I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 259 Chapter 0254: Settlement and Return [Please subscribe]

Witnessed the giant mantis disappear with my own eyes.

Rosen made a bold guess in his mind.

These moon evil monsters seem to be some kind of embodied projection.

The source of creating these projections should be the two moons in the sky.

Just as it was known before.

This is a catastrophic world with special rules.

Many of the rules are probably taken for granted by the natives of the [Evil Disaster Realm].

But in the eyes of Rosen, a time traveler, it was very strange.

He raised his eyebrows, he still had many doubts about this world.

But now is not the time to get to the bottom of it.

Its daybreak.

A new day has come and it's time for him to get down to business.

Back in the gym, Lilia was carefully picking up the plastic film she had placed at the door last night. There was about a small bowl of condensation water inside.

This is a common way for wanderers to obtain water.

Just dig a hole in the ground and cover it with film or plastic wrap.

Then press the edges tightly, and finally let it sit for one night, and there will be water vapor inside it caused by the temperature difference between day and night.

Rosen's [Spirit Space] contains pure water.

But he had no intention of taking it out.

In terms of food supply, he could be more generous and use nutritional mixture.

But for things like water and other supplies, Rosen doesn't think it's necessary for him to take care of them for the time being.

It's impossible to live without him. These people would usually die of thirst.

Of course, this is also part of the observation.

Haicheng Institute of Technology is no longer suitable as a stronghold.

Nine Elemental Walkers have been killed here, judging from the previous situation.

I'm afraid I will never give up.

So Rosen chose the Chengxi Campus of Haicheng Normal University, five kilometers away from the Institute of Engineering.

It's not as big as the Engineering College, but it's relatively quiet.

Next to it is a not too big waterway, connected to the city's water network.

There are no difficult evil monsters lingering, and there are no resources left nearby.

After making the decision, Rosen and Lilia set off.

The three Xiaowei No. 1 found several manual flatbed trailers from the auditorium.

Just like this, the six people who were still in a coma were transported together.

Along the way, they encountered a group of canine monsters and strangled them all with guns and cannons.

We arrived at the Chengxi Campus of Haicheng Normal University smoothly.

With the assistance of drones and Xiaowei No. 1, it took nearly four hours to conduct a comprehensive scan, model, and search of the community.

After eliminating all hidden dangers, Rosen felt relieved.

With the modeling data, he can use AI to plan defense zones after returning to the wasteland.

The first thing he did now was place a signaling terminal.

Used to increase the signal reception radius of robots, drones and slave collars.

Secondly, preliminary reinforcement was carried out for the underground space of the main teaching building.

Sensors and hidden fire points were deployed at several intersections and main roads in the campus.

Rosen's armaments are so abundant that he always carries at least ten sets of sentry machine guns with him, as well as corresponding defensive equipment.

These ordnances are enough for him to establish a sentry point with reasonably good defensive capabilities anywhere.

A sentry machine gun equipped with .50 ammunition is sufficient to deal with most low-level evil monsters.

It can also pose an obvious threat to aliens below level four.

After completing various deployments, it was afternoon.

At this time, the six people finally woke up one after another.

The sleeping gas and anesthetics Rosen dropped yesterday were enough to bring down a herd of elephants.

Being able to wake up in just one day is considered an extraordinary feat for these guys.

But the side effects of powerful anesthesia are still unavoidable.

All of them had symptoms of soreness and weakness in their limbs, and were unable to exert any strength.

Reactions varied.

Liu Qian, who had lost his arm, looked horrified. He still could not accept the fact that his limb was broken.

Queen Liu was trying to comfort her brother, but with little success.

The Cailing woman who summoned the Frost Storm Bear looked a little confused. Not long after she opened her eyes, she covered her head and groaned in pain.

Bai Teng, a woman with delicate skin and good at growing vines, leaned against the wall with an expressionless face.

His eyes were fixed on Rosen inside the power armor.

The kid named Mo Dao frowned, looking mature and calm.

The most calm one is undoubtedly the rugged man Sigma.

He tried to muster muscle contractions to break free, but to no avail.

The composite rope from the wasteland world is truly stretchable.

Not only is it extremely strong, resistant to pulling and cutting, but it also has good resistance to flame burning.

After Sigma struggled to break free, he set his sights on the ferocious mechanical armor.

Incidentally, he glanced at Lilia who was standing next to him.

Even though he was behind bars and unable to move, he remained calm.

Because he understands a truth.

If the other party wanted to kill them, I'm afraid they would have done it long ago and would never have delayed it until now.

They also tied them up specially.

After all, he is also a fifth-level alien who has experienced hundreds of battles. Sigma thinks that he has enough experience and trustworthy intuition.

He stared hard at the power armor.

Unlike Lilia, he could tell at a glance that this was not an evil armor!

Sigma has seen evil armor before. Although it is also very large and bloated, the details are completely different from the mechanical armor in front of him.

What's more, the evil armor will have a faint breath of evil energy escaping from it.

The armor in front of me doesn't have any evil energy in it.

After observing for a while, Sigma wanted to take the initiative to speak.

However, the effects of the anesthetic have not completely worn off.

Muscle weakness caused him to finally cough only a few times.


"They are all my trophies."

Rosen had a panoramic view of the six people's reactions.

His emotionless voice came from the electronic loudspeaker.

Apathy is a passive emotion.

Originally, he had no friendship with these six people, so it was impossible to say that he would have any emotional fluctuations.

He just wanted to enslave the other party, and he really didn't have any complicated thoughts.

Nor do they care what they are thinking.

These two sentences are not inquiries, but announcements.

After half a minute of silence.

Sigma further regained control of the Mouthpiece.

"Your Excellency... Your Excellency..."

"We are willing to pay a ransom in exchange for our freedom..."

He said with some difficulty.

But Rosen sneered.


"Sorry, I don't need a ransom."

After saying that, he waved his armored arm.

After receiving the order, Lilia walked forward numbly.

He pinched open the mouths of six people and stuffed two pills into them.

These six people are more difficult to handle than Lilia.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, Rosen directly arranged two different poisons for them.

After force-feeding the poison pill, he repeated the lines he once said to Lilia in a concise and concise manner.

After hearing that what he had taken was poison and feeling an abnormal sensation coming from his body.

The expressions on the faces of the six people were all stunned.

Even Sigma is no exception.

There was just a bitter smile on his face.

"Then Master, what is our mission?"

"You left us alive, you must need us to do something for you."

His mentality recovered the fastest, and he asked directly after he calmed down a little.

In this regard, Rosen's answer is simple.

"Nothing to do."

"At least you just need to stay here until I come back from going out."

"I will return in a week and will bring you a temporary antidote and give you the task."

Strictly speaking, Rosen's exploration and development of the [Evil Disaster Realm] has just begun.

At present, it is just a footprint left.

He already has a preliminary understanding of the world.

Next time he comes back, he can explore and build in a big way.

"When I'm not around, just listen to her."

Rosen pointed at Lilia, then turned and left.

He stored a lot of nutrient mixture in the reinforced basement.

During this week, they can only stay here.

In order to prevent them from trying to escape without giving up, they asked the Elemental Walker for help.

Rosen plans to check back regularly.

Whether it's poison or a slave collar, it's not safe for strangers who are in a group.

Maybe there are strangers with the ability to remove poison.

So in the next week, these six people will be under house arrest here.

The Xiaowei No. 1, drones, and sentry machine guns deployed outside are actually used more to defend against them.

At the same time, in order to prevent Lilia from being incited to rebel, Rosen also left a Xiaowei No. 1 to keep an eye on her.

The above measures are sufficient to form cross-restrictions.

If they really ran away, it would be fate.

No big deal, just change the place next time.

None of these methods are safe. In the long run, Rosen still has to find a more reliable control method.

Finally, he gave Lilia a few words of advice.

Rosen found a relatively hidden corner, activated [Time Travel] and left.

Wasteland, inside the nuclear-proof bunker of the camp.

Rosen suddenly appeared in the room.

Open the thick partition door.

As usual, he handed over the power armor to the mechanics for maintenance.

At the same time, the consumed ammunition and ordnance will be replenished.

Then he went to the workshop managed by Xiao Yunli and his daughter.

Followed up on the tasks assigned some time ago.

Then he handed Qin Yujiao's blood sample to Xiao Yunli and explained the test requirements emphatically.

He also took away the [Plant Spirit Growth Liquid] prepared during this period.

After nearly two months of camp life.

Xiao Yunli gradually came out of her original change.

I also gradually adapted to life in the camp.

At least focus on the preparation of potions every day without having to face those distractions.

The same was true for Tang Jing. She put the tasks assigned by Rosen first, and she did forget many of her worries.

In fact, just focus on one thing.

Troubles will disappear on their own.

Most of the problems are solved in a leisurely manner.

The situation here in the wasteland is relatively stable.

There are constant minor frictions between the Golden Sunshine Block and the Double Z forces, but the conflicts have not escalated yet.

The surging undercurrent is still there, but it hasn't exploded yet.

Over at the Iron Tomb Camp, Yuan Yewen sent someone to bring him and left a text message,

The general idea was to tell Rosen not to forget to attend the appointment on time.

Because the day of the competition is getting closer.

After dealing with the backlog of matters, Rosen found several minor leaders of the camp.

The camp's population has been increasing slightly recently.

From time to time, groups of refugees would come to seek refuge.

These refugees would rather wear collars in exchange for food, clothing and a stable life.

It's not that the refugees are cheap and unwilling to choose a big camp to seek refuge.

But those large camps will not accommodate refugees at all.

This is actually cheaper for a small camp like Rosen.

Overall, as long as the campground is thriving.

Just absorb the population first in such a low-key manner.

You must know that there are only a few thousand people in the Iron Tomb Camp.

If there is no shortage of food supplies, the current camp can hold up to 3,500 to 4,000 people. If there is any more, various problems will begin to occur.

Simple and crude management methods are inherently rough.

It is hardly an advanced management system.

But to make a change, Rosen also needs a suitable opportunity.

Only when that opportunity arises can his power be upgraded.

With a rough idea in mind, he rested for a night in the wasteland.

Early the next morning, I chose to travel back to the Eight Wastelands.

He made some preparations before setting off.

He turned on the light deflection field and held the disposable holy shield.

Three days had passed since the battle at Regashan that night.

But we don’t rule out the possibility of someone squatting there, so there’s nothing wrong with being careful.

The shuttle was activated, and the scene suddenly changed. Rosen appeared in the depression of Rega Mountain.

The entire Rega Mountain no longer lives up to its name.

One-third of the mountaintops disappeared, and the underground fire veins were damaged and blocked by solidified lava.

The whole mountain turned black, as if it had been chewed away.

The area was desolate and deserted, without any human habitation.

The drone was released and the life radio signals were scanned to confirm the surrounding situation.

Rosen relaxed slightly.

Taking this opportunity, he immediately took off and left the place.

Arriving at a town more than a hundred kilometers away.

Only then did he fall into the hidden mountain ridge outside and change his outfit.

Then he bought another horse and headed back in the direction he came from.

The journey takes at least five to eight days.

During this period, I have to take time to visit the [Evil Disaster Realm].

Just in time to perfect the rhetoric to deal with Zou Xiao on the way.

The other party is a good person.

He also had to come up with an argument that had no logical flaws.

The core point is that Zou Xiao has no evidence.

He just wanted to have a comfortable environment to practice.

It's just that the world is so big that there is no suitable place for it.

It would be a good idea to find a remote place in a remote area and stay there for a while.

But as a result, many cultivation resources and information are difficult to obtain.

Fight, the best resources are obtained by fighting.

Moreover, Rosen also wanted to find out more information related to the evil disaster world from Zou Xiao.

Including the use of evil crystals and those gates to the void.

According to the known information, the Eight Desolate Realms seem to be a meeting point.

The void is a transitional place between worlds.

Regarding the existence of the world, Rosen also has several guesses.

Including some hypotheses put forward by the wasteland in later generations for related research.

Peeling away the cocoons, maybe traveling around the world is not as mysterious as imagined.

It doesn’t matter if it’s empty space or another world.

Just the vastness of the universe is endless to explore.

So what is the node that creates all this?

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