I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 233 Chapter 0228: Cleansing the tendons and cutting the marrow, the mysterious base in the A

Yunfeng is one of the mountains with the best environment within the gate.

Apart from Yunfeng, the only ones that can be compared are Jianfeng and Dingfeng.

Those two peaks are where the giant sword and the giant cauldron are stuck on the top of the mountain.

The great elder who seeks to break through the golden body retreats in Jianfeng.

Dingfeng is the location where Yunjian Sect refines medicine and weapons, and is considered the sect's treasure house.

Yunfeng is the residence of the major elders.

Ordinary core disciples cannot settle here.

Only direct disciples like Zou Xiao and the Great Elder can have the opportunity to live in Yunfeng.

Normally, entering the Marrow Condensation Realm is considered as a master.

Everything above requires personal opportunity.

Usually you have to go down the mountain to travel or perform tasks.

Those with limited qualifications and no hope of breaking through will most likely become stewards of the sect's branches.

In short, in the sect, everyone has value, but this is the place where Tianqing's collectivism is implemented most strictly, even more strict and orderly than the imperial court.

The topic comes back to the Great Elder.

There are rumors that the great elder's life span is less than thirty years.

If a breakthrough cannot be made within ten years, they will be forcibly released.

Find a way to cultivate more strong men with golden bodies for Yunjian Sect in the remaining life span.

In comparison, Zou Xiao is much younger.

Life span is at least four to five hundred years.

How long a warrior can live is not only related to his realm, but also related to the intensity of the battle.

Fights will always leave injuries, especially life and death fights.

After every life-and-death fight, there will be more or less hidden injuries that hurt the fundamentals.

These hidden injuries will affect lifespan.

From an extraordinary perspective, it means that the flawless golden body has been broken.

The golden body is very strong, but it is not the end of the extraordinary.

Not to mention the Supreme Yang God whose soul and body are united.

Even the ultimate realm of martial arts has not been reached.

In addition, the lifespan of monks at the same level is much longer than that of warriors.

As some kind of balance, it seems reasonable to have fewer monks.

As for dual cultivation of soul and martial arts, the lifespan will be longer.

But the difficulty cannot be compared.

This is the case in any self-consistent world. Whatever you want, you must face.

Rosen followed the path of dual cultivation of soul and martial arts.

It doesn’t feel too obscure yet.

After all, his talent is pretty good and he has plenty of training resources on hand.

You can break through the first three realms with just a little practice.

But it won't be that easy in the future.

Especially from the sixth level onwards, you will have to face a bottleneck if you want to break through.

Body and soul must match.

Before that, it was okay to be a little biased.

Rosen sat on a stone chair in the small courtyard, staring at the mountain scenery in the distance in a daze, while thinking about the various information on cultivation that he had recently collected.

He spent considerable time reading.

In order to collect as many books as possible, a lot of money was spent.

Therefore, Rosen's relevant knowledge reserve is only higher than that of those warriors with mud-legged backgrounds.

Yunfeng's small courtyard has a good environment and the air is exceptionally fresh. It is definitely a natural oxygen bar.

There are often thick clouds lingering on the top of Yunfeng.

Those clouds have different scenery in the morning and evening.

When the weather is clear, beautiful rainbows often appear.

At sunset, it will be set off by golden light, and there will be different beautiful scenery at different times.

The sky is clear and clear on the mountainside, with no clouds or fog.

Thanks to the special nature of Yunfeng, ordinary disciples cannot step in at will.

Rosen was not disturbed.

There are many people and affairs within the sect, and there are countless small groups of all kinds.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are human beings.

He likes purity, which he emphasized before coming here.

The most important thing is that Rosen doesn't want to get too involved with the disciples of Yunjian Sect.

Involvement means bondage.

Only by focusing can you be powerful.

And the fetters will only delay his speed of drawing the sword in the future.

Zou Xiao readily agreed to his request.

There was a rare hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Before again, the emotion he expressed most toward Rosen was curiosity rather than appreciation.

To be able to become a strong person in the Golden Body Realm, Zou Xiao is first-rate in terms of character, aptitude and luck.

To be honest, there are not many people in this world that he can appreciate.

Of course, he just appreciated Rosen's attitude.

In fact, Rosen didn't seem to have much to concentrate on.

He is almost becoming the overlord of Jinmen.

Powerful and ambitious people cannot bear the loneliness of penance.

But this is not absolute.

Lafayette Cixi is the best example.

