The two of them were busy, and the two of them were busy.

"Yes, Mr. Garp." Bogart nodded and agreed, and immediately went down to make arrangements.

Garp's warship continued to move towards its destination, which was the town of Shields, in the middle of the night.

Many people on the warship fell asleep, including Garp and Bogart. After all, with their knowledge of observation Haki, any disturbance or crisis would wake them up immediately.

Bogart arranged the night shift for the navy soldiers, that is, to continue to stabilize the navigation of the warship, patrol, etc. at night.

This is also the reason why Garp's warship can still sail on the sea now, but to be honest, whether in Lu Yue's previous life or in the pirate world, anyone who can sail on the sea can basically make such arrangements.

Even at night, the ocean is more dangerous.


At the same time, in the town of Whiskey Mountain, the Straw Hat Pirates' adventure has come to this point.

Luffy and Zoro are having a fistfight.

In short, it's just a misunderstanding. They will soon set off with Vivi, and will soon meet Robin during the day.

If Lu Yue knew, she would definitely realize that the specific time now is actually the Alabasta chapter.


Time soon came to a new morning.

"My lord, this is the ice milk with honey you asked for."

On the fishing boat, the captured pirates are now serving Lu Yue and Kuina like real servants.

To be precise, it should be the chef pirate.

As for the other pirates, they are at their respective posts.

"Well, go down first." Lu Yue smiled at him.

The pirate who received the precise order went down quickly.

After all, he didn't want to stay in front of these two beauties who were as beautiful as peacocks but more powerful than eagles.

"Are we so scary?" Kuina smiled puzzledly. She thought she was not ugly. She was definitely a beauty on the sea.

"In this sea, strength is supreme." Lu Yue said with her head down, and then drank a sip of milk. Well, it was still so smooth and sweet. She just liked ice milk with honey.

"By the way, Captain, when will your so-called partner come?" Kuina asked with a curious look.

"This... should be soon, right?" Lu Yue glanced at the clock next to her.

She found that the time had passed 7:20. According to the requirements she had told the system before, it should be almost here.

"My lords, there is a raft floating towards us in our southeast direction, and there are people on it."

A pirate ran in quickly, and Lu Yue and Kuina both recognized that this person was one of the two fighters.

"Your friend?" Kuina looked at Lu Yue and asked.

"You'll know if you go out and take a look, but if you calculate, it should be her." Lu Yue put the glass of ice milk in her hand on the table, waved her hand, and then stood up and walked out.

Kuina followed closely, and then the fighter.

They soon came to the deck, and except for the chef pirate, all the other captured pirates were here.

"My lords." They saluted Kuina and Lu Yue one after another, but what was revealed in their eyes was more fear.

Lu Yue didn't care about this. She immediately came to the side of the ship, to be precise, looking in the direction that the fighter pirate said before.

Kuina followed.

Then they really saw a raft heading towards them.

Lu Yue took out the telescope and saw Galatron MK2 on the raft at a glance.

"Yes, that's right, it's my friend, haha, she's here." Lu Yue smiled and laughed out loud. At the same time, she also saw the virtual panel of this monster girl partner through the system.

[Name: Baijin Longlong]

[Age: 22 years old]

[Gender: Female]

[Occupation: Scientist]

[Strength: Candidate General]

[Weapon: Axe of Galatron]

[Ability: Monster weapon system, monster ability skills. ]

Galatron MK2 girl, Lu Yue felt that it was a bit bad to call her that directly. It didn't sound like a name, but a code name, and there was no sense of team integration.

So Lu Yue actually discussed with the system last night and changed the name to the current Jinyin Longlong.

Because she was originally gold and white,

The word "白" is also good to start with, but "白金" sounds better than "金白", and it is more pronounceable.

In addition, Galatron MK2 itself is a dragon-man-shaped mechanical monster, but it is actually a girl, so it is best to use the petite "隆" as the last two characters of the name.

So it is called Baijin Longlong.

However, she is actually one year older than Kuina, and five years older than her. This is something she had not thought of before, but when she thought of the future Straw Hat Pirates with a greater age gap, she is already good at the moment, so she didn't think too much about it.

