I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 283 Chapter 0278: Qi Mu’s secret, defection [Please subscribe]

Qi Mu picked up the wine glass and took a long sip.

Immediately, he looked at Rosen with his beautiful eyes.

"You went to the auction?"

"Uncle Yewen said you have your own camp."

"That's great."

She looked relaxed and seemed to be in a state of casual conversation, and did not answer Rosen's questions directly.

Seeing this, Rosen smiled.

"You're not doing too badly either."

"With Mr. Hong's support, we can't just walk sideways in Jiangcheng."

Qi Mu is one of the more prominent among Hong Xueyan's many adopted sons and daughters.

Life is not bad, otherwise there would be no money to spend here.

Qi Mu was unconvinced by his words.

She drank the rest of the wine in the glass, then sat up straight, waved gently to Rosen and said, "Sit over here, some secrets can only be told in secret."

Rosen frowned slightly.

"Can't you use your breath to transmit sounds?"

Being the pragmatist that he is, he's here to find the truth.

I really don’t want to respond to these suggestive words.

But he saw Qi Mu looking at him with a half-smile, the blush on his face getting brighter under the light.

"What are you afraid of?"

"A woman?"

"Or maybe you think I will eat you..."

She chuckled, with a hint of charm in her tone.

Compared with the deserted atmosphere during the game, they were completely different.

Rosen didn't answer, raised his eyebrows slightly, and finally stood up and sat half a meter away from her.

After seeing him arrive, Qi Mu leaned over and breathed into his ear.

The warm breath mixed with the smell of alcohol brushed against his earlobes.

"I suspect...I'm from another world?"

Even before coming here, Rosen had some suspicions in his mind, but when he heard these words, he couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat.

"It's a mess, it's a fucking mess."

He roared silently in his mind.

It turns out that when I was a scavenger, the world was very chaotic, but also very pure.

But ever since I learned about the concept of dimensional intersection, it seemed like the whole world had turned into a rag bag.

Thoughts were surging in his mind, but he remained calm on the outside.

He even used his strong self-control to control the changes in his breath and heartbeat.

"another world?"

"Explain it?"

He licked the corners of his lips, reached for the wine glass, and filled a glass of wine for both Qi Mu and himself.

This news made him feel a little dry, but it was also a normal reaction.

Qi Mu was very satisfied with the curiosity he showed.

She didn't answer immediately. She took another sip of wine before mumbling in a low voice.

"I still have some vague memories from before I was three years old..."

"This is the privilege of those with special mental powers."

"Always able to pick up things in the gaps of memory with a mental power that far exceeds that of ordinary people."

As she spoke, her tone returned to calm.

Rosen noticed an anti-eavesdropping white noise-releasing device on the table.

This is a small detail to prevent leaks.

It seemed that Qi Mu was not as drunk as he appeared.

Rosen did not interrupt her narration, but acted as a qualified listener and listened intently to her narration.

"In my memory, there are vague faces of my parents."

"There is a world that is very different from this one."

“People there mostly have control over their chi and use it to help with their work.”

Having said this, Qi Mu paused and stretched out his white palm to condense a surging air ball.

This air mass is confined within the palm of the hand, and is formless and colorless. Only because it rotates at high speed does a light gray outline appear in the vision.

She added while showing it off.

“Controlling Qi can become a productive force.”

“It helps people deal with a lot of things.”

"Of course, this is just my guess. In my memory, I was too young and failed to see more about that world."

"It is also impossible to determine what changes will occur when this ability is developed to its limit."

Qi Mu slowly clenched his palms, and the energy disappeared.

The blush that appeared on her face due to the effect of alcohol gradually faded.

Rosen, who was sitting next to him, looked thoughtful.

He rubbed his chin, where a short layer of stubble had just sprouted, with his thumb and forefinger.

This unconscious movement while thinking made him look extraordinarily focused.

Qi Mu did not continue to speak, but looked at his side face silently, as if waiting for him to ask questions.

About half a minute later, Rosen turned his head to her and asked curiously.

"Since you firmly claim that it is a new world."

"Then why do you appear here?"

This question made Qi Mu's eyes darken.