She grew up in the process of fighting for power.

But whether the Lian Shen lineage works hard or not is secondary.

On the contrary, it is more important to have clear thoughts.


Rosen forced himself to suppress his chaotic thoughts and restless thoughts, and took out the "Essentials of Nine Heavens Cloud Soaring" that Zou Xiaoxian had given him before.

At that time, Zou Xiao gave it to him to show his sincerity in accepting a disciple.

Yunjianmen has many inherited techniques.

There are also three, six or nine grades.

And what Zou Xiao himself practiced was this "Nine Heavens Cloud Soaring Essentials".

The key contains a variety of boxing skills, sword skills, pile skills, light skills, etc.

It can be said to be a general outline compiled by predecessors.

What to cultivate in the first few realms and what to cultivate in the later realms are clearly marked.

The reason why it is paired with boxing is because weapons are extensions of fists and feet.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a sword gate or a sword gate.

All weapons require a few punches and kicks to lay the foundation before practicing.

So don’t look at the swordsman Zou Xiao who is carrying three swords and looks elegant.

His boxing and kicking skills are also not bad.

When you roll up your sleeves, you are a brash man like a boxer.

Rosen took advantage of the somersault and made a flip, paving the way for the follow-up.

The next day, noon.

Rosen was summoned to Xiaofengyuan at the top of Yunfeng.

That is the yard where Zou Xiao lives daily.

All materials are ready.

He planned to honor his promise and use his golden body and true energy to cleanse Rosen's muscles and marrow.

Doing this is extremely energy-consuming for a strong person with a golden body, and it will take at least half a year to recuperate.

And it will also lose a certain amount of life span.

Most strong men with golden bodies would not do this.

This is basically a treatment that only comes from being close to the younger generation.

Following Zou Xiao until now, Rosen has benefited more and paid less.

He thought that if Zou Xiao wanted gold, mercury or nuclear bombs, as long as he wasn't mean to him in his cultivation, it would be worth it even if he gave him something!

Even mushroom bombs.

There are still some stocks of this thing in the wasteland.

Don't be reluctant.

The premise is that you get enough benefits first.

This time of changing tendons and cutting marrow was a turning point.

With this thought in his mind, Rosen relaxed a lot.

It is not an easy task to change the tendons and cut the marrow.

It takes about a whole day before and after, during which you cannot eat or drink.

After getting ready, Rosen and Zou Xiao sat cross-legged and opposite each other in thin light shirts.

Zou Xiao untied his hair tie and looked very calm.

They were sitting in the house, surrounded by only a few Xiantian realm elders who called to protect the law.

There were several trays placed beside the two of them.

They were a great elixir placed in a brocade box, two bottles of liquid medicine, two golden silk threads, a box of silver needles, and an incense box that exuded a strange smell.

Some of the things here are used on him.

Some of them are what Zou Xiao will use himself.

"Disciple, first take the Tongmai Liquid with my master."

Zou Xiao sat cross-legged and vomited for a while, and then gave instructions when he was in the best condition.

Rosen nodded quickly and obeyed.

He and Zou Xiao each took a bottle of medicine and swallowed it on the spot.

The medicinal liquid with a faint bitter medicinal taste entered the belly, and it was like a fire was lit in the body.

The hot and dry feeling comes quickly and immediately spreads throughout the body along the central meridians.

Rosen glanced at the back of his hand. There were red traces on the meridians there.

Zou Xiao had no reaction.

The physique of the Golden Body Realm is not comparable to that of his small Yi Jin Realm.

However, when Zou Xiao took a long breath, there was still a thin wisp of smoke floating out.

The next moment, a pale golden light filled his eyes, and he looked at the distribution of Rosen's meridians.

Meridians are like fingerprints.

Broadly speaking, everyone has it.

Speaking of small aspects, there are big differences in details.

After confirming, Zou Xiao waved his hands and entangled the two golden threads.

The true energy of a strong person in the Golden Body Realm is very domineering.

It is a good thing to change the tendons and cut the marrow, but it should not be done too hastily.

Therefore, it is necessary to use golden threads to slowly transfer the true energy to various meridians in Rosen.

This is the most complicated and critical step.

Zou Xiao's expression remained calm and he started to operate meticulously.

The other ends of the two golden threads were inserted directly into the orifice under his control, and a faint glow appeared on the surface of the golden threads.

This layer of radiance has fluctuations.

It looks like both a gas and a luminous liquid in a condensed form.

