I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 289 Chapter 0284: Go to investigate, the terrifying life radio intensity [Please subscribe]

"Unknown pollution has appeared around Jiangcheng."

"It caused the alien species and ghouls gathered there to mutate twice in a very short period of time."

"Affected by the mutation, the physical strength of all ghosts and corpses has been greatly increased."

"There will be hyphae-like objects on the back of its head, like floating ribbons."

"In addition, the Changlong River Demon led thousands of mutant eels and crocodiles to land."

"These eels and crocodiles are huge, with the shortest head and tail length exceeding ten meters."

"The leader of the Changlong River Demon is over eighty meters tall."

Qi Mu spoke in a serious tone about the current crisis facing Jiangcheng.

It sure sounded tricky, but there was still something Rosen couldn't wrap his head around.

"Even if those alien species are strengthened again, they won't be able to withstand the electromagnetic gun, right?"

"What's more, Jiangcheng definitely doesn't lack tactical nuclear weapons with small yields."

"With a temperature comparable to that of the sun, ordinary carbon-based life cannot be stopped at all."

He raised his doubts.

Unless there is extraordinary power like Qi or Qi and blood.

Or it can cause the body to undergo otherworldly transformations.

Otherwise, a mortal body based on carbon-based life would definitely not be able to withstand a nuclear explosion.

The instantaneous high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius alone is enough to vaporize everything.

There are many branches of the mutation system in the wasteland.

There are many variations that have long exceeded human knowledge.

But as long as there are no energized features, there is no way to prevent a nuclear explosion.

The same is true for the electromagnetic gun. The powerfully accelerating self-sharpening mass projectile, not to mention the physical body, can blast away high-density alloys of the same volume.

In the wasteland world, the characteristic of spears being greater than shields is most vividly reflected.

In response, Qi Mu shook his head slightly.

After pondering for a moment, he answered.

"The Yangtze River demon has the ability to energize, releasing high-energy rays and force fields."

"Its force field can even distort and bounce incoming 5KG mass bullets."

I am really afraid of what will happen.

This surprised Rosenton. He was curious about what the unknown pollution was.

It can actually cause energy-based transitional mutations in living organisms.

And all the changes happened in a very short period of time.

You must know that even in martial arts practice, there is a step-by-step process from tempering the body to cultivating the energy in the body such as qi and blood.

Judging from Qi Mu's description, the Yangtze River Demon, the giant mutant eel and crocodile, seems to have mastered a force field. The force field that can deflect mass bombs may be related to gravity or electromagnetic force.

"What exactly is the unknown contamination in your mouth?"

Rosen squinted his eyes and extracted the key points of her words.

"I have no idea."

"Jiangcheng has taken samples, but there shouldn't be any significant progress."

"Otherwise, good news should come back."

Qi Mu said helplessly.

She could only use the satellite communicator to communicate with the headquarters of the Explosive Oil Group.

Due to limited satellite resources, communication is limited to text or voice, and even pictures cannot be transmitted.

She actually had only a partial understanding of many situations.

"We'll find out when we go take a look."

Rosen suddenly made a decision.

This caught Qi Mu off guard.

"But if we rush there now, I'm afraid we won't be able to arrive until early tomorrow morning."

She misses Hong Xueyan very much, after all, she is her adoptive mother.

Even though interests come first in the wasteland world, some feelings are hard to let go of.

What's more, Qi Mu is still a girl living in an ivory tower.

Rosen did not answer immediately, but stood up.

After he jumped into the ruins, his voice belatedly reached Qi Mu's eardrums.

"Meet me in parking area two of the campground in half an hour."

Driving is naturally slow, but he has an aircraft.

Since the incident in Jinmen was resolved, the bird was brought back to the camp.

And even without the bird, he still has K-0.

With K-0's engine power, just add a simplified pod, and let Qimu wear the exoskeleton with the jet module to take off directly.

Keep flying at a specific altitude, and no one with a white face will encounter flying aliens

Returning to camp, he also had preparations to do.

This return to Jiangcheng was to investigate the situation, not to rush to the front line for support.

Regardless of the overall situation or his own interests, he did not want Jiangcheng to fall.

However, Rosen will not let himself get into trouble for the sake of profit.

