I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 237 Chapter 0232: Asen just wants to concentrate on practicing [Please subscribe]

Late at night, in the courtyard where Rosen lives.

The green light is dense, and countless fine light points create a vivid projection like pixels.

This projection is that of Chen Yunling, who is tall and graceful.

The immersive holographic projection looks very vivid.

This is especially true at night when the light difference is not obvious.

The only drawback is that there is a light green halo around the projection.

That's the redundant light from the laser pixels.

After all, it is still not as vivid and detailed as virtual reality.

Because in reality, there is touch and interaction.

But in a hurry, it is good to be able to complete the recording of holographic projection.

In the past few days, Rosen at least watched Chen Yunling's demonstration of Yunqi Quan hundreds of times.

This boxing technique has nine styles, with a total of seventy-six variations.

Every move has the kind of ups and downs like clouds rising and falling.

Rosen observed carefully and pondered carefully.

The powerful consciousness of sea consciousness enhanced his understanding.

This enables him to understand more deeply and remember more clearly.

Every time I watch it, I gain new insights, and then I practice while the iron is hot.

Even if it feels a little like a cat and a tiger at first.

But later it turned out to be something different.

In fact, you can also use the exhaustive method when practicing martial arts.

At least that applies to Rosen.

It's like copying a copybook. What you're learning from at the beginning is someone else's.

Then it became a habit to write.

Then you can write your own style.

This is a step-by-step process.

This continued until midnight. Rosen estimated the time, took a short rest, washed up and fell asleep for a while.

The past few days at Yunjianmen have not been consumed at all.

The daily nourishing beast meat and decoction will keep you full.

The most important thing is that nothing is the same.

There is a food paradise in Dingfeng, and the entire hall is dedicated to feeding the disciples.

Of course, not all disciples can enjoy the benefits of food and accommodation.

Yunjianmen has been passed down for so many years and has its own set of clear grading systems.

Rosen ate with peace of mind, because he knew very well that he would have to pay for it sooner or later.

So, let's make peace with it as it comes.

Two hours later, it was still dark again.

Rosen wore a light cyan loose jacket on his upper body and plain white trousers on his lower body.

Pair with a pair of flat twill shoes.

This is the attire of a disciple of the Yunjian Sect. It looks fresh and simple, without any fancy decorations.

He just tied a piece of white silk with three tails on his right arm.

Represents the identity of his core disciple.

The three tails of silk fluttered as he walked, as if dragging three small white clouds in a trance.

To be honest, the atmosphere of this sect is really good.

The situation outside is dire, but the sect is still peaceful inside and outside.

Even the small town at the foot of Yunjianmen Mountain is full of peace and tranquility.

If based on the current strength of Tianqing Martial Arts and the monk world.

If they are twisted into a rope, it will be no problem to deal with foreign monsters.

But it is extremely difficult to do this.

This kind of pattern that resembles Dashi San is a hell mode that gives any hero a headache.

Whoever can truly unify the world will dominate the entire Bahuang Realm.

vice versa.

It’s not that Rosen has any thoughts of moral kidnapping.

He was just a little bit sad, or maybe it was a pity.

But he also knew very well that the transcendent world was also facing certain difficulties.

For example, the so-called rules of heaven and earth have changed.

The difficulty of becoming a Martial Saint and an Infinite Yin God has greatly increased.

Shaking his head, Rosen arrived at Sword Peak unknowingly.

Today he deliberately arrived early, so he didn't meet Fatty Zong.

Yesterday evening, there was a sudden burst of rain, and the humid and humid environment made the ground not dry yet.

Trampling on the slippery bluestone steps became a practice in itself.

Rosen felt as if every step he took was stepping on a slippery rag, and he felt like he had nowhere to put his effort.

If ordinary people were here, they would stagger.

However, this Sword Peak is not a place that ordinary people would come to.

Relying on his solid basic skills, Rosen stepped onto the bluestone steps smoothly.

I quickly got used to the feeling of slippery feet and even found fun in it.

When he walked into the courtyard of the Sword Dance Hall, he found two figures standing on the stone martial arts field.

Qin Yujiao and Su Fengwen, two early risers, were one step ahead.

You must know that Rosen is almost two quarters of an hour ahead of schedule today.

Due to the abundant water vapor, the fog is thicker in the morning.

Everything was hazy, and every breath was filled with the smell of moisture.

Before Rosen came closer, he heard Su Fengwen talking to Qin Yujiao in a low voice.

