I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 224 Chapter 0219: Visitors come one after another [Please subscribe]

Rosen didn't pay much attention to this record.

The lethality of nuclear weapons has long been established in his mind.

It is not surprising to achieve such results.

During the Great Destruction, at least billions of people died directly or indirectly from nuclear bombs in the wasteland.

Those highly developed big cities have been hit by saturation.

After all, the best way to defeat defenses is always to use large quantities and control enough.

What do you mean by nuclear bomb?

Compared with the beam energy weapons of "咻咻咻", it doesn't seem that high.

In terms of domineering level, it is not as good as those space-based weapons that go up to the sky in a space elevator.

But its power has not gone out of style.

Let’s not talk about power first.

Back to basics, it is the most common way of generating energy in the universe.

Converting mass into energy is the ultimate application of the principle of mass-energy equivalence.

The energy burst out is unprecedented in human beings.

Even in the future, it will be difficult for new weapons to surpass it in terms of energy release.

Starting with uranium-235, a naturally occurring heavy nuclear fissile element.

Then to the various fissile elements produced through nuclear reactors.

After humans opened this magic box, they became out of control.

Critical fission is a simple application that is easy to get started with.

Later nuclear fusion was the truly solar-like technology.

In addition to weaponization, small nuclear fusion devices solved the energy problems of pre-war humans in the wasteland.

The most typical example is the nuclear fusion core.

A small core fuel rod can drive heavy equipment that consumes a lot of energy.

Whether it is fusion or fission, it can be called a cosmic-level energy release.

Someone once made an analogy.

Humans are little ants in the forest, and nuclear power is a fire.

Although this metaphor is not very applicable in the Bahuang Realm.

Because Rosen has already seen extraordinary individuals who can withstand nuclear bombs with their flesh and blood.

But this does not mean that nuclear weapons are useless.

At the very least, those low-level demons must have died as many as they came.

And what he has used so far has been the "little brother" of nuclear bombs.

In other words, maybe the Golden Body Realm and the Eight-marked Demon can withstand a nuclear bomb with a yield of 10,000 tons.

But if Rosen brings mushroom bombs with an equivalent of 100,000 tons, a million tons, or even tens of millions of tons, how should those guys deal with it?

But Rosen didn't dwell on the issue.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter whether it's a nuclear bomb or extraordinary power.

The bandits can go, and so can someone from me!

Throwing nuclear bombs does not conflict with his cultivation of extraordinary power.

Straddling two worlds, Rosen doesn't do multiple-choice questions.

Facing the two brothers and sisters who were in an excited mood, Rosen, who was out of the K-0 power armor, seemed relatively calm.

In fact, he wasn't completely relaxed now.

The imperial court, especially Lafayette, is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

In the battle two days ago, he indeed showed enough deterrence.

But it is also easy to attract new covetous people.

In the early days of the crossover, Rosen made bold promises.

I vowed to cut off a black hand if it came.

In fact, it is extremely difficult to do this.

It was not easy to find a place to stay in this strange world.

But troubles also arise in endlessly.

This is not good in a resource-based extraordinary world.

Full of squeezing, robbing, and coveting.

And organizations like the imperial court, sects, and associations are more like holding together for warmth after checks and balances and compromises.

Shaking his head, Rosen forced himself to get rid of his complicated thoughts.

Perhaps it was a sequelae of the precarious experience while scavenging.

He is a person who always likes to anticipate a lot.

And his tense expression most of the time was also noticed by Zou Xiao.

After changing his mind, Rosen immediately relaxed a lot.

People can't be tight forever.

Just keep moving forward, and then the troops will come to cover up the water and earth.

Pouting his lips, Rosen raised his arms and stretched.

The three of them have been very tired these past few days and have hardly had a good rest.

So he kept the story short and explained the most important things in the near future.

Later, Zhang Zhenyu was asked to run errands and follow up.

To sum up, there are roughly a few things.

The first is to capture Jinmen Port and Gu Whistle Point.

With the Iron Man Martial Arts Association as the center, all surrounding lands will be integrated.

It was finally connected with the fortress area on the outskirts,

Rosen wants to take the port as his own and completely transform it into a port belonging to the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

As for Gu Whistle Point, plans are to transform it into a deep-water port dock.

On this basis, the functions of the coastal defense base should also be taken into account.

If it becomes bigger and stronger in the future, Rosen might even transform it into a naval aviation base integrating sea and air.

The second step is to recruit troops aggressively.