Now that he has a certain financial background, he is no longer the small character who had to go to the ruins in person just for a power armor.

It's not that he has a high status now.

Just have more options.

After returning to the camp, the ordnance and supplies brought back yesterday were put into storage.

There are two types of warehouses in the current camp.

The first is the public treasury, which, as the name suggests, is where the public supplies of the camp are stored.

The other type is the private treasury. All materials that Rosen intends to transfer will be transported to the private treasury first.

The previous batch of ordnance had been put into storage according to his requirements.

However, Rosen has no plans to go to the Eight Desolations Realm or the Evil Disaster Realm these days.

He still has to handle all aspects of affairs here.

Ensuring that the camp can survive this winter safely is his main goal in the wasteland in the near future.

After being told all the details, Rosen put on the K-0 and boarded the bird aircraft that had been maintained and parked in a semi-open-air hangar.

Xiaowei No. 1 was in charge of driving. Referring to the pre-war coordinates, the destination was chosen as the Yangtze River Bridge.

It is a landmark building across the river in Central China.

It is neither far nor close to the location of Jiangcheng settlement.

The mechanical arm of the K-0 power armor is firmly locked on the boom on the side of the aircraft.

Qi Mu wore an exoskeleton and sat in the cabin.

After checking the power and energy reserves, the rotors were turned and the auxiliary engines provided lift quickly.

First, it took off vertically and lifted to a safe height of several thousand meters above the ground.

Then he turned around and flew towards Jiangcheng.

North Asia, East Coast of America.

The night is vast and the cold wind is howling.

In the afternoon of the Pan-Asian United Region, it was barely past 4 a.m. here.

Although there was no snow falling on the coast, it was much colder than the previous days.

The sea surface with floating pontoons and shipwrecks looked even more desolate.

Within the Garden of Eden Dominion.

An extreme closed venue was built here.

The ceiling height reaches more than 200 meters, which is equivalent to about eighty or ninety floors.

From a distance, it looks like a huge rectangular box has been erected on the ground.

In this square box-like building, there is an equally huge culture tank.

Inside the upright culture tank is a light green nutrient solution.

Tens of thousands of tubes are connected to the unknown creatures inside.

The size of this creature is terrifying.

It has a length of at least 150 meters when its body is curled up.

The devils of the Yangtze River can only be regarded as little guys in front of it.

The super large base lights up with various colors of light.

Surrounding this culture tank are various biological monitoring equipment.

There were bubbles floating in the nutrient solution, and the sound of a strong heartbeat was slowly echoing.

The specific shape of this monster cannot be seen, but it should be roughly human-shaped.

It curls up like an armadillo, and its surface is covered with large and small scales, but it has limbs and a head similar to humans.

At this moment, a large number of people knelt down beside the culture tank.

These people were wearing thick black robes.

There is a circular raised platform next to the culture tank.

Several people wearing bishop's robes stood quietly above.

An old missionary with gray hair and a silver ring was also among them.

Although he did not wear a bishop's robe, he did wear a missionary uniform that looked quite exquisite and luxurious.

At this time, he was kneeling in front of the stage, holding a metal injection barrel about 80 centimeters in diameter in both hands.

"The Holy Lord is above!"

"Let us inject more power into the Son!"

The believer brought a thick braided hose, which was directly connected to the petri dish.

The external end is a funnel.

"The Holy Lord is above!"

All the believers, including the few bishops who looked graceful and dignified, unanimously gave out pious shouts.

Then, the old missionary pointed the syringe in his hand at the funnel and began to pump the liquid inside.

The turbid dark red liquid was quickly pushed in.

These are 3,000 different mutant blood samples collected from the three regions of Central China, South China, and East China in the Pan-Asian United Region.

They will become the nourishment of the Son, prompting the Son to produce more changes.

There is no doubt that the Holy Son that the believers call is a terrifying biological weapon.

Both the size and the handwriting are quite appalling.

In comparison, the golden-eared void beasts are just crude flesh and blood garbage.

As the mixed blood sample was injected, the "Holy Son" in the culture tank trembled slightly.

"The intensity of radioactive life is soaring!"

"It is currently 1,792 times that of the Death Claw, and it is still growing!"

The results after the injection of the new sample were quickly reported by the believer in charge of scientific research.

