I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 313 It’s this little thief again

Bai Qianchun moved over there and reached out to move a piece of firewood away. Sure enough, she saw a green kohlrabi star spirit with its legs crossed, a small face covered with greasy brown sauce, and two small He held a potato slice about the same size in his short hand and ate it happily.

There was a bare bamboo stick lying on the ground nearby.

Ha, okay, it turns out to be this little thief again!

Bai Qianchun's eyes twitched, but because of the agreement she had made with this little kohlrabi star spirit and the presence of an outsider like Feng Youyu, she didn't say anything and just stared at it!

The little thief is addicted to eating. Isn't eating three or four large pots of food a day enough to satisfy him? Now he even sneaks in her potato chips!

Her gaze was so intense that the kohlrabi star spirit certainly noticed it. It turned its small eyes the size of sesame dots and glanced at her. Then it held the potato slices and chewed them quickly with its small mouth. At the end, it raised its head and chin. She then sneered, "I just ate a bunch of potato chips from you, you little piece of trash!"

Bai Qianchun gritted his teeth and forced out a "kind" smile, holding up a matchstick in his hand, "What did you say? Say it again?"

The kohlrabi star spirit immediately fluttered a pair of light wings, and rushed in the direction of Feng Youyu, screaming, "Help, the two-legged beast star master won't give you anything to eat, and he's going to beat the star spirit." , the little cabbages, the ground is yellow, the little stars, how pitiful they are."

Feng Youyu didn't come back to his senses, and without paying attention, he called this green kohlrabi star spirit to pounce on him. It hugged the tip of his nose with its two short hands, thinking that it had found a big supporter, and even pouted a little Ass, Kohlrabi turned his head and challenged Bai Qianchun, "Come on, come on, hit here."

Bai Qianchun is so angry. Damn it, this little star spirit really hasn't been on the roof for three days. She finally understands how Ye Yang felt before. This little thing talks so cheaply and is really a thief. Infuriating.

She laughed angrily, holding the matchstick in her hand and gradually squeezed it tightly, and finally broke it with a click.

The little Xingling's voice stopped for a moment, and the little body that was leaning on Feng Youyu's nose froze slightly. Oops, it's gone!

Just when it was about to turn invisible and escape, two slender fingers pinched its kohlrabi head and lifted it up.

Feng Youyu held it in front of his eyes and shook it twice, narrowed his peach blossom eyes and said, "Is this the star spirit from Muyuan Planet? It looks quite naughty."

Bai Qianchun was stunned, and then thought that he was also the star master of the Origin Star, and it was reasonable for him to know that there were star spirits on the Origin Star.

She pushed the broken matchstick aside and chuckled, "He is indeed quite naughty and deserves a beating."

The kohlrabi star spirit hugged its big head and kicked its legs, chirping, "let me go, let me go, you stupid male two-legged beast, even if Xiao Jin said you are the most beautiful star The Lord cannot change your vicious nature of bullying the weak, innocent and helpless little stars."

Feng Youyu raised his eyebrows and chuckled in his deep voice, "I'm vicious. If I don't do something vicious, I'd be sorry for your evaluation."

Then he didn't leave a chance for the kohlrabi star spirit, and directly gave it a big jump of 360 degrees up and down rotation, a crazy big pendulum version 2.0, which made a certain kohlrabi star star dazzle with stars around its head. There was a circle of little yellow birds wandering around. They were talking in a daze before they stopped.

Feng Youyu slid it back to his eyes with satisfaction and gave it an evil smile, "How about it, am I evil?"

Kohlrabi cried loudly, held her head and twisted her body, sobbing and compromising, "No, not vicious, not vicious."

Only then did Feng Youyu loosen his fingers holding it with satisfaction.

The kohlrabi star spirit was freed and immediately fluttered its light wings, rolled and crawled on Bai Qianchun, nestled on her collar and continued to cry, the sobbing voice was still complaining, "嘤嘤嘤嘤, He bullied me. Even if such a ferocious male Two-legged beast has a face that can make food, and money to let you sleep and spend money, it’s useless. Men who are capable of domestic violence are the most unpopular in the world of Two-legged beasts. We are married, you’d better repent and divorce him as soon as possible.”

The corners of Feng Youyu's raised mouth froze, and a pair of seductive peach blossom eyes narrowed with a dangerous arc. What dangerous thing was this little thing talking about? How dare he flirt with that woman Bai Qianchun? Divorce, divorce is impossible, but this little thing has to be taught a lesson.

Seeing Feng Youyu's vicious look that wanted to catch the Rutabaga Star Spirit back, Bai Qianchun pursed her lips lightly, showing the arc of a smile, then curled her fingers and flicked its head, and said with a smile, "Little thing, This mean mouth still refuses to repent."

The kohlrabi star spirit twisted its little body and groaned, and even hid it in Bai Qianchun's collar. Feng Youyu's face turned dark immediately. Damn it, this little pervert is as much of a bastard as the little nympho on his Gold Source Star. thing.

He couldn't wait to rush over, catch it back and give its little butt a meal of fried shredded pork with bamboo shoots.

But that location

Bai Qianchun's fair and smooth skin and sexy collarbone were exposed due to the tugging of Rutabaga Xingling's short hand. Feng Youyu immediately seemed to be burned, and the roots of her ears quickly turned red.

He raised his right hand and clenched it into a fist, put it to his mouth and coughed lightly. His eyes drifted towards the bonfire guiltily, pretending that he had not seen anything just now.

Bai Qianchun himself had no scruples. Before the kohlrabi star spirit groaned and tried to get in, he lifted it up with two fingers and said in a gloomy tone, "Where are you going to get in?"

Shadows fell overhead.

Kohlrabi Star Spirit: w(Д)w Danger, danger, danger! ! ! !

Then Bai Qianchun gave Feng Youyu a small wooden stick, and the two of them poked and poked at the little star spirit that was pinched in mid-air. It made it cry and laugh, and they bullied it hard before they stopped. .

The ravaged Kohlrabi star spirit lay limply on the match pile with its hands and feet spread out, lying in a "big" shape, silently vomiting its soul to the dark sky.

The smart Twoleg is so cruel! ! !

Its figure flickered in and out, as if it had had enough fun and was about to disappear, but Bai Qianchun stepped forward and held it down with one finger, "Wait, don't leave in a hurry, I have something to ask you."

The Kohlrabi star spirit flicked its limbs dissatisfiedly. After seeing that it couldn't get away, it turned its little head and looked at Bai Qianchun with a groan, and said with a slumped face, "You ask."

"Do you know what Nong Gui and the people from the transport ship were looking for before? Is there anything strange nearby?"

"Something strange?" The kohlrabi star spirit grinned and laughed, not forgetting to eat but not to fight. "Yes."

It stretched out its two little hands, spread out its ten fingers, and said mischievously, "Give me another ten bunches of potato chips and I'll tell you."

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