I became the richest man in the world after losing my life in a vegetative state

Chapter 362 Mr. Yang knows things like a god! Country Y begins to enter Sacher

Chapter 362 Mr. Yang knows things like a god! Country Y has begun to enter the era of Mrs. Satchell! !

May 3, 1979.

Country Y will hold a general election today.

In opinion polls, Callahan, known as "Sunny Jim," has higher approval ratings than Mrs. Sutchel.

However, in the end, the conservatives won 43.9% of the vote, while the laborers and liberal democrats won 37% and 13.8% respectively.

This was the largest "right swing" in postwar history.

The conservatives represented by Mrs. Sutter officially won this election.

Yang Ming has been in the hotel, and he already knows the situation of this election from the hotel's TV station.

Not surprisingly, the labor faction represented by Callahan lost miserably.

When he saw the news, he already knew that the conservatives represented by Mrs. Sutter had indeed won.

In other words, tomorrow, Mrs. Satchell will officially take over the power of Country Y and begin to enter the era of Mrs. Satchell.

That night.

Yang Ming had just finished dinner at the hotel.

Kayla, Zhou Kaixuan, and Lin Xiuzhi came to the hotel, especially Kayla looked at Yang Ming in surprise.

Some time ago, Yang Ming had told him that Mrs. Sacher would definitely win. Who would have thought that in such an uncertain situation, even judging from the opinion polls in major newspapers and magazines, Callahan's supporters They were still in the majority, but now it was Mrs. Sutter who won the victory.

This made Kayla begin to feel that Mr. Yang was really different from others.

"Mr. Yang, Mrs. Samuel really won." Kayla said excitedly.

Yang Ming knew that this meant that his previous investment had just begun.

"I think that tomorrow Mrs. Sachiel will officially take over as Prime Minister, and she will invite me to attend."

Mrs Satchell will hold a swearing-in ceremony in the House of Commons.

Later, she will go to Buckingham Palace in person to visit the Queen.

Yang Ming was indeed not as excited as he imagined for knowing the result in advance.

Kayla is different. She increasingly feels that Mr. Yang is like a god.

After Kayla, Zhou Kaixuan, and Lin Xiuzhi left to rest.

Early the next day.

Yang Ming had just gotten up. Under the service of Azhu and Zhong Chuhong, he got up to wash up, get dressed, and have breakfast in the hotel.

At this time, Shen Yi had already arrived.

When he saw Yang Ming, he had the same look as Keira looked at him.

I have to say that he thinks Mr. Yang is really amazing.

Before the results of yesterday's general election came out, he really couldn't be sure that Mrs. Sutter would sit in that position.

However, Mr. Yang was very sure at that time.

"Mr. Yang, I am here to invite you to go to the House of Commons to attend today's inauguration ceremony of Mrs. Satchel."

"Mr. Shen, let's set off."

Palace of Westminster, London.

The lower house of country Y, Congress.

Yang Ming had never been here in his previous life, and he also passed by nearby.

Now, I was invited by Mrs. Sachiel to attend her inauguration ceremony.

In addition to him and Shen Bi, people like Mr. Satchell, Mrs. Satchell's deputy and others will also participate.

Yang Ming had seen it in related movies and even in history classes, and knew that the seats there were almost all green, which was completely opposite to the fact that the seats in the House of Lords were all red.

When Yang Ming and Shen Bi arrived here by car.

Even though he was in a wheelchair, his presence attracted many people's attention.

"It's Mr. Yang from the Imperial Group here."

. . .

Members of the House of Commons have identified Mr Young.

"Mr. Yang is a special guest invited to attend Mrs. Satchell's inauguration ceremony."

Yang Ming and Shen Bi came in.

Many people took the initiative to get to know him.

These are all representatives who should be represented in the House of Commons, and there are representatives from all major factions.

Yang Ming shook hands with them and got to know each other, and Shen Bi also introduced them.

The seats in the House of Commons are 650. Now there are not only 650 people here, but even more, including specially invited guests like Yang Ming, Shen Bi, and Mrs. Satchell.

9:30 am.

Mrs. Sutter appeared in the House of Commons wearing a blue dress and high heels.

Her appearance immediately aroused cheers from conservative lawmakers.

Yang Ming noticed that Mrs. Satchel was indeed a little different now that she was in power. Every move she made seemed different from the past. At this time, she was the Prime Minister of Country Y and the one who truly had this power.

Lady Satchell, the leader of the House of Commons, began delivering her official speech as Prime Minister.

“I took office with a well-thought-out goal: I want to change Country Y from a dependent society to a self-reliant society, from a ‘bring it to me’ country to a ‘do it yourself’ country. "

. . .

Mrs. Satchell's inaugural speech was very long.

When she finished.

There was applause and cheers here in the House of Commons.

As the loser, Callahan admitted his failure this time. At the same time, he shook hands with Mrs. Sutter and congratulated him, and then gave up his position.

In other words, starting from today, Country Y begins to enter the era of Mrs. Satchell.

Yang Ming, Shen Bi and others had been observing just now, and he felt that something was different here.

This time he was invited.

There are several reasons.

First, Mrs. Satchell trusted him and regarded him as one of her own.

Second, now in London, even others regard him as one of their own.

Finally, I want him to truly understand and understand the differences between capitalism and Mr. Yang to completely fall in love with British culture, including this system.

From beginning to end, Yang Ming was just visiting as a bystander.

He is like an experiencer.

In his previous life, even though he was also a big boss, he didn't realize the difference now.

Yang Ming knew that Mrs. Sachiel would be very busy after she came to power.

After Yang Ming shook hands with Mrs. Sachier and others, he and Shen Bi left here.

When he went outside, Yang Ming felt that the air outside was better, but it was still too depressing inside.

"Mr. Yang, how did you feel just now?" Shen Bi asked.

"It's not bad. It's the first time I've experienced this different feeling."

"That's good."

Yang Ming and Shen Bi left here and took the car back to the hotel.

The living room of the luxury suite upstairs in the hotel.

Shen Bi said: "Mr. Yang, my wife and I will fly back to Hong Kong in the afternoon. Next month is the Queen's official birthday, and I will return to London then."

It was just the beginning of May, and there was still one month left before the Queen's official birthday next month. It was impossible for Shen Bi to stay here any longer.

"Mr. Shen, you have worked hard during this time."

"Mr. Yang, we are on the same ship now."

At this time, in Shen Bi's eyes, Mr. Yang was already a member of the ship, so why bother talking about that.

Looking at Shen Bi's look, what else could Yang Ming say.

Regarding the funds for Shen Bi's activities in London on behalf of Yang Ming, Yang Ming still had about 2 million Hong Kong dollars left of the 8 million Hong Kong dollars he had given him. Originally, Shen Bi wanted to give the rest back to Yang Ming.

"Mr. Shen, the rest will be used next month. You should use it as activity funds, so you don't have to give it back to me."

Chapter Four!

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