The more people you can recruit in a short period of time, the better.

In this case, Rosen still has room for multiple subsequent screenings.

The general strategy is to cast a wide net first, then select carefully, and slowly build an elite army.

Then based on this, peripheral legions with different weapon configurations and training contents are organized.

The current situation is that Rosen does not lack weapons and equipment, but it is short of manpower.

Although robots like Xiaowei No. 1 are easy to use, they are not a long-term solution.

So you still have to train your own soldiers.

Finally, there is the matter of consolidating resources for martial arts and god-refining cultivation, as well as finding large vegetable growers.

When discussing these matters, Rosen did not shy away from suspicion.

He generously asked Zou Xiao to listen.

It just omitted many key details that the two brothers and sisters knew well.

After learning that Rosen had become a direct disciple of the Golden Body Realm.

The Zhang brothers and sisters all showed surprised expressions.

Now that he has entered the Yunjian Sect, his original apprenticeship at the Zhang Family Martial Arts School is naturally void.

Rosen turned the topic to Zou Xiao again.


"My disciple has another unkind request, which may bother you."

He bowed and clasped his fists quite solemnly.

After hearing his words, Zou Xiao's originally smiling expression suddenly became startled.


"What's the matter?"

Zou Xiao said seriously.

But Rosen showed a smile instead.

"Hehe, my disciple wants the master to say hello at the Qinghong Club."

"If you want to capture Jinmen, you cannot avoid the imperial court."

"The Qinghong Society has a lot of energy in the court. With their intervention, official problems can be solved."

His answer was clear and logical, allowing Zou Xiao to understand his intention immediately.

No wonder this guy just said in front of me that he wanted to renovate the port area and Gu whistle point.

It turns out that was the idea.

Zou Xiao cursed a few times in his heart, but did not refuse.

He is considered one of the key members of the Qinghong Club.

Can have a say in most decisions.

However, there is something special about Rosen.

In fact, the best workaround is to find Rosen the position of prefect of Jinmen.

In this way, he can manage Tianjin affairs legitimately.

The disadvantage is that it is nominally restricted by the court.

But what Rosen meant was to turn Jinmen into his own private domain.

There is almost no precedent for this kind of thing.

Even the most powerful tyrants who annexed land were still nominally surrendered to the imperial court.

"This matter is not easy to handle..."

"Tinmen is a place of one government after all."

"It is also an important coastal town."

"Even if the foreigners divided the concession area, they couldn't completely cut it off."

"Now at this critical juncture, if we want to capture Jinmen..."

Zou Xiao pondered for a moment, and then replied with some embarrassment.

And at the end, he paused slightly.

Facing Rosen's curious gaze, he slowly uttered three words.

"You have to pay more..."

This made Rosen feel speechless and at the same time he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Add money? That's easy to handle.

He doesn't have much else but a lot of money.

If you are not afraid of using money, you are afraid that the money will not be used.

"no problem."

He agreed concisely and concisely.

Just when he was about to say something more, there was a rapid sound of horse hooves coming from the street in the distance.

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Zou Xiao's mouth.

"What a coincidence."

"The officials from Jinmen Mansion are here."

When he said this, there was only joking in his tone and no other unnecessary emotions.

As a strong man with a golden body, officials at the prefect level were not taken seriously by him at all.

There is no need to take it seriously.

Rosen showed some seriousness and put away the two sets of T-21 power armor worn by K-0 and the Zhang brothers and sisters with his backhand.

About half a minute later.

Sure enough, a group of carriages and horses came to the port.

The leaders were the general soldiers of Jinmen Mansion.

Among them was Li Jingmin.

As for the person sitting in the carriage behind, it was Yi Guangxin, the prefect of Jinmen.

The trouble caused by Rosen was so big that the state-level government offices could no longer intervene.

But they came anyway.

They just went to the Iron Man Martial Arts Association not long ago, but they didn't see many of the real masters.

We can only follow the clues and find the port area.

Yi Guangxin, who was sitting on the carriage, opened the curtain and saw Zou Xiao present. He hurriedly stopped the carriage and horses, as did the general soldiers.

They immediately chose to dismount and came to Zou Xiao with Yi Guangxin to greet him.

In response, Zou Xiao just waved his hand casually.

He seemed to have no interest in talking.

Yi Guangxin and others did not dare to disturb him.

Instead, he came in front of Rosen and the Zhang brothers and sisters, and politely bowed their hands.

