I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 226 Chapter 0221: On the right track [Please subscribe]

Looking at the thriving camp.

Rosen had more ideas in his mind.

When the population exceeds 1,500 people, it is almost time to formally establish functional departments.

When the camp accommodates a small number of people, it can be managed simply and crudely through slavery.

But continuing to implement the large-scale slavery system in the future will undoubtedly do more harm than good.

A clear distinction still needs to be made.

While retaining slavery as ballast, the institution of freedmen developed.

If this was done, the camp would have to continue to expand outward.

Eventually, different circle systems were formed.

Just like the Golden Sunshine District.

It is divided into two circles: inner and outer, and adopts the strategy of tight inner and loose outer.

But the inside and outside are always a solid whole.

Entering the outer ring of the neighborhood, you don't even need to unload your weapons.

Of course, only small arms.

If you are driving powered armor or carrying a heavy bomb, you will definitely not be able to get in.

But this restriction is not valid for Rosen.

He has the space of consciousness, and there is no problem in bringing a nuclear bomb in there.

In addition, those old fritters who hang out in the neighborhood often have ways to transport contraband, such as Golden Ears and Ottok.

Nothing is absolute.

What is really strictly controlled is not the outer circle, but the inner circle of Golden Sunshine Street.

There are tall protective walls there.

More than two meters thick, it is composed of concrete and alloy steel plates.

Sentry machine guns, remote-controlled weapon stations, laser anti-aircraft devices and other facilities can be seen everywhere.

Moreover, the entire inner circle, especially the Golden Sunshine Building where the core is located, is protected by the Holy Shield System. Even if a nuclear bomb is used to explode it, it may not be able to break through it.

It is said that the underground of the inner circle has been comprehensively excavated and transformed.

A dense steel cage is used with concrete to form an underground barrier. During pouring, several layers of thin lead plates are attached, and steel fibers are mixed to enhance the overall strength of the concrete.

High-grade concrete mixed with steel fibers cannot even penetrate armor-piercing bullets.

In addition, the dense steel cages like bridge piers greatly increase the overall structural strength.

This kind of bunker was a tough one before the war.

I'm afraid only the complete version of the Rod of God can penetrate it.

The Staff of God assembled in a space elevator in a synchronous orbit is not a "gadget" weighing more than ten tons. The full version of the Staff of God weighs a thousand tons, and its core is still a tungsten rod.

Divided into three sections, matryoshka-style loading.

Each section has an oval self-sharpening tip.

The exterior is covered with titanium alloy plating, aviation insulation tiles, and an afterburner engine for terminal boost.

This thing couldn't be built in the era of chemical rockets.

It’s not that the theory is invalid, but that the cost is too high.

After all, the propulsion efficiency of chemical energy rockets is too low.

Most of the capacity is wasted on the dead weight of fuel required for propulsion.

So the early version was more subtle, talking about a bare tungsten mandrel weighing more than ten tons.

The truly complete combination of the Staff of God, with a total weight of one thousand tons, can be said to be devastating in destroying a single area.

Originally, this thing was meant for point-killing, not face-to-face killing.

Some people use meteorites to compare. In fact, the point kill of meteorites is not as good as this thing, but the area kill is greater.

The giant explosion pits hundreds of meters deep in the center of Shenhai were not grown from mushroom eggs.

But it was bombarded by the rod of God.

But even in the era of space elevators, their costs are still high.

The Star Alliance community has always been far ahead in military spending.

As of before the Great Destruction, only three "God's Circles" had been built.

This ring-shaped space station is specially designed to deliver the scepter of God.

Each ring can be assembled with 24 pieces.

The overall deployment project took almost half a century to be completed.

Rosen has a profound impression of this in his memory.

At that time, as a demonstration of deterrence, this incident was fermented in public opinion.

Strangely enough, Rosen found that his physical age did not match his memory age.

Moreover, those memories are very complicated and messy, but after a little summary, you can find that most of them are news about engineering or military competitions.

The most important thing is that there are no details about him in the memory fragments.

Whether it is work, family, or even details such as eating and sleeping, all are blank.

This was not the first time that he noticed the strangeness of memory.

The truth in this regard is closely related to his life experience.

But twenty years would pass before the Great Destruction.

It is too difficult to dig out the truth in the ruins.

But because of the existence of cryo-sleep chambers, there may be many insiders still hiding in those secret shelters.

