At the end of last year, Hong Kong stock market commentators reported that the stock market value of high-quality listed companies like Wharf was far lower than the real market value of Wharf.

In addition, as long as you buy 20% of Wharf shares, you can challenge the current largest shareholder of Wharf Land.

At the beginning of 1978, when Yang Ming just woke up in the hospital, Li Jiacheng had already asked people to quietly buy Wharf stocks.

Judging from the current Wharf stock price, Li Jiacheng has not bought many Wharf stocks. Otherwise, the market should attract the attention of large and small consortiums and investors, and the Wharf stock price will rise instantly.

For Yang Ming, he is determined to win Wharf and Hutchison Whampoa.

During this period of time, he has been accumulating funds through global stock markets, not just to make moves for the next step.

The five people began to control the Xiangjiang stock market accounts, entered the Xiangjiang exchange, and began to quietly buy Wharf and Hutchison International stocks respectively.

Now that Yang Ming has huge funds and a steady stream of funds, he is not worried at all.

Whether Li Jiacheng or Bao Yugang, even if they are interested in Wharf stocks, the funds they can use are really not as much as Yang Ming.


Yang Ming always sits in the chairman's office.

Except for Lin Xiuzhi occasionally making him a cup of coffee, Yang Ming was very quiet reading his newspaper.

Until lunch time.

After Yang Ming finished four dishes and one soup, he went directly back to his chairman's office.

15:00 pm.

The Hong Kong stock market is still an hour away from the closing time.

Hunter has ended today's stock market early.

Today on the Hong Kong stock market, the profit was nearly HK$18 million, which was the highest profit during this period.

Yang Ming already knows that some investors have seen that the transaction volume of the Xiangjiang stock market has been getting higher and higher these days, and naturally more investors have entered.

And those five employees have been quietly buying shares in Wharf and Hutchison Whampoa.

In the morning, I first bought 1 million shares of Wharf, spending more than 12 million Hong Kong dollars.

I have continued to buy in the afternoon, and I think I bought another 500,000 shares, spending almost 7 million Hong Kong dollars.

The reason why the average stock price is higher is because Wharf's stocks started to rise.


Like Hutchison International, I probably bought 1 million shares in the morning and spent HK$10 million.

In the afternoon, I bought another 800,000 shares, spending almost HK$9 million.

Judging from the current changes in Hutchison International's stock price, it has not changed as much as Wharf.

Until just before four o'clock in the afternoon.

The Hong Kong stock market is closed.

In the end, I bought 1.75 million shares of Wharf today, spending almost HK$21 million.

Hutchison International bought 1.95 million shares, spending nearly HK$20 million.

Ended at the Hong Kong Stock Market.

Yang Ming called Hunter and the five people over.

"Not a single word of the news about Empire Group's acquisition of Wharf and Hutchison International's stocks should be leaked. However, I guess there are people in the market who are quietly buying Wharf's shares like us."

As for why no one in Hutchison International buys stocks like Wharf, it is because it is related to Huifeng Bank.

In September 1975, Huifeng Bank held 90 million shares of Hutchison International, accounting for approximately 33.65% of the issued shares. Huifeng Bank became the majority shareholder, and Qi Dezun was forced to resign sadly.

Huifeng Bank hired Wei Li as chief executive, and Hutchison International entered the Wei Li era.

At the end of 1977, Weili merged Hutchison International and its main subsidiary Whampoa Dockyard to form Hutchison Whampoa. The 90 million shares of Hutchison International held by Huifeng Bank were converted into Hutchison Whampoa ordinary shares, accounting for approximately 10% of Hutchison Whampoa ordinary shares. With 22.4% of all issued shares, Whampoa is already the largest shareholder of Hutchison Whampoa.

Basically, it is difficult for any consortium to compete with Huifeng Bank.

Li Jiacheng and Bao Yugang initially set their sights on Wharf, because Wharf's current share price is very low, and Wharf's largest shareholder Land's shares are not large, only 10%.

Hunter and others understand.

17:30 pm.

Yang Ming did not stay any longer.

Chen Zhenhua left the Imperial Group in a wheelchair.

After getting in the car, Yang Ming took the car back to the Repulse Bay Mid-level Villa.

Just returned to the villa.

Lin Dezhong, Li Yufang, Azhu, and Zhong Chuhong all came out to greet them.

In fact, it's still the same as last night.

Yang Ming came back to rest for a while and then went over to have dinner.

After dinner, Yang Ming went back to the third floor because there was still a cool breeze outside.

When Ah Zhu went to help Yang Ming take a bath, Yang Ming soaked in the comfortable large bathtub and watched the dead skin on his body gradually falling off.

Change the water, wash again, and put on new clothes.

Return to the study.

Azhu and Zhong Chuhong have already brought today's newspapers.

"Master, the newspapers are all here."

Yang Ming opened the stock market report about Xiangjiang. It was originally about the rise and fall of stock prices today. Now Yang Ming saw that it was about the stock market transactions in Xiangjiang tomorrow, which is also the last day of the week.

From the above stock price, Yang Ming noticed.

Tomorrow's Wharf price will soar from 12 yuan per share today to 15 yuan per share.

However, it may drop to 13 yuan per share during the period.

He remembered that in history, it seemed that at the end of March 1978, the share price of Wharf soared to more than 40 yuan per share. That was because many investors in the market already knew that Li Jiacheng wanted to acquire Wharf.

There is no news in the market yet, but because Wharf's stock price has begun to fluctuate, it has attracted the attention of more investors.

Yang Ming found that the stock price of Hutchison International was still around 10 Hong Kong dollars per share, which meant that it had not changed much.

"Zhong Chuhong, start recording."

"Yes, Mr. Yang."

Zhong Chuhong began to sit there and record for Yang Ming like he did last night.

Yang Ming said, Zhong Chuhong recorded.

Yang Ming stopped, and Zhong Chuhong also stopped and looked.

I was busy until about eleven o'clock in the evening.

Yang Ming has read all the major stock markets in the world.

Naturally, just like last night, the stock information was all in the notebook recorded by Zhong Chuhong.

Yang Ming yawned himself, looked at Zhong Chuhong and asked, "Are you adaptable here?"

"Young Master Yang, I'm fine here."

Because this was completely different from the job she had imagined serving the rich, she also called her parents back in Chungking Mansions to reassure them.

When Zhong Chuhong's parents heard that this was the case, they still wondered whether Zhong Chuhong's two younger sisters could work in the Yang family.

Looking at the situation now, even if Zhong Chuhong's two sisters stop studying, the Yang family will not recruit them again.

"Azhu, push me to the master room, I'm going to rest."

"Master, Mrs. Yang has already prepared nutritional soup for you to drink."

Li Yufang had already asked someone to make nutritious soup, hoping that her son could recover as soon as possible.

If Yang Ming drinks too much of this nutritious soup, he will get hot and dry.

Taibu’s nutritious soup is really not suitable for drinking every day.

"Tell my mommy later that I've been drinking too much lately and my body is a little itchy, so I won't drink tonight."

When Yang Ming returned to the master room to rest.

He still didn't close his eyes, just thinking about something.

When Li Yufang learned that her son stopped drinking, she could only let Azhu and Zhong Chuhong drink the bowl of nutritious soup.

Have a night's rest.

The sunshine outside the window shines in, and Yang Ming is used to getting up early.

Please read it!

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