"Yu Jiao, my third move of Yunqi Fist is still missing the point."

"Then what is the artistic conception of the rising and falling clouds and the roaring of the clouds?"

Su Fengwen's tone was sincere and his attitude was polite.

But Rosen could smell a greasy smell of embarrassment.

Instead of asking Chen Yunling, a master of the Xiantian realm, he wanted to ask Qin Yujiao for advice.

Isn't this just a proper pick-up?

And it's still very low-level.

Low-level chatting will appear very deliberate.

Although Rosen is not an experienced lover, he understands this.

This is especially true among warriors.

as expected.

Qin Yujiao replied in a cold tone: "The artistic conception depends on personal understanding. My experience is useless to you. Everyone has their own ups and downs."

After saying that, he stopped talking to Su Fengwen and closed his eyes to himself.

Her figure was still as tall and straight as a pine tree, but her breath became longer and slower.

At this time, Rosen quickly walked through the misty fog and came to a position not far or close to the two of them, pretending that he had not witnessed the episode just now.

On the contrary, after seeing him, the two of them took the initiative to say hello.

Even Qin Yujiao, who has always been aloof, is no exception.

The apprenticeship ceremony held two days ago made Rosen's face exposed in front of all the Yunjian Sect disciples.

Even the disciples who come to the Sword Dance Hall to lay the foundation at least have an elder behind them.

But there is also a gap between elders and elders.

Zou Xiao is an elder with a golden body. Apart from the reclusive elder, he is the number one person in the sect.

This is true both in terms of strength and reputation.

Moreover, Zou Xiao has not accepted a disciple for decades. Under such circumstances, one can imagine the value of this direct disciple.

Most of the disciples in the sect would take the initiative to say hello when they saw him.

Rosen smiled back, looking humble and gentle.

Then he stood there obediently, looking intently at the green tile cornices not far away hidden in the mist, and continued to maintain his quiet and steady persona.

This kind of persona is least likely to arouse hostility.

After calming down for a moment, Rosen looked calm on the surface, but in fact his mind was already active. He was just passing the time by speculating on the relationship between Qin Yujiao and Su Fengwen.

As the saying goes, a gentle lady is a good gentleman.

Within the sect, girls like Qin Yujiao, who are talented and have a cool and proud temperament, have never lacked suitors.

Rosen arrived late and actually didn’t know much about the two of them.

Most of what he knew about the two of them came from Fatty Zong.

Even though Fatty Zong is just a salty fish, he already knows the gossip of the young disciples in the sect after only a few months.

Ever since he learned that Rosen was Zou Xiao's direct disciple, he became more and more attentive.

In the past two days alone, Rosen was invited down the mountain for drinks several times.

Rosen didn't have much free time and only agreed to make an appointment for a while.

Yuntian Town at the foot of the mountain is particularly prosperous, with everything to eat, drink and have fun.

In terms of prosperity alone, it is no worse than those small towns with developed commerce and trade.

While changing cups, Fatty Zong told him a lot of gossip.

Among them are some things about Qin Yujiao and Su Fengwen.

Qin Yujiao has another relationship with Chen Yunling, so she usually takes care of her more.

This is almost an open secret within the gate.

Although the parties involved never mentioned it in front of outsiders, they did not hide their relationship when they got along. It is said that only the elders knew the inside story.

But what is certain is that Qin Yujiao's talent is extremely good.

The progress of practicing martial arts within the sect is beyond the reach of other disciples.

The same is true for the perception of the artistic conception of martial arts.

Already has the potential to become a rising star among the younger generation of disciples.

All disciples selected as new seedlings by the sect will enjoy more cultivation resources.

He can be regarded as a little genius with infinite glory.

After all, Yunjian Sect is not a small sect with a small business.

If one has good qualifications, works hard enough, and is cultivated by the sect, there is still a good chance that one can become a master by innateness.

This is the seventh level of martial arts, and it is enough to survive anywhere in Tianqing.

Su Fengwen, on the other hand, was born as a reckless warrior and had been involved in gangs for a long time.

Later, he accidentally met an elder from Yunjian Sect. He was a direct nephew of that elder who was living abroad. He was a generous person, not as bad as a secret, but not as good as overtly.

In a place like this sect, you can't tolerate a mixed style.

Rosen was barely at the same time as them.

Even the realm is similar, they are both in the strong bone realm.

It has to be said that the level of the sect is indeed several levels higher than that of the Jinmen Martial Arts School.

This is true at every level.

It took Zhang Zhenyu several months to go from easy tendons to strong bones.

Just like that, he was already very happy.

For example, Luo Sen entered Yi Jin not even a month ago, but he was directly washed by the waves of the Golden Body Realm.

Paired with precious elixirs, various wild animal meats and decoctions, the bone-strengthening realm can be achieved within three days.

The dragon in the spine inside the body tempered the first ray of energy and blood.

Even to this day, that staying power has not faded away.

The strength in the body is still slowly and continuously transforming into a higher level of qi and blood power.

The power in a warrior's body is roughly divided into strength, qi and blood, innate true qi, and golden body true qi.

If you can go one step further and become a Martial Saint, you can also master a higher level of power.

Both qi, blood and strength can be gathered somewhere.

Such as fists and feet, such as weapons.

This will increase damage.

In addition, it can also be gathered on the body surface to increase the ability to withstand injuries.

There are still many uses.

Rosen even attached himself to the bullet with great force.

Although it will dissipate quickly, it can actually increase its power slightly.

The main reason is that the penetration depth of the warhead has been slightly improved.

As for more details, he didn't know much about it.

Because the first few stages of martial arts have no advantage when facing powerful technological weapons.

On the contrary, refining the spirit has more magical effects.

The most typical example is used for assassination or non-contact killing.

Attack other people's brains by forcibly consuming spiritual thoughts.

The moment the spiritual thoughts invade the brain, they turn into reality.

The consumption of this move is surprisingly high.

At first, Rosen thought it was because his level was not enough.

Later, after some demonstration, I discovered that there was something else to it.

It involves knowledge about the brain.

As a result, every time he does this, his mind will be greatly damaged.

But it's still very good to use as a surprise move.

After thinking quietly for a while, Fatty Zong arrived late, yawning profusely.

If we say Rosen has a fairly calm character.

Then Fatty Zong is a pure mud character.

He smiled and greeted Rosen and others.

Su Fengwen and Rosen responded normally.

Qin Yujiao just nodded lightly.

Not long after Fatty Zong arrived, Chen Yunling came.

At this time, the sky was slightly brighter, and the nascent sunlight penetrated the top of Yunfeng Mountain, casting a ray of clear sunlight in the fog.

The process is slightly different this time.

She first checked the cultivation progress of Qin, Su, and Zong.

After suggestions and guidance on cultivation were given, new cultivation tasks were arranged respectively.

Finally it was Rosen's turn.

Last time, she just asked Rosen to master the basic breathing method in the door.

This task has no basic content.

A pure introductory task for the Novice Village.

Although I practiced boxing once, it was mostly just to give him a foundation of impression in advance.

There was no expectation that he would be able to achieve anything great in these three days.

Although Yunqi Quan is only the basic boxing technique of Yunjian Sect, it still has some training thresholds.

Otherwise, Su Fengwen wouldn't practice so slowly.

Each of the nine movements of Yunqi Quan has its corresponding formula and the artistic conception that needs to be understood.

If you don't understand it properly, it's not even standard at all.

It’s not just about mastering a routine that counts as passing the test.

This boxing technique is essentially the foundation for subsequent sword techniques.

"Today I will teach you the first style of Yunqi Quan."

"Look carefully."

Chen Yunling warned seriously.

Rosen nodded quickly and activated the recording device in his sleeve.

Digital martial arts mode starts!

"The first style, Yun Miao"

"The clouds in the sky are misty and invisible."

"Use retreat to advance, swing your fists like misty clouds..."

Immediately, the fist wind roared and dispersed the water vapor floating around.

Looking at the swinging fist, Rosen seemed to see a misty cloud.

He had practiced with reference to the holographic projection hundreds of times in the past two days. At this time, when his thoughts were absorbed, he actually felt itchy and wanted to box himself.

The first move and several basic changes were demonstrated in a short time.

Chen Yunling suddenly stopped her momentum, her white clothes fluttering.

"How many have you written down?"

"Do you have any insights?"

"Now demonstrate it to me again."

She asked dutifully, and then made a new request.

Rosen took a deep breath and slowly stepped back two feet.

He lowered his head to concentrate, and when he raised his head again, his expression changed.

Hundreds of high-frequency exercises combined with the newly comprehended artistic conception made him play quite smoothly.

At the same time, Chen Yunling's eyes gradually changed.

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