biggest trouble with this is that the Shenguang V-generation particle cannon will affect mobility in actual combat.

But with [Consciousness Space], this problem is nothing.

In addition, Tianqing's Mustard Seed Sumeru Bag is also a super cognitive treasure placed in the wasteland.

Therefore, only Rosen can master this method of holding the vehicle particle cannon directly.

The scroll engine behind K-0 is at full power, and the ion propulsion engine corrects the vector nozzle to give the body greater lift.

It's relatively easy to stay aloft in the current state. As long as you don't dive or move at high speed, there won't be any problem.

I saw three people taking action quickly.

The Eye of the Sky drone is providing target locking and guidance for the Magic Tongue missile.

The Zhang brothers and sisters hanging on both sides of the bird aircraft decisively launched a new offensive.

A new magazine was installed on the wheeled missile launcher.

As the tail flames erupted, one after another Magic Tongue missiles were fired downwards.

The propulsion flame ejected from the end causes the missile to undergo a second stage of acceleration.

The spoiler, rear spoiler and nozzle are adjusted in angle multiple times.

Finally, they flew towards the Kuro Prince and Yoshino, who were "side by side".

Compared with the Black Prince, the length of the Yoshino is not inferior, but it is more "slender and thin" because it is not a battleship, but a fast cruiser.

The displacement is not even 5,000 tons, and it is not even comparable to the impact cruiser in the distance.

In fact, after looking at the overall situation, we can see that there is a huge difference in the styles of battleships between the Yingzhou Navy and the British Navy.

The latter unswervingly implemented the principle of big guns and big ships.

Most of the battleships built were large-displacement battleships with heavy guns.

The former is dominated by cruisers known for their maneuverability.

Yoshino is the flagship of the Yingzhou Navy's First Guerrilla Force.

The so-called "First Guerrilla Force" is a branch of the Yingzhou Fleet, known for its high-mobility raid capabilities.

Among them, the Yoshino's top speed reached an astonishing 23 knots.

It was a full 9 knots higher than the Black Prince.

In actual combat, even if you can't defeat, you can still choose to run away.

What's more, the naval guns equipped by the Yoshino are actually basically sufficient in naval battles.

The ship is equipped with four Armstrong 152mm naval guns and eight 120mm rapid-fire secondary guns.

This kind of fast cruiser has distinctive characteristics and has great advantages in encounters at sea.

The disadvantage is that when it comes to fire coverage and support on the other side, it is far inferior to battleships and ordinary gunboats.

It can't be like the English heavy battleship, which can turn the coast upside down with just one salvo.

After all, British heavy ships often have 280mm and 300mm heavy guns.

There is even a 460mm super-caliber naval gun that can hit 30 kilometers away.

Both have their own emphasis.

But overall, the Blood Spirit Fleet is still more powerful.

Especially in a head-on confrontation, this advantage will become more obvious.

At this time, the two flagships of their respective fleets were leaning against each other.

Cables and ladders for stability were also pulled between the two sides, and both were in a state of silence.

This shows that the commanders on both sides are discussing some ulterior plan.

The missile attack was sudden.

In just a few seconds, a total of 12 Magic Tongue missiles were launched one after another.

The focus was on the battleships of both sides.

The Yoshino was assigned two, and the Kuro Prince was assigned three.

Even the Scarlet Warrior, which was parked quietly a thousand meters away, was not missed.

Before that, inside the bow of the Black Prince.

The commander of the Blood Spirit Fleet, Lord Kirk Douglas, was talking to a naval officer, Jiro Ueda, who was wearing a black iron ghost face, a samurai sword, and a Japanese water fork.

Ueda Jiro is not a demon, but he is not the same as a pure human being.

Because its body always exudes a strange aura that is as cold as a dead thing.

When looking at it, it feels like looking at a cold weapon.

At this time, the conversation between the two parties has come to an end.

I saw Jiro Ueda standing up and bowing to the Marquis of Cork.

"Your Majesty the Marquis, please do everything!"

"At noon in five days, we will officially land in Goguryeo!"

"Tianqing will never allow his vassal country to be invaded. At that time, you will be asked to work with the French fleet to encircle and annihilate the Fu Province Navy!"

"As for the Beiyang Navy, our Yingzhou Combined Fleet will definitely be able to annihilate it in the Huangbo Sea!"

