I became the richest man in the world after losing my life in a vegetative state

Chapter 382 Miss Zhou lets Yanjing go! Ms. Zhou is solely responsible for Yang

Chapter 382 Miss Zhou lets Yanjing go! Ms. Zhou is solely responsible for the affairs of the Yang Ming Foundation! !

Yang Ming informed them to come here just to tell them that this trip to the country for inspection and investment in the country is very important.

In Yang Ming's view, Xiangjiang is just a small place with limited development. In the end, major companies in Xiangjiang will have to invest domestically.

Today, Yang Ming uses his prior advantage to gain an advantage over other companies.

If other foreign investors invest before them, then Yang Ming's advantage from the future will not be that great.

"Everyone, this domestic inspection and investment is the top priority. In the future, at least 30% of our Imperial Group's income will come from domestic sources."

Ma Shimin, Wei Li and others took notes.

"When you go back this time, you have to select the members of the inspection team. This is a real inspection, not a fun or a formality. You have to select some management who are not afraid of hard work. This time can also be regarded as a promotion assessment for the management. .”

Ma Shimin, Wei Li and others wrote it down again.

This study room meeting lasted until past three o'clock late at night.

End of the meeting.

They can go home first, or stay and rest here at the Repulse Bay Villa.

Ma Shimin and others stayed and returned to the company tomorrow.

Zhou Kaixuan is left in the study.

Originally, Yang Ming should have discussed this matter with her yesterday.

But now is the time.

Zhou Kaixuan had been listening just now and was standing behind Yang Ming.

In front of these executives, her status should be the lowest, even far behind Lin Xiuzhi.

However, it was her first time to participate in such a study room meeting, and she was really excited and excited.

In her opinion, this is what she pursues.

Moreover, only bosses like Mr. Yang are worthy of her following.

"Zhou Kaixuan, did you understand what I just told them?"

"Boss, I basically understand that the Imperial Group is planning to invest heavily in the country, and this time it will prepare an inspection team of 5,000 people."

"Yes, in my opinion, domestic investment is as important as investment in country Y, or even more important than investment in country Y."

In Yang Ming's opinion.

The same is true for Country Y.

Mainly from the large-scale privatization feast. When this large-scale privatization feast is over, there will be nothing good to eat in country Y.

As an old capitalist country, country Y can only develop like this.

On the contrary, China is an emerging developing country with a population of more than one billion. According to future development trends, China will not only surpass Japan and even the entire Europe, but will also catch up with Country M and become the world's second largest market.

If no other problems arise, China is likely to surpass Country M and become the world's largest market in the future.

How could Yang Ming not pay attention to this situation?

"I'm going to let you go to Yanjing."

Heading to Yanjing?

Zhou Kaixuan already knows that she cannot stay with her boss for a long time because her ability and talent is to handle interpersonal relationships well.

If she stayed with Yang Ming, her other abilities would be far behind compared to other management talents of the Imperial Group.

However, she did not expect that she would be released to Yanjing.

Yanjing is thousands of miles away from Xiangjiang, and he doesn't know when he will be able to meet Mr. Yang.

"I established the Yang Group's Yanjing office in Yanjing last year. The current director of the office is Tang Yun. Tang Yun is the niece of Mr. Rong Jiarong. Without you, maybe she would be more suitable to handle these relationships. Of course. , in the past few years, Tang Yun should be in charge, with you as an assistant, and when the time is right, you will take Tang Yun's place."

Tang Yun's advantage is that she is Rong Lao's niece. In addition, Tang Yun is very familiar with Yanjing's relationship circle. Therefore, when Tang Yun took the initiative to join him, Yang Ming also used Tang Yun.

However, Zhou Kaixuan's ability to handle this aspect is more suitable than Tang Yun.

Because Zhou Kaixuan has been handling Li Jiacheng's relationship network in the mainland in his previous life, it can be seen that Zhou Kaixuan plays a very important role.

"Boss, what will Miss Tang do then?"

"Of course she came to me."

Is that so?

From Zhou Kaixuan's point of view, she would rather switch sides with Tang Yun and return to Yang Ming. However, now that the boss has arranged things like that, he naturally has his own ideas.

"Besides that, I am going to leave the Yang Ming Foundation to you."

Yang Ming Foundation?

Zhou Kaixuan was a little surprised.

This foundation is not simple.

Now Yang Ming's domestic donations are all made in the name of Yang Ming Foundation and Yang Jirong Foundation.

This naturally involves a lot of money.

Why did Yang Ming leave it to Zhou Kaixuan?

Or because in her previous life, Zhou Kaixuan was very successful in managing the foundation for Li Jiacheng. Moreover, this foundation is not just a donation, but also has other uses.

"you understood?"

Yang Ming looked at Zhou Kaixuan, who was just nineteen years old, and asked.

I have to say that for her, she has been used very highly.

A nineteen-year-old young citizen with an ordinary high school education and an ordinary lower-class citizen in Xiangjiang. Others really couldn't believe that Mr. Yang would dare to reuse her like that.

"Boss, everything belongs to me and I will manage the foundation for you."

Zhou Kaixuan said directly loyal.

Yang Ming smiled.

"You don't have to do that. This is also about using your talents and abilities. If you don't have this ability, I won't use you. In addition, you also know your own situation. In fact, your disadvantage does not lie in whether you are Are they highly educated talents? Those highly educated diplomas are often just a stepping stone. It really depends on personal ability. However, I think you still need to study more and read more, which is very beneficial to your growth. "

Reading and studying?

Zhou Kaixuan certainly hopes that children from middle-class families like those in Xiangjiang will study in London, but her family has no choice.

Yang Ming asked her to read more and study more. For some reason, Zhou Kaixuan was really moved.

"In addition to work, you can study more, and you don't have to be like those students. However, you should learn what you should learn by yourself. In addition, you should also study more with Tang Yun. Tang Yun knows everything about Yanjing. You are very familiar with it. Before Tang Yun completely leaves Yanjing's relationship network to you, you have to learn from her."

"Yes, boss."

At this time, in Yang Ming's view, Zhou Kaixuan was indeed still very young.

After all, a nineteen-year-old girl was just a high school student before that, or even a college student. It's just that Zhou Kaixuan was born in a poor family and looked more mature than most people in all aspects.

Including processing methods.

In Yang Ming's opinion, it's still not perfect.

If she had waited a few more years to train and wait until she was over thirty, then when Zhou Kaixuan would face everything again, it would be different.

Updated Chapter 3!

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