I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 221 Chapter 0216: Radiation Test, the Extravagant Lafayette [Please subscribe]

Rosen was a little tired at this time.

But he had no time to rest at all.

After simply supplementing my diet and pouring myself a bottle of energy drink.

He threw himself into the intensive work again.

There is still a plan for aftermath and reconstruction.

The Zhang brothers and sisters are expected to arrive at Jinmen Port with the Blood Spirit Fleet at noon tomorrow.

Rosen already had a ship modification plan in his mind.

As long as the transformation is completed, the oceans that span the eight wastelands will not be a problem.

The fleets of those foreigners and ghosts will become nothing worth mentioning.

The last thing is about Jinmen Mansion.

There is a good harbor here, backed by the capital city and facing the Bohai Bay.

Or the intersection of multiple provinces.

He plans to build a war fortress here according to the specifications of the wasteland.

After all, Rosen is not planning to follow the path of the nomads, and there still needs to be a fixed base.

Apart from these basic plans, he will spend most of his time on cultivation and strive to achieve an early breakthrough.

Speaking of capital for cultivation, Rosen's net worth is still very rich.

Not only is there enough gold and silver wealth, but there is also something like [Plant Spirit Growth Liquid] that can tap into its potential.

For resource-based cultivation, talent is certainly important, but the help of external objects cannot be underestimated.

In terms of martial arts, no matter whether Zou Xiao truly accepts him as his disciple or not, it is still a good opportunity for Rosen.

As long as there is an upper-lower relationship in any system, there will inevitably be classes.

Tianqing's extraordinary system is no exception.

Under normal circumstances, it is very difficult to cross levels.

In Rosen's view, Zou Xiao accepted him as his disciple, and just the title of "Golden Body Realm Personal Disciple" could bring him a lot of help.

Having the skin of a tiger being pulled and being hugged by a thigh is a good thing in itself.

Especially in the extraordinary world where strength is respected.

The only thing that worried Rosen was his soul and martial arts cultivation, and the ancient key entrenched in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Rosen could not guarantee that the secrets in the sea of ​​consciousness would not be discovered by those great cultivators who created the mysteries.

However, the land of Central Continent is rich in heritage. Who can become a strong martial artist or a great monk, and who doesn’t have some adventures and secrets?

Moreover, those high-level warriors and great monks are often antiques who have lived for hundreds of years.

Most of them are thoughtful and have extremely high emotional intelligence.

There are not many people who do whatever they want and run amok.

Because people with that kind of personality are often killed before they truly grow up.

Regardless of the possibility of being exposed, Rosen believed that he was definitely right to be more cautious.

As time goes by, night falls slowly.

A black veil was cast between heaven and earth.

The silver moon hangs high in the sky like a curved hook.

The bright moonlight shines on the earth.

Rosen led more than a dozen guys whose arms were bound by black gold chains to the central area of ​​the nuclear explosion.

He is still wearing the K-0 power armor, and there are Iron Man elites wearing Z2 exoskeleton nearby.

After half a day, the magma here has almost cooled down.

Thick black rock formations are jagged.

These dozen people have been tortured and tortured, and it can be determined that they are all spies.

Two of them were sent by the Jinmen government, and most of them were members of other gangs.

One of them was even a newspaper reporter.

The origin is very complicated, but it is all to find out the truth about the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

A lot of news about training, weapons and equipment has been passed on.

Thanks to strict equipment control, there have been no cases of firearms being lost so far.

But no matter what, these spies must be dealt with.

Including the reporter.

They can escape the death penalty, but cannot escape the living penalty.

First, you must cooperate with Rosen to conduct a radiation test. If nothing happens, then wear a slave collar and perform labor service.

There are 14 spies here, all under 24 years old.

Considered young and strong.

And they all have martial arts cultivation.

Among them, 9 people have the cultivation level of the second level of body tempering, 3 of the remaining 5 people are beginners of skin training, and the remaining 2 people are in the third level of Yijin state.

In fact, at their age, those who can reach the martial arts level of Yi Jin are considered young masters.

At the beginning, the Zhang family brothers and sisters were just muscle-changing warriors.

Those two people were the Qingtian Gang in Hebei Province and the young backbones selected by the Jinmen Martial Arts Association.

Rosen didn't know anything about the Qingtian Gang, but the other party seemed to be very concerned about the situation in Jinmen.

"Luo...Vice President Luo..."

"Are you planning to execute us here?"

"Although we didn't really join the martial arts association, we didn't do anything to harm the martial arts association..."