Ueda Jiro's tone was full of confidence.

It seems that annihilating the Beiyang Navy is a logical thing.

I saw Marquis Cork Douglas playing with a red crystal skull and asking with a half-smiling expression.

"Your Excellency looks very confident."

"The capital ship of Tianqing Beiyang Navy is an armored battleship manufactured by Hank Country."

"The displacement and firepower are much stronger than your Yoshino, Naniwa and other cruisers."

"But since this matter has been approved by the Commander-in-Chief, the Blood Spirit Fleet will naturally cooperate, provided that there are no higher-priority tasks in the Kingdom."

Kirk Douglas was born in the early years of the Sea Power era.

He is now over a hundred years old and possesses the strength of a seven-stripe vampire.

It is different from the civil servants like Bastian Chil who prefer administrative positions.

Kirk was a serious military attache.

It has been conquering the sea for the Kingdom of England for decades.

Fighting through the colonies of Porto and Castile.

There were also many small-scale battles with the Hank Imperial Navy.

In Tianqing, the Hank Country is also an ally of England, but in other sea areas, the Hank Country is a strong competitor, which involves the struggle for maritime hegemony.

Now, even Japan, which was trembling in front of the American fleet, has shown its ambitions for the ocean.

Therefore, for powerful military attachés like Kirk, it was potentially hostile to Yingzhou.

I saw Jiro Ueda grinning.

"You don't need to worry about this matter."

"The combined fleet of the Yingzhou Navy is enough to defeat the stagnant Beiyang Navy."

"As far as I know, they're even still using old shells from ten years ago."

"And our 152mm blooming grenade can pose a serious threat to battleships such as Dingyuan and Zhenyuan."

The development idea of ​​Yingzhou Navy is very simple.

That is to focus on mobility and supplement with firepower.

As long as the naval guns can break through the defenses, the Yingzhou Fleet will be sure to defeat the Beiyang Navy.

The Marquis of Cork just sneered and said nothing more.

At this moment, there was a knock on the cabin door.

A "birdman" with wings tucked behind him walked in quickly.

It came to the side of the Marquis of Cork Douglas and whispered a few words with a solemn expression.


This shocked the Marquis of Cork.

Just when it couldn't care less about Jiro Ueda who was present, it was about to ask "Birdman" further questions.

The Black Prince beneath the seat shook violently.

What followed was a deafening explosion.

The shock wave and vibration quickly amplified along the metal hull, and eventually the explosion sounded like thunder.

"Enemy attack!"

"Steam engine room damaged!"

"The main exhaust stack has been damaged!"


The urgent reports of the sailors and the melodious whistle sounded at the same time.

These sounds were mixed with the explosions one after another, making the scene extremely chaotic.

"What happened!?"

Jiro Ueda could no longer care about his manners and asked Kirk Douglas repeatedly.

"The Gu Whistle Point and the Tianjin Concession are over!"

"Get ready to fight!"

"Search for the enemy's location!"

After replying hastily, Kirk could no longer care about Jiro Ueda and left the bow of the ship in a hurry.

At the same time, the sailors from the Yingzhou First Guerrilla Group also came to inform anxiously.

This caused him to rush back to the Yoshino.

The two ships were separated due to shock and surging waves.

A total of six ships were attacked in the first round.

All hit points are steam engine chimneys!

There is no doubt that the attack must come from the sky.

There are no serious air defense weapons in this era.

Things like airplanes are worthy of being invented, but they are not yet of practical value.

The prepared bang cannons are usually used to prevent flying beasts and other monsters with flying abilities from attacking.

Their range cannot even reach the altitude of a bird aircraft.

Coupled with the light deflection force field, it makes the demons' eyes black.

The Magic Tongue missiles launched previously were very fast.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he fell down from the circular chimney between the two masts of the ship with precision.

Not long after, several fireballs leaped into the air.

The chimney, which was in a semi-enclosed state because the boiler was running at low pressure, spewed out flames and black smoke.

The implosion's flames and shock wave pushed back along the power cabin smoke exhaust pipe.

Immediately, many pipes swelled due to heat and sprayed out concentrated flames.

Most of the sailors guarding the steam cabin were blown away by the unexpected attack.

The internal pressure of the steam boiler instantly exploded.

The sound of "puff, puff, puff" was heard endlessly.

