Meng Xiu, a person who didn't take it too seriously to watch the excitement, saw that everyone was interested, and immediately rolled his eyes and started to ask his friends on the Tuyuan Star to inquire.

Don't mention it, the old saying that birds of a feather flock together is true. Some of Meng Xiu's friends also love gossip and like to watch the excitement like Meng Xiu. Not only did he just send out the message, one of his friends behind him replied, He said he happened to know about it and was already eating it.

Upon hearing that Meng Xiu wanted to inquire about this matter, his friend immediately came over with a smile and took the melon to share it with him.

It turns out that the person in charge of the Feng Group on Tuyuan Star was named Xiong Cai. After hanging up the communication with Feng Youyu, Xiong Cai immediately summoned his men and proudly took out the energy cannon that was placed in the warehouse as a mascot. He planned to go to the black-hearted capitalist named Shui to regain his position.

However, Xiong Cai thought that he was a civilized and polite person and would not just come up and do it like those uncouth people, so he first asked his brothers to hide in a distance while he went to find the mother of the black-hearted capitalist. Tiger talked about her husband cheating on her and having a pretty little lover outside, and planned to be polite first and then fight.

But this "politeness" turned out to be a problem. After Xiong Cai came in and told the tigress about the matter, he originally planned to wait for the tigress to go to the black-hearted capitalist to settle the score, and then he would expose the old boy. The arrears of wages caused his reputation to fall and he had to pay back the wages owed to his employees.

But Xiong Cai never expected that although the tigress was furious on the spot after hearing about this, she did not deal with the black-hearted old boy as he expected. Instead, she chose another way of revenge. The tigress He immediately cursed, "Since you are raising a lover outside, then I will also raise a lover, and no one will suffer."

So Xiong Cai, a male creature that was very close to her, was unlucky enough to be targeted by her and became her first lover choice.

According to the person involved, Xiong Cai, a big man like him was so frightened that he was forced into a corner by the tigress and trembled. At that moment, the black-hearted old boy came back, grabbed him and raped him in the corner. And he took the initiative and called the police covertly in advance.

Xiong Cai almost cried on the spot. The 600-pound fat man raised his head and shouted that he was wronged. He wanted to be talented and good-looking, so how could he not think about being a lover? Wouldn't he be good as his first wife? , not to mention that the tigress is not good-looking at all, and her body is thicker than him.

It's a good thing that he doesn't have a wife. If he had a wife, it would be fine. Even if this thing is false, he would still be panicked. If he has a bigger temper, he can divorce him.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt aggrieved, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he couldn't let the black-hearted old boy bite him back, so when his head got hot, he took out the energy cannon and planned to execute plan 2 and bombard his house.

However, the energy cannon was kept in the warehouse as a mascot for many years, and it became rusty and misfired. Xiong Cai and other brothers agreed that the unscrupulous merchant who sold it to them must have deceived them and sold them a substandard one. .

This is also the reason why Xiong Cai was not considered a threat to public security after he was caught.

But Xiong Cai and a group of brothers quit. At that time, they sent a message to the unscrupulous merchant who sold them the energy cannon and demanded compensation for the fake products. But the unscrupulous merchant was really evil. Not only was he not ashamed of selling fake products, , after understanding the cause and effect, he said that Xiong had to thank him, otherwise if the energy cannon was real this time, he would have to sit through the jail.

Xiong Cai and the surrounding guards said: "What you said makes sense, but they couldn't refute it."

The friend who shared this piece of melon is one of the trainee guards. He is sitting in the lobby of the security bureau with his ears pricked up, eating melon with his seniors and watching the fun, watching Xiong Cai bargaining with the black-hearted businessman opposite, and it is said that he shouted at the top of his voice: The loud noise was so loud that the guards on the night shift had no work to do and were amused by the loud voice.

As for the outside, the guards also gave Xiong Cai, a poor big taxpayer, a favor by not spreading the news about the misfire of the energy cannon, so the news spread that Xiong Cai had been arrested as a mistress for destroying the relationship between husband and wife.

As for why Xiong Cai was arrested and sent to the security bureau even though he was a mistress, it was because of the public security regulations of Tuyuan Planet. The laws and regulations were really complete, careful and humane.

They also care about the situation of being a mistress like this. Anyone who is a mistress, regardless of whether it is a male or a female mistress, is treated equally and must be taken to the security bureau for three hours of ideological and moral education.

Finally, there is a record. If you are caught a second or third time, the punishment will gradually increase.

Xiong Cai's "male mistress case" has not yet been established. He is still under investigation and has another chance to defend himself.

After hearing the whole story, Bai Qianchun couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth. I have to say that the person in charge, Xiong Cai, is really unlucky and really funny.

Bai Qianchun didn't sympathize with him at all, but found it funny.

Then she suddenly thought, "Since the laws and regulations on Tuyuan Planet are so complete and even govern the affairs of male mistresses, why don't they care about the arrears of wages?"

"I don't care, of course I don't care about this matter." Hua Zhe pursed his oily mouth and said seriously.

This is an issue related to the external image of their Tuyuan Star, but they cannot be careless at all.

So he hurriedly explained, "After the incident of Xiong Cainan's mistress, we learned about the causes and consequences of his being regarded as a mistress, and also investigated the matter of arrears of wages. Those star citizens of Muyuan Planet were owed wages. I also reported the case after I was paid, but the guard was bribed by the Shui family and kept perfunctory with the Muyuan Xingming people and did not take any action, so no one has ever held the Shui family accountable."

It was precisely because this matter related to the people of Muyuan Star that Hua Zhe took it out in front of Bai Qianchun after getting the news, and then he continued.

"Now we have dealt with the bribed guard, fired him and dealt with the crime. He will be brought to court later. As for the Shui family, the security bureau has also issued a warning in the name of Tuyuanxing. I believe The Shui family will pay the arrears of wages soon. In addition, the Shui family has already come up with a compensation amount to be paid to the star citizens of Muyuan Planet. As for other punishments, they will have to wait for the court to decide. .”

"Oh, that's good." Bai Qianchun was quite satisfied with the handling. Tuyuanxing was still doing things neatly. On the other hand, Xiongcai actually caused so many troubles and even put himself in the security guard. It’s a game, it’s also very funny.

After listening to the whole story, Feng Youyu was in a much worse mood than Bai Qianchun. He didn't find it interesting. He just felt that he had been slapped in the face and his face was swollen.

In the first instance, he told Bai Qianchun that he would definitely be able to handle the issue of wage arrears, but in the second instance, that guy Xiong Cai gave him a hard time. Didn't this prove that he was not good enough!

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