I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 342 The brother and sister are at war with each other

Sheng Donghuai's eyes rolled and drifted to Bai Qianchun, "The younger brothers and sisters are competing, let the younger brothers and sisters mention——"

Feng Youyu immediately glared at him. This guy had already thought about it, right?

This time, before Feng Youyu could say anything to reject it, Sheng Dongjing, who was waiting impatiently, pulled him away and scolded him, "You kid, don't take any ideas from your younger siblings. I'm a good girl and won't get involved with you." Point something out."

Then she turned back to look at Feng Youyu and said with a warm smile, "Xiao Er, I understand that you are reluctant to let your cousin marry off so early. The second prince is a man and his relationship with you is far away. You can't. You won't be willing to part with it, good brother, just help your sister Jing and I pull the red line. Sister Jing will thank you. When the time comes, I really want to get the second prince. Well, I mean, then I and I If the second prince is really successful, I will definitely give you a big red envelope as a matchmaker gift when you get married."

Sheng Donghuai, who was stabbed in the back by his own sister, was so angry that he almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood. He gritted his teeth and interrupted angrily, "Sister, things have to be settled on a first-come, first-served basis. Let Feng Xiaoer ask the eldest princess out first and then let him help. You make an appointment with the second prince."

Sheng Dongjing refused and snorted ruthlessly, "Then how long do I have to wait? The day lilies are already cold. Besides, relationships cannot be said on a first-come, first-served basis. You have to prioritize. Your sister, I am two years older than you. I have paid the single tax for two more years than you. Obviously, I, an older woman, am more anxious. What do you want me to do?"

Sheng Donghuai snorted, but argued with reason, "Sister, you have been waiting for so many years and you don't care about these few hours. It's not much different. Besides, there is a saying that if a woman pursues a man with a veil, the man You are obviously more advantageous than me when it comes to chasing girls across a mountain, and the second prince is also a gentle and good-tempered person. He must be easy to date. You don’t have to ask Feng Xiaoer to take action. Just go and date yourself. The second prince will definitely agree to go with you. You went out."

Sheng Dongjing slapped him on the shoulder, her face turned red with annoyance, "You know what the heck, this is called the daughter's reserve. I'm so careless and go straight to ask someone out. I don't want to lose face. Besides, the second prince liked him at first sight. I am a gentle and romantic person, so I have to create a chance encounter or something to achieve my goal."

Sheng Donghuai also resolutely refused to back down and said with a sad look on his face, "Although I don't want face, I can't date anyone if I don't want face. It's not like you don't know the temperament of the eldest princess. She likes to be lively and is always snoring when she goes out. Friends and company come in groups, and her personal bodyguards and adjutants are inseparable. If Feng Xiaoer hadn't been in the middle to help me arrange appointments, how could I have found the world of two people."

So the two siblings got into a fight over who should Feng Youyu help as a matchmaker first, and they argued at the top of their voices that the father-in-law was right and the mother-in-law was right.

Feng Youyu, the key person, became a marginal figure, standing aside with Bai Qianchun with his arms folded, watching the show.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that Feng Youyu's communication rang three or four times, and then became more and more urgent before he interrupted the two of them, "Okay, I won't help anyone today. I'm very busy with something, you guys can do it yourself." Let's have some fun. Anyway, your relationship isn't that deep, and there's no need to confess. There's no need for two people to live together. It's the same for three or four people traveling together. At worst, one of you will abduct the other, so walk as a pair and walk as a pair. If you slow down, it won’t be a world of two anymore.”

The two siblings heard it, and it made sense.

Feng Xiaoer is now married, and his mind has become much more flexible. This trick is easy to come by.

So the two siblings, who consciously learned a trick, shook hands and made peace again, and then went back with a smile and made an appointment to visit Muyuan Star together.

Bai Qianchun glanced sideways at Feng Youyu, who was frowning at the communication messages. Knowing that he was going to be busy again, she accepted the job of keeping an eye on the eldest princess and the second prince, and rushed him to get started.

Feng Youyu hesitantly nuzzled beside her, wanting to hug her and kiss her like a normal couple to gain some motivation before going back to work, but in the end he restrained his actions rationally and just took a deep look at her. , then he said something and turned to leave.

Bai Qianchun watched his tall and straight figure leave with heavy steps. The sun fell on his shoulders and seemed to collapse them. A faint light flashed in her dark eyes, and she felt light in her heart. Tsk.

The burden on this man is indeed a bit heavy now. If he is overworked or something goes wrong, it will not do her any good to plot his death.

Her eyes dimmed, and she turned her head to the right, looking at the tenderest treetops, and said in a cold and penetrating voice, "Come out."

The green treetops moved, and the figure of a kohlrabi star appeared. It glided over from the sky with a pair of wings of light, propped up a big head, and pointed at her with a small wooden stick fiercely, "You How do you know where this protos is hiding? No Twoleg has ever seen through this protoss' invisibility, not even the host with a contract."

Bai Qianchun had a smile on her lips, a pair of black eyes filled with mysterious light, and said jokingly, "Guess."

The little star shook the small wooden stick and cursed, "You are lying, you two-legged liar, liar, how could you guess the location of this star correctly? I have read a lot, don't even think about it. Lied to me."

Bai Qianchun spread her hands, "Then how do you think I know?"

Little Xinglin paused and glared at her unconvinced, "If I know this, can I still ask you?"

The corners of Bai Qianchun's mouth were raised high. When she was in a bad mood, teasing this funny little star actually made her feel much better.

In order to avoid losing this little star's spiritual energy, she stopped and stated the purpose of finding it, "How about we make a deal? You can help me monitor the four new people, especially the one who always laughs. Man, if he makes any little moves, how about you tell me and I’ll tell you the answer after they leave Jupiter?”

The little star tilted her little head, "Is it the two-legged beast with the disgusting smile, or the prince among the two-legged beasts?"

Laughing so disgustingly, Bala, poof!

It seems that the pure star spirits don’t have a good impression of him either!

Bai Qianchun suppressed a smile and nodded, "That's him."

The little star spirit raised a hand, divided the five little fingers, and said seriously, "Add five more potato skewers."

Bai Qianchun readily agreed, "Okay, it's a deal."

The little Xingling held her head with both hands and looked embarrassed. If she had known better, she would have stretched out an extra hand and asked for ten skewers.

But as a star spirit who keeps his word, he can no longer bargain after the deal is made. He can only hold on to the two light wings and fly dejectedly in the direction where the Sheng brothers and sisters left just now. A green figure flickered and disappeared into the air.

Bai Qianchun stood there and watched for a while, then left with a thoughtful look on his face.

What this man Feng Youyu is doing now is very dangerous. Once the news is leaked, it will lead to the disaster of killing. She has to make some life-saving medicine for him to take. She has not yet established a foothold in this interstellar world. This supporter cannot fail. It would be troublesome to find another one. For now, she is quite satisfied with this backer.

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