I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 285 Chapter 0280: Fruitless investigation, procurement and loading [Please subscribe]

“Tuk tuk tuk…”

When Qi Mu and Hong Xueyan were saying goodbye, there was a sudden knock on the solid wood door with luxurious carvings.

A somewhat sad Qi Mu took out a handkerchief and wiped away her tears.

Then he wiped away the tears that were about to fall from the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand.

A forced smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

She took the initiative to comfort her:

"Hong Ma, don't be sad, we will meet soon."

"Didn't he ask you to order weapons and equipment?"

"I will apply to accompany you when the handover comes."

Hong Xueyan touched her head and quickly calmed down.

After about ten seconds, the knock on the door rang again.

Hong Xueyan sat upright and greeted the door with a strong voice.

"come in."

At the same time, Qi Mu also stood beside her upright.

There was a slight riveting sound of the door lock, and the wooden door was pushed open.

The person who came in was a staff member under Hong Xueyan named Chen Lekang.

He was a doctor before the war. He wore a pair of gold-framed glasses and a silver-gray metal on the right side of his forehead.

About a fifth of his skull was replaced with titanium alloy.

Her gray-brown hair was neatly combed back, and her expression was upright and meticulous.

Your eyes did not glance around the whole time.

He first gave Qi Mu a brief smile politely.

Then he suppressed his smile and reported to Hong Xueyan seriously:

"Sorry to disturb your morning retreat."

"The aerospace plane taken by the Eden Messenger landed at Jiangcheng Airport about 7 minutes ago."

"The committee meeting will be held in two hours."

"It's time for you to go to the cold storage to retrieve the biological samples recently collected by the group."

“There are also preparations that require your own involvement.”

Hearing this, Hong Xueyan raised his chin slightly to indicate that he understood.

She lowered her eyes and asked in a thoughtful tone.

"Haven't the team previously sent to North America found out Eden's motives?"

"What do the eleven old foxes think?"

Eden required them to exchange no less than 3,000 different biological samples for 29 clear shelter coordinates in the pre-war savior plan sequence in East China, South China, and Central China.

To say that there is nothing fishy in it, I’m afraid no one would believe it.

In response, the Twelve Committee members, including those in charge of major forces in the three regions, sent people across the ocean to North Asia and America to investigate the situation.

However, it has been almost a month and I still haven’t found any useful information.

Most of the teams they sent out were safe, without being coerced or imprisoned.

But I couldn't find any news.

Eden has absolute control over its sphere of influence.

And the survivors under their command are all fanatical believers.

Their crazy beliefs prevent them from leaking any information.

What's even more strange is that even the relevant torture equipment and medicines failed to work.

The hearts of those survivors are extremely pure, and they only worship their faith wholeheartedly.

The team sent by Hong Xueyan also encountered a similar dilemma.

Eden knew what they were doing, but still turned a blind eye to it.

Rather than being careless, it is better to say that he is confident.

Therefore, it made the big guys in the three major regions of the Pan-Asian Alliance even more fearful.

This time Hong Xueyan's men got a pretty good ranking.

In addition to Yuan Yewen, Zang Qiu and Wu Debao, she also had other subordinates participating in the competition between groups C and B.

At present, they have obtained the overall results of first and second in Group E, third in Group D, sixth in Group C, and tenth in Group B.

The division weights E and D are the highest, not Group B.

The reason is simple, because there are fewer B-level enhancers and it is difficult to find representative players.

Although Groups E and D are low-level enhanced groups, they can find more players, and the results will be more competitive.

Under this set of rules, Yuan Yewen, Zang Qiu and Wu Debao all fought for her.

Among the 29 shelter coordinates of the Savior Plan, Hong Xueyan can get 7.

Compared with the number of people participating in the partition, it was considered a big win.

Of course, getting accurate coordinates is only the first step.

The follow-up strategy is the focus.

The unopened Savior Sequence Shelter has nearly the highest level of security measures.

All external doors and passages are resistant to nuclear explosions.

The body of the shelter is often hidden hundreds or even thousands of meters underground.

Coupled with the concrete reinforced walls poured in layers along the way, it is enough to make even the most advanced pre-war ground-penetrating bombs useless.

It is also difficult to crack and open the program from the outside.

