I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 304 The maximum penalty is death

"Feng family boy, what you are doing is not appropriate, is it? Although the third princess made a mistake, the Muyuan star master was not injured at all, so her crime will not lead to death, not to mention that the man named Mas just now As I said, everything that follows was arranged by him and has nothing to do with the third princess, so the situation of the third princess is at best an attempted crime. According to the laws of the main planet, the maximum sentence is a hundred years in prison, which is not even the death penalty."

Mizusawa Yue had a fake smile on his feminine face, pretending to stand up and speak out.

Qin Yushan immediately abandoned Bai Chengjun, that useless man, and looked towards Shui Zeyue with excited eyes. She didn't expect that the person from the Shui family would be the one to stand up and speak for her in the end.

She used to look down on the second child of the Shui family. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that military power is the most important. If the boss of the Shui family controls the military, it means he has touched the lifeblood of the Shui family. So no matter how much the second child of the Shui family jumps around, he is still just the second child, unless Only when the boss of the Shui family dies will he have a chance to take over.

Her eyes flickered. Maybe she could cooperate with this person if she had a chance in the future. As for what he said about being sentenced to prison, she was not afraid. As long as she left Mu Yuanxing and returned to her father, he would definitely help her. She was his father. My favorite daughter.

Shuizawa Yue noticed her gaze and sneered in his heart. He didn't really come out to plead for her, a stupid woman, to save his life, but to create conflicts.

He still clearly remembers the humiliation he suffered from the boy Feng Jia and the woman Mu Yuanxing by the campfire. Now this Qin Yushan is his best opportunity for revenge.

He pointed out that her crime was not worthy of death. If Feng Youyu really killed the third princess regardless of his wife, he would definitely be remembered by His Majesty the Emperor in the future. Even if it could not kill him, he would show no mercy at all. The news about his violation of Gu Zhuxing's laws spread out, but he still didn't get any good results.

Not only will His Majesty the Emperor be wary of him, other partners will also consider whether to cooperate with him.

In short, as long as Qin Yushan dies, Feng Youyu's reputation will become worse, and many invisible things will increase, which will constrain his Feng family in the future.

This is the purpose of Mizusawa Gaku.

Then two people with different thoughts looked at Feng Youyu, wanting to see what he would do. Qin Yushan, of course, wanted him to retort and not kill her. As for Shuizawa Yue, he smiled sinisterly in his heart and said, "Kill her, kill her." She, this is more conducive to his purpose.

Unexpectedly, Feng Youyu, who had a gloomy and ugly face, was about to speak when Bai Qianchun, who was standing next to him, reached out to stop him. He walked out and said with a smile, "I'm afraid Mr. Shui has forgotten one thing. This is my Muyuan." The star is a high-level planet like the main star. The star owner has the right to formulate laws and regulations. It just so happened that I just made one: Anyone who wants to harm the star owner or cause harm to the star owner's life will be punished with the maximum punishment. ,death penalty."

"Look, how is my law formulated?"

She said this with a smile, as if she had gotten some fun toy, but Mizusawa Yue was horrified in his heart. He knew that this woman was not a light-hearted person, but he didn't expect that she was so smart and so fast. After reacting, he directly broke his game.

What else could Mizawa Yue do? After weighing the pros and cons, he could only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. He gritted his teeth and pulled the corners of his mouth with a dry smile and said, "Okay, okay, since it was formulated by the Star Lord, then there is no problem. Mr. Feng Killing the third princess is considered legal and reasonable."

Qin Yushan suddenly looked at him in horror. Did he give up so easily?

Feng Youyu curled up his lips, looking very happy. His wife was smart, and she almost fell into the trap of that old boy Shui Zeyue just now.

Although he is not afraid.

His Majesty the Emperor is his uncle. Even if he is angry that he killed his daughter, for the sake of his cousin and his aunt, he will definitely not care about him in the end. At most, he will be angry for a while. After all, he has killed everyone. , it was her own fault.

As for His Majesty the Emperor's doting on Qin Yushan, hey, others don't know what's going on, but he knows it. The emperor's uncle has three daughters in total. The eldest princess Qin Yutang is the biological daughter of his empress aunt. She is a dashing and heroic figure. She walks with wind and a murderous aura. At 1.8 meters tall, she stands out among the interstellar women, and is also conspicuous among the men.

In addition, she likes boxing and kung fu and likes to find people to spar with. Many of the people in her cousin's First Legion were beaten to the point of crying for their mothers. In addition, she also has short hair that reaches her chin. She is clean and neat, and her solid body muscles are stronger and smoother than some men. She looks like a manly woman. When she goes out and says she is a princess, haha, who will believe it!

His emperor's uncle also felt that this daughter really didn't look like a princess, so he could only raise her as a son with a kind face.

As for the second princess, Qin Yuru, she was quite princess-like at first, arrogant, with her nostrils pointing to the sky, and everyone holding the moon in their arms.

But she and the third prince Qin Yuyan were from the same mother. Since more than a year ago, the third prince colluded with the Orc Empire and betrayed the Huayao Empire's internal information, leading to steady defeats in the war and numerous casualties. It was an unforgivable crime.

Her mother-in-law begged hard, and her mother's family, the Sun family, handed over the army, thus saving the third prince's life, and he only ended up with life imprisonment.

After that, her mother-in-law became depressed and died of illness not long after. Her grandfather was the only one left in the Sun family, who retreated to the small planet. From then on, there was no one to support Qin Yuru.

So her temperament changed drastically, she became sensitive and timid, and she lived in a corner. As a result, she was naturally not suitable to be a princess representative.

So among the short ones, Qin Yushan was highlighted. It happened that the royal family lacked a princess representative, so His Majesty the Emperor just slipped her out.

When it comes to pampering, it can only be said to be superficial pampering, but not actually.

At most, it's just because Qin Yushan is the representative of the royal princess. If you treat her better, it still represents the face of the royal family. If you treat her poorly, it will also be the face of the royal family.

In this way, Qin Yushan felt very happy when she was held in such a high position, and she really thought that she was the most beloved princess.

And now because of her previous nonsense, she herself has thrown away the glorious halo of being a princess. She must have lost her "favor" from her uncle and been downgraded to an ordinary little transparent daughter, so she is banned from traveling. Jade was very relieved.

As for other invisible influences, Mizusawa Yue has overthought them. As long as he has the Golden Source Star, a hen that can lay eggs, and the real power of the legion, who dares not to give him face? You must know that people nowadays care about interests. As long as interests are If you are old enough, who cares whether you are crazy or stupid, or whether you killed an insignificant third princess.

Therefore, Mizusawa Yue's plan was completely wrong.

Zhuang Shu stayed on the spot with a dumb face, turned to look at Feng Youyu, then at Bai Qianchun, and asked for instructions sternly, "Sir, sir, madam, do you want to kill me?"

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