Under the moonlight, a group of people stood behind him.

The person who spoke was a young man with a Western-style haircut.

He is a reporter for a Kyoto newspaper. He is not highly educated, but he has been exposed to Western learning since he was a child.

The mind is more active than others.

At this moment, he actually wanted to argue with Rosen.

Rosen, who was silently observing the environmental radiation value, slowly turned around.

Then the various data projected in front of him were scattered.

The body of the power armor is particularly burly, and the slightly mottled surface of K-0 is plated with a layer of silver under the light of the moon.

The elongated shadow was imprinted on the dark rocky ground.

Iron Man is mighty.

Iron Man is even more powerful.

After this battle, everyone was filled with a sense of awe towards the power armor.

They didn't witness the whole process, just the results.

And the results speak for themselves.

"what do you want to say?"

"Doesn't the news you sent back to the Kyoto newspaper count as betrayal?"

Rosen's words came out coldly through the loudspeaker, with a slight electronic sound.

There are such things as spies in all major organizations in Tianqing.

The reason why the Iron Man Martial Arts Club attracts the attention of those gangs and associations.

This is entirely because the martial arts association represents the alliance of regional martial arts forces.

For example, the Jinmen Martial Arts Association is an organization where major martial arts schools and gangs in Jinmen collude to collude.

It's relatively loose, but in many cases, you can still talk.

The second thing is the earlier incident of the Zhang Family Martial Arts Hall wiping out the British Concession Guild Hall.

The combination of these two factors naturally attracted the attention of all parties after the establishment of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

Of course, the ubiquity of spies does not mean that spies are infallible.

They sent back information to their respective forces, and they acted like spies.

It would be one thing if he was not caught, but in this case of being captured directly, torture would be light.

The young reporter was about to explain again.

Suddenly, Rosen discovered that Rosen had raised his armored arm.

The muzzle of the Shenguang-2 generation particle cannon below is filled with green light.

Although he didn't know what kind of weapon it was, the light from the muzzle made his hair stand on end.

The hair all over his body stood on end, and a layer of sweat was visible on his forehead.

Kyoto Newspaper Office is the famous Yin Yang Newspaper Office in Tianqing.

It is different from those new newspapers in that it focuses on the yin and yang.

And the yin and yang are all our own people.

They praise foreigners without hesitation, calling them advanced and role models.

But this does not prevent the foreign monsters from treating them as dogs and experimental subjects.

No matter what, it is not the turn of outsiders like them to enjoy the blessings of demons.

It is said that the Kyoto newspaper office has housed a lot of scoundrel people who are greedy and greedy.

They are all guys who claim to have been "influenced" by foreign cultures.

At this time, this guy wanted to argue with him, which aroused Rosen's disgust.

Before he could beg for mercy, the Divine Light Particle Cannon fired out a beam of light, accurately hitting his head.

A headless body immediately appeared on the spot.

Along with the green beam, the guy's head disappeared.

The headless body stood sluggishly for half a second before falling down.

The scene was quiet.

Others couldn't help but extinguish their little thoughts.

The ambient radiation value here exceeds 200 points.

But no one seemed to feel any discomfort.

After killing a prickly head, Rosen revealed the purpose of his trip.

"What you have to do is very simple."

"That is to practice by breathing in and out on the spot."

"It lasts four hours."

"Blood collection must be done every hour, and at the same time, you must tell the strange things about the cultivation process."

"Those who cooperate will survive..."

"Those who don't cooperate, this is what will happen."

The muzzle under his armored arm rotated far away, and everyone showed a flinching look.

What happened next was smooth sailing.

The remaining thirteen spies obeyed the instructions obediently, sat cross-legged on the spot, adjusted their breath, and began to breathe.

All the elite Ironmen who were accompanying him were issued BPs and were dispatched by Rosen to be on standby five hundred meters away.

It has undergone certain radiation elimination treatment, and the residual radiation value is below 50 points.

The radiation eliminators placed in BP are enough to keep these elite elites in a low-radiation state.

Rosen did not intend to let his own people touch this thing until he understood the effect of radiation on warriors.

Radiation is Pandora's box for living organisms.

It brings endless possibilities, but most of them are chaotic and disordered.

For living organisms, chaos means death, without exception.

Because all living things that can survive must be in order.

This order does not refer to good and evil, but to the structure of life.

But the characteristics of radiation can also produce some unexpected changes.

