I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 295 Chapter 0290: Compromise of the consortium, current development status of the camp [Plea

Luo Feng's intention is clear.

Since the double Z forces are related to the Garden of Eden.

And Eden has shown itself to be harmful.

Then there is no need to let the Golden Sunshine District deal with the Double Z forces alone. More people should be involved.

What's more, the double-Z forces of unknown origin are widely distributed in the Pan-Asian United Region.

It's just that Shenhai was a super metropolis in the Pan-Asian Alliance before the war, so it became the hardest hit area for the Double Z forces.

You must know that Jinguangguang Street claims to be the master of Shenhai after the war.

The entire ruins of Shenhai City are like the remains of a giant.

The Golden Sunshine Street neighborhood located around Shenhai is like a plant absorbing nutrients from corpses.

The Double Z forces that appeared at this time were more disgusting as if they were here to grab food.

Luo Feng's proposal was unanimously approved.

In fact, even if he didn't say anything, Li Weida planned to supplement it.

This matter really shouldn’t be left to the Golden Sunshine District.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Jiangcheng being tricked this time, they could make the request logically.

Whether it's playing Eden or Double Z, as long as there is a reason, everything will be easier to handle.

"That's right, everyone."

"Next quarter, 20813 Ordnance Manufacturing Factory will plan to purchase approximately 80% of the ordnance production lines and 90% of the inventory materials in the Black Town camp."

"In the future, our factory's production capacity of small arms and individual support weapons will increase by about 23%. You are welcome to actively place orders."

Li Weida unbuttoned the collar of his military green unlabeled shirt and rolled up his sleeves slowly and carefully to his elbows.

This is a notification, not an application.

After experiencing previous overt and covert struggles, Li Weida also showed his strong side as a soldier.

Luo Feng raised the corners of his mouth and smiled coldly.

"Haha, Black Town?"

"Is that guy Ottok really planning to retreat?"

"When Supervisor Li of Hangcheng Liantong District vouched for him, he seemed to have said that he wanted to retire in Jinyangguang Street."

"By the way, the Little Ice Age is coming soon, so why does Brother Li need to increase production capacity?"

"The current inventory of ordnance in the neighborhood has long been oversupplied."

"What is lacking now is people who can use guns. Maybe Brother Li can consider asking our Luo Che Machinery Industry to order combat robots."

His tone was frivolous, not hiding the sarcasm in his words.

Although on the surface he still calls like an old man.

But privately, both of them wanted to strangle each other to death on the spot.

And what he said was indeed the truth.

Weapons are just tools, but any tool requires a subject to use it.

Either human or machine.

As for people, there are only so many in the block.

Li Weida cannot conjure things out of thin air.

Whether it is mercenaries or buying war slaves, it takes time.

After winter, the circulation rhythm of the entire wasteland will slow down.

Therefore, Luo Feng's words were full of irony.

This is a satire on Li Weida who has guns but no one.

Guns must be distributed to act as a deterrent.

When piled in a warehouse, they are just a pile of scrap metal.

In comparison, Luo Feng's robot army didn't have so many worries.

Although the production threshold is much higher, in the war against humanity.

Even without thermal weapons, those combat robots can easily kill people.

Li Weida ignored it, just lowered his head and slowly adjusted his cuffs.

Don't look up until the creases are even and consistent.

"A Feng, what you said makes sense."

"I'll let the purchasing department give it some priority."

He replied casually, which made Luo Feng suddenly feel suffocated, as if his fist had hit cotton.

Li Weida is a calm guy, but he is just the opposite.

Because of this, Luo Feng felt extremely depressed every time he had a verbal argument with Li Weida.

As a result, the two sides unknowingly came to opposite sides.

But even though he always suffered a verbal defeat, Luo Feng still couldn't help but taunt him.

How could Li Weida ask him to buy a robot?

In the post-information age, the reliability of machines is relative.

All combat robots and related machinery produced by Roche Machinery Industry have backdoors.

Due to the strong electromagnetic pulse interference in various parts of the wasteland, the backdoors of many robots cannot be activated remotely.

But if the other party dares to use these robots to attack Roche Machinery Industry.

Then what awaits him will be the fate of mechanical backlash.

“Everyone is the backbone of the neighborhood.”

“When we are stable, the neighborhood can remain stable.”

