When she saw the news, Bai Qianchun knew she couldn't wait any longer. She had to go to the Ninth Army Corps as soon as possible. Not only to save Marshal Di Rong's life, she also had to establish prestige in the Ninth Army Corps so that she could win over the Ninth Army Corps. After taking over the Ninth Legion, he truly took control of it.

Coincidentally, the military academy enrollment is about to begin, and entering the Ninth Army Corps through the military academy is her best way.

In the living room of the villa.

Shi Lian had known for a long time that his star master would go to the First Military Academy, so it was no surprise to her that she wanted to leave Muyuan Star. There was a warm smile on his ordinary face, and his expression did not change much, but Ye Mr. Qin and several elders on Muyuan Planet looked worried.

"Star Lord, your bodyguards haven't been formed yet. Why don't you let Shi Kun lead the security team to escort you there? It's not safe on the starship."

As old people on Muyuan Star, they were really scared, because they counted the previous Muyuan Star Lords in detail. Regardless of whether they were good or bad, almost one-third of them were lost during the voyage of the starship. .

Wang Ze, the previous Muyuan star master, was a typical example. They were indifferent to Wang Ze's death, and even patted their thighs and said it was a good death. But the star master in front of them is different from Wang Ze. In just one year It seems that the star master in front of him is definitely the bright master, the bright master who will lead their Muyuan Star to glory again, and even create greater glory!

If something happens to her, or even dies, neither they nor Mu Yuanxing can bear it!

Facing the worried eyes of several old men, Bai Qianchun raised a soft smile and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, the people from the security brigade should stay on Muyuan Star. Muyuan Star's defense is still not enough. I won't Don’t worry, the number of security guards will continue to increase, as for me.”

She took out a porcelain bottle from the space, and then poured a black pill out of the porcelain bottle and stuffed it into her mouth. Three seconds later, they witnessed a face-changing stunt.

I saw Bai Qianchun's delicate and impressive face, which became more beautiful and beautiful like a flower in bloom because it was opened, gradually turned into a face with clear features and a very low sense of presence at first glance. Even that face She has the most spiritual intelligence in her eyes. When she smiles, her round peach blossom eyes that are slightly charming with a slight hook at the end of her eyes have also elongated a bit, turning into a pair of long, narrow and cold red phoenix eyes, which are the most identifiable. Changed.

This is a new image that Bai Qianchun specially created for herself. It is beautiful and cool, but strangely has no memory points and makes people forget it. In order to achieve this effect, she has already started preparing for it, and she is still doing it. In a few drug fusion experiments, various herbs were tried to be added to the Yirong Dan to achieve the effect of reducing the sense of presence.

She proved successful.

The old men were all excited when they saw it, their eyes were shining, "This, is this the Enroth flower?"

Bai Qianchun glanced over with her long and narrow red phoenix eyes, and her thin lips evoked a cold smile. She had a firm grasp of the scale of the cold beauty.

"Well, it is a disguise pill made with Enroth flower, that is, I gave it another extract called Ghost Face Flower. It is not like Enroth flower, which can only last for fifteen minutes. It lasts longer. It can last for a month, and there are no side effects if I take it continuously. Moreover, I have specially set it to maintain my current appearance. Who else can tell that I am the Muyuan Star Master?"

Then she took out another porcelain bottle from the Dimensional Nuri and threw a dark pill into her mouth, "This is called the Voice Changing Pill. It can change a person's voice. It can also maintain a person's voice." One month.”

Sure enough, when I heard her voice, it was several degrees colder, cold and sweet, more natural and pure than Bai Qianchun's originally slightly sweet but deliberately lowered voice that sounded more mature and cold, like the collision of jade bells in the ice. Voice.

Shi Lian glanced at her, a little suspicious that she didn't like her previous voice, so she had such a voice-changing pill.

But the effect was remarkable. No one could tell there was anything wrong with the voice, and there was nothing wrong with her face.

Shi Lian looked at her cold and beautiful face several times, and he also keenly noticed something was wrong. The face she put on was obviously very beautiful, and she was a cold beauty, but how should I put it, it was not very impressive. I couldn't remember what she looked like. I almost looked away from her face and then when I thought about it, I couldn't remember exactly what she looked like.

It seems that she also did other tricks on her disguise.

There was a smile on Shi Lian's lips. Sure enough, with the Star Master's ability, there was nothing she couldn't do. After working under her for a year, he already understood that the Star Master was a genius, and an extremely smart and courageous genius. Got it!

What Shi Lian could notice, several old men also noticed naturally. They looked at Bai Qianchun's face and marveled at it, and their worries were relieved a lot.

Bai Qianchun struck while the iron was hot and gave up the idea of ​​several old men to send escorts to the main star with her.

After that, Bai Qianchun returned to the topic of summoning them to the villa. She was about to leave Muyuan Planet, and all matters on Muyuan Planet had to be arranged.

After the star master of Mu Yuan Star left, the biggest person was Mr. Ye Qin, the general manager. Other trivial matters were left to Shi Lian, the capable and smart first secretary. As for important matters, they could do it online connection.

Feng Youyu gave her an encrypted closed communication channel, which was just in time to be used as a communication channel for the top management of Muyuan Star. There was no need to worry about leaks. The one produced by Feng Group was quite reliable.

Regarding the matter of red silk cells, although the investigation progress is slow, the news has not been spread to the people behind the scenes. It can be seen that the security of the encrypted channel of Feng Group is quite high.

After explaining everything clearly, Bai Qianchun went to the experimental garden in person, took the apprentices who were obsessed with medicinal research out of the research room, and told them that he was about to leave Jupiter and what he would study in the future. It's all up to them to get reborn, so don't bother her on the Star Network if nothing happens.

This year, she was drunk after being blocked by these pill-obsessed disciples asking questions. When she was about to leave Muyuan Star, she breathed a sigh of relief.

After offloading part of the affairs of Muyuan Star, Bai Qianchun came to the Starry Sky Port alone early the next morning while the sky was still dark.

As for why they were on the road alone, it was because Leng Xiao, Ye Yang, Jian Yang, and Du Le left early. They had a business to discuss before. Bai Qianchun simply handed over the matter to them and asked them to go out early and take a look around. Play around a few planets and then go directly to the main star.

Leng Xiao and Ye Yang were trapped on Muyuan Planet as soon as they came to this star. They haven't seen the outