1. Until Becoming the Dark Hand of the Count’s Family (1)

In the Kingdom of Asteria, located east of the continent’s center.

In a small room on the right side of the second floor of the Palladio Count’s mansion, located in the south.

“……Did you successfully carry out the order?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

The knight standing answered, bowing his head to the man sitting on the bed.

“As you instructed, we rescued the orphans from the small village in the east of the kingdom… No, from the biological experiment facility.”

“Did you entrust the orphanage well?”

“Yes, as you said, we entrusted the orphanage to a girl named Yutia.”

“……Did you finish talking with the baron who manages that village?”

“Yes, as instructed, when we showed the documents related to the biological experiment facility, he obediently accepted all our demands. Including the castle.”

The knight, Evan, said so and took out a leather pouch from his bosom and placed it in front of Alon’s nightstand.


As Alon opened the pouch and saw the gold coins inside, he smiled with satisfaction.

“Young master, but… may I ask you one thing?”

Evan, who had been silent for a while, opened his mouth.

“What is it?”

“……Didn’t you say that the reason you attacked the biological experiment facility in Baron Alphon’s territory was to save that girl named Yutia?”

As if telling him to continue, Alon nodded, and he continued.

“……She was indeed extraordinary. I’ve been a mercenary for a very long time, but…”

Evan paused for a moment as if thinking, then continued.

“She was so strong that I couldn’t understand why such a young girl was locked up in that facility.”


“……Why did you just leave her in the orphanage?”

At the somewhat incomprehensible question, Alon remained silent.

In fact, Evan’s question was extremely reasonable.

If they didn’t use the girl named Yutia in any way after rescuing her, it would be an act with no benefit at all.

But that was only when looking at this situation from Evan’s perspective.

From Alon’s perspective, this situation was quite different.

‘It wasn’t enough to remove one of the world’s destruction flags.’


Her real name is Yutia Bloodia.

In 10 years, she will become one of the five great sins, the ‘Sin of Wrath,’ and will erase two of the five allied kingdoms from the continent, causing hundreds of thousands of casualties.

If you ask how Alon knows about the events of 10 years later, it’s because he is a possessor.

A possessor who knows that this world is based on the dark fantasy RPG game ‘Psychedelia,’ which will be utterly destroyed in 10 years.


Alon grabbed his dizzy head and let out a deep sigh as he recalled the first time he woke up two months ago.

‘At first, I was sick for three days when I realized it was a fantasy world, and then I was sick for ten days when I found out that this place was 10 years before the main story of Psychedelia.’

At first, Alon despaired for about three days, thinking he had simply possessed a fantasy world, but as he gradually adapted to this world, the situation wasn’t so bad.

Surprisingly, being a noble was quite doable.

The daily life of a noble was too comfortable.

Wake up when you want.

Sleep when you want.

Do what you want when you want.

Eat when you want.

Even though he was the third son of an earl with no power, he was in a position to fully enjoy pleasure without responsibility.

Because of that, he was actually a bit happy at first.

For someone who worked 78 hours a week at a ‘good company’ and received a slightly higher than minimum wage, the life of a noble was incredibly luxurious.

Of course, not being able to use the internet, the greatest convenience of modern civilization, was fatal.

But the life of a noble was satisfying enough to make up for that.

But that was only for a while.

Alon’s mood darkened rapidly after realizing that the name of this continent was Ampelan.

…And after recalling that the name of the noble family he possessed was the Palladio Count family, it could only darken rapidly.

Ampelan was the same name as the continent in Psychedelia, which he had enjoyed playing in his spare time while working as a corporate slave.

The Palladio Count family was a noble that briefly appeared in the game’s quests.

Moreover, the despair he felt when he realized that this was 10 years before the main story of Psychedelia was as devastating as being told by his ‘good company’ that this month would be tough and having his wages delayed for three consecutive months.

The fact that this world had the same setting as Psychedelia meant that all living beings, whether nobles or humans, would be ground to dust in 10 years.

…Among them, the kingdom of Asteria, to which the count family he possessed belonged, would disappear from the continent the moment one of the five great sins appeared, no matter which route the game started.

In other words, it will perish.

The kingdom will disappear.

The nobility will vanish.

The city will be annihilated.

In short, in ten years, Palladio Alon’s noble life will inevitably come to an end.

In other words, for Alon to continue his peaceful noble life as a count, he must eliminate all five great sins that will become human-killing machines in the future.

What he was doing now was part of that plan.

“Well… that’s it.”

But of course, he couldn’t tell Evan this story as it was.