Hong Yuanting, who was broad and fat, no longer fiddled with the limited edition BP in his hand, but suddenly interjected.

It’s not easy for Golden Sunshine Street to get to where it is today.

Hong Yuanting and Yu Jing did not want them to fall out at all.

A few months ago, they only chose to take sides because they felt that nothing could be done.

"that's right."

The expression on Luo Feng's face relaxed slightly, no longer dominated by anger.

Li Weida nodded slightly and agreed.

Seeing this, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew in his heart that at least there would be no direct conflict between Luo Feng and Li Weida in the next few months.

The most critical thing is the existence of the external threat of the Double Z forces.

Whenever there are signs of civil strife, as long as there is external pressure, the contradiction can be transferred quickly.

Considering the current situation, Hong Yuanting and Yu Jing couldn't help but start to think about their options.

The empty conference room fell into silence again.

Some invisible gaps are getting bigger.

K-0 slowly fell from the clouds to the camp below.

The defense system inside it automatically recognizes it.

He has the highest authority.

All defensive facilities in the camp have been adjusted by Li Qi.

Rosen's identification code was written into the bottom layer of the program.

At the same time, software security has been comprehensively strengthened.

The mainframe used was a small quantum computer that Rosen moved out of Vault B074.

All electronic equipment in the camp core is anti-EMP treated.

This cost him a lot of dark crystals.

But still worth it.

Anyway, the current territory of the camp is not too big.

Cost is one of the important reasons why anti-EMP measures have not been fully popularized.

Many small campsites simply don’t prepare for this.

That's why Rosen was able to use EMP grenades to break through the outer defenses of the predator camp.

Knowing the fatality of this flaw, Rosen would naturally be particularly careful.

Viewed from the air, the current camp is roughly divided into two circles.

The radius of the area covered is approximately between 500 and 600 meters.

The area with a radius of 100 meters under the viaduct where the nuclear bunker is located is the real core area.

A trapezoidal high wall was built there.

There is a sentry machine gun, laser launcher or rocket launcher every 8 meters or so.

There are also several towers with electromagnetic sniper cannons or particle cannons deployed on them.

Each tower can intimidate a sector-shaped area with a radius of about 800 meters in front.

According to this principle, the distribution of towers constitutes a complete defense matrix.

In addition, there are multiple fortresses composed of quick-fire blast walls.

The reason why reinforced concrete fortresses were not built is because fixed fortifications cannot be moved.

Once built it is semi-permanent.

Although the fortress built using quick-fire blast-proof walls is only averagely strong.

But the advantage is that it can be moved or changed at will.

Moreover, the blast-proof wall is said to have average defense, but in fact it can easily block attacks such as electromagnetic rapid-fire cannons and rocket launchers.

Of course, a vehicle-level main gun cannot withstand it.

No high wall was built in the outward area, but a simple wall was built with polymer baffles, explosion-proof walls and some car wreckage.

Soldiers from the camp will patrol back and forth.

In addition, some minefields and hidden fire points were laid out.

Some firepower points also have electromagnetic rapid-fire cannons or drone hives.

Rosen favored a militaristic strategy.

It's not necessarily the best deal, but it's one of the most effective strategies for Rosen.

Because of this, his camp appears to be full of martial virtue.

The defense deployment is quite strict and can even be described as excessive.

In addition, Rosen also tinkered with many anti-nuclear measures.

He likes to use nuclear bombs in the Bahuang Realm.

But when I was in the wasteland, I was worried about being bombed.

So the best way is to be fully prepared.

This made Rosen feel safe.

While observing, he slowly descended towards the core area.

The elevated structure at the top has been reinforced twice, with several thick I-beams riveted from the ground.

Large steel plates cover both sides to provide more support for the bridge deck.

The original viaduct deck has become an observation post, and a large number of long-range weapons and anti-aircraft weapons have been deployed there, so much so that the camp recently built a small bunker on it.

To the west are the ruins of the town, and to the east are large mutant orchards.

There are also many areas where mutant fruit trees are planted and greenhouses have been set up.

After half a year of construction and development, Rosen’s camp is now beginning to take shape.

After removing the power armor, a mechanic immediately operated a small flatbed trailer to transfer it to the workshop.

Routine maintenance is necessary.

The first thing Rosen did after returning to the camp was to summon all the leaders, including Qi Mu.

