I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 239 Chapter 0234: Go straight to the northwest, Sanmenxia City [Happy New Year]

The content of the text message is very simple.

Zou Xiao asked him to go down the mountain immediately and go to the sect stables in the town to get a fast horse and supplies.

Then he caught up with Qin Yujiao, who had already set off for half a day.

Help her to destroy the group of horse bandits called Black Bee Bandits.

More than ten years have passed since the incident.

The group of horse bandits not only failed to be wiped out by the government, but also completely occupied Kushui Town.

This made it a lawless place harboring filth and evil in the northwest border.

Many gangsters and wanted villains choose to stay there when they flee to the northwest.

This actually promoted a kind of pathological prosperity in Kushui Town.

The irrigated land in the town was abandoned, and most of the people on the streets were poor prostitutes wearing dirty linen and old linen.

Looking at the entire Kushui Town, there are almost no normal citizens.

All the people living here are extremely vicious gangsters.

The best businesses were brothels and taverns.

Geographically, Kushui Town is adjacent to Yujia Pass, the northwest pass.

That was the pass that contained the barbarians in the north.

The situation on the border has deteriorated rapidly recently.

A small group of Rakshasa ghosts bypassed the front line and went back to Kushui Town to hide.

There are also Tibetan, Hui and other ethnic groups gathered around Kushui Town.

According to the latest information obtained from the sect.

The Black Bee Thief should be a ghost guy who has taken refuge in Rakshasa.

The demons of Rakshasa are mainly werewolves and werewolves, and each one is full of animal nature.

But there is also a wise one among them, a kind of white snow crow with three eyes.

Rakshasa internally calls him the "three-eyed prophet".

At present, Rakshasa is supporting the local forces in Zhuzhou of the Western Region and is fighting a fierce battle with the Western Expeditionary Army led by the Imperial Envoy, the Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, and Master Zuo Tang, who also supervises the military affairs of the Western Region.

The combat power of this Western Expeditionary Army was impressive, forcing the opponent to retreat steadily.

Currently, they are attacking the important town of Yili in the Western Region.

So there must be some conspiracy behind the Rakshasa Ghost Man's detour to Kushui Town this time.

Originally, with Qin Yujiao's cultivation and strength, it was more than enough to destroy a Black Bee thief.

But now the situation is complicated, so Zou Xiao sends Rosen to respond in the name of the sect.

At the same time, he said that there would be masters of the sect waiting at the border.

But this matter must be kept secret from Qin Yujiao.

Because this mission involves the intertwined interests of a series of forces such as the Qinghonghui and the imperial court.

It's a sect mission in name only.

Rosen had no reason to refuse.

After all, when he officially joined the sect, he knew that all sect disciples were obliged to accept assignments.

On the surface, there is nothing wrong with Zou Xiao's move.

But for Rosen, it still seemed full of doubts.

Others don't know, but doesn't Zou Xiao still know his goals and details?

The reason why Rosen was willing to join the sect was to practice better and gain access to higher-level martial arts resources.

Zou Xiao knew this very well.

But he still sent this seemingly unexpected assignment.

There was no time to hesitate, let alone in front of Chen Yunling.

He decisively accepted the task and immediately went down the mountain without stopping.

Along the way he started thinking about more details.

It's more than two thousand miles to the northwest border.

Even if one rides on a fast exotic horse with the blood of a savage beast, it will take at least three or four days to reach Bitter Water Town.

Later, he will go to Rega Mountain, more than a hundred miles away from Kushui Town, to find the sect's recruitment team ambushed there.

The text message said that after meeting the reception team, there were still follow-up arrangements to be handed over to him.

After summarizing all the information in his mind, Rosen came to a conclusion.

That was because Zou Xiao asking him to rush to Kushui Town to assist Qin Yujiao was just a gimmick.

The real purpose should be to let him go to the northwest to do something.

This matter is most likely related to the supernatural phenomena of his own existence.

In the Bahuang Realm, a world with extraordinary power, Rosen never dared to take it lightly.

Although he thought his disguise was pretty good.

But it is not ruled out that there will be some extraordinary means to see that he is extraordinary.

What's more, he already knows that there is a sense of void in this world.

Any extraordinary power related to time and space may involve crossover.

Coupled with various events and legends left in the history of the Bahuang Realm.

I'm sure Zou Xiao could see some clues in him.

Thinking of this, Rosen's expression instantly became tense, and he even had the idea of ​​running away immediately.

It is not unacceptable to find a new place, pick up the Zhang brothers and sisters, and start over anonymously.

But he soon gave up this idea.

Because Zou Xiao really wanted to cause trouble, there was no need to let him go to the northwest first.

So, think about it from another perspective.

The problem should be in the northwest area.

You must know that there are many kinds of strange and dangerous places in the Bahuang Realm.

The reason why Zou Xiao sent him to the northwest was most likely to test something by the way.

Maybe it's a secret within myself, maybe it's something else.

Thinking of this, Rosen felt a little more at ease.

He raised his wrist and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

He walked quickly on the slightly slippery steps, and it didn't take him long to reach the town at the bottom of the mountain.

Yunjianmen has a very large stable here.

When he stepped in, the steward immediately recognized him.

The fat steward's name is Yuan Fu.

An outer disciple with a cultivation level at the peak of Strong Bone Realm.

His martial arts qualifications are average, but he is good at scheduling and management.

So he became the steward of the stables.

Living in the town is quite comfortable.

At the apprenticeship ceremony a few days ago, he also went up the mountain to watch the ceremony, so he naturally saw Rosen's appearance.

As a manager, facial recognition is a basic skill.

Moreover, the relevant preparation orders have already been issued by the sect in advance.

It's just because these peripheral departments don't know the details.

"Senior Brother Luo, why are you suddenly interested in going down the mountain?"

"I'm Yuan Fu, a steward from the Foreign Affairs Hall, in charge of the stables in the town."

Yuan Fu, who was slightly fatter, greeted him with a smile on his face.

Rosen glanced at him and frowned, not recognizing this person.

So he waved his hand.

"The flying herons fly toward the sky."

He spoke the password concisely and concisely.

The stables also provide the required materials according to the command.

Sure enough, after he spoke, the smile on Yuan Fu's face suddenly stopped.

Then he entered a business-like state.

He personally led Rosen to the stables at the back and brought out a tall and mysterious exotic horse with a small number of fine red scales covering its neck.

This horse was dark in color and even more impressive than the Western horse he had ridden in Jinmen before.

It's called the Iron Scale Horse, and it's mixed with the blood of the barbaric beast Iron Scale Ground-walking Beast.

It has great endurance and can travel more than a thousand miles a day.

The continuous trek can last up to three hours.

The only drawback is that it eats a lot, and more than ten kilograms of fresh beef must be mixed into the feed.

It is necessary to find suitable towns along the way to supply it.

In addition, there is also a burden that is blessed with talisman ban.

Only Rosen can open this baggage.

There are keepsakes, maps, dry food, a silver talisman vest, a dagger, and some documents with official seals inside.

After picking up the baggage and checking the condition of the iron-scaled horse to make sure there were no hidden dangers, Rosen waved his hand again and set off without stopping.

The first step is to catch up with Qin Yujiao.

The opponent is also riding a fast horse, and coupled with his eagerness for revenge, he will definitely want to ride the horse so fast.

Rosen planned to meet up with her first.

The iron-scaled horse under his crotch is quite humane, and Yunjianmen also has a knack for training horses.

It showed no resistance to being ridden by its disciples.

As he sat on the saddle, Rosen could feel the heat coming from his neck.

It was the strong blood boiling.

Rosen stopped after leaving town.

I used a little bit of bone-strengthening techniques to change the bone appearance of my face.

It makes him look more mature and sophisticated, only about five or six points of his original appearance.

Then he lightly kicked the horse's belly a few times.

The Iron Scale Horse's speed suddenly increased.

It shuttles flexibly between cattle carriages and villagers carrying baskets.

Like a black phantom, leaping, galloping, moving farther and farther forward.


Outside Sanmenxia City.

Qin Yujiao, who had been trekking for most of the day, stopped the red horse at her crotch.

The continuous galloping made this horse exude a heat all over its body.

If you look carefully, you can faintly see wisps of white smoke.

It's like the breath of winter.

It is located at the junction of the three major provincial capitals of Henan, Shanxi and Shaanxi.

It is one of the core areas of Huangsha Henan Domain.

It is known as "five mountains, four ridges and one river".

It borders Guanzhong to the west, the Three Jin Dynasties to the north, and guards the Central Plains to the east.

There are three canyons: "Human Gate", "Shen Gate" and "Ghost Gate", so it is called Sanmen Gorge.

Not far from here is the Shaanfu area.

Caravans heading west like to settle here.

Correspondingly, caravans, escort agencies, and mercenaries who lick blood from the edge of a knife are also very common here.

Looking around, there are gray mountain rift valleys in the distance.

There is also the turbulent Huangsha River flowing by.

There is a feeling of being surrounded by mountains and rivers but still vast.

From time to time, you can see stooped shepherds driving varying numbers of sheep to graze on their respective hillsides on distant hillsides or gentler ridges.

Dung pickers can often be seen on both sides of the straight official road.

These dolls were both male and female. Their faces were all covered with a layer of black ash, but their eyes were unusually lively.

They make a living by picking up the dung of cattle, horses, mules and other livestock on the road.

These animal dung can be sold to the dung farm and used to make nitrate powder or fermented into fertilizer.

After trekking for so long, everyone is exhausted.

Qin Yujiao was going to take a rest and go into the city to find a good inn.

Set off again tomorrow morning.

Now that her Yunfeng Sword Technique has just begun to mature, it can crush ordinary great martial arts masters.

This time I came back for revenge with the permission of the sect.

But after so many years, I have gone crazy and cried, and now it is time to take revenge.

Instead she became calmer.

Walking along the official road, you can see the ancient green-grey city wall in the distance.

There are even talismans imprinted on it.

Outside the thick, painted red city gate, there were two rows of officers and soldiers holding red-tasseled guns, standing very lazily on guard.

Beside the wall stacks stood tall and sturdy men, all of whom were infantry archers from the army camp.

Even though the infantry archers seemed to be a long-range unit, in fact they were physically stronger and stronger than the officers and soldiers under the city.

In addition to long bows, these foot archers also wear wild goose-wing knives on their waists.

If you are not a man with extraordinary physical strength, you will not be able to pull a powerful bow.

Even if it could be pulled, it wouldn't be able to shoot many arrows.

Therefore, archers are only stronger than ordinary infantry.

Although Sanmenxia is not a border pass, it is also an important town where many provinces meet.

It is a pass facing the northwest.

Since ancient times, there have been many brave frontier troops.

These officers and soldiers are not weak in strength, and generally have cultivation levels ranging from body tempering to bone strengthening.

The combat power after forming a military formation cannot be underestimated.

This made the queues outside the city look orderly.

Even those caravans with fierce faces had no choice but to line up.

Qin Yujiao took out the ultimatum prepared in advance.

With this ultimatum, you can quickly enter the city.

She had been disguised and looked a little ordinary.

This is not difficult to achieve by fine-tuning the bones and muscles of the face.

Therefore, when traveling around the world, few warriors would be honest and show their true colors to others.

Qin Yujiao followed a group of caravan men.

These caravans are both good and evil.

It can be regarded as a unique logistics transportation team of this era.

When there is not much business, they often turn into horse bandits.

However, these two identities do not conflict with each other.

When driving the mule and carriage teams for guests, they must abide by morality and follow their own path.

At this time, they drove their strong draft horses and mules, waiting for merchants to hire them inside and outside the city.

Each man has a machete, meat cleaver, water bag and milk wine bag tied around his waist.

Immediately hung a long bow, quiver or carbine and armed belt.

Most of the men in the caravan come from the grasslands.

They are bold, rough and informal.

There are also cargo boxes covered with fur on the luggage rack behind the horse.

There are also some messy goods.

Such as some fur dry goods and a backpack containing herbs.

It can be said to be diverse.

The last person walking was a big man with a goshawk tattooed on his arm and a hairpin on his head.

He glanced back sharply when he felt someone approaching behind him.

After seeing Qin Yujiao in disguise, her eyes lit up.

Even if she deliberately pretends to be ugly, for these horse runners who have traveled for a long time and have not seen many women, she is still a pretty woman.

It's just that Qin Yujiao is dressed like a warrior.

The sword on his waist was beautifully carved, and even though he had restrained his aura, he could tell at a glance that he was a master from the Central Plains region.

So after just one glance, the strong man withdrew his gaze.

He still has this bit of survival wisdom.

Unexpectedly, he just turned his head.

The woman behind him took the initiative to say hello.

"Big brother in front."

"Have you ever been to Kushui Town?"

Qin Yujiao asked proactively while staring at a piece of gray raccoon fur on the cargo box.

This made the man with the goshawk tattoo turn around.

He replied angrily: "Exactly, we just went to Kushui Town last month."

After saying that, he pointed to the cargo box in front.

"No, our brothers brought back some specialties from the towns along the way and prepared to sell them in the market in Sanmenxia City."

Qin Yujiao squinted her eyes and nodded gently.

"I'm going to Bitterwater Town."

"I just wanted to treat some older brothers to a few bowls of wine asking for directions."

"It's better to tell my little sister about the situation there."

She obviously has some experience in traveling around the world and looks quite sophisticated.

If someone offers a drink, these racegoers will naturally be happy.

They cupped their fists to say thank you, forming a team temporarily.

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