In this regard, Rosen chose to let nature take its course.

For things like exploring the secrets of one's life experience, if you choose to go into too much trouble, you are asking for trouble.

He stood by the tower of the camp, thinking quietly.

Then he looked up and looked at the places shrouded in darkness in the distance.

There is little light in the wasteland after dark.

The pure night is exceptionally quiet.

The person in charge of standing guard on the tower is Xiaowei No. 1.

These were later enhanced Sentinel types.

Compared with the combat type, the main change is that the core components have been treated with anti-EMP.

Sentinel Xiaowei is linked with various detection equipment in the camp.

It can be on call around the clock and is better than ordinary human sentries.

But for the sake of safety, Rosen only arranged Sentinel Xiaowei at fixed points like the tower.

In most other places, the usual patrol system is still adopted.

I was alone for almost an hour.

Only then did Rosen get off the tower.

I happened to meet A Hao who was practicing marksmanship with the leader of the slave army.

This kid is not stupid, but his abilities in all aspects are relatively "green".

He is more like Rosen's agent or supervisor in the camp.

"Brother Sen!"

Seeing Rosen, little Ahao immediately stopped shooting and took off his soundproof earmuffs.

He took three steps and then two steps to come to him.

After being injected with the E-type gene-enhancing agent, Ahao's movements were particularly agile.

"Good marksmanship."

Rosen smiled and praised.

Little Ah Hao touched the back of his head in embarrassment.

But at this time, Rosen's expression changed slightly.

"Marksmanship can help you survive better in the wasteland."

"But it's not what you need to learn most right now."

He changed the topic and said in a slightly serious tone.

This made the smile on Ahao's face suddenly falter.

Grinning slightly awkwardly.

To be fair, Ah Hao worked really hard.

He spends a lot of time every day completing soldier training in the virtual reality cabin.

In his free time, he not only follows Rosen's instructions but also supervises the operations of various parts of the camp.

Most of the remaining time was spent pondering weapons.

This also includes training on shooting skills.

But for Rosen, Ahao's efforts were undoubtedly in the wrong direction.

"Sen...Brother Sen."

"What did I do wrong...?"

When facing Rosen, Ahao, who has become a little more mature recently, showed his true colors.

The panic and grievance on his face still looked like that of a young man.

Rosen shook his head slightly and adopted the tone of an elder who spoke sincerely.

"You did nothing wrong, you even worked hard every day."

"It's just that your efforts are in the wrong direction."

"You try to make yourself a good soldier and a good fighter."

"Or you think this can help me."

At this point, Rosen paused slightly.

Ahao's expression was complicated, as if he had figured out something.

"Silly boy, what I want is not a warrior at all."

"If I want soldiers, I can buy a slave army or find mercenaries."

"I regard you as my brother and my true confidant, and I don't want you to take the lead."

"What I really need is a qualified manager."

“He keeps the camp organized and moving forward.”

“Eventually becoming the next Golden Sunshine District.”

“Even beyond it!”

Rosen struck while the iron was hot and simply opened the skylight and spoke frankly.

Whether Ah Hao can fight or not actually doesn't mean much.

He didn't save Ahao just to make him a top soldier.

Therefore, Ahao's recent actions left Rosen a little speechless.

At first he was encouraging about it.

A professional soldier training course was obtained for little Ahao.

Unexpectedly, Ah Hao got out of hand later.

There is also a trend of being crazy.

This left Rosen speechless.

Does he want the King of Soldiers?

What he wants is a confidant who can take care of the basic development of the wasteland for him.

It doesn't matter if Ahao is young, as long as he is willing to learn, he will be able to meet his requirements soon.

Because originally Rosen’s requirements were not high.

After hearing what he said, Ahao's face showed surprise.

Rosen didn't say any harsh words.

After practicing Shen, he could use his mind to vaguely sense Xiao Ahao's emotional fluctuations.

This kid is just very young and naive, and he doesn't mean to cause trouble.

So he just needs to wake up a little bit.

I hope to see Ah Hao make progress in internal affairs and management in the future, instead of thinking about how to be an excellent leader every day.

"Okay, let's go to bed early."

"I'm going to be away from home for a while these days."

"Won't be in camp very often."

"Development and expansion will still be implemented in accordance with the original guidelines."

"If you want to purchase supplies, go to Otok."

A few words of caution.