It will be difficult for these damaged ships to use steam power in a short period of time.

Immediately after the attack, a continuous sound of sirens sounded from below.

The ships moored outside began to take action.

However, this kind of ship does not mean that it can be sailed immediately if it wants to be sailed.

Except for some light ships, most warships need at least two quarters of an hour to prepare for restarting after berthing.

During this period, they were targets for artillery.

Several capital ships already had bang-bang cannons firing against the night sky.

This 40 mm caliber cannon is very powerful, but its range against the air is only a few hundred meters.

In the eyes of Rosen and others, it was like fireworks were being set off below.

The second round of magic tongue missiles was quickly equipped.

Following the guidance of the Eye of the Celestial Sphere, the two brothers focused on attacking the steam engine rooms of those ships.

The purpose is to paralyze the power of these battleships.

Rosen unhurriedly bombarded their masts with the Shenguang Generation V particle cannon.

In this operation, the three of them were not in a hurry to kill or injure the people on the ship.

Instead, they focused on attacking their power department.

Without steam turbines and sails, the demon could only row away these warships with a displacement of several thousand tons using oars.

However, after the attack, protective light curtains of different colors appeared above each ship.

It's like colorful mushrooms growing out of the sea.

Another witchcraft shield that made Rosen feel sick.

Not only that, almost every battleship had more or less wizards wearing aqua blue robes walking out.

These wizards raised their staffs high and chanted something in unison.

Not long after, strange formations appeared on the sea.

These formations pushed the water waves, followed behind the ship, and finally turned into a giant beast in the blue water.

Every giant beast in the water was half-submerged in the sea, forcefully pushing the ships.

There is no traditional motivation, but the demon still has witchcraft motivation.

The ships of the Yingzhou First Guerrilla Group were even more outrageous.

Hundreds of monsters similar to the Rinnadao all grabbed the cable and went into the sea, and then started spinning wildly.

These demons can be regarded as using their own methods.

The ship slowly gained initial velocity.

It is expected that in two or three minutes at most, you will be able to get enough speed to escape.

Upon seeing this, Rosen put away the particle cannon and stopped bombarding alternately with the electromagnetic sniper cannon.

He opened his bow left and right and took out two oval-shaped bombs with a length of 1.5 meters and a maximum diameter of 70 centimeters.

This is a specially made mercury air blast bomb.

The total amount of mercury filled in it reached 1100 kilograms!

The cost of each bomb is very high.

After all, tons of mercury are not that easy to handle.

Rosen only prepared four.

This bomb can explode in the air 500 meters away from the ground, forming a rain of mercury droplets covering a radius of 1,000 meters, which can effectively kill monsters.

Regarding witchcraft, there are similar supernatural means of demons that also have a significant restraining effect!

Just right for the current situation.

The two mercury air-explosion bombs were thrown out separately after he calculated the advance.

That's not all yet, Rosen took out two more with his backhand.

The powerful armored arms firmly grasped the ring-shaped tail fin at the end of the bomb.

The two air-explosion mercury bombs thrown earlier exploded in the air.

In the expanding firelight, the shock wave carried hundreds of thousands of mercury droplets and spread out.

Then it was thrown out like a downpour.

The second bomb fell from another direction and the ship began to run away.

But the speed cannot be increased in a short period of time.

It can't compete with flying speed.

The two bombs happened to include most of the ships of the Blood Spirit Fleet and the Yingzhou First Guerrilla Force.

The "cracking" droplets of mercury fell on the light screens, causing ripples.

Those light curtains shattered in just an instant.

Mercury droplets fell on the deck and sea surface and began to slowly evaporate.

Those sailors with ordinary backgrounds are fine.

But the low-level demon officer was suddenly in bad luck!

Thanks to [Smile Citrus] for voting 2 monthly votes

Thanks to [shuyou 20210206202809605] for casting 6 monthly votes

Thanks [Q:? 】2 monthly votes cast

Thanks to [Thunder Bluff’s Beef Noodles] for your 6 monthly votes

Thanks to [dark_van] for casting 2 monthly votes

Thanks to [Double Standard Master] for casting 2 monthly votes

Thanks to [book friend 120823145419618] for voting 2 monthly votes

Thanks to [Jiangsu Zhang Taijiu] for voting 3 monthly votes

Thanks to [Nuanshuihe 8179] for voting 2 monthly votes

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