Bai Qianchun breathed a sigh of relief.

After plugging the lid of the test tube in his hand and putting it aside, he slowly began to pull out the golden needles on Qin Manyun's neck and head. After pulling them all out, Bai Qianchun gave Qin Manyun a small healing pill.

After the small scratch on her neck slowly healed, the three people present breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Manyun is also a ruthless person who has seen the world. Just now, his neck felt the danger of spurting blood like water from a faucet, but now he seems to have forgotten that it was him who was bleeding so much just now, and his collar is stained The red-clothed man sat up without hesitation, his eyes falling on the test tube on the table beside him.

In addition to the bright red blood in the test tube, there was a dark purple thing slightly thinner than the little finger.

There was a flash of ecstasy in her eyes, but she was quickly suppressed again, and her eyes turned suspicious, "Is this what's in my mind? Isn't it about red blood cells, but why are they dark purple?"

Bai Qianchun was also surprised. She picked up the test tube and shook it with a slight frown, "I don't know, maybe it mutated. It was supposed to get into the superpower core, but instead it went into your brain. And its size has also increased. But one thing is unmistakable. It is definitely homologous to red silk cells. Otherwise, you would not have such a big reaction after drinking the attractant. I will take it back and study it. , see where it has mutated."

Qin Manyun had no objection. She didn't have anyone who could be trusted to study this thing, so she felt relieved to leave it to Muyuan Star Master.

"Let me know when you have the results of your research."

"Okay." Bai Qianchun agreed, and then looked at Qin Manyun, "Now can you tell me who gave you the orchid-flavored tobacco leaves?"

Qin Manyun took out a handkerchief and wiped the sticky blood on his neck elegantly. A bright smile appeared again on the plain face that had taken off makeup. Even without heavy makeup, it was still better than the prince who had heavy makeup before. His Highness is even more imposing, with a little more confidence and joy exuding from the inside out.

She did not directly answer Bai Qianchun's words, but asked, "After taking out this thing, will my disease be cured?"

Bai Qianchun raised her eyebrows, "It's not completely healed. The main reason for your abnormal and out-of-control mental state is it. After you take it out, the root cause of the disease is gone. But in the past few years, because of its existence and the irritation of orchid-flavored tobacco leaves, you The nerve damage in the brain is still there, which is easy to deal with. It can be solved by taking a vitality pill, but the mental impact is not traumatic. You still need to rest and slowly adjust yourself to recover quickly."

Qin Manyun said oh, and offered to buy it smoothly. He bought a vitality pill from Bai Qianchun and swallowed it directly, and then asked, "What if I don't want to rest anymore?"

Bai Qianchun: "Then recover more slowly. You have survived for so many years without turning into a lunatic. It shows that you have good self-regulation ability and a strong psychology, so it is not a big problem."

Qin Manyun's lips curled up, very satisfied with the result, "That's good."

She was satisfied and didn't break her promise. She told Bai Qianchun and Feng Youyu what they wanted, "That orchid-flavored tobacco leaf was given to me by that boy Qin Yurun."

"Qin Yurun, the fourth prince?"

Bai Qianchun was surprised, but he didn't expect that another member of the royal family would be involved.

She knew that this fourth prince had been dancing very happily on the Star Network recently. Either he led his team to win the championship in some mecha competition, or he won the first place in a certain wild star's practical examination, and he also accidentally caught a certain person. Criminal gangs rescued several women who were arrested

It can be said that he has a strong sense of existence. As long as he is on the Star Network, no one will know about these commendable deeds of the fourth prince.

After Qin Yushan, the representative princess of the royal family, lost her reputation, Qin Yurun also turned the tide and restored the royal family's reputation among the people of the empire with the excellent image he established.

Therefore, Qin Yurun's reputation on the Star Network has become famous recently. Even His Majesty the Emperor publicly praised him as a good son.

"That's him." Qin Manyun recalled recently, with a wild and happy smile on his face, "Now that the thing that restricts me is gone, when I get back I will settle the score with the boy who dared to threaten me."

With that said, she didn't even change her clothes. She was stained with bright red blood like a goddess of revenge. She released the speeding car and stepped on it.

Fortunately, she hadn't forgotten Bai Qianchun, the biggest hero, and didn't fly away directly. Instead, she paused on the flying car and paid Bai Qianchun a huge treatment fee of 500 million yuan, then stuck her head out to treat her. He said, "Ask the Feng family boy to bring the things I bought for me. If you have any fruits and vegetables that you can't sell, you can ask him to bring them to me. We will calculate the price later, and I will return to the main star first." .”

Then her speeding car swung across the sky like an arrow from the string, bright red like a strong flame.

Bai Qianchun stood there for a moment, watched the speeding car fly away, and then looked at Feng Youyu beside her, "Just let her go back to find someone to settle the score? Won't you alert the snake?"

Feng Youyu smiled and gave her a reassuring look, "Don't worry, no one in the royal family is a fool. Your Highness the Prince will not be exposed so easily after hiding for so many years. What's more, she wants to catch the person who harmed her more than we do." Black Hand, maybe we can get news from her in the future."

Bai Qianchun raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Oh, then why don't you suspect that the fourth prince is the mastermind behind this?"

Feng Youyu said, "It can't be him. The red silk cells are obviously inseparable from the Orc Empire. Qin Yurun is as gentle as jade on the surface, but he is actually very ambitious. He wants to replace my cousin and inherit the throne. Based on this alone, he He would not collude with the Orc Empire, because no one wants their empire to be invaded and controlled by other empires. Besides, his mother-in-law's power is not small, so there is no need to rely on the power of the Orc Empire.

However, it is possible that he was involved in someone's conspiracy. "

Feng Youyu thought thoughtfully. If the prince of the royal family could be included in the plot, then who was the mastermind behind the scenes in the Huayao Empire? His status should not be low.

But it's good to have another clue.

At this time, Feng Youyu's communication rang, and it was Yao Wenxian calling.

Bai Qianchun glanced at him and said, "Take it."

Then he walked to the side, intending to avoid suspicion, but he couldn't resist Feng Youyu's quick answer. Yao Wenxian spoke quickly and his voice was not quiet, so she happened to catch him.

"The people sent by His Majesty the Emperor to pick up Qin Yushan are here. They are the second prince and the eldest princess, and the two eldest members of the Sheng family are also here to join in the fun."

Feng Youyu frowned, "Sheng Dongjing and Sheng Donghuai?"

Yao Wenxian: "Yes."

Feng Youyu clicked his tongue in disgust, "Here comes the difficult guy."

Bai Qianchun's ears twitched, and she turned around and glanced at Feng Youyu suspiciously, "A difficult guy?"

Sheng Dongjing and Sheng Donghuai? The Sheng family?

A little bit of curiosity arose in her heart.

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