The old woman was stunned, but she was still alive.

Noki Gao clapped her hands to shake off the remaining cold and ice on her hands, and said with a smirk.

After Lu Yue's domineering aura knocked her out, the old woman would wake up at least one day later, but she was frozen by her snow girl's ice, and it would take at least three days to thaw.

It was precisely because of this that the girls felt that it was too easy to deal with the old woman, so they asked Noki Gao to take action here.

Lu Yue, for the time being, did not care what the girls were doing. Looking at the Cloud Waterfall in front of her, she knew she had to go up.

Just in time to see Tornado and Dea had come up, it was obvious that the arrangement inside had been completed.

Thinking of Tornado's ability, Lu Yue immediately said with a smile.

"Tornado, please take us up."

Lu Yue had thought about looking for the express shrimp that brought the Straw Hat Pirates up, but she just sensed that there was no sign of life in the sea of ​​clouds.

It is estimated that there is only this one, because not many people usually come here.

And the one that brought Luffy and the others up before is estimated to have not returned yet.

So she can only ask Tornado for help, after all, time cannot be wasted in such a place.

Tornado, who was originally communicating happily with Diya, was stunned at first, but when she saw the Cloud Waterfall in front of her, Tornado immediately understood what to do.

"Okay, leave it to me." Long Jue said with a confident smile.

At the same time, she used telekinesis again to make herself float in the air.

Soon, under the witness of the girls, Tornado waved her hands, and their entire pirate ship emitted a faint green light, like a firefly in the dark night.

Under Tornado's telekinesis, in the girls' admiring and shocked eyes, the entire pirate ship moved, like a dragon turning over, and the girls standing on the deck almost couldn't stand.

But the pirate ship was slowly pulled out from inside, and under Tornado's control, their pirate ship could be said to be truly flying this time.

Going upstream towards the Cloud Waterfall in front of them.

"Hahaha, this feels so good." Feeling the strong airflow coming towards him, Noki cheered loudly.

"Yeah, this is much more interesting than me." Carmen also said with a generous smile.

"I can get used to it." Kaya had a faint confident smile on her face.

It's been so long since she left her hometown, whether it's the environment at sea or some special situations like this, she has been able to fully adapt to it, and she can also experience it.

The other girls basically have similar feelings, especially the partners from other worlds, they found that this journey was really worthwhile.

Among them, the world they once came from is much stronger than the pirate world.

But in terms of fun, they found that the pirate world is much more interesting than their previous world.

For example, what they are experiencing now is the pleasure and excitement that they could not experience in their original world. Of course, the most important thing is happiness.

"Huh?" Lu Yue, who was originally satisfied with the girls' current expressions and happy, suddenly saw a huge lobster falling from above them.

"Are Luffy and the others so slow? Have they just entered the White Sea?"

Lu Yue, who is familiar with the plot, immediately recognized it. This is the express shrimp that brought Luffy and the others up.

Now that it has fallen, it proves that Luffy and the others have just entered the White Sea.

However, seeing this shrimp actually falling towards them, Lu Yue thought about it for a while. After all, this is just a shrimp without emotions and thoughts. After all, Lu Yue does not intend to kill or be cruel.

Why did a big shrimp fall from the sky while her companions have not reacted yet?

She flew up directly, with some armed color domineering attached to her fist.

"Bang!" After a loud sound, the prawn was immediately punched away by Lu Yue and passed by the pirate group.

When Lu Yue landed steadily on the deck, the girls reacted.

Carmen said with her hands on her hips in dissatisfaction.

"Captain, what are you doing? The ingredients are delivered to your door." For Carmen, the express prawn that just fell from the sky was no less than the ingredients that fell from the sky. She was really tempted to cook this prawn.

But now it's gone. Such a great prawn ingredient is gone. No wonder Carmen has to complain now.

"I can't cook that prawn for you.

Cooking, he is an important means of transportation for many people who come here from the sky to the white sea. "Lu Yue explained with a smile.

The girls realized that it was a good shrimp, and it was also an important shrimp.

"Is that so? Then it's better not to cook it." After listening, Carmen also felt that the shrimp just now should not be cooked.

"There is an icon there." Asada Shino reported immediately. The girls turned around and saw that there was indeed an icon with the English meaning of the Kingdom of God written on it.

At the same time, they also saw the light representing the exit, right in front of them, flashing like a small sun, bringing a hint of dawn to the surrounding dark clouds.

Tornado was also happy when he saw it, and immediately increased the output of telekinesis, and the pirate ship rushed over there at a faster speed.

Finally, their pirate ship broke into the light, but the girls were still illuminated by the strong light and had to Close your eyes.