Some time in the future, after he delivers the next batch of nitrogen-sealed ingredients to Golden Ear.

He planned to practice hard in Tianqing for a while with peace of mind.

I won’t go to Sioux City again until mid-October.

Then the next step is to wait for the competitive meeting in early November.

While practicing hard, he would take time to come back every two or three days to check on the situation.

The reason why he was determined to work hard to practice.

In addition to being stimulated by the Golden Body Realm, it was also because of the need to rebuild the foundation after joining the Yunjian Sect.

Zou Xiao also agreed to use the golden body's true energy to cleanse his muscles and cut his marrow.

This matter requires him to devote himself to it for a period of time.

With Zou Xiao's help, he might be able to enter the strong bone realm by early November.

The main thing he has to do during this period is to adapt to the new practice method.

"I will work hard, Brother Sen!"

"I will never hold you back!"

Little Ahao received chicken blood again.

He promised to Rosen's back.

At this time, Rosen, who had already entered the bunker ramp, suddenly stopped.

"Ahao, you want to avenge your parents."

"There will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

"Our goal is to clear the entire wasteland."

"Rebuilding human civilization and order."

"All mutated creatures are our stumbling blocks."

After saying this, Rosen entered the bunker

On the same spot, little Ahao's eyes were red.

Rosen understood his deepest desire, which was revenge.

Hatred of mutant creatures.

They tore Ahao's parents apart.

Ahao himself has more feelings of admiration and repayment for Rosen.

Little boys of his age are most likely to have thoughts of kindness and worship of the strong.

I didn't think too much about it.

Rosen understood that he had planted the seeds of hope for Ah Hao.

Tonight he decided to spend the night in the wasteland.

After the war, Jinmen no longer had any opponents.

As long as he said a word, the prefect Yi Guangxin was even willing to give up his mansion to Rosen.

The gangs and martial arts schools in the old city no longer dare to think about the Iron Man Martial Arts Club.

Zhang Zhenyu will handle the aftermath of the nuclear explosion.

Three hundred thousand taels of silver is enough to complete the compensation work for the innocent casualties.

In fact, most people applauded this matter, especially after the compensation work began.

After all, the record of killing foreigners is real.

The major gangs and martial arts schools are in a neutral state.

But in the public eye, the popularity of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association has skyrocketed.

Not only Jinmen, but almost all newspapers in Tianqing reported this incident in large lengths.

The foreign demons were silent collectively, as if they had forgotten the existence of Jinmen.

But other concession areas were not abandoned.

The whole Jinmen always gave Rosen a feeling of chaos.

So I plan to spend the night here in the wasteland for the next few days.

In fact, this can be regarded as a layer of protection.

The next day, he crossed the border and returned to Tianjin early in the morning.

The Iron Man Martial Arts Club bought several inns in Jinmen to stay temporarily.

Many laborers were recruited, and the foundation pits were dug manually according to the drawings left by Rosen.

A master of fists and feet, Xia Ku is a good hand.

If warriors do hard work, they are super laborers. The efficiency of all bare hands is equal to that of power tools, especially unskilled work such as digging holes.

Before reporting to Yunjianmen, Rosen had to order a batch of building materials from the wasteland.

It is too late to produce it yourself, the output is too low.

Let’s just get to the finished product.

Then let the construction robot take care of the construction.

The Iron Man Martial Arts Association also needs to be built into a fortress, and some camouflaged buildings in an ancient style can be built outside.

But the core must be a solid nuclear-proof battle fortress.

Also reserve the base for the remote-controlled weapon station.

After comprehensive laser modeling of the surrounding environment and terrain.

All related design work can be handled by AI.

Rosen doesn't need to worry too much about these things.

If the order goes down, Zhang Zhenyu will naturally handle it properly.

At this time, he was staying in a relatively intact underground darkroom.

There were several pottery pots placed in front of him.

Each pottery pot contains seedlings of different medicinal herbs, and they are all commonly used medicinal materials for warrior elixirs.

The medicinal materials in Tianqing are related to the environment of heaven and earth.

The longer the medicine is, the better the effect will naturally be.

The slow accumulation of medicinal power is a matter of stream.

Results will never be achieved overnight.

Moreover, the reason why the medicinal materials here contain special effects is closely related to the environment.

That's why Rosen placed the test location in Tianqing.

Let’s see if [Plant Spirit Growth Liquid] can play its due role!

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