I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 307 The past between Qin Yushan and Mas

As the third princess Qin Yushan was taken into custody, the wedding assassination incident came to an end. Her followers quickly picked up their tails and behaved. They did not dare to stay here any longer, and even did not dare to stay in the tree house. They slithered back. Live on a starship docked at the starport.

It's scary. It's scary. The three princesses have been arrested. It's better for little minions like them to stay calm and stop attracting people's attention here.

In addition, they would not dare to get close to the third princess in the future. They did not dare to come forward when she asked for help just now. The third princess must have held a grudge against them.

At this moment, several people were envious of Pu Yi's group of people who had split with them early. It would have been great if they had also left the third princess's side. But now they are in a dilemma, and they are not human beings inside and outside.

嘤嘤嘤~~ They regretted it, the third princess was a trap!

It's a pity that it's useless to regret it anymore. It's too late now to get in touch with Pu Yi and the others.

Pu Yi and Bu Wen looked at them running away with their tails between their legs, each with a smile on their face, not to mention that they were so overwhelmed!

Pu Yi puffed up her chest proudly, and when Bai Qianchun looked over at her, her anger deflated. She showed her two rows of small white teeth to Bai Qianchun eager to please, and said humbly, "Well, since there is no such thing here, It’s our business, so let’s go back first.”

Bai Qianchun nodded slightly, looked towards her with a smile, and warned, "Well, go back and don't wander around at night."

Pu Yi's body stiffened, and she quickly shook her head like a rattle, expressing that she didn't dare to wander around anymore. The last time she wandered around, she was not only crying because she heard the shocking secret about this fake couple and was threatened. Not to mention, she was targeted by these two and given poison. How dare she continue to wander around?

She is now a healthy girl who goes to bed early and gets up early. She is determined not to go around in the evening to spread rumors. Even the little sister in the tree house next door invited her to play cards at night. She didn't go.

After making the promise, Pu Yi quickly pulled Bu Wen beside him and hurried out.

Bu Wen, who was dragged and staggered, looked confused, "What are you doing? What are you rushing to do in such a hurry? I haven't said hello to the Ancient Medicine Star Master yet."

Pu Yi stiffened, then spoke righteously, "Of course I'm anxious, it's going to be dark soon, the road back to the tree house is uneven, and it's difficult to walk at night, so we can watch while we can. When you see the way, go back quickly."

Bu Wen and the little sisters following her all looked up at the gorgeous sunset hanging in the sky. Is it going to get dark soon?

And what if it gets dark? They still have lights when it gets dark, so it’s not a big problem to light them up so they can see the way.

This Puyi, why has he become weird since he came to Muyuan Star?

The sisters didn't quite understand what she was doing by telling lies with her eyes open, but now was really not a good time to talk, so they had better go back first before talking about it. The assassination had just happened and they didn't feel safe staying outside. I feel butterflies in my heart.

There were many timid guests who had the same idea as them. After watching a group of ladies leave smoothly, they followed suit and quickly left this place of right and wrong.

After a while, most of the people in the huge and festive wedding scene had left, and it became much empty.

Of course, there were naturally some people who were not in a hurry to leave, including Captain Bale and the doctors on the transport ship.

Captain Bale's deep eyes were red with tears at this time, and then he bowed to Bai Qianchun with a sad face and apologized, "I didn't expect that Mas would be so confused, and my dereliction of duty. Yuan Xing and Star Master, I’m really sorry that you have brought so much trouble.”

Bai Qianchun's lips curled up, her dark eyes stared at his hair with a faint sparkle, and she said, "Captain Bale, you don't have to be like this, this is all the fault of the deputy captain named Mas. He also deliberately deceived you. This matter has nothing to do with you. The only blame is that he took advantage of your trust, Captain, and did something stupid."

Why did this sound a little awkward? The people who were standing around quietly in the background felt suspicious, but they heard Bai Qianchun continue to say, "But there is one more thing I want to ask the captain. Do you know about this horse?" What happened between Vice Captain Si and the third princess?"

Bale's deep and moist eyes flickered slightly, his face covered with a beard covering most of his face, his brows furrowed, and then he sighed, "I know this."

Everyone is dead, there is nothing that cannot be said.

Then he told what he knew.

It turned out that three years ago, the third princess was still an unknown third princess who was covered by the light of the second princess. In an accident, she encountered a star disaster. Her escape capsule fell on a remote star with savage folk customs, and was captured by an aborigine there. Saved, women are rare on the deserted star. You can imagine what happened to Qin Yushan, a beautiful girl, after she came here. Of course, she was left as a wife by those people.

Mas was also an aborigine from that deserted planet. At that time, he happened to be returning home from vacation. He happened to see the beautiful and pitiful Qin Yushan and couldn't help but feel moved on the spot. Then he paid a high price to take her down at the aboriginal auction, planning to Take her home as your wife.

In the days when Qin Yushan was brought home by Maas, Maas was very kind to Qin Yushan. Not only did he not touch her, he also provided her with delicious food and drinks. He tried his best to find good things to decorate the wedding and planned to give her a complete wedding. Wedding Format.

But I didn't expect that on the day of the wedding, Qin Yushan ran away while no one was paying attention. Just as the search escort arrived, she got on the battleship and left. Naturally, the wedding that Mas prepared ended up without a problem. Later, Mas went crazy and couldn't find her. to people.

Everyone on the transport ship knew that Maas was an infatuated person and had a sweetheart who disappeared before the wedding.

But most of the crew thought that his sweetheart was dead. Only Captain Bale knew that his sweetheart ran away.

It was not until more than a year ago that the second princess's reputation was damaged due to the third prince's involvement and she could no longer serve as the princess representative. Qin Yushan, the third princess, was promoted to stand in front of the public.

Her photo was also widely circulated on the Star Network and was seen by Maas. Maas recognized her at that time, but because of the identity gap between the two, Maas could only get drunk but did not dare to look for her again. People.

Captain Bale happened to be with him when he was drunk, and listened to him ramble on about everything. He knew that Mas was also suffering in his heart. His sweetheart was so close in front of him but he couldn't find him back. Of course it wasn't because of that. He was too afraid to find out the identity of the third princess, but he was afraid that his own identity and past would add stain to the third princess.

It can be seen that Mars is really affectionate!

At this point, Captain Bale sighed with emotion and wiped away his tears for his affection.

As for how Mas got in touch with the third princess, Captain Bale said he had no idea about it.

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