Yang Ming has always believed that the road leads to wealth.

Without roads, development is impossible.

This is also a basic investment.

Under normal circumstances, this is part of domestic infrastructure investment. However, now the country needs money but not money, and technology but not technology. These all require a lot of financial support and the accumulation of technology.

When Ma Shimin didn't bring it up, Yang Ming thought of another person.

Still Hu Yingxiang.

Hu Yingxiang's hometown is Huaxian County, Yangcheng, and he is very supportive of the development of his hometown.

Historically, Hu Yingxiang not only established the Asian Electric Power Company but also established power plants.

The most famous one is the investment in the expressway connecting Yangcheng and Pengcheng.

Since its opening, this highway has been hailed as a real golden passage.

The busiest expressway in the Pearl River Delta is the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway, which is also the busiest expressway in the country.

Historically, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway has a total length of 122.8 kilometers, with six lanes in both directions. One end connects to Yangcheng, South Gate, and the other end connects to Pengcheng, the Special Economic Zone. The entire line is equipped with street lighting.

The Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway has made Yangcheng and Pengcheng the first to run, thereby driving the economic development of the Pearl River Delta. This expressway has made a great contribution.

In 2020, the average daily traffic volume of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway reached 650,000, the number of vehicles passing through the year reached 237 million, and the annual toll exceeded 8 billion yuan, making it the busiest and most profitable expressway in the country. Both crowns were taken by the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway. have to,

It can be said that a highway is like a money printing machine, collecting money all the time.

It didn’t take long for the initial investment to be recouped.

In addition to this expressway, there is also the Humen Bridge invested by Hu Yingxiang, whose maximum daily traffic volume once reached an average of 200,000 vehicles per day.

what does that mean?

As long as you pass here, you have to pay a fee. Each one-way bridge toll is 40 yuan each time. At the end of the day, the maximum daily income is close to several million yuan to tens of millions yuan.

Hu Yingqian had invested in these things for many years, and he was indeed very lenient in collecting money.

Most importantly, this plays a very critical role in promoting the development of the Pearl River Delta region.

Except these.

In Yang Ming's view, building expressways along the Pearl River Delta are all money printing machines.

Yang Ming pointed out on the map of Guangdong Province: "Build an expressway from Yangcheng to Wancheng, Pengcheng, and Xiangjiang New Territories. From now on, this will be the most prosperous expressway in the country, and the income and profits of this expressway will also be the most."

Ma Shimin and others looked over.

There's still something strange about them.

Because they don't know that Pengcheng, or even Guancheng, will develop so rapidly in the future, and the population will explode so much.

Like in history, thirty or forty years later.

The population of Xiangjiang is still over 7 million, while the populations of Yangcheng and Pengcheng have exceeded 20 million respectively.

As for Guancheng, its population has exceeded 10 million.

If the floating population is included, it may be even more.

"These are fundamental investments, but income investments are also the most stable."

Ma Shimin and others had no questions after listening.


Yang Ming plans to build a highway from his hometown Longchuan to Pengcheng.

It's not just about making it easier for him and his parents to get home.

In fact, it is also to take care of the development of my hometown area.

He believes that the opening of this expressway will completely change this area and will continue to attract other companies to invest in this area.

Moreover, this was in the 1980s. The earlier the expressway was opened, the more obvious the advantages it would bring.

However, Yang Ming doesn't want to make money on this highway in his hometown, as long as he can make back his money.

. . .

In addition to electricity and roads.

Yang Ming knew that the next major domestic development would be inseparable from building materials.

Among them, the most important is cement.

Yang Ming took this aspect into consideration when he purchased Qingzhou Yingni in advance.

Under this situation, Qingzhou Yingni has already monopolized the construction cement market in Xiangjiang. The market is already limited. If it is put into the domestic market, it is nothing at all.

Like next, whether it is building power stations, bridges, or highways, these will require a lot of cement materials.

In addition, the Pearl River Delta, especially Pengcheng, is developing vigorously. As infrastructure, high-rise buildings are inevitably inseparable from cement.

Then Qingzhou Yingni has a very large investment in China.

"According to my prediction, the development of Pengcheng, Guancheng, Huicheng and other places will be very rapid. Not only factories but also a large number of houses will need to use cement. So for us, Qingzhou Yingni, it will be very big. Investment value. At this point, the demand in Pengcheng alone may be ten times or even more than the demand in Xiangjiang."

Mannix, general manager of Qingzhou Yingni, was surprised and speechless after hearing this.

Although Qingzhou Yingni also sent people to the mainland for inspection, feedback from the members of the inspection team showed that the domestic demand for cement is now very low.

Even in those rural areas, there are basically adobe houses. Because the houses are built of adobe, there is no need to use cement at all.

Now, after being reminded by his boss, Mannix feels that is really the case.

According to the domestic population and development rate, a large amount of cement will inevitably be needed. Moreover, the faster the domestic development, the greater the demand for cement, and the higher the revenue and profits of Qingzhou Ying Cement will be.

"Boss, I learned from the feedback from the inspection team that if China really develops in this direction, Qingzhou Ying Cement will indeed have great potential, especially the cement technology and quality of Qingzhou Ying Cement are world-class," Mannix said. .

By this time, Mannix had understood.

Why did the boss ask him to acquire Xiangjiang Z Country Cement Company after acquiring Qingzhou Yingni, thereby completely monopolizing the cement construction in Xiangjiang?

Now that the real estate industry in Xiangjiang is developing well, the demand for cement is not low. Before Mannix did this, he really didn't think that the boss had considered this aspect.

. . .

From electricity, highway infrastructure, to cement, etc. There are also major group companies under the Imperial Group. As long as they are related industries, Yang Ming has proposed them.

Among them, there are a few that Yang Ming values ​​​​the most.

Including the acquisition of Yantian Port.

Historically, Yantian Port fell into the hands of Li Jiacheng and was an important port for Li Jiacheng's investment in the mainland.

He had to get it this time.

"What do you think about the cooperation with Shekou Industrial Zone?"

Shekou Industrial Zone is quite special.

Because that area was a test area designated for development by Yuan Geng and others.

Yuan Geng and others need to raise their own funds for development.

Historically, Yuan Geng and others were still able to borrow a lot of money from other Chinese-funded tycoons in Xiangjiang.

Now because of the emergence of Yang Ming, it is difficult for Yuan Geng to borrow money from other Chinese investors in Xiangjiang, let alone other British investors.

Under this circumstance, when Yang Ming returned, Yuan Geng had already proposed to cooperate with the Imperial Group to jointly develop the Shekou Industrial Zone.

Among them, the Imperial Group provides money, technology, management, and companies, and Shekou Industrial Zone can only provide land.

Specific cooperation between the two parties also needs to be discussed.

For Pengcheng, there are actually many ports, but the two most important ports are.

One is Shekou Port and the other is Yantian Port.

Now Yuan Geng wants to develop Shekou Port, which is very important, but it requires a lot of funds and technology.

"Boss, I think cooperation is possible. The specific method of joint venture must be satisfied by both parties."

Shekou Industrial Zone is located in Yuen Long.

After Ma Shimin and others saw it, they felt that the location and port location were very advantageous. If Pengcheng really develops, then this place is indeed very important.

Shekou Port, in particular, is of great use as a dock for goods connected overseas or with Hong Kong.

Chapter two!

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