I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 254 Chapter 0249: Money Making Strategy, Alien Team [Please subscribe]

Through the information Lilia had previously given, Rosen learned that the world was short of food.

Because evil energy is everywhere, seemingly clean soil is actually rich in evil energy.

There is a possibility that crops planted will become evil.

This is why the danger is not limited to cities.

Compared with the city, the only advantage of the wilderness is that it will not "refresh" the evil moon monster.

But the dense flora and fauna are the best breeding ground for the birth of evil spirits.

The area of ​​the towns in the safety zone is very limited, so they can only accommodate as many people as possible.

Because in the past, [Evil Moon Disaster] would break out every once in a while.

Whenever that happens, the blood moon will temporarily swallow up the "silver moon".

All monsters go berserk at the same time.

Crazy siege of surrounding strangers.

The safe zone will also lose its protective effect for 4 hours and is often attacked by waves of evil spirits.

These situations have made it more difficult for the aliens to survive.

However, in the past year, the intervals between [Evil Moon Disaster] outbreaks have become longer and longer.

According to records from earlier years, in the beginning, an outbreak occurred on average every three days.

Later, the duration of the outbreak gradually lengthened.

One week, half a month, one month...

It has been three months and four days since the [Evil Moon Disaster] broke out.

Generally speaking, 7 days is a node.

Therefore, the next round of [Evil Moon Disaster] will either be in three days, or it will continue to be delayed.

This periodic change in disasters directly affects the rhythm of survival of the aliens.

Reduced the difficulty of survival.

In the early days, the population was severely reduced.

Maybe the comrades who were still fighting side by side before will die in the next round of [Evil Moon Disaster].

In this case, the way to grow food is basically impossible.

Pollution is one aspect, but more importantly, in the case of [Evil Moon Disaster], it is difficult for those crops to reach maturity.

Only a few aliens of the wood type and natural type can produce some edible plants through their powers.

With this premise, the main food of the aliens is evil monsters.

Different from the alien species in the wasteland world.

The types of monsters in [Evil Disaster Realm] tend to be stable, and genetic mutations will not occur from time to time.

Some monster flesh is edible, some are highly poisonous, and some can cure diseases.

In this world, the applied research on evil meat is also a separate subject.

Overall, the food supply in [Evil Disaster Realm] is not stable.

The average food and clothing line is somewhat insufficient.

Hunting became the norm.

So this is definitely a good entry point for Rosen.

In comparison, the land over there in the wasteland also has various types of pollution.

But at least they can still grow mutant fruits and mutant melons, crops from the post-waste era.

Although mutated melons and fruits cannot be used directly, don't forget the nutritional mixture preparation machine, which is a magical tool. It can turn decay into magic.

Regardless of whether you are a mutated plant, a human corpse, or even highly toxic death claw meat, it can perfectly extract the organic matter in it and convert it into nutrients.

Polymer filter is the key.

The technological level of the [Evil Disaster World] before the disaster was higher than that of the Eight Wastelands, but much lower than that of the Wasteland World.

This is the opportunity!

Of course, the world exchange rate difference between the three worlds is definitely more than this.

Lilia is just an independent person with enhanced level 4 abilities, and can barely be regarded as a low- to middle-level alien.

Much of the information is not comprehensive.

In addition, the time for communication between the two parties is limited, and there are still many things that will be left unsaid for a while.

There are plenty of opportunities to look for more business opportunities in the future.

Starting with basic food in the early stage is enough to earn the first pot of gold.

Just get a batch of nutritional mixture, I'm afraid you can kill them randomly in the market of the safe zone town.

Compared with ordinary food, nutritional mixtures have the advantages of portability, less excretion, convenient consumption, and balanced nutrition.

Even a strong bone warrior like Rosen.

Without the intense consumption of battle, a D-grade nutrient mixture can make a meal.

As for the beast meat, as well as the elixirs and other things from the Eight Desolate Realms, we still need to keep an eye on them.

Even Rosen himself is considering whether to master a superpower and try it out.

What he was worried about was that supernatural powers were, after all, powers derived from evil energy.

The evil energy has a corrosive and transforming effect on the qi and blood cultivated by martial arts in the body.

Rosen is not yet sure whether the superpower has similar effects. If it does, then I'm afraid it will be difficult for the two powers to be compatible.

These are places worth exploring.

The powers are amazing and there are many kinds.

The elemental powers are actually pretty good.

The magic of refining the gods can also achieve similar effects.

Such as fire method, water method, etc.

What really interested Rosen was the specific system and the causal system.

These two types of abilities often possess magical abilities.

Another difference is that the lifespan of the aliens has not been significantly increased.

This is true even if the power level is raised to a very high level.

Only those aliens whose abilities are related to longevity can live longer.

This is also very different from the extraordinary system of the Eight Desolate Realms.

After all, whether they are warriors, monks, or even overseas demons, they will have longer lifespans as their realm improves.

Even immortality is not possible, which is why Rosen is convinced that in terms of the superiority and completeness of the system, it must be the best in the Eight Desolations.

After disarming the power armor, Rosen crossed his legs and closed his eyes to go over the information in his mind.

Lilia, who was sitting not far away, looked at him quietly.

It seemed that he had never thought that Rosen was so young.

The most important thing is that without the isolation of the metal armor, she did not feel the presence of supernatural powers in Rosen's body.

Strangers can sense each other.

Not only aliens and strangers, but also strangers and monsters.

This feeling exists naturally, just like the sky is blue and the grass is green.

Auras can be shielded through specific talismans and abilities.

But that would create a significant sense of isolation.

Most of the time, this feeling is as natural as breathing.

At this time, Lilia did not feel any breath on Rosen's body.

Not even the slightest hint of evil energy invasion.

This is not normal, very abnormal!

Even though she was extremely curious, she didn't dare to ask rashly.

After being beaten not long ago, Lilia had become somewhat resigned to her fate.

As Rosen said, she had no choice.

If there is any resentment, there must be some in my heart.

No one wants to be a slave.

Even if the slave owner seems pretty good.

It's just that it's one thing to have resentments, but it's another thing to be aware of current affairs.

Since you can't resist and have no chance to escape, the best thing to do is to be honest and obedient.

Just when Lilia was lost in thought, Rosen ended his thinking.

He raised his head and met the girl's gaze.

"What's wrong?"


"I just think you are very young..."

Lilia replied quietly and hastily.

"Being young...is such a weird point."

"Am I acting very old-fashioned?"

Rosen curled his lips. He looked young, but his acting style was indeed more mature.

Hearing this, Lilia lowered her head: "No..."

Shaking his head slightly, Rosen did not delve into this matter.

He was thinking about his next plan.

Using his finger as a pen, he scribbled on the dusty plastic floor.

The first thing is about the stronghold.

It will serve mainly as a transit point.

Considering the [Evil Moon Disaster], this place is not suitable for large-scale production and construction.

Then simply build it according to the standards of an outpost.

There is no use hiding when faced with evil.

Even if you dig a bunker, there will be a swarm of earth-moving evil monsters.

It is far less efficient than building a fortress directly.

Anyway, the main force of evil monsters basically attacks safe areas.

Scattered alien strongholds can also only attract evil monsters scattered around them.

"It's still quite troublesome."

Rosen pinched the bridge of his nose. Traveling through three realms sounded cool.

The biggest problem is actually not the difficulty of opening up the world itself.

But Rosen didn’t have enough time.

Especially when the three lines are fully open, he has to split his time into three parts.

At present, we can only maintain the original strategy.

That is, looking at the wasteland with the development of science and technology, and looking at the eight wastelands with extraordinary power.

As for the [Evil Disaster Realm], let’s use it as an alternative, slowly explore it, and then gradually clarify its positioning based on the characteristics of the world.

When thinking seriously, time always passes by inadvertently.

It wasn't until more than two hours later that the reconnaissance bee drone deployed on the main road outside the college sent a feedback prompt.

Six strangers sneaked towards Haicheng Institute of Technology in a wedge formation of skirmishers.

At this time, it is estimated that there is less than half an hour before evening.

The ultra-wide-angle camera of the reconnaissance bee locked and tracked the moving target.

"We have guests."

Rosen stood up and dusted himself off.

Then re-entered the modified T-21 power armor.

Seeing this, Lilia quickly stood up, and a layer of flame suddenly rose up in her gloved palms.

"Is it the earth tiger monster?"

"No, it's a stranger."

"I guess it's someone from the Elemental Walker."

Rosen, who entered the power armor, said concisely.

Lilia just told him something about the Elemental Walker.

Strictly speaking, the Elemental Walkers can only be regarded as an organization operating around Haicheng.

There are about two to three hundred members.

The strength is unknown, but it is definitely not much different.

Because among the Elemental Walkers, there were twenty or thirty aliens whose names Lilia alone had heard of.

Rosen is planning to capture more slaves.

This was also the reason why he did not choose to evacuate Haicheng Institute of Technology.

The bait he has laid out now is double.

One for Elemental Walkers.

What I'm looking forward to is that the other party's gourd baby will give away his head like a grandpa.

The other one was prepared for the Earth Tiger Demon.

He needs evil monster materials, and is also very interested in the evil crystal that breeds the body.

To open up a new world, Taro has never been afraid of fighting.

After all, war is the eternal subject of civilized activities.

It is the fastest way to integrate into the world.

When we walked out of the stadium, the sky became hazy and gloomy.

"Ambush first, don't act rashly."

"Your mission is to attract the Earth Tigers. As for the incoming aliens, just leave them to me."

Rosen gave a few final instructions, activated the bipedal sliding system and headed towards the outskirts of the academy.

Lilia, who fell on the spot, looked at the retreating figure of the power armor, and left after a while.

Outside Haicheng Institute of Technology, strangers scattered everywhere in an arc quietly approached.

The six strangers are divided into four men and two women.

The leader was a rugged man wearing a sheep skull helmet.

He was wearing a leather vest, revealing the outline of his strong chest, looking like a muscular man.

He also carried an ax embedded with two evil crystals behind him.

He looks like a reckless man with muscles and brains.

This is not the case.

The rugged man's name is Sigma.

As the temporary leader of the investigation team sent here by the Elemental Walker, he is not as simple as he seems.

"No living creatures were detected within a radius of 100 meters inside and outside the gate."

"Advance in an orderly manner and search for the bodies of the three violent brothers and the traces left by the battle."

"Bai Teng, you put up a vine net at the door."

At this time, Sigma had a crescent-shaped shell hanging on the side of his face.

This shell is branded with runes and has become a short-distance communication tool.

The team has some kind of sensing method with a range of 100 meters.

This can be used to eliminate dangers on the road ahead.

This perception is only available to living creatures.

But at least the monsters and other strangers can be clearly detected.

Under his command, a pale woman with a vine pattern tattooed between her eyebrows quickly walked towards the door.

After arriving outside the gate, he suddenly bent down.

The white hands were like hard picks that cut stone as if they were mud, directly penetrating the concrete and inserting into the underground soil layer.

Then, the pupils of her eyes disappeared and were covered with a layer of green light.

The ground beneath my feet shook slightly.

In the blink of an eye, dense cracks appeared.

Thin roots appear and disappear in the cracks, as if the meridians of the earth are beating.

More than ten seconds later, the woman named Bai Teng suddenly pulled out her hands from the ground.

The long and white fingertips were stained with dirt and strands of roots.


"I'll stay around here."

"The ground within a 30-meter radius is covered with vines."

"If something goes wrong, be sure to escape here. The vine can provide cover."

The woman's pale lips moved slightly and she spoke to the shell.

After getting ready, the remaining five people headed by Sigma officially entered the engineering college.

They were completely unaware that a drone was firmly locked on them a thousand meters above their heads.

The distance of one kilometer has long exceeded the range of most perception methods.

The advantages of technology are demonstrated at this moment.

Rosen could see them, but they couldn't see Rosen.

Ambushing at the forefront is another mechanical body like Xiaowei No. 1.

Just as these strangers cautiously approached Haicheng Institute of Technology, Rosen had already readjusted the ambush circle.

Collect them if you can; if you can't, kill them.

In his haste, he was not completely sure that he could capture all six strangers.

The simplest and crudest way is to kill them directly.

But he needed his men, so he prepared a capture plan.

Mainly non-lethal weapons such as high-dose tranquilizer guns and Taser guns.

Based on the principle of catching as many as possible.

Rosen parked the machine next to a statue not far from the road and waited quietly.

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