Moreover, the Straw Hat Pirates are mainly widened by Brook, who has lived for more than 90 years.

Luffy and Chopper are the youngest, only 19 and 17 years old.

This is calculated based on two years later. After all, the Straw Hat Pirates will have the most members two years later, because Jinbei has joined at this time.

As for why the profession is a scientist, Lu Yue has already understood it.

Through the systematic introduction, Bai Jinlonglong has a lot of scientific knowledge and invention knowledge from the Ultra World in her mind. Here, in the pirate group she is about to establish, it is more appropriate to be a scientist.

You know, in a pirate group, scientists are not the most important profession.

But their importance should not be underestimated. Their existence can bring many advantages and opportunities to the pirate group.

First of all, the professional knowledge and skills of scientists can provide technical support for the pirate group's weapons research and development, ship improvement and other aspects. They can invent more powerful weapons and equipment, enhance the overall strength of the pirate group, and make it more advantageous in battle.

Secondly, the wisdom and creativity of scientists can help the pirate group solve various problems. They can use scientific knowledge to cope with the harsh environment at sea, explore unknown areas, and provide scientific basis for the strategic decision-making of the pirate group.

In addition, scientists may also master some key intelligence or secret technologies, which are crucial to the development and status of the pirate group. Their research results may even change the pattern of the entire pirate world.

However, scientists may also bring some risks. Their inventions may be used by hostile forces, or they themselves may become the target of competition for other forces. Therefore, the pirate group needs to find a balance between protecting the safety of scientists and utilizing their talents.

In general, scientists have an important position in the pirate group, and their contributions can have a huge impact on the success and development of the pirate group.

And Platinum Longlong, this can be said to be a scientist from the Ultra World, and her science and technology are much stronger than her previous life and the current pirate world.

It can be said that the latter two are just a small star, but the former is a sea of ​​stars.

With such a scientist who can fight and help her Lu Yue to conduct scientific research and inventions, which brings great benefits, she is now simply adding wings to a tiger!

"That's the new partner." Kuina naturally saw Platinum Longlong riding on the raft at this time, and said with curiosity in her tone.

Especially since she has seen the other person's appearance, she is definitely a big beauty.

It's the clothes on her body, why is it so strange, is that armor?

All the pirates looked over. Although they were still scared, they were more curious. They were invited by these two adults to become partners. Their strength must be high.

"Lu Yue, I'm here." Bai Jin Long Long, who had been input with relevant memories, waved her hand and greeted them when the raft approached the fishing boat, and a confident smile appeared on her face.

"Haha, welcome. I haven't seen you for a while, old friend."

Lu Yue smiled. She was the one who acted, so she naturally knew how to act.

"Come up quickly." Lu Yue continued.

"Okay." Bai Jin Long Long smiled and jumped onto the deck.

"Haha, welcome, Kuina, this is one of my old friends. I said last night that I would invite her. I will also invite several other friends later."

"This is Bai Jin Longlong. She is a scientist, especially good at machinery, and also has some other knowledge. She is wearing the magic white dragon armor she developed herself, also called Galatron MK2 armor. This set of armor she developed herself has given her strong combat power."

"Bao Jin Longlong, this is the swordsman I invited, called Kuina, with strong talent and belief. Now she is my second in command, that is, the deputy captain."

Lu Yue said a lot of things. She believes that she will get a summoning card in the future to summon people from other worlds.

's summoned partner.

So now it's considered to let Kuina know in advance.

Let her believe that she has made a lot of good friends before.

Soon, she introduced herself to the two people one after another.

Especially let Kuina know what the armor on Bai Jin Long Long made her feel confused about?



The two also greeted each other one after another. Kuina was friendly to others, and Bai Jin Long Long was the same. After all, the system's products must be top-notch.

In this way, Lu Yue's pirate group, which had not yet been fully established, welcomed the second member.

Bai Jin Long Long served as a scientist on her ship.

At the same time, now only the initial trio has reached at least the strength of a candidate admiral.

It was very powerful at the beginning, and no one else could do it, but who made Lu Yue a time traveler? Let's find out.

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