It is basically equipped with a separate quantum computer matrix and intelligent system.

In addition, when constructing a shelter of this level, underground passages and escape shafts extending in all directions will be reserved. Although it is not impossible for outsiders to break through it, it will also take a lot of time and energy.

There are 7 savior shelters, even with the power of the violent oil group, it will take a long time.

And it is not ruled out that some of the shelters have been opened in advance.

These things have occupied most of Hong Xueyan's energy recently.

After immersing herself in work, she forgot the sadness of being separated from Qi Mu and returned to the smart and capable Mr. Hong.

After she asked, Chen Lekang adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses and answered seriously.

"The other eleven committee members didn't find any useful information."

"On the contrary, a Blue Wind pirate group that has been wandering on the east coast of America all year round has recently spread a piece of news."

"Eden established a base on a mysterious island in the Atlantic Ocean."

"Some ocean robbers have seen gigantic sea beasts appearing nearby, and even the ever-unfailing expulsion sonar can't drive away the giant sea beasts."

"There is an island shrouded in mist nearby, and someone saw with their own eyes the pre-war third-generation Texas-class sea and air destroyers of the Covenant Community wandering around the sea monsters."

"But no one has disclosed the specific coordinates yet."

"Perhaps the Blue Wind Pirates knew about it, but that group of water rats disappeared into the ocean after spreading the news. They have been out of contact for more than half a month and have not landed in those coastal settlements."

Hong Xueyan frowned with wrinkled brows.

"In other words, this news is a rumor?"

"Yes, that's it for now." Chen Lekang nodded.

Shaking her head, she stood up and clapped.

"The investigation into this matter ends here."

"Everyone knows that Eden must have evil intentions in collecting biological samples from the Pan-Asian region."

"Those religious fanatics who are talking too much are all lunatics. What good things can they do?"

"I just hope it doesn't affect Pan-Asia..."

In response to her words, Chen Lekang just bowed slightly in greeting and did not express any further opinions.

Hong Xueyan is just old, his body is gradually declining and he is unwilling to accept transformation and strengthening.

But her brain is not rotten, and she still has an outstanding sense of the overall situation.

Jiangcheng is close to the Yangtze River and not directly close to the sea.

If something really happened on the other side of the sea, the coastal settlements would be the first to suffer, not Jiangcheng.

At this time, Qi Mu interrupted the exchange between the two.

"Hong Ma, it's almost the appointed time, so I'll take the first step."

After a few minutes of adjustment, Qi Mu concealed his sad emotions very well.

Hong Xueyan smiled and held her hand, and finally watched the graceful figure leave the manor.


"How is the recent situation in Golden Sunshine Street?"

She stood by the window and watched Qi Mu leave with her own eyes, and asked in a very low voice.

This question made Chen Lekang frown slightly.

Immediately he answered in the same low voice.

All sounds were contained within the house.

There was only a biting cold wind blowing outside.

Jiangcheng settlement.

Inside the 0113 warehouse of the Stellar Auction House.

Rosen and his party are here to receive the armaments auctioned yesterday.

Twelve T-32 powered armors were loaded into rectangular luggage boxes.

The same goes for the rest of the weapons and ammunition.

All baggage boxes have no paint on their surfaces.

Forklift spaces and crane spaces have been reserved for quick lifting.

As usual, the inspection process begins.

Rosen spent more than half an hour confirming that the goods were correct before paying the remaining balance.

Both parties' money and goods are cleared.

Ten extended heavy tracked trucks were parked outside the warehouse.

Standing with them were thousands of slaves.

Those slaves are all implanted with chips and wear collars, achieving double insurance.

All servitude authority was transferred to Rosen at the handover.

Of course, to be on the safe side, he had better find a reliable information hacker to replace the underlying permission key after he goes back.

Rosen bought the trucks now.

Six of them were filled with various supplies.

Including semi-finished parts for production, some precious alloy ingots, mechanical equipment, electronic equipment, etc.

I also bought several different engineering robots.

Stellar Auction House is responsible for transporting the power armor, ordnance and ammunition on the three heavy-duty trucks that have reserved space.

Powered armor packed into boxes can be stacked, but does not take up so much space.

Place four T-32s per truck to spread the weight as evenly as possible.