“It’s not the right time yet.”

“…Not the right time?”

“Yes, anyway, make sure this matter doesn’t leak outside, and continue to support the orphanage as you wish. Oh, and.”

Alon took out a letter from his bosom and handed it over.

“Give this letter to her.”

“…This letter?”

Alon answered the mercenary knight who asked curiously.


Strictly speaking, it was something.

What he had written in the letter was a sentence that always appeared in a mandatory event when he encountered the sin of wrath while playing Psychedelia.

‘The anguish of the dark, the oblivion of the light. One’s talent and belonging.’

When first encountering the sin of wrath, the slightly suspicious archbishop NPC of the Holy Kingdom who accompanies him utters this sentence, claiming to calm the sin of wrath, but it is not properly used at the event point.

The moment the words are spoken, the archbishop of the Holy Kingdom disappears into a handful of blood,

and the sin of wrath, with an annoyed expression, leaves a short remark, [It’s too late.] and the battle begins.

Nevertheless, the reason Alon uttered these words now was because the current point in time was the ‘past’ that the sin of wrath had mentioned during the game play.

Having heard it dozens of times while repeatedly playing with the archbishop NPC, he repeatedly saw the phrase ‘a spell that can become a friend of the blood clan.’

‘Of course, it’s funny to think that memorizing one spell would make you friends with that crazy race that wields power through a contract with Cthulhu…

Rather, it feels somewhat rational since they are the ones who worship such friends.’

The thoughts of those who were in the realm of fanaticism were unpredictable.

Alon shrugged his shoulders as he watched the mercenary knight bow politely and leave the room, thinking.

‘Well, I’ve cleared the first mine I could, so it’s time for the second one.’

A few days later.

“A letter.”

Evan, who had returned to the orphanage on Alon’s orders, handed her the letter as instructed, unable to hide his reluctance.

It was no wonder, for the girl named Yutia he was facing was peculiar.

Her red eyes, contrasting with her white hair, held no emotion.

Not even the slightest fragment could be felt.

Perfect insensitivity.

The girl, who seemed to perceive all existence in this world as mere objects, reached out and took the letter with the same expression she had when Evan first rescued her from the orphanage.

Srrk- Srrk-

Yutia began to open the letter silently.

Evan wore a puzzled expression, unable to understand why she had been trapped in such a biological experiment facility.

Although he had not reached the level of a master, he could handle magic, and when one could handle magic, they could naturally sense the prayers of others.

In fact, Evan’s talent for magic was quite decent compared to other knights, allowing him to perceive much more accurately.

That’s why he could tell.

‘No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t make sense.’

The woman before him was not someone who should be confined to such a biological experiment facility.

And as he pondered this, another question arose in Evan’s mind.

It was about the third son of the Palladio Count family who had hired him at the tavern a few months ago.

As a mercenary, he had heard that the third son of the Palladio Count family was treated as a virtual outcast within the family, a typical talentless illegitimate child of a noble family.

Moreover, due to his weak personality, there were stories of him being quite bullied by his notorious first and second brothers.

But how did such a third son of the Count family know about the biological experiments being conducted in this secretive space by the Baron family?

‘…I don’t understand.’

Evan thought as he looked ahead-


He soon wore a surprised expression. The reason was.

Yutia, who had been expressionless until just a moment ago, now had a deep smile on her lips.

No, beyond just a deep smile.

‘Her magic is becoming visible to the naked eye…?!’

Because he was displaying the skill that could only be shown when one reached the level of a master, without any effort.

And then.

“The person who sent this letter. You said it was Alon, right?”

As Yutia opened her mouth.

The vertically slit pupils, characteristic of the Blood Clan, stared at Evan through the red light.


Just that alone was enough to make Evan, who had reached the level of an expert, silently gasp in shock as his senses warned him, but he quickly composed himself and spoke.


“Why didn’t he call for me?”

Yutia’s question.

Evan thought, how would I know, but he didn’t dare to say that out loud.

Because his intuition was telling him.

That he shouldn’t.

Instead, Evan recalled a phrase that Alon had casually mentioned and spoke.

“…The time hasn’t come yet.”

“I see.”

A short answer.

But as if to show that it was the correct answer, a long smile was drawn on her lips.


Yutia Bloodia- no.

“…I roughly understand.”

-The first daughter of the Blood Clan, Yutia Bloody Queen, moved her endlessly alluring red lips.

“His will.”

She held the letter, which contained a phrase that only her master would know, like a secret promise, and twisted her lips strangely.

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