"These guys should be the heroes of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association, right?"

He gave the names of the three of them.

Call Rosen "Vice President Luo".

It can be said to be very polite.

Rosen had no interest in government offices and responded noncommittally.

Then it was left to Zhang Zhenyu to deal with it.

The two sides exchanged a few words of nonsense.

At this time, Li Jingmin, who was standing behind, took a look at the gap in the conversation and suddenly took a step forward.

Then he knelt directly in front of the Zhang family brothers and sisters.

He pulled open his brocade robe, revealing deep whip marks on his shoulders and chest.

There are two thorns tied behind him.

"I, Lao Li, am sorry to you two!"

"I have failed to live up to the teachings of Senior Brother Yuntian!"

"It almost led to a big mistake!"

Li Jingmin said with tears in his eyes,

As he spoke, he also slapped himself for his big mouth.

A great martial artist of the sixth level of Condensing Essence Realm, he is also the commander-in-chief of Jinmen, commanding a battalion of troops.

He is considered a figure in the local area.

But he knelt down in front of Yi Jin, a "weak chicken" warrior who had just begun to strengthen his bones, begging to be let go.

It would be a complete joke if word got out about this.

The sudden situation caught the Zhang family brothers and sisters off guard.

They all looked at Rosen secretly with pleading eyes.

Rosen had no idea about this matter.

Li Jingmin's murderous hatred was essentially aimed at the two brothers and sister.

He didn't want to interfere without a direct stake.

But speaking of it, when he was investigating foreigners, Zhang Zhenyu also found a clue.

That is, Li Jingmin also has connections with foreigners.

But now, the connection between him and the foreigners should have been interrupted.

But even if we really want to deal with Li Jingmin, we shouldn't do it under such circumstances.

So he raised his eyebrows slightly.

The Zhang brothers and sisters, who had waited for the hint, instantly knew what was going on.

After saying a few words, he "forgived" Li Jingmin in person.

The two sides shook hands and made peace, and the scene seemed somewhat harmonious.

Yi Guangxin seemed to know about this episode in advance.

Therefore, he did not show any surprise.

Instead, he waited until Li Jingmin's matter came to light before he finally got down to business.

He began to ask insinuatingly about the plans of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

This is the test of attitude.

Zhang Zhenyu answered quite conservatively and did not directly reveal his intention.

Since Rosen decided to ask Zou Xiao to use the Qinghong Association's connections.

Then there is no need to do anything fancy with Yi Guangxin.

However, Yi Guangxin could actually roughly guess the intentions of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

Including the other party's aggressive purchase of land in the suburbs in the past few months.

Seeing that Zhang Zhenyu was unwilling to answer directly, he became a little anxious.

He couldn't help but be more proactive.

"The Iron Man Martial Arts Club drove away the foreigners. They are really our heroes in Tianjin!"

"Whether it is the reconstruction or expansion of the martial arts association, whenever President Zhang needs the government to intervene and help."

"Say hello, Yi will definitely support you fully!"

When Yi Guangxin said this, he tried his best to maintain his dignity, but everyone still heard a little flattery in his words.

After hearing what he said, Rosen, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke.


"That's very good."

"The Iron Man Martial Arts Association wants to buy the port area and the Gu Whistle Point."

"I wonder if Master Yi can make the decision?"

"The price of silver is negotiable."

As soon as these words came out, Yi Guangxin was stunned.

It's really a big deal to buy the port area and Gu Whistle Point.

This really cannot be his decision.

In a land of sovereignty, even foreigners are just concessions.

How could there be any talk of sale?

After all, Fucheng is different from the farmland and wasteland in the suburbs. There is no precedent for it being controlled by private individuals.

But he didn't dare to refuse rashly.

The evil stars of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association had just wiped out tens of thousands of foreign soldiers.

If they were provoked randomly and a fight broke out over a disagreement, it would be bad luck.

But he couldn't make the decision and agree to this matter.

Suddenly, this veteran official was in trouble.

While he was weighing how to explain.

Suddenly there was a loud drumming sound in the distance.

The drum music was so majestic and melodious that Yi Guangxin's expression suddenly changed.

Even Zou Xiao, who was enjoying watching the show, put away the leisurely look on his face.

"Be careful, Cixi is coming."

The invisible zhenqi fluctuations turned into sound waves and passed directly into Rosen's ears.

Zou Xiao took the initiative to give him a hint.

When he heard the name "Cixi", Rosen narrowed his eyes slightly.

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