They entered Rosen's meridians at a slow and peaceful speed. This is the golden body's true energy.

Every ray of true energy entering the meridians will cause the red meridians to fade away.

Just like graffiti, when the red traces produced by the medicinal liquid fade away, it means that the golden body's true energy has cleared up a large circulation in his meridians.

The scene fell silent.

The elders in the Xiantian Realm also observed attentively.

Rosen entered a half-dream and half-awake state under the stimulation of Zhenqi.

Zou Xiao, who was sitting opposite him, was steadily pumping out his Qi, his eyes extremely deep.

To him, Rosen was no different from a stranger.

His proactive overtures had an element of gambling.

The bet is on the uncertain future!


The cold arctic.

Elsewhere, the ecological impacts and changes of the Great Destruction were fatal.

But the Arctic is an exception.

Little has changed over the years.

This is the northern end of the planet's axis of rotation, surrounded by the Arctic Ocean.

It was a vast frozen ocean.

There are many scattered islands and coastal areas in North Asia, America, Europe and North Asia.

The climate throughout the Arctic Circle is cold all year round.

In winter, the sun is always below the horizon and the sea is completely frozen.

In summer, temperatures rise above freezing, melting the edges of the Arctic Ocean and keeping the sun in the sky for weeks on end.

The Great Destruction changed this situation, and today there has been no summer in the Arctic for a long time.

It always maintains the scene and style of thousands of miles of ice.

It is also one of the most sparsely populated areas in the world.

Boundless ice and snow, long winter.

And the North Pole, like the South Pole, has polar day and night phenomena, which become more obvious the closer you get to the North Pole.

The cold and darkness will begin on November 23 every year, and the sun will be completely invisible for nearly half the year.

The temperature can drop as low as minus 50°C.

All waves and tides are gone now, for the coast is frozen and only the wind carries the snow in all directions.

Since the Great Destruction, the sun has risen according to its seasonal rhythms, but it no longer brings warmth.

At this time, the North Pole is close to the center point.

The ice here is hundreds of meters thick.

Legend has it that there is an ancient virus frozen in the ice.

No one thought that there was a huge and strange base hidden here.

This base is completely embedded under the ice shell. It is a seamless whole, but it is disguised on the outside.

What is exposed on the ice surface of the base is an upside-down letter E.

Three conspicuous triangular towers stand on the ice.

There is a thick layer of ice hanging on the surface.

Fading and appearing in the howling snowstorm.

Strong winds, blizzards, and clouds, these three elements appeared at the same time, making the earth bleak.

In this wind and snow, the roar of the engine and the crushing sound of the tracks came from far to near.

A beam of orange light pierced through the wind and snow, leaving a distinct track behind.

This track was quickly buried by the blizzard.

This is a powerful tracked polar exploration vehicle.

It quickly drove to the gate of the base.

The entrance to the inclined bridge is raised by a hydraulic lift.

The ice and snow frozen on the surface slid to both sides.

The entrance is very spacious, with white lighting extending along the passage into the base.

The polar exploration vehicle drove into the passage, and the entrance inclined bridge was immediately closed, isolating the cold outside.

After walking along the passage for a while, the Polar Vehicle came to a hangar.

This is also the transfer area for unloading materials.

The vehicle came to a stop, the door slid backwards and opened, and two people wearing polar winter clothing and snow goggles got out of the vehicle.

At this time, a strange worm like a slug moved over.

The worm is about five meters long and huge.

The body is usually made of machinery, and usually it is made of flesh and blood.

It looks extremely weird.

"You two, Dr. Jon is in the biochemistry laboratory in West District V."

"Please follow me to the express lane."

"This is a temporary identity key."

The bionic slug said in a flexible tone, very similar to humans.

A mechanical tentacle with mucus stretched out from its side, lightly touched their wrists, and transmitted their identity keys.

In the transit area, there are many bionics that integrate machinery and organisms.

All strange shapes.

There are even giant grasshoppers with cannons on their backs, earthworms equipped with laser transmitters, and bionic cockroaches with sharp alloy spines on all their legs.

And of course there are the bionic creatures that do the work.

The only rare thing is humans.

Especially normal humans without any modification.

The big slug politely led the two of them to the expressway entrance.

There is a capsule train waiting there that can go directly to the designated area.

After entering the capsule train, the two took off their scarves.

It is a combination of one man and one woman.

The man had a pedantic look on his face.

The woman had red hair and a slightly murderous look on her face.

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