Little Ahao is also among them.

There are also several captains and garrison officers selected from the slave army.

Sitting in the conference room of the nuclear-proof bunker, Rosen looked relaxed.

"Everyone, winter is approaching. How is the camp's current daily food and energy reserves?"

He spoke loudly.

Speaking of which, Rosen hasn't been in charge of camp affairs for a while.

He is the kind of top boss who only gives money and doesn't look for trouble.

But he can't let go completely.

Otherwise, it is very likely that something dark and dirty will slowly develop.

Even if Rosen uses a large number of slave collars and slave chips for control, this is no exception.

Preferential treatment and powerful control are his two knives.

Ultimately, both knives are just stopgaps.

He must develop his own confidants.

At least most people need to feel a sense of belonging to the camp.

It is actually not easy to do this.

He planned to gradually start to take an interest in the camp.

Because Rosen realized that the drastic changes in the wasteland might only happen overnight.

This routine inquiry was quickly answered.

A middle-aged woman wearing a headband stood up to report.

"Master, there are currently 297,830 nutritional mixtures of various types in the camp, as well as 41 tons of mutant fruits, 12 tons of mutant melons, and 93 tons of organic matter stripped from alien species and corpses."

"The energy reserve is sufficient. Based on current consumption, it is expected to be used for at least 11 months."

"The proportion of photovoltaic energy and small nuclear fusion energy used in the camp is 11% and 49% respectively, and the rest is mainly equipment using energy storage batteries."

This woman is Xingnu who rescued the Blood Wolf Group.

They all suffered severe psychological trauma at the time.

Later, after recovering a little, I wanted to find something for them to do to forget the sad memories.

Rosen put those women in charge of cultivating mutant orchards.

And this middle-aged woman is one of the better performers.

She has demonstrated excellent management skills.

Subsequently, the number of people in the camp expanded, and more and more people were responsible for cultivating mutant orchards.

Rosen simply appointed her as a small supervisor of logistics.

At this time, the woman reported and sent a form to the projector using BP.

It’s clearly listed above.

Rosen nodded, not delving further into this issue after knowing it in his mind.

He turned to look at another man with a paralyzed face and a serious face.

"Hei Lang, please report the strength of the camp."

The latter stood up expressionlessly and reported word for word.

"There are currently 737 E-class reinforced elite soldiers."

"There are 1,233 soldiers issued with exoskeletons."

"197 vehicles of various types and 29 powered armors."

He reported in a concise and concise manner.

The actual value is somewhat different from Rosen's previous estimate.

Because there is a loss of troops and equipment.

Daily exploration and land reclamation will lead to human losses.

This part of the force already includes the slaves he recently brought back from the Jiangcheng Stellar Auction House.

After he received the other half of the armaments promised by Yuan Yewen, he took over Ottok's production line.

By the way, he conducted subsequent arms transactions with Hong Xueyan.

Then the camp's military strength will make great progress.

Rosen is not worried about the issue of ordnance now.

Instead, he needs genetic enhancement potions even more, which are almost essential items for cultivating high-quality soldiers.

After nodding, he began to ask questions about the exploration, construction and garrison of the camp.

Before it snowed, we met several groups of traveling traders at the camp.

Appropriate supplies were purchased so that the traveling merchants could spread the news that the camp had purchasing power.

Only in this way will the place attract more refugees and businessmen in the coming year.

This is living water, otherwise relying on Rosen to buy slaves or plundering people from everywhere is not a long-term solution.

The second is the issue of surrounding exploration.

The exploration team a few days ago completed the storage warehouse in Qiaohua Town.

The equipment for giant gravity was found there.

These include several sets of gravity chambers and force field generating devices that are adjustable from 0.1 to 100 times.

This type of gravity device was mainly used in industry before the war.

Occasionally it is also used in environmental testing.

But Rosen had different needs for it.

He plans to use gravity equipment to coordinate his martial arts training.

First of all, it must be clear that martial arts tempering itself is a kind of load training.

Then gravity is a natural load.

The gravity bin can be adjusted freely.

Keeping the gravity load while practicing martial arts will definitely achieve better results.

This is also a condition that the Bahuang Realm does not have.

Rosen wanted to improve his cultivation quickly.

However, whether it is martial arts or god refining, it is all a matter of time and effort, so he still needs to be more attentive.

...(End of chapter)

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