Yao Wenxian led Lao Liu and Lao Qi to come to Feng Youyu to report what he had told him before. When they saw the meatball-making robot, it also stayed in the small courtyard because of its desire to hunt. The three of them had been cat-catting in the corner. Unable to bear it anymore, he walked over, stood beside Feng Youyu, and poked his arm, "Your special talent on Jinyuan Star has been poached like this. Do you have any thoughts that you would like to express?"

Feng Youyu's eyes never left Bai Qianchun. Originally, he was displeased with Cao Tiao, who was talking to her and had many topics in common. However, after seeing Cao Tiao casually calling "Master", he was displeased. The displeasure immediately turned into a displeasure, and the look in Cao Ting's eyes became a little more kind.

If you call him Master Bai Qianchun, then isn't he the master's wife? Oh, master, he should be called master.

Anyway, he is also a generation older, which feels really good.

After hearing Yao Wenxian's words, he glanced sideways at Yao Wenxian with a smile on his lips, "No, my star citizens are poached when they come to my wife's planet. It can only be regarded as a smooth talk, and they are still the same." people."

Hearing this, Yao Wenxian was stunned.

The pair of eyes behind his frame stared up and down at Feng Youyu's handsome and enchanting profile. After looking at it carefully, he finally asked with a deep look on his face, "Are you enlightened?"

Feng Youyu glanced at him proudly, the smile overflowing from the corner of his mouth could hardly be concealed, "What do you think?"

Yao Wenxian was silent. He hadn't finished writing the Fengshi Group's 100-year plan. Now that he's enlightened, can he still stay sane?

He asked cautiously and tentatively, "Lao Liu also wants to be a star citizen of Mu Yuan Star. He is also a wood element user. Since Miss Ancient Medicine accepts disciples so casually, can you see if you can recommend Lao Liu to go there and give it a try?" Be a little apprentice and follow me, and when Lao Liu learns it, your legion will be able to save a lot of money on medicine."

Feng Youyu's peach blossom eyes narrowed when she heard this, and her voice was sarcastic, "What good things are you thinking about? Lao Liu has never learned to distinguish medicinal herbs at all. He doesn't even have the basics to want to be her apprentice. These pills are... An important inheritance, not just anyone can become an apprentice. Besides, if Lao Liu doesn’t have the talent for pharmacology, she will have to spend more time training her. Even if she becomes a master in the future, she may be embarrassed."

"In this case, don't mention the matter of Lao Liu's apprenticeship. He can apply for immigration first and become a star citizen of Muyuan Planet. As for the apprenticeship, let Lao Liu go back and learn to distinguish medicinal herbs first. If he can memorize the complete list of medicinal herbs, he can do it. If you're still interested, you can give it a try. If she doesn't accept it, you can't rely on my status to ask her to accept it. We are an equal husband and wife."

"Okay, I understand, I will tell Lao Liu."

Yao Wenxian answered with a difficult smile. He had finished thinking and was really in love.

If he had asked before, Feng Xiaoer would definitely have the best interests of Lao Liu and Legion, and would definitely seize this opportunity to push Lao Liu to become the apprentice of the ancient doctor.

But now look what this guy answered.

Lao Liu has no basis for making her spend any effort!

Lao Liu's departure might embarrass her!

Lao Liu had to memorize the Encyclopedia of Medicinal Herbs before he could initially express his intention to become a disciple. He couldn't rely on his connections yet. This clearly shows that this guy is on the side of ancient medicine from head to toe.

The good brother Lao Liu has now become a disgusting existence.

Yao Wenxian wiped his face and felt deeply worried about his future. Today it might be Lao Liu, but next time it might be him.

No, while Feng Xiaoer's love brain is still in its early stages and he is not terminally ill, the Feng Group's century-old plan can still be saved.

Yao Wenxian left Feng Youyu with a sad face, and returned to Lao Liu and Lao Qi with heavy steps. Looking at Lao Liu's shining eyes, he really couldn't bear to tell him that he was now disliked by his good second brother.

Fortunately, Lao Liu only thought about immigrating and did not think about becoming a teacher. He jumped up with joy after knowing that he could immigrate.

After Bai Qianchun and Cao Ting finalized the master-disciple relationship, the master-disciple pair, who were not very good at expressing their feelings, did not want to put on a touching emotional performance of master-disciple, so after the contract was signed, they disbanded and went their separate ways. Everything has gone.

Cao Ting went back and started making the next pot of pills, while Bai Qianchun walked up to Jian Zhan and said, "The meatball-making robot is perfectly designed in terms of process. Isn't there a program for making a fire? Doesn't it have a temperature control?" Grasping it is also one of the important steps in making meatballs.”

With a slight smile on his lips, Jian Zhan explained, "This program actually exists, but the program I designed before was for natural gas to automatically adjust the fire size, not for burning wood, so after seeing the big pot in the small courtyard, I I turned off the fire program and only let it be responsible for kneading the pills on the pot."

"And the heat of the match is easy to change. If the robot wants to operate the fire freely, the coding instructions need to be more complicated."

Bai Qianchun: "What will happen if it becomes more complicated?"

Jian Zhan: "You have to pay more."

Bai Qianchun paused, and then concluded, "Then there is no need to add this coded instruction. Just use the original one to regulate natural gas. There will be no need to burn fires in the future. I plan to build a factory specifically for robots to make meatballs. It’s not suitable to be outdoors now, and there are many safety hazards. Not only do we need to protect it from prying eyes, but we also need to avoid rain. Once it rains, they won’t be able to work.”

"When the time comes to design the factory, you can also help provide suggestions on what equipment and furnishings are needed to match the robots. I will pay you according to the standards for special talents."

"Okay." Jian Zhan agreed immediately.

He is now carrying a lot of debt, and it would be great if he could earn more.

Jian Yang on the side was drooling with envy. He also wanted to be a special talent and earn more money to pay off his debts!

Now that Jian Zhan has received the money, he must do his best. After Bai Qianchun proposed to build a factory, he also put forward his own ideas, "Star Lord, I think if we want to build a factory, maybe one robot can be responsible for each step." It would be better to make it into an assembly line, which is safer and safer. Even if a robot is stolen, they can only get one or two processes, but not the complete formula.

Moreover, it is not necessary for all robots to make simulated human hands. It only needs to be matched with a pair of simulated human hands by the robot responsible for the last ball-rolling process, which saves a lot of costs. "

Bai Qianchun nodded repeatedly after hearing this, "What you said makes sense, then we will do as you said and make them separately in the form of an assembly line."

Bai Qianchun didn't hesitate at all. After chatting with Jian Zhan, she immediately sent a message to Ye Qiang, asking him to put aside the matter of repairing the Star Lord's Mansion and first choose a location to build a meatball factory.

From now on, this factory will be the core industry of their Muyuan Star, with hope for future development and rise.

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