She withdrew her gaze and stared at the half-full glass on the table.

"Because there is a scene in my memory when the world was destroyed..."

"Many huge light gates like vertical pupils appeared in the sky..."

"Those light gates erupted into pillars of light and shot towards the ground, causing the earth to fall apart."

"As a young child, I narrowly escaped the first wave of disasters under the protection of my parents."

"But then the strong suction released by those light gates peeled away the soil and corpses, and countless living people were torn apart by the light..."

Qi Mu's voice trembled slightly. Looking back on the vague memories of her childhood has been a knot in her mind for so many years.

Sometimes, remembering things too clearly is not a good thing.

The fear and pain in her memory will also torture her over and over again.

Looking into her frightened eyes, Rosen took the initiative to comfort her.

"At least you're alive now..."

"There's always a chance to unlock the secrets of the past."

His words barely brought back Qi Mu's thoughts.

"Yes, I'm still alive." Qi Mu nodded blankly.

He added immediately.

"I don't know how I ended up here."

"When I regained consciousness, it was Mother Hong's face that I saw."

"At that time, the size of the oil machine Bosozoku group was not so large. We followed Hong Ma around Jiangcheng, and we often had to experience battles. Sometimes in emergencies, I would be wrapped in the arms of a punk vest by a rough Bosozoku uncle..."

"When I got a little older, Mother Hong told me that she picked me up in the big tiankeng."

Having said this, Qi Mu pulled out a pendant from his arms.

At the end is a coin-sized projection smart terminal.

She did a little manipulation and clicked to open a picture from a bird's eye view.

The content in the picture is very simple, it is a huge pit.

This crater appeared on the outskirts of a certain city, with a diameter of at least more than thirty kilometers.

Like a huge scar.

The depth is immeasurable just from the pictures, but it's definitely not that shallow.

Such a large sinkhole cannot be exploded by even a large-yield strategic nuclear bomb.

The most terrifying thing is that the sinkhole is like a cluster of rocket engines, spewing out blue flames.

"This is the big sinkhole."

"According to pre-war statements, the location should be Lianglu City in Jin Province."

"Hong Ma said that the day she saw me was the day the big sinkhole appeared."

"The huge beam penetrates the ground and reaches the Tertiary coal hidden deep in the earth's crust. It is a gift left by nature hundreds of millions of years ago. It has never been excavated by humans even during the period of industrial development..."

"However, the beam easily penetrated the stratum where it was located and ignited the coal with high temperature and pressure, making it a furnace that was difficult to extinguish."

Qi Mu's voice trembled more and more.

She took a deep breath and finally added.

"The location where Hong Ma picked me up was on the Zhongyang Ancient Tower in Liang Lu at that time. The straight-line distance from the Tiankeng was about 47 kilometers."

When Rosen heard this, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

"Did you go back afterwards?"

"According to Mr. Hong."

"The light beam that caused the big sinkhole may be related to the light beams that destroyed the world in your memory."

Hearing his words, Qi Mu nodded first, and then shook his head gently.

"I went back a few years ago, but I had no clue."

"With the outer extension of the large sinkhole as the boundary, there will be no vegetation within a circle with a radius of fifteen to twenty kilometers."

"The flames are still burning, and the temperature in the area makes even the alien species dare not approach or stay."

"Highly toxic gases and unburned combustible gases are spreading everywhere."

"You can often see inexplicable horrific explosions happening everywhere."

"If winter is coming, I'm afraid it's the only place that won't be affected by the cold."

Rosen felt himself becoming even thirstier.

He picked up the wine glass and took a long sip.

In fact, the astringent drink could not relieve the real dry mouth, but when the liquid washed down his throat, he still felt a little calm.

Qi Mu's narrative gave him some bold guesses.

The Void Gate in Rega Mountain in the Eight Wilderness Realm came to mind.

He knew what Qi Mu said was true.

The hypothesis of dimensional intersection has once again been confirmed from the side.

Based on this reasoning, Rosen believes that there is likely to be a node connecting Qi Mu's original world in the Tiankeng.

But according to Qi Mu, that world should have been destroyed long ago.