The most typical example is that the FEV forced evolution virus in the wasteland has developed endless mutations under the influence of radiation, and has also created a variety of terrifying mutant creatures.

Looking at the people sitting cross-legged, Rosen did not leave.

He has his own things to do.

Just when I stepped into the center of the nuclear explosion.

The ancient key in the sea of ​​consciousness began to tremble slowly.

The [Gray Time Domain] that had been inactive before has finally changed.

It seems to resonate in environments with strong radiation.

This caused the radiation value in a radius of two or three meters around Rosen to fluctuate.

The spiritual thoughts flowed out of the body uncontrollably, seeming to be absorbing the surrounding radiation.

This forced him to change positions frequently.

I want to see if this [Gray Time Domain] ability can be activated.

Tonight, I am destined to have no sleep.

What happened in Jinmen during the day was quickly spread throughout Tianqing by telegraph.

The violent nuclear explosion became a topic of conversation among tea drinkers in various teahouses.

Many people who claimed to be well-informed described the explosion in a serious manner.

It eventually became multiple versions after word of mouth spread.

For example, the big explosion in Jinmen was caused by the birth of a martial saint who had been in seclusion for hundreds of years. Because he couldn't stand the foreigners' wantonness in Tianqing, he mobilized the power of the Golden Crow to bombard him.

Others say that it is the true fire of the sun gathered by the infinite Yin gods who have mastered the power of the lunar moonlight.

No matter how many versions were spread, the explosion in everyone's mouth was combined with the power of the sun.

More people are curious about the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

There were also many warriors with anti-foreign ideas who immediately set off to Tianjin to prepare to defect to the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

The attitudes of all parties vary.

After this turmoil, the Iron Man Martial Arts Club is destined to become famous in Tianqing.

Capital, Chuxiu Palace.

This is the palace of Lafayette Cixi.

There are a pair of gilded copper dragons and a pair of copper deer under the platform outside Chuxiu Palace.

It is the only special case where dragons appear in the six east and west palaces of the Forbidden City.

It shows the ambition of Lafayette.

At this time, in the bathhouse in the palace, the water vapor is misty and misty, making it look dreamy.

More than a dozen glazed lamps illuminated the venue as bright as day.

In the bathtub made of white jade bricks, there was a slim and hazy figure sitting on the edge of the pool.

Two maids with red lips and white teeth were wiping her smooth back with warm wet wipes.

Another young man wearing a loose robe, with bare feet and a golden belt with a dragon pattern around his waist, stood by the pool, holding a wine glass in his hand, with a rosy complexion.

"Yuzhen, come over and help Ai Jia wipe herself."

In the pool, the figure slowly stood up, revealing a beautiful face.

She is Lafayette.

Her skin as white as cream and her face without any wrinkles made her look like a palace beauty.

If you look carefully, you can find a golden line looming under her skin from time to time.

This is the golden pattern of the sun, which means that the old Buddha has the cultivation level of the eighth realm of refining the gods, Yang Jie Realm.

The so-called Yang Jie means being able to withstand the scorching sun in the body of a wandering soul.

This realm is only one step away from the immeasurable Yin God.

The status is equivalent to that of a strong man with a golden body, in fact, with sufficient preparation.

The destructive power of Yang Jie Realm Overhaul is much stronger than that of the Golden Body Warrior.

Lafayette's ability to achieve her current position has a lot to do with her own strength.

She was served by the palace maid and put on a light veil.

After wiping himself clean, he walked slowly and lightly into the hall.

The man named Yu Zhen had already stripped naked.

Just serve her with wine.

And this Yu Zhen is not a small character.

The innate true energy in the body has been completed, and the process of quenching the body with gold has been completed.

With Lafayette, there is no shortage of gold.

But Najin takes time and cannot be completely refined.

In other words, this is a quasi-gold body.

Of course, there are high and low levels of golden body.

A warrior who has just entered the Golden Body is still incomparable to a guy like Zou Xiao who has been famous for a long time.

After enjoying Yu Zhen's service.

Lafayette half-reclined on the white jade couch, picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"Jade pour."

"What do you think the Iron Man Martial Arts Association is all about?"

"Yingjili brought back the image stone."

"The power of the explosion in the picture is something even the Ai family dare not underestimate."

Lafayette said slowly, and after putting down the wine glass, the maid next to him offered a pipe.

She started smoking again.

The strong and acrid smell of smoke wafted through the house.

At this time, Yu Zhen looked a little weak.

Because the peacemaking techniques used by Lafayette are quite damaging to a man's vitality.

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