The person who valued this wedding the most was Aunt Ye. Not only did she hire a special photographer to follow the entire process, she also sat crookedly on a chair, smiling exaggeratedly and turning on her camera to take pictures. First, she took pictures of all the guests present. After scanning it once, the camera started filming the moment the bride and groom emerged from the arch.

When she saw her daughter-in-law and son who were so photogenic in the camera, she felt so beautiful that it was not in vain that she had risked her old face a few days ago to beg the star owner to sell her two bottles in private.

Look at how effective these whitening pills and beauty pills are after taking them. Her daughter-in-law is not only whiter, her skin has improved, but her previous shortcomings of having too much flesh concentrated on her cheeks, which looked a little chubby and childish, have also improved. This Now her facial features are more refined and her eyes are bigger. Coupled with today's bridal makeup, Sheng Xiaoxiao is extremely beautiful today, no worse than those noble ladies who have been supported and nurtured since childhood.

Aunt Ye was so excited after seeing that. What she was most happy about was that her daughter-in-law's face seemed to have grown a lot now. Standing next to her rough and bulky son, they wouldn't be called father and daughter anymore. Finally, there is something like a couple.

Of course, there was also the reason why the beauty elixirs and whitening pills she had tried so hard to force the rough boy to take a few days ago were also effective. Look at her son today. He turned out to be rough and black, as strong as a black bear. He has become a lot whiter today, and the fierce flesh on his face has been adjusted by the beauty pill, which makes the outline of his face look much softer, from a simple and honest face to a handsome face with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and her son No matter how you look at your daughter-in-law standing together, they no longer look inferior!

Aunt Ye has kind eyes. She dares to pat her chest and guarantee that her son and daughter-in-law are definitely the best representatives of the effects of using beauty elixirs and whitening pills. They will even use them as a billboard in the future.

It's a pity that whitening pills and beauty pills are so popular now that there is no need to advertise at all, so the billboard for her son and daughter-in-law is no longer needed.

Aunt Ye felt sorry that her two children had lost such an opportunity to shine, and then came to her senses during the two people's oath.

On the central round platform, the master of ceremonies' festive and high-pitched voice rang out, "Very good. Congratulations to our groom, Mr. Xue Pan, and our bride, Miss Sheng Xiaoxiao, for getting married on the Muyuan Star. Let us wish them an early start and a bright future for us." The Huayao Empire has given birth to a glorious next generation, contributing to our great Huayao Empire, everyone applauds."

"Bah bang bang -" Warm applause rang out.

"Now, the groom may kiss your bride."

Xue Pan on the stage was wearing a crisp black suit with a gorgeous red rose on his chest. A silly smile appeared on his exceptionally handsome face, and then he lowered his head and approached his bride.

Sheng Xiaoxiao's shy cheeks turned red, but she still had a sweet smile and stood on tiptoes to bravely greet him.

"Pah, pah, pah—"

"It's so touching, so touching. It's another beautiful couple. There is another hope for the next generation of our empire."

"Yes, yes, the effects of beauty pills and whitening pills are indeed extraordinary. If every bride and groom can take them, there may be more people getting married in the future."

Everyone present said joyful words. Even Mizusawa Yue, who looked gloomy, did not speak, but also clapped and cheered.

Yao Wenxian clapped his hands and looked at the man next to him with a honeyed smile on his lips. Sure enough, he saw Feng Xiaoer staring straight at the bride and groom on the stage, with a little ripple on his evil handsome face. Apparently he fell into some kind of substitute emotion.

It wasn't until the applause ended and the kiss between the bride and groom on the stage ended that Feng Youyu returned to reality with unfulfilled intentions.

The next second he looked carefully at the woman on the right, and when he saw a slight smile on her cherry red lips, and the warmth in her dark and cold eyes, he couldn't help but turn red at the base of his ears. , heart pounding.

Did she also think about the scene in the future when they stood on the stage and took their wedding vows?

When Feng Youyu thought of this possibility, her heart bubbling with beauty, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise.

Bai Qianchun turned her head and looked over, her eyes suspiciously falling on the corner of his mouth that could not hide his smile, "Look at what I am doing, my face won't bloom."

Feng Youyu laughed out loud, "It won't bloom, but your smile is prettier than the flowers."

Bai Qianchun glanced over with a cold look. What kind of evil was brewing in this man's stomach?

Seeing her like this, Feng Youyu was depressed. In order to avoid misunderstanding, he hurriedly explained, "I mean, your smile just now was very beautiful, very peaceful and real, and very beautiful. It was different from the smile you had before. It was special when I saw it." Comfortable.”

Bai Qianchun was suspicious, "Really?"

Feng Youyu, who secretly brought in private compliments, felt a little depressed, but his handsome face tightened and he nodded seriously, "Absolutely, I won't lie to you."

Bai Qianchun looked away and pursed her lips into a straight line. Haha, what a liar!

But was she really smiling just now? She didn't seem to notice.

The following wedding ceremony also went very smoothly. The natural wedding venue of Muyuanxing was also very beautiful and romantic, which made most of the guests present feel relieved. Hello everyone, I sat down harmoniously until the end of the ceremony, and then It's time to eat.

In another spacious space shaded by a row of giant natural trees, several chefs and assistant chefs were working in full swing. None of the large pots was empty, and the aroma wafted out one after another.

Leng Jun and Leng Xiao were also invited here at a high price because there were not enough chefs. Each took charge of a big pot and commanded the chefs very well.

Among this group of chefs are Du Le and Jian Yang.

Du Le, a working expert, has been eyeing the work spot here since the Xue family's wedding scene was decorated. He usually comes here to work after he is busy completing the tasks assigned to him by Mu Yuanxing.

Helping decorate the scene, growing roses, hanging red silk and satin, he would do anything as long as he was paid.

Two days ago, Du Le met Jian Yang, a like-minded man who was also in debt and extremely short of money. The two brothers immediately saw each other, and then they hit it off and formed a working team, led by Du Le. The two of them hung out in Xue's house. At the wedding scene, they regarded themselves as a brick, moving it wherever it was needed. No, the kitchen needed it today, so they moved to the kitchen and became two happy little helpers.

Jian Yang and Du Le both had to cook themselves because they were poor, so even though they were busy as a spinning top under the direction of the chef, they still had a chance to breathe, and after finishing their work for a while, they were able to distract themselves and observe other things.

As a result, such an observation made them discover something.

The first person to notice was Jian Yang. After he cut the chicken and sent it to the chef, he immediately approached Du Le and carefully touched his arm with his own. When he saw Du Le slowing down the speed of chopping vegetables, he looked at him. When he came over, he quickly winked at Du Le and nuzzled his lips in the direction of the steamer.

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