But it's still worth it for Rosen to keep this place in his heart.

By now, he knew very well that the ancient key in his mind was definitely related to the intersection of dimensions.

The secrets it contained and the meaning behind it were beyond his imagination.

But at least Rosen can still find a way to follow the clues.

Neither of them was talking, each was thinking about their own thoughts.

With such a secret on his back, it’s no wonder Qi Mu had such huge mood swings when telling the story.

She specially arranged to meet at this quiet bar, and even made herself slightly drunk, probably just to have the courage to recall this secret.

After a long time, Rosen put down the wine glass that had been drained unconsciously.

"Why do you tell me this secret?"

"I want to hear the truth."

His voice was low, almost imperceptible.

Qi Mu shook his shoulders and replied in the same low tone.

"I remember feeling an inexplicable force when I fainted."

"It was that power that carried me."

"When I met you, I was keenly aware that you also had the residual lingering power of that power."

"So I thought we were the same kind, but now it seems maybe not..."

She didn't say anything clearly, but Rosen was thoughtful.

Similarly, Rosen didn't explain much.

He just answered in the affirmative in as calm a tone as possible.

"I will take a trip to the big sinkhole when I have time."

"Probably towards the end of winter."

His words made Qi Mu's eyes light up.

"Can I go with you?"

Facing the suddenly eager Qi Mu, Rosen wanted to shake his head.

But considering that Qi Mu had the "travel" attribute, he finally nodded and agreed.

After all, from a certain perspective, Qi Mu can be regarded as a time traveler.

Just not as dramatic a time-travel mission.

"I decided to join your camp!"

At this time, Qi Mu spoke again.

Before Rosen could answer, she listed various reasons.

"I've had enough of life in Jiangcheng."

"Hong Ma is also willing to respect my decision."

"The most important thing is that I can help you and make your camp rise faster."

"Because I have a loyal following, albeit a small one."

"And I have accumulated a lot of weapons and equipment."

Rosen pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Its camp is like a gluttonous fat man, hungry for any supplement of power.

However, he still agreed in three chapters and said:

"I can let you join the camp, but you are not allowed to interfere with my decisions."

"And I'm used to being alone most of the time and won't stay in the camp for long."

He made this decision carefully.

After all, it was Qi Mu who took the initiative to show off his cards.

Qi Mu readily agreed to these conditions.

The two have tentatively reached a preliminary consensus.

Rosen left the Red Cube Bar after agreeing on a meeting time the next day.

There is no point in staying here anymore.

Both he and Qi Mu have achieved their respective goals.

After completing the handover of goods tomorrow, he plans to go to the market in Jiangcheng.

And the day after tomorrow it’s time to officially return.

Return to the park residence.

Yuan Yewen next door was nowhere to be found, and most of the accompanying Bosozoku from the Iron Tomb Camp were also having fun in Jiangcheng.

Only Hailsen and Qi Jun were guarding his door.

These two guys became attached to him because of arm wrestling.

From then on, she became his little fanboy.

Especially in the past two days, Rosen entrusted them with full responsibility for placing bets.

The two of them did it beautifully without any greedy thoughts.

Although they are bosozoku, their character towards their allies is still very trustworthy.

Rosen's appearance made their eyes light up, making it clear that they were waiting specially.

"What's wrong? Don't you two go out to have some fun?"

"Jiangcheng is a settlement at the intersection, and there are many striptease bars."

He joked with a half-smile.

"Boss, we have decided to hang out with you."

However, Hailsen and Qijun did not answer his words, but took a step forward and spoke solemnly.

This made Rosen somewhat unexpected.

"You want to break away from the Bosozoku clan?"

"Does Boss Yuan know about this?"

To be honest, he could understand Qi Mu moving closer and defecting.

But Qi Jun and Hailsen's behavior was really something he didn't expect.

Even though the two of them admired him a little, they probably wouldn't give up their status as a bosozoku for him.

His first thought after hearing this request was that the two of them were here to provide support.

Otherwise it cannot be explained at all.

But this idea cannot withstand speculation.

Because there is no sufficient reason to support it.

And it would be too obvious to do so.

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