Everyone's rings are different. First is Lu Yue's, hers is purple, with a golden gem on it.

Guina's is black, with a black gem on it.

Noqi Gao's is light blue, but with a dark blue gem on it.

Finally, it's Bai Jin Long Long's own, a white ring with a yellow gem on it.

"This is..."

"Why did you give us rings?"

Guina and Noqi Gao asked puzzledly. What has Guina guessed? After all, she knows Bai Jin Long Long's position on the ship.

The most precious and rare profession on the sea.

Nokigo didn't really know, because before on the ship, she only had to take care of some duties that a navigator should have, and with the original navigator pirate, she spent more time on training.

Developing the power of the devil fruit and practicing physical skills.

Haki didn't practice yet, because Lu Yue suggested that she wait until her physical fitness improved, and there was no need to practice specifically, and fighting itself was the best way to awaken and improve Haki.

But it was precisely because of these things that Nokigo didn't know that Bai Jinlong was a scientist on their ship.

"This is the space storage ring I invented. There is at least a ten-cubic-meter space inside. If you bring an object close to the gem for three seconds, it will be sucked in. If you want to take something, just think about putting your hand on the gem for three seconds. If you want to take everything out, just wave your hand on it three times."

Bai Jinlong said with a smile, and at the same time explained the method of use.

Kuina and Nokigo were very shocked after hearing it.

"It seems that you have strong scientific research ability," Kuina praised. As expected, she is a scientist who can be invited by Lu Yue. Her ability is indeed extraordinary.

She has tried it and found that the magic knife Qianren can be stored in it, and she can also feel that the space inside is really large.

"So amazing, and it turns out that you are a scientist, and you can develop such a magical thing." Nojigo was also surprised at this time. Not only was he surprised, but now he knew that Bai Jinlonglong was a scientist on the ship, and he was even more surprised by the space storage ring she developed.

"Okay, everyone, store all the food, water and Bailey on the ship in the ring for the time being. Nojigo, you are good at dealing with people, go and sell this ship, a little cheaper, and you can make 5 million."

"Bai Jinlonglong, Kuina and I go there, the new partner we are going to invite this time is there."

As the captain, Lu Yue immediately arranged tasks for everyone.

When she finished the last sentence, Lu Yue pointed directly to the big house on the top of the mountain.

"The house looks big, and it lives in that area. It seems that our partner this time is probably very rich."

Guina immediately made a guess. She also lived in the East China Sea, and her home in Shimotsuki Village was basically the same as this. In a sense, she was also a rich girl in a small place, so she could still judge it.

And from her words, it is not difficult to see that she is not worried at all about Lu Yue's successful invitation of this partner.

After all, there have been precedents, whether it is herself or Nokigo, and they can easily invite top scientists like Bai Jinlonglong. This is not just a friend who can do it, but also has the ability and the mouth.

"I have no opinion." Bai Jinlonglong said

"I have experience in this matter, just leave it to me." Nokigo patted his chest and said confidently.

They quickly put all the food, water, and wealth on the boat into the storage ring.

Nokigo immediately separated from them. She was going to find a buyer to see if anyone wanted such a cheap fishing boat.

Lu Yue led Bai Jin Long Long and Kuina to the house on the hillside.

Xiluobu Village, a house on the hillside, a wealthy family, it was obvious who Lu Yue wanted to invite this time.

It was Kaya, the only daughter of Xiluobu Village and Usopp's childhood sweetheart. Although she was weak and sickly, she had a certain medical foundation.

She was young, beautiful, and had a certain medical skill, but she could improve. Kaya was very talented and capable in medical skills. As for her strength, hehe, don't forget that she got another devil fruit, and this time it was a powerful devil fruit that was no worse than the previous Snow Girl Fruit.

In fact, it can not only directly improve Kaya's physical fitness to surpass that of ordinary people, but also make her strength rapidly improve like Nokigo.

As for whether she can be invited in, hehe, Lu Yue is still very confident about this. After all, compared with Nokigo, who has experienced the dangers of life and many things, although he also experienced the things of Clo, he did not suffer any actual harm after all. Kaya, who is stupid and rich, is much easier to abduct, hehehe.

Lu Yue, who was walking in the front, showed a sly smile on her face. Fortunately, she walked in the front. Otherwise, if she was seen by Kuina and Baijin Longlong, they would definitely think, why is Lu Yue stupid again, and she is smiling so badly.

This time, she did not meet any villagers on the way, and even the three warriors of Usopp that Lu Yue originally thought she would meet did not meet.

But when I think of them as just three little brats, it would be a bit troublesome to deal with them, so I think it’s better not to meet them.

But what she didn't know was that Nojigo had already met the three little ghosts, Onion Head, Green Pepper Head and Radish Head, on the other side.

And she was good at dealing with people, so she quickly became familiar with the three little ghosts, and with their introduction and help, Nojigo quickly found some fishermen who were willing to buy the boat and often went fishing together.

Nojigo quickly negotiated the price with them, and finally made a full profit of 7 million Baileys from selling it. The villagers were also very satisfied with Lu Yue's original boat.

In the end, the money and goods were cleared. Seeing the fishing boat that had been driven away by the villagers and went out to sea to fish, the three little ones also wanted to experience a wave of fishing, so the villagers took them away. Nojigo also smiled with a big bag of money in her hand, and her smile was very beautiful, like a rainbow.

She immediately walked towards the big house on the hillside, and now she was going to meet up with Lu Yue and others.

The progress here was really fast. At the same time, Lu Yue and the others came to the door of Keya's house. They first met the housekeeper Mei Li. Lu Yue politely expressed their origins, that is, they came to buy a boat.

Because she knew that Keya's family was in the boat business, and the boat business on this sea was still very profitable. It was no wonder that Keya was a rich woman, and they originally needed a real pirate ship.

Moreover, Lu Yue also said that it would cost a lot of money to buy a boat this time, and wanted to talk to Keya in person. Mei Li immediately understood that this was a big business, and she could not make up her mind. She could only invite Lu Yue and the others into the house, because she knew that this matter needed to be approved by Keya, and it would take some discussion.

Mei Li took them to the reception hall, took out some food and water to entertain them, asked them to wait for a while, and went to find Miss Keya.

After Lu Yue and the others just ate some snacks and drank a few sips of water, Mei Li came with Keya.

Ke Ya has shoulder-length hair, short straight light blonde hair with a middle part. She has brown eyes and big eyes. She has fair skin. Although she is at home, she is going to receive guests, so this time Ke Ya wears a light yellow dress and brown boots. She wears a yellow coat.

She immediately sat on another sofa, and Mei Li stood respectfully beside her, holding a pile of papers in her hand, which seemed to have a lot of content written on them, but it was obviously related to the sale of ships.

Ke Ya's beautiful and lovely eyes showed curiosity. She didn't expect that the girls who were doing big ship trading business with her this time were actually some girls who were as beautiful as her, and they looked like they were the same age, and the age difference should not be much.

"I am Ke Ya, the owner here, you want to buy a ship, and you want to spend a lot of money to buy a good ship." Ke Ya introduced herself first, sat there elegantly, and said with a sweet smile on her face.

"My name is Lu Yue, and they are Kuina and Shirogane Long Long. The three of us and another partner have formed a pirate group, but we now need a better ship that can take us through the wind and waves and enter the great sea. It is also a warm place for us to live." Lu Yue also said with a smile.

"You are pirates." Kaya suddenly showed a surprised expression, and even Meili next to her was shocked. They didn't expect that such a group of beautiful and young girls would be a group of pirates.

But at the same time, the two of them also became alert and worried, because they knew that among pirates, there were only a few like the Straw Hat Pirates. Most of the children in this area were extremely vicious and evil criminals.

Even if the group in front of them didn't look like it, they looked like Luffy and Usopp instead.

They are like the clear stream of the sea, the outliers among pirates.

They are also worried and vigilant.

"Haha, don't worry, I'm not that kind of low-level bad pirate. Our essence is actually the same as the Straw Hat Pirates. We sail freely on the sea and enjoy fighting to our heart's content. We will never attack innocent civilians. I want to establish a young female pirate group with strong young women as the main force. Each of them is a professional strongman, with sisterhood as the core. I just bought a ship this time, and I will leave after I get the ship."

Lu Yue smiled, and said in front of Kaya the core purpose of their pirate group.

"Is that so... a pirate group?" Kaya was a little dazed after hearing this, including Merry next to her.

So it turned out to be another group of outliers among pirates, just like Mr. Luffy.

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