Although the performance and power of crawler heavy trucks are very reliable.

However, the road conditions in the wasteland are complex and should not be taken too lightly.

A total of nine extended heavy-duty trucks were used for transportation.

The remaining car is used as a reserve for transportation.

If there is an accident or serious breakdown of a truck along the way, it can be used as a substitute, so that the overall trip will not be delayed.

Slaves were responsible for driving.

It is not easy to find ten qualified drivers among more than a thousand slaves.

Some of the war slaves were armed on the spot.

Distributed HCG-2063 electromagnetic rapid-fire rifle and L1 exoskeleton armor.

Some war slaves who were unable to qualify for these advanced ordnance were issued saboteur rifles and polymer body armor purchased locally by Rosen.

From early morning to now, it took him nearly three hours to complete the purchase.

Thanks to Jiangcheng’s implementation of business classification and marketization.

He doesn't have to travel too far to make purchases.

Moreover, Jiangcheng's supply chain is also very strong, and prices are generally stable.

All Rosen has to do is place an order, negotiate the price, and finally finalize the deal.

Hailsen and Qi Jun, the two new younger brothers, also helped him solve a lot of time-consuming trivial matters.

Therefore, the purchase and shipment of so many supplies can be completed within three hours.

Now coming here to hand over the goods from the Stellar Auction House is the last step.

After all, he was still two hours late, but it didn't matter, waiting for four hours was free.

This time can be said to be the right time to pinch.

The province is the province, the flowers are the flowers.

There were thousands of people waiting for him to feed him in the camp, so it would be nice to be able to accurately save tens of thousands of dark crystals.

It didn't take long for the people from Stellar Auction House to finish loading the lots.

Rosen checked again, and after confirming that it was correct, he waved his hand, and the convoy and thousands of slaves moved along the road toward a material transfer point in Jiangcheng.

There he temporarily rented a warehouse and space needed for material transfer for a day.

Slaves will also live here temporarily today.

The transfer point was protected by security forces, and armed war slaves were enough to ensure safety.

The daily value of goods transferred at this transfer point is at least hundreds of millions of dark crystals, and it is located near the North City Gate.

Although the defense strength is not as strong as that of the side next to the Yangtze River, it should not be underestimated.

Therefore, Rosen is relatively reassured.

When he settled everything and was about to leave the transfer point, Qi Mu found him with his men.

"I am here, and from now on I will obey your orders."

She nodded in greeting, her tone neither condescending nor condescending, but she already recognized Rosen's status in her words.

This made Hailsson and Qi both stunned.

They are all old men under Yuan Yewen, so they naturally know some rumors about Qi Mu.

Many people think that Qi Mu, like Zang Qiu, wants to become the leader of Jin Xun.

She is one of the more ambitious women among Hong Xueyan's children who were directly adopted.

Boss Hong took in many children.

In fact, it is divided into two categories.

The first category is the children she has adopted and cared for herself.

The second category is the wasteland orphans housed in the Lone Bird Station.

The former is closer to her, and Qi Mu is the former, and the more favored one among the former.

Without saying much, Rosen just smiled and nodded.

Then his eyes glanced behind her.

Qi Mu's followers are both male and female, and they all look very young.

There is also a sharpness in the facial features, which is unique to youth.

She doesn't have many men, but there are about sixty or seventy people.

Rosen only glanced at them briefly and then withdrew his gaze. Now was not the time to recognize each person one by one.

Besides, these guys all have arrogance on their faces.

I'm afraid I won't be able to return to my heart in a short time.

Maintaining the relationship between the two relies entirely on the bond of Qi Mu.

It can be said that the current relationship between the two parties is already very fragile, and Rosen is too lazy to do anything to pave the way.

Just let nature take its course. As long as these guys don't cause trouble, it will be a perfect relationship.

Rosen walked at the front, Qi Jun opened the way for him, and Hailsham followed half a step behind him.

Qi Mu and the men she brought were further behind.

The group of people strolled along the street and walked for more than 20 minutes before returning to the park.

Rosen didn't waste any time and went straight to Yuan Yewen's residence.

By the way, he called Qi Mu to meet with him.

Yuan Yewen has been in the house since receiving his video message in the morning.

So when the two rang the doorbell, the door was opened quickly.

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