This good news caused all the believers to burst into deafening joy.

Several bishops on the stage even shed tears.

It seemed like he had accomplished some incredible feat.

In this bustling crowd, in the corner near the door.

Several figures, all covered in gray smocks, left with sneers on their faces.

As the body expands as he steps forward, the double Z emblems hidden in the blouse are faintly highlighted under the fabric.

Exit the square building where the culture tank is located.

These sneaky guys started talking in low voices.

"Even if we use the ancestral matrix as the raw material, we still cannot successfully clone the ancestral-level vampire."

"That big guy has nothing but appearances. I'm afraid he doesn't even have one-third of the strength of the ancestor."

The leader concluded in a serious tone.

At this time, another person standing next to him put forward a different view.

"But it's at least a good sign."

"As long as we can find the node, with the power of this defective product, we may be able to force the node to open. The problem now is that the crystal wall of this world is beginning to regain stability."

When he said this, the third person spoke.

"The data on the experimental spread of demon spores in the Pan-Asia region is out."

"The compatibility between most terrestrial alien species and ghouls is very poor."

"On the contrary, a very small number of aquatic alien species can produce 10% to 12% compatibility with demon spores."

"In addition, demon spores can only make the alien species become violent and cause the mother nest to release more pheromones that stimulate the reproduction of alien species and ghouls."

During the conversation, they seemed to be gathering information.

"So the next round of experiments will be conducted in the ocean?"

"No, the Yangtze River and Huangsha River are a better choice."

"There is so much uncertainty in the ocean that some substances can severely damage the activity of spores."

"Wait until spring begins..."

The voices of the three people talking became lower and lower until they were inaudible.

The North Pole, Noah's headquarters.

"The Dome 19 satellite detected fluctuations in ultra-high-life radio signals."

"The possibility of it being a different species from the meat field has been ruled out."

"The coordinates have been recorded, and the Magic Eye Z reconnaissance satellite is preparing to take pictures. It is orbiting and avoiding the dense space garbage zone."

In the monitoring room, a report sounded.

The half-mechanical, half-flesh monitor recorded the information calmly.

"The target's radio intensity is extremely high. We should refer to the regulations in Article 7, Paragraph 24 of the manual to send out the Scourge or launch Super Star ballistic missiles."

"Use interference authority."

The monitor operated in an orderly manner.

All the staff in Noah's headquarters have been transformed into bionic bodies.

The combination of flesh and machinery.

This is the best form in their eyes.

Just when the monitor was about to use the system authority to launch an attack on the target location.

A red warning popped up on the screen.

【turn down! 】

[Host Noah intervenes and has dispatched observers through orbital release. 】

Looking at the prompts on the holographic screen, the monitor remained silent.

I chose to obey without hesitation.

By the way, put this little episode behind you.

One of the advantages of emotional castration is unburdened execution.

In the monitoring room, on the planet projection, the location of the east coast was directly marked in red.

Then the place returned to silence, with only the "beep" sound of the host running intermittently.

At the same moment, in low-Earth orbit, a certain space capsule hidden among countless space junk quietly opened.

A figure covered in pitch black armor was thrown down.

The engine sprayed and fell towards the gray planet below, gradually disappearing into the clouds.

"I didn't expect you to have a small aircraft."

Pan-Asian Alliance, airspace from East China to Central China.

Thick gray snow clouds covered the sky like a dirty cashmere blanket.

The bird aircraft flies above the clouds.

Qi Mu, who was wearing an exoskeleton, was sitting in the cabin, using the communicator to chat with Rosen.

His K-0 power armor was half-suspended outside the cabin. Although it was fixed by the armored palms without Rosen's effort, this position was far from comfortable.

The aircraft has a maximum speed of 480 kilometers per hour and can theoretically reach Jiangcheng in just over an hour.

But in actual flight, it is not always possible to move forward at full speed.

"Yes, I bought it."

Rosen replied simply.

Then Qi Mu didn't speak again.

Below are gray clouds and no scenery can be seen.

Rosen's lack of interest in conversation was not only due to the uncomfortable driving experience.

Instead, he thought about some not-so-good possibilities.

The timing of the trouble in Jiangcheng was very subtle. He believed that this incident might be inseparable from the Garden of Eden on the other side of the ocean!

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