I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 320 The secret behind Wang Ze’s death

Feng Youyu's eyes flashed brightly, and he grasped the key point, "You mean all the red silk cells they produced in the past ten years are here and have not been taken out?"

The little star spirit blinked, "Is this what this star spirit said?"

Feng Youyu frowned, indicating that this was what he just said.

"Oh." The little star spirit chuckled, "Anyway, I haven't seen them take them out."

Then it raised its head with an expression that said, "You have to guess for yourself."

Feng Youyu was silent. He really couldn't guess for a while, so he could only move on to the next question, "How many people are there in total in this laboratory, and how long has it been established?"

The little Xingling clasped her fingers and said vaguely, "There are eight people in total, seven wearing white coats playing with plants, and one tinkering with machines. How long has it been building? It's about fifteen years. I'm really bored and fell asleep." I fell asleep several times and couldn’t remember the time.”


Feng Youyu had a look of helplessness on his face. He was used to the little star spirit's operation of not remembering the time. This turnip had a relatively clear logical memory. The little nymphomaniac on his Jinyuan star was really confused, except for Yan. People with high values ​​​​can remember things clearly and clearly, except for things that happened hundreds of years ago, but other things are very vague.

Especially the memory time is particularly bad. One year can be said to be a hundred years. At the end, he blinks and asks innocently, "Am I wrong?"

However, it is normal for protoss, a creature with an infinite life, to be insensitive to the concept of time.

"When did the people in the laboratory leave? Do you know why they didn't take away these bottles?"

"This Star Spirit must know such a simple question." The Rutabaga Star Spirit's self-confidence returned, and she puffed up her little chest proudly, "They left with Wang Ze's stupid two-legged beast. Wang Ze came over and said He was going to a celebration party, and if he didn't go, he wouldn't be giving him face. Then the Twoleg in the white coat and the Twoleg playing with the machine agreed to go out with him. Hehe, they never came back after that, and the bottle was left behind. It’s here.”

Feng Youyu's black face showed shock and anger, and his voice was deep, "Wang Ze took them out to celebrate? Wang Ze knows what is being studied in this laboratory?"

If it is true, then Wang Ze will have to be charged with treason.

The little star spirit held her belly and laughed, "Of course I don't know. Wang Ze's two-legged beast is so stupid. He was so fooled by them that he thought these two-legged beasts in white coats were really studying what can be done without practicing." It’s the secret medicine that will make you immortal.”

"Hey tui, what good thing is he thinking about? There is no good thing in the world that can survive for a long time without working hard. Even us protoss have to work hard to save energy to survive. That's why he is such a fool. Believe it."

Hearing this, Feng Youyu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, otherwise it would have been a huge joke if the Star Master of the Origin Star, the greatest protector of their Huayao Empire, betrayed the empire.

However, Feng Youyu's tone of relief was obviously too early. What little Xingling brought next would be a shocking secret.

It turned out that this bold little star spirit regarded Wang Ze as a joke and used it to make fun of him all day long. After the two-legged beast in the white coat disappeared, it also followed him for a period of time. Unexpectedly, heard about his plot and subsequent events.

After the drug in the underground laboratory was successful, Wang Ze was greedy and was short of star coins, so he unilaterally broke the contract, deceived the people in the laboratory into leaving Mu Yuan, killed them, and threw their bodies away. The universe has become cosmic garbage, and I want to monopolize those research results alone.

But the people in the laboratory took precautions against him, put a protection program on the laboratory, and changed the instructions for entering. The man who was responsible for the defense and security of the laboratory, the man who tinkered with the machines as Xiao Xingling said, laughed before he died. Then he confided the news to Wang Ze.

After Wang Ze knew the news, he also knew that the laboratory protective cover would be destroyed as long as the instruction was wrong, so he did not dare to act rashly. The laboratory kept the protective wall open and the red silk cells in the laboratory remained there. No chance to get out.

Later, Wang Ze was unwilling to give in and wanted the results in the laboratory. He had to negotiate with the people behind the laboratory, but the two seemed to have failed to reach an agreement on communication.

Therefore, Wang Ze could only bring someone with him and use the excuse of going out to go out to have an interview with someone.

Not long after Wang Ze went out with great fanfare, news came that the star master of Muyuan was captured by interstellar pirates and the entire battleship. It took another three months for the little star spirit to sense that the contract had disappeared. Wang Ze Ze is dead.

In other words, Wang Ze's death was not that he was killed on the spot after encountering interstellar pirates, as mentioned before, but that he died after missing for three months.

So where was he taken when he was missing for three months?

Why didn't the investigation team find any traces?

Also, during that trip, Wang Ze did not go for fun, but went to negotiate under the guise of fun. Then the person behind the red silk cell must know about the news about his trip, and Wang Ze's death may also be his own hand. planned.

Thinking of this possibility, Feng Youyu felt a chill run down his spine. It turned out that the mastermind behind the scenes had been hidden in the Huayao Empire for a long time. They didn't even know about it and thought it was just an accident.

The death of an original star master, such a big thing, the mastermind behind it was able to arrange it so seamlessly that people could not find clues and just thought it was an accident. This is enough to show how deep his hand was.

It is very likely that his people and informants were also on the investigation team that investigated Wang Ze's death.

"Check, follow Wang Ze's line." Feng Youyuhei said with a stern face, gritted his teeth, opened the communication and sent a message to Yao Wenxian and Zhuang Shu, asking them to investigate in secret. He couldn't wait for such a major matter for a moment. .

Bai Qianchun listened solemnly, but she couldn't feel any sympathy for Wang Ze. According to the truth provided by the clues provided by Xiao Xingling, Wang Ze's death was completely deserved by himself.

If he hadn't been so greedy and hadn't killed those researchers, he might have been able to live in peace with the mastermind.

But it would be better for him to die. If he was not greedy and did not deal with those researchers, then these twenty bottles of red silk cells might have been leaked out, and even harmed many people.

As for why the mastermind behind the matter did not send anyone to retrieve it in the past four years, but waited until Bai Qianchun arrived at Muyuan Planet before anyone came to Muyuan Planet to find this laboratory, this is still an unsolved mystery!

Obviously, it is impossible that the mastermind behind it doesn't want it anymore. According to Xiao Xingling, it took ten years to get such twenty vials. This shows that these red silk cells are hard to come by, and it is impossible for the mastermind behind the scenes to give up easily.

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