The old man was very happy.

"Leave it to me." Noqi Gao took the permanent pointer in person, and then it was her job as a navigator to go to the place pointed by the permanent pointer.

Since she experienced the journey from the East China Sea to the Upside Down Mountain, she has understood that maps are useless in the great voyage. Only the permanent pointer in her hand, or the recording pointer, is the best tool for the navigator to go to the next place. At the same time, she must conquer the bad weather at sea and the crisis brought by the sea itself.

But facing these challenges and crises and resolving them is her job as a navigator, so she will not be afraid or retreat.

"Okay, everyone go back and do your own things, but don't forget to practice."

Lu Yue said immediately, and everyone either returned to their respective posts or went to practice.

After all, in this sea where the strong are respected, it is our duty to improve our strength and become stronger.

But the crew and the girls don't all understand that their captain is too troublesome, especially offending the navy, one of the top forces in this sea. Lu Yue can look down on the navy, but they can't, so they can only become stronger.

At least they have to keep up with their captain's pace and not drag their feet, and their current talents are enough for them to exchange for strength.

After everyone left, Lu Yue immediately returned to her bedroom. She wanted to deal with the rewards for this mission.

The first is naturally two awakening cards of observation color and two awakening cards of armed color. In fact, these four cards came at the right time. Last time, Carmen and Kaya got the awakening of armed color, while Asada Shino and Nokiko got the awakening of observation color.

If I only count the two-color Haki, they are still missing one.

In this case, Lu Yue decided to use these four cards just like this.

Two Armament Haki awakening cards, for Shino Asada and Nokigo respectively.

And the other two Observation Haki awakening cards, for Kaya and Carmen respectively.

As for when, although like before, it will be decided when there is a battle next.

In addition to normal training of Observation Haki and Armament Haki, awakening during battle is also a normal thing, otherwise she would not have done so before.

"Next is the Time Training House." Lu Yue said, looking at the small houses in the system space.

She didn't plan to take it out, because this house was already as big as her bedroom, and it would burst directly if she took it out, even if she put it on the deck. Although it can be put down, it is too obvious.

So let's wait until we get a new big ship. Lu Yue can only give up now. However, the other three secret books are much smaller. Lu Yue took them out immediately. When she completed her task, these three secret books had been determined. What are they?

The three secret books look no different from ordinary books. Both the cover and the content inside are paper.

The inside is white paper, and the outside is basically blue. There is a line of big words on each book.

It is written directly on the back of the three secret books.

Angel Holy Spear Technique, Phoenix Kick Technique, Snow Girl Multiple Stick Technique.

"The system is really good." Seeing these three names, Lu Yue smiled meaningfully.

Nonsense, if the system is not intentional, why would the names of these three martial arts secret books be related to the devil fruit abilities of Nokiko and the other three.

And Lu Yue flipped through them and saw that the contents recorded in these three secret books are one spear technique, one leg technique, and one stick technique.

The last stick technique is a little diverse, and nunchaku, short stick, and long stick are basically included.

But at the same time, just as the names of these three martial arts are mentioned above.

Angel Holy Spear Technique, a spear technique used in battle, driven by the steps like angels flying and walking.

It includes sweeping, chopping, stabbing, piercing, blocking, etc., as well as turning the gun, kicking the gun, kicking the gun in the air, throwing the gun, supporting the pole, changing hands and turning the gun at the waist, etc.

Phoenix Kick Technique, walking like a phoenix, with special kicks, leg skills, and flexible use of legs and feet, the effect is like the claws of a phoenix.

It includes high whip kicks, positive kicks, side kicks, back kicks, turning back kicks, flying back kicks, etc.

Then there is the last Snow Girl Multiple Stick Technique, using steps like the snow girl's dance, and flexibly using various stick weapons. But the main ones are long sticks and short sticks, as well as nunchakus.

. And some related skill records.

In short, they are all good physical skills, or martial arts.

They are even not worse than some special physical skills in One Piece.

"Give these three secret books to Nokiko and the others later." Lu Yue said with a smile. At the same time, she had dealt with the rewards this time.

Feeling a little sleepy, Lu Yue took a sweet nap.

