The once sun never sets has faded, but the luxurious luxury is always there.

In particular, the Queen's travel is a complicated and complicated matter.

In 1986, when she visited Country Z, the Queen took a special plane BAe-146 and also used the luxurious royal yacht "Britannia".

This is a 5,769-ton ocean-going ship that entered service in 1954 and has sailed nearly one million nautical miles. It is known as the "Moving Buckingham Palace".

The ship's dining room is large enough to hold a state banquet and can accommodate a 26-piece Marine Corps band.

The Queen's visit was accompanied by a large team. In addition to her husband, Prince Philip, there were the Foreign Secretary of Country Y, Geoffrey Howe, his wife, 16 members of the royal family, as well as the Queen's personal secretary, press secretary, steward, attendant, medical officer, and costumer. There are an entourage of 20 people, including stylists, hairdressers, treasurers, maids, and male servants, who take care of the Queen's daily life.

In addition, there were more than 600 bands, royal service personnel and ship officers and soldiers on royal yachts and frigates.

More than 200 reporters from country Y, federal country Y, and Hong Kong reporters came for the interview, totaling more than 900 people.

The Y side transported dozens of tons of communication equipment, office supplies, food, etc. for this visit, of which the Queen's personal suitcase alone contained more than 400 pieces, weighing 5 tons.

Now that Mr. Yang has come to London, they treat Yang Ming with the same level of grandeur and attention as they do to important figures from other big countries.

Azhu, Zhong Chuhong, and even Lin Dezhong were a little shocked. They really felt the difference in their ancestral family.

Not only is he rich, he is really rich, and he seems to be exposed as a wealthy person in every aspect.

In this regard, compared with Zhong Chuhong when he followed Yang Ming back to Yanjing Hotel in China, Azhu found that Yanjing was indeed far behind.

The dinner to welcome Mr. Yang lasted until 21:30 in the evening.

The dinner is over.

Azhu and Zhong Chuhong discovered that most of the guests attending the banquet had a lot of food left on the table.

what does that mean?

The rest was thrown away.

It must be wasteful and seems to be something they are used to.

Before World War I, London would have been even more luxurious if it relied on colonies around the world.

The dinner party is over.

Yang Ming shook hands with these representatives one by one and said goodbye.

Yang Ming, Azhu, Zhong Chuhong, and Lin Dezhong left here and went upstairs to the luxurious suite.

"Master, a lot of food was wasted just now!" Azhu said.

"What does this count for?"

For Yang Ming, this is really nothing.

As for some of the lower income classes in Country Y, they are not as wealthy as they imagined. There are also many ordinary citizens at the bottom of London who cannot afford to buy houses.

For the upper classes in London, especially the royal family, even if they are not usually that luxurious, they are certainly not much different.

Eat like a queen eight times a day.

In addition to breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, etc., the period may be divided into eight or even nine times, and each time not much is eaten.

Now this time, the dinner for Yang Ming was just that.

The style looks rich.

Yang Ming didn't think there was much that really suited him.

Zhong Chuhong no longer knew what to say.

She used to live in the Xiangjiang class, and it was really difficult for her parents to support a family of six in that clothing store. She really didn't expect that the food and use in her ancestral home was much better than she imagined.

"You have also been on a plane all day, so go take a shower and rest first."

"Yes, Master."

London in April.

The temperature at night is still around 6 degrees Celsius.

Daytime temperatures remain around 12 degrees Celsius.

In other words, it's still relatively cold here.

Before Yang Ming got off the plane, Yang Ming already knew about it in advance.

Yang Ming was wearing a thick coat at that time.

Here in the hotel, there is very warm heating 24 hours a day, the temperature is maintained at 26 degrees Celsius, and you don't feel the cold outside at all.

Precisely because of that, in this kind of weather, there were so many people at the airport to greet him, which was enough to show that those people attached great importance to Mr. Yang's arrival.

Yang Ming kept looking at London under the night outside.

The time comes to 23:00 pm London time.

Yang Ming was thinking.

Since London invited him from two parties this time.

One of them is his former alma mater, Brunel University in London.

This university can only be regarded as an ordinary university in London, or even in country Y. As for its predecessor, he studied economics and management.

Yang Ming originally thought that when he arrived, the university would definitely send someone to greet him. Just now, there was no representative of the university at the airport.

What does this show?

Yang Ming already understood.

This college graduation invitation is just in name.

In other words, it was in the name of London that invited Yang Ming to come.

If Yang Ming rejects the invitation from his alma mater to attend the university graduation ceremony, then they still have another invitation, which is about the Queen's birthday on April 21 every year.

Mr. Yang accepted the invitation and came to London.

So for London, the invitation to the university graduation ceremony is naturally not important.

When Yang Ming arrives, he will definitely attend the university graduation ceremony, but compared to coming to London this time, the university graduation ceremony will naturally be nothing.

It was precisely because of that that Yang Ming did not see any representatives from Brunel University at the airport.

If that is really the case, Yang Ming feels that London has big intentions.

Historically, Li Jiacheng wanted to transfer most of his wealth to Country Y.

Could it be that London is starting to pay attention to this now?

For example, if you were asked to move the headquarters of the Wharf Group or even the headquarters of the Jardine Matheson Group to London first, it would make Yang Ming uncomfortable.

If they are unwilling to transfer, then they naturally have other options.

Historically, the headquarters of many British-owned foreign banks, including the headquarters of Huifeng Bank, were transferred from Xiangjiang back to London.

On the one hand, it is because British-funded foreign companies are really afraid of being swallowed up by Chinese capital, so much so that Jardine Matheson Land in history moved its headquarters to Bermuda.

In addition, a large number of British-owned foreign firms or Chinese-owned firms moved to Bermuda and London.

As for the transfer of Huifeng Bank's headquarters to London, it has a lot to do with these more or less.

There was a knock on the door.

Yang Ming went over to open the door.

Seeing it was Keira.

"Mr. Yang."

"Kayla, come in."

After closing the door, Yang Ming was already holding Kayla's hand.

Kayla, Zhou Kaixuan, and Lin Xiuzhi arrived in London a full week earlier than Yang Ming.

With the power of money, they have opened up many connections for Yang Ming in advance.

Shen Bi came to London one day earlier than Yang Ming, and Shen Bi also began to lobby many people on behalf of Yang Ming.

In fact, when the Imperial Group wanted to acquire a stake in Huifeng Bank, Shen Bi had already lobbied some upper-level people in advance.

So much so that when Yang Ming actually arrived in London this time, he was welcomed by so many people.

Maybe it's too cold outside.

Yang Ming held Kaila's hand and felt that the other person's hand was a little cold.

Keira looked very excited.

chapter Five!

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