But after adapting, when they opened their eyes, they were immediately attracted by the beautiful scenery in the distance.

Although the surroundings were still the same as the sky sea below, almost an endless sea of ​​clouds, there was no doubt that they were now in the white sea above the sky sea, and the sky island in the distance was the best proof.

The clouds were misty, and the huge white clouds at different heights were connected by bridges. The houses of different colors on them were looming, as if they were in a fairyland. The first feeling given to people was very dreamy.

"This is the sky island." Lu Yue said with a gentle expression, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of her, which was like a fairy tale in her previous life.

"It's so beautiful." The other girls also looked at the beautiful scenery in front of them with amazed eyes, and they smiled unconsciously on their faces, appreciating everything in front of them.

"Really, I'm a little tired, but this is adventure. "

Putting the pirate ship steadily on the clouds of the white sea, wiping the cold sweat from her forehead, Tornado landed on the deck.

Although she was a little tired, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of her, Tornado felt that everything was worth it, and her new life was not in vain.

"The Straw Hat Pirates are found ahead, on the island ahead." Asada Shino suddenly said.

The girls then noticed that the Straw Hat Pirates were right in front of them, on the island at the bottom.

But Lu Yue knew more than them. If she remembered correctly, this should be Angel Beach.

And she saw that in addition to the Straw Hat Pirates, they had already met Conis and her daughter.

"It seems that Luffy and the others are not as late as I thought." Seeing this scene, Lu Yue couldn't help but muttered in her heart.

"Girls, drive the boat over. "But she had to give the order. It was time for them to find a place to dock the boat. The Angel Beach was a good place.

Soon, the Pink Hat Pirates drove their pirate ship next to the Straw Hat Pirates' Merry.

"Great, Kaya, you're finally here."

"Sister, you're finally here."

The Straw Hat Pirates had naturally noticed it a long time ago. Nami was about to play with Viper herself after they had just salvaged the two landlubbers, Chopper and Luffy.

But seeing the Pink Hat Pirates coming, they naturally had to step forward to say hello.

Although the strength gap between the two pirate groups was huge, the relationship was still very good. After all, there were many connections between the crews of both sides.

Some girls from the Pink Hat Pirates also stepped forward to greet them, which was enough to show that the relationship between the two sides was indeed good.

Soon, Luffy and Chopper also woke up, and Lu Yue also showed off her new partner Tornado to them, or rather, to them.

Knowing that Tornado's ability was telekinesis and had the strength of an admiral, and Tornado personally letting everyone feel her power, when All the people present were controlled in mid-air by telekinesis.

Both Connies and the Straw Hat Pirates were shocked.

But the Straw Hat Pirates were especially shocked. After all, they had lived on Sky Island for who knows how many years.

They were very clear about the strength of the strong men below, even if they had never seen it.

So they were the most shocked that the Pink Hat Pirates now had an admiral-level combat force.

Luffy was envious beside him, and Sanji, who was originally obsessed with Tornado, also restrained himself a lot.

Because he could see that Tornado was very gentle to her partners, but very violent and cold to outsiders, and he was not stupid enough to touch such a violent volcano.


But suddenly, whether it was the Straw Hat Pirates or the Pink Hat Pirates, several people were hungry and growling.

These people also showed embarrassment or blushed.

"We still have a lot of food on the ship.

, this is a rare opportunity, how about having a picnic on this beach? "Lu Yue immediately proposed an idea. Of course, she really wanted to have a picnic on the Angel Beach of the White Sea Sky Island, which was a little selfish.

But her idea also touched many people.

Especially Luffy's eyes lit up and he immediately said, "Okay, it's decided."

The captains of the two major pirate groups agreed, and the crews of both sides naturally had nothing to say. In addition, they all agreed to this picnic and were looking forward to it.

Conis and her daughter were also invited in by them. The two fathers and daughters felt a little embarrassed, so they decided to bring some Sky Island ingredients.

On the Straw Hat Pirates side, Sanji also planned to show some skills, and in terms of cooking skills, Sanji was a little better than Carmen, which was recognized by Lu Yue.

So the Pink Hat Pirates also agreed, but Carmen also proposed that she should participate During this picnic cooking.

The desire to win in her heart made her want to compete with Sanji in cooking again.

The Straw Hat Pirates got the affirmation of Usopp and Nami, knowing that Carmen's cooking skills were not bad, and with so many people, two chefs would be the best.

So they agreed to let Carmen and Sanji cook together for this picnic.

However, Nami still wanted to play with Viper, so she rushed out immediately. Surprisingly, she played very well in her first time.

She didn't look like a newcomer, but a veteran driver for many years.

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