The ship was in a state of chaos, and the ship was in a state of chaos.

Just when Lu Yue and the others had already headed for the nearest town.

Of course, it was impossible to return to Xiluobu Village by the same route. They must go to a new town that they had never been to.

And on Garp's side.

Their warships were sailing, with the cooperation of navigators, helmsmen and other professional ability users.

The shipwright was responsible for the damaged parts in the previous battle, and some people were also helping. The medical soldiers were responsible for treating the wounded.

The navy can be said to be rushing and busy.

Garp was sitting in the office of his warship at this time, sighing a little, and looked old and weak like several years old.

"Do you think the navy is really so unbearable?" Looking at Coby and Belumber next to him, the two young navy men he thought he could still train.

But after seeing the strength of Lu Yue and his group, especially Lu Yue's unsolvable ability and her comments and disgusting reasoning about the navy, Garp once again lost sight of the future of the navy.

He really didn't know what to do now.

"I don't know yet. I'm too weak. I'm not even a regular soldier in the navy." Bellemeber said a little discouraged.

After a series of events before, he is no longer the bad son who swept the countryside in Shields Town and bullied the people with his father's bad reputation.

But today, after experiencing this battle, he understood how bad his strength was. At the same time, after listening to Lu Yue's words, he was already shaken about the navy. Is that true? Is the navy really like this?

"Mr. Garp, I think if the performance of the navy in recent years is really like what Lu Yue said, then perhaps in the impression of many people on the sea, the navy is really..., but if you really want the navy to have a new path, you can't do without changes." Coby suddenly said.

After experiencing what happened to Alrita and Luffy, Coby has seen some things. Now, after hearing Mr. Garp's question and combining what Lu Yue said before, Coby expressed his thoughts.

"Change." Hearing this, Garp smiled bitterly, because in the navy, this is simply impossible. There are many parts in the navy, such as those who really serve those guys as dogs, and a lot of diehards and conservatives. How can they change?

"Forget it, let's see later." Garp didn't want to think about it anymore. He had a headache. At the same time, he really understood Lu Yue's thoughts. As long as there is justice in his heart, he doesn't forget his nature, and is recognized by the world, then what's wrong with becoming a pirate?

Suddenly, the door was opened and Bogart walked in from outside.

"What's the situation?" Garp asked without turning his head. He was still having a headache and closed his eyes.

"Fortunately, the two girls are still not strong enough, and their development of devil fruits is not good. We didn't have any casualties this time. But there are basically serious injuries and coma. Fortunately, the warship has sufficient supplies and they are out of danger. They are recovering well and will be replenished later."

Bogart immediately told some of the situations on the warship.

"Is that so? Then I feel relieved." Garp finally felt relieved after hearing this good news.

But he thought too much. The Den Den Mushi next to him suddenly rang, and slowly turned into an old friend he was very familiar with.

"Oh, after being out for so long, the old bastard Sengoku finally came."

Garp naturally recognized it at first sight. The phone now looked like his old comrade, old friend Sengoku, the current Navy Admiral. He smiled bitterly and said helplessly.

But that's right. It's been so long since he came out. This old thing should really bother him.

He waved his hand first, asked Bogart to take Coby and Bellemeber away first, and then answered the call.

Soon, a roar came from the mouth of the Den Den Mushi.

"Garp, how long will it take you to come back? Your vacation is over, and I just asked you to pick up a little fallen navy captain on the way. Will it take so long?"

On the other side, Sengoku, who was in his office at the Navy Headquarters, was already furious.

After all, he had so many things on hand that he couldn't handle them all. There were the current Four Emperors, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and a lot of problems.

But this old guy went back to the East China Sea to enjoy himself. How could he let him go? How could he not curse as soon as he answered the phone?

"Well, if I say that I have been chasing a group of small pirates these days, and also

We mobilized all the troops in the East China Sea. Although we finally came to our doorstep, we were repelled. Do you believe it? "When Sengoku cursed, Garp had already covered his ears with his hands, but he could still hear it.

It was really embarrassing, and he said it helplessly and bitterly after the blow.

But Sengoku on the other side was stunned. After he reacted, he was furious and trembling with anger.

He cursed again

"Are you kidding? Garp, that's the East China Sea. What little pirate needs you to do this? And you actually chose to retreat on your own initiative. What a joke? Why don't you find a decent excuse?"

"Sengoku, I'm not kidding you." Garp on the other side of the Den Den Mushi said seriously and seriously.

"Hmm? "Seeing Garp's expression on Den Den Mushi's face, Sengoku, who was once known as a wise general, was able to become a marine admiral, so he must have an extraordinary brain.

He had realized that something was wrong, so he asked hurriedly.

"What's going on? "

"This is what happened..." Garp immediately told the whole story, in addition to the last conversation with Lu Yue, there was also his conversation with Coby and Bellemeber.

He told them all. As for why these two conversations were not mentioned, haha, Sengoku was what he said before, a diehard and conservative. Whether it was for the so-called king of the world, for those who doubted the government, even companions would become targets of attack. Such loyalty was quite high. Those who did not obey the government's orders were not navy, and stubborn thinking was his concept of action.

So there was no need to say it at all. He didn't want to hear Sengoku tell him a lot of his arguments under his set of justice concepts.

But just saying the other things immediately made Sengoku on the other side feel shocked and surprised.

Let's not talk about the fact that there was such a weird new pirate group on the sea. Well, it doesn't sound very weird. The Sisterhood Pirates, a group of young girls Pirates.

But the question is, what are these six blades?

The female swordsman and the female scientist who can suppress Bogart, he knows Bogart's strength, so these two people are probably as strong as the candidate admiral.

There are also three female ability users who have eaten three mythical beast fruits respectively. The two legendary fruits of Snow Girl and Angel have appeared on the sea again, and there is also a special humanoid lightning creature called Ray, who is the sniper of Thor.

The strength can completely match the vice admiral of the branch of the navy, or even the vice admiral of the headquarters.

But the most excessive is the female captain, who ignores any attack, touches the untouchable void, has the domineering color, and has learned to entangle, and can also play the energy destruction of the general level.

This is already a full-fledged general level strength, at least a general.

Especially this void ability, it is too unsolvable.

"Don't talk about the other girls, tell me first, you can't do anything about that girl named Lu Yue. "

Zhan Guo was no longer calm at this time, and immediately asked immediately. He didn't believe that with Garp's peak physical skills, plus the top armed color on this sea, could he not be hurt?

"Zhan Guo, I have said it very clearly before. The Void Demon God Gliza form, such an ability seems to be immune to domineering, so I guess the domineering color is useless." Garp sighed and said.

"Not necessarily, anyway, we have to try it. Seawater and seastone are the two major weaknesses of the devil fruit ability user, as well as energy damage and the abilities of other devil fruit ability users. Garp, you have to know how much of a blow it is to us when such an unsolvable ability appears on the pirate side? I really can't believe that she can really be immune to any attack, do you understand?"

Zhan Guo said a little angrily on the other end, because he knew very well that the current Lu Yue was a huge threat to the navy, a super bomb that could not be released at any time.

"I think it's better not to deal with them first. It's not good to force them. They will definitely enter the Grand Voyage. Let those pirates and bounty hunters help us test the water. "Garp immediately had a suggestion. After all, if Tsuki was really pushed into a corner, with her ability, it would definitely be a huge loss for the Navy.

"I understand. This is the best way. You come back immediately. I will discuss with Xiaohe later and make a reasonable bounty order for these girls."

Sengoku immediately agreed to Garp's idea on the other side.

Their conversation was over.

Garp led his men to continue returning to the Navy Headquarters.

On the other side, Sengoku found Staff Officer Tsuru at the Navy Headquarters. This old man was from the same period as Garp and Sengoku, and was the Navy's think tank.

After the two discussed, Crane was very surprised when he heard about the current situation of the Pink Hat Pirates, and then he also felt cautious about this new pirate group. After all, they were enough to attract the attention of the navy.

Soon, the two old navy men drafted a bounty order for the Pink Hat Pirates, which now has six people.

It will be issued to the sea soon, so that everyone will know.

On the other side, in her bedroom on her own pirate ship, Tsuki was looking at a new virtual panel.

Asada Shino's.

[Name: Asada Shino]

[Age: 18 years old]

[Gender: Female]

[Occupation: Sniper]

[Strength: Vice Admiral]

[Weapon: Hecate anti-material sniper rifle]

[Ability: Ray Fruit, super sniper ability. ]

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