I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 335 My cousin’s face turned pale again

After Feng Youyu and Sheng Donghuai muttered, they looked back and happened to see Bai Qianchun receiving the gift box handed over by Qin Yujin. Suddenly his face darkened and the corners of his mouth dropped.

Then he threw Sheng Donghuai away and walked back in three steps in a hurry. He stared at the elegant gift box with both eyes and greeted Qin Yujin with a smile on his face, "Two." Your Highness, what are you doing? It is inappropriate to give my wife a gift that is not related to her."

Sheng Donghuai, who was slowly coming back behind him, and Yao Wenxian, who was opposite him, looked at each other. They both sighed. Feng Xiaoer was so jealous!

Bai Qianchun was stunned when he heard Feng Youyu being called, Second Highness? Isn't it Brother Yujin?

Facing Bai Qianchun's questioning eyes, Qin Yujin smiled helplessly on his face, looked at Feng Youyu with tolerant eyes and said, "You Yu, you have already said that based on the relationship between me and my eldest brother, you are my eldest brother's cousin." Brother is also my cousin, even now that I have grown up, there is no need to use honorifics for me, I am still your brother Yujin, no need to be too young. Also, this is an apology, given in place of sister Yushan Sorry, you kid, you got so jealous after marrying a wife that you even told her that she was not a relative."

Feng Youyu suddenly got stuck, "Apologise?"

Qin Yujin looked at him with a smile, "Then what do you think it is?"

What could it be? I thought it was to pry into the corner.

Feng Youyu himself was in great embarrassment, but he was thick-skinned. He coughed lightly and pretended that nothing happened just now. He nodded with a serious look and commented, "Excuse me. I really should give you some apology. Qin Yushan is so shameless. As a royal princess, she actually paid for a murder and hooked up with the forces from Greedy Wolf Star. This is a big crime and it has tarnished the image of the royal family. She doesn't know how ashamed she is, but she also faces her My daughter-in-law made irresponsible remarks, but it was Brother Yujin who knew the rules and was polite, so she came over with an apology."

Everyone around listened to the whole process with their ears pricked up: This trick is so wonderful that as long as I am not embarrassed, I can use it to bring embarrassment to Shuidong!

Qin Yushan, who was in the four-dimensional prison and was pulled out and maimed in public, held the iron wood that trapped her tightly with both hands, and her face turned pale with anger. It's a pity that she is still a prisoner now and will return to the main star in the future. The road was unknown, so I could only grit my teeth and swallow this humiliation.

Qin Yujin was like the gentle holy father he seemed to be. He smiled and didn't mention what happened just now. He also agreed with Feng Youyu twice, "It's sister Yushan who did something wrong."

After the whole audience achieved the achievement that only Qin Yushan was injured, the originally tense atmosphere also calmed down.

Bai Qianchun glanced back and forth at Qin Yujin and Feng Youyu, and after confirming that there was indeed no repulsive or tense magnetic field between them, the wariness in her heart dropped slightly.

"Hahaha, I lost this time. Princess's strength has improved so quickly."

The two women competing in the field also decided the winner at this time. Sheng Dongjing was slightly inferior and lost to the eldest princess Qin Yutang by one move.

However, Qin Yutang didn't take much advantage. Not to mention other injuries on his body, the black bruise at the corner of his mouth was obvious. It was obvious that these two women didn't care about the rule of hitting someone or not in the face. The whole audience just hit wherever there was a flaw. , hit wherever it hurts, so it was a hearty sparring session. Qin Yutang wiped the corners of his mouth casually, with the smile on his face still bright and cheerful.

"You have been making progress, it's just that you were distracted just now and I caught the flaw."

She came over, without the arrogance of a winner, and briefly described the reasons for her victory with a smile on her face, and then she and Sheng Dongjing held hands and touched shoulders.

It is obvious that the normal relationship between two women with similar temperaments and personalities is also very good.

Bai Qianchun felt that their bright and cheerful temperament was similar to Sheng Beining's. If Sheng Beining were here, the competition between these two people might become a three-person competition.

As she watched the two people walking toward them, chatting and laughing, she clearly felt that the body of the man standing next to her seemed to be getting stiffer and stiffer.

Bai Qianchun looked at Feng Youyu's side face suspiciously. Sure enough, the leisurely look on his face disappeared at some point, replaced by a stiff smile and serious eyes, which seemed a little nervous.

Is he afraid?

How many question marks were running through Bai Qianchun's mind at this time?

"Hey, isn't this my cousin?" came a female voice with a sonorous smile.

The two women chatting and laughing have come closer. The eldest princess Qin Yutang has neat short hair that only hangs down to her ears. Her skin color is one degree darker than the average girl. Her big red lips are bright, sharp and neat, and her dark eyebrows are like a man's. With such a heroic spirit, his sharp black eyes were pointed in the direction of Feng Youyu, and he looked up and down at his face twice, then raised the corners of his mouth to reveal a dangerous smile.

"My cousin's face has turned pale again. He doesn't look manly at all. Come here, let's practice and see if your fist and kick skills are good enough."

Feng Youyu stiffened, glanced at Bai Qianchun beside him, and explained with a smile on his face, "Cousin, I was born with a white face, so I can't tan. This has nothing to do with masculinity. "

Even his cousin cannot slander him in front of his wife.

Ah, no, the person in front of me is not a cousin at all, she is obviously a cousin.

His fists were as painful as his cousin's, and he was jealous of his lack of tan. Every time he saw her, he would punch him in the face in the name of sparring. Jealousy, it must be jealousy.

"Tsk, tsk, okay, you're too proud if you don't get a tan." Qin Yutang also noticed Bai Qianchun next to him because of his little action just now. It was rare that he showed mercy and did not continue to re-educate his evil little face, casually After a perfunctory sentence, his eyes fell on Bai Qianchun's face and body. His eyes looked at her up and down with a strong sense of intrusion, and a flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"Is this the little sweet wife you married a year ago?"

A flash of red flashed across Feng Youyu's originally angry face. She snorted, pulled Bai Qianchun and said, "Well, that's her."

Bai Qianchun raised the corners of her lips, nodded slightly to Qin Yutang with a pair of dark eyes, plain and curious, and said, "Hello, cousin."

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Qin Yutang's face, and he looked at her with more admiration, "Hello, cousin, you are very brave. Most little girls would scream or be shy and scared when they see me, but you are calm. I I like how you are calm and dignified in situations like this. By the way, when will you and your cousin have a wedding? Why don't you go back to the main star with us this time? My mother can help you arrange it. My mother has wanted to see you for a long time. "

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