It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon when Lu Yue got up. She was a little annoyed. Even if she took a nap, she didn't even take off her shoes. She had to wash the sheets and blankets.

But fortunately, Bai Jinlonglong has made a lot of modern household appliances, including washing machines. Some of the housework is better left to these machines than housework robots.

Now there are girls' own washing machines in the standard bathroom of each bedroom. Lu Yue threw it in directly, started the washing machine, and the washing machine started washing by itself.

As for the generator and the line, Bai Jinlonglong built a solar generator and connected the line on the boat, so the girls had electricity.

In addition, there were things like air conditioners and fans, and a series of electrical appliances greatly improved the quality of life of the girls on the boat.

After taking out new blankets and sheets from the closet next to them and laying them out, Lu Yue ran out and found Nojigo, who was busy and giving directions on the deck, Kaya, who had her own infirmary and was researching and improving medical skills, and Carmen, who was already preparing dinner in the kitchen.

After handing these three martial arts to them and fooling around a little, Nojigo and the others immediately accepted them after being surprised and delighted.

The three girls all promised Lu Yue that they would practice the martial arts in the secret book well.

Lu Yue also believed that they would definitely achieve results. This was the trust between the partners, and the three girls themselves had certain martial arts talents, so Lu Yue believed in them.

Time soon came, and it was time for dinner. The girls also enjoyed a meal, although they had too much appetite for lunch.

But Carmen made several appetite-stimulating dishes, which whetted the girls' appetites. In addition, the girls were all really good eaters at the moment, so they were very satisfied with this dinner.

After dinner, the girls also got busy.

Some continued to practice, and some were busy with their own work, either doing what they liked or improving their professional abilities.

In the afternoon, Bai Jinlong was basically doing scientific research and inventions, but in the evening, she would take some time to develop the devil fruit ability.

However, two interesting things happened in the evening, and at the same time, as the captain, Lu Yue also knew these two things.

First, Shino Asada took the initiative to find Bai Jinlong, walked into her room, and handed her Hecate sniper rifle to Bai Jinlong.

Bai Jinlong asked why? What was the purpose of washing?

Shino Asada said that the Rei Fruit she possessed now gave her a certain melee ability, but she preferred to use weapons rather than bare hands. However, she was not comfortable with other melee weapons, so she might as well install a plug-in socket on the Hecate so that she could insert the bayonet. She would practice using the bayonet.

So in terms of transformation, she could only come to Bai Jin Long Long. After Bai Jin Long Long knew why Shino Asada came, she agreed directly, and for her, this was just a small matter.

But Lu Yue reminded her that in order to better allow Shino Asada to deal with the Devil Fruit ability user, and with seastone, which is much harder than many metals, why not use seastone to make a bayonet?

After Shino Asada and Bai Jin Long Long thought about it, they thought it was a good idea and agreed immediately.

This is the first thing, and there is another thing.

That is Diya, can't she use space energy to transform two space energy blades from both hands?

She can be said to be a double-blade swordsman, but her swordsmanship is too unfamiliar, just like a beginner.

So she immediately found Kuina and asked Kuina to teach her some swordsmanship.

They are all good partners, good girls, and good sisters, so Kuina agreed to her request, and she also knows a little about double-blade swordsmanship.

No, it can even be said that she is proficient. If she has a sword that is no worse than the Demon Sword Thousand Blades, a famous sword on the sea, she will have no problem using double-blade swordsmanship.

Kuina also taught Diya.

Lu Yue was also very satisfied with this. This is how it should be between partners.

At the same time, tonight, Noki Gao and the other two also took the time, or said to say, to get together.

After finishing their work, they practiced their newly acquired martial arts.

In short, the strength of the Pink Hat Pirates has been further improved.

And Lu Yue has also improved herself, or gained abilities.

Seeing the actions and deeds of her companions on the ship, Lu Yue, who was very satisfied, returned to her room.

Standing on a small empty floor, Lu Yue smiled, stretched out her right hand, and then stretched out her index finger. Soon, if there were other people around, a shocking scene would have happened.

A little bit of hot magma appeared on Lu Yue's fingers.

"Griza's absorption and copying ability actually allowed me to absorb a large amount of Akainu's magma today, which gave me the ability to control magma."

Lu Yue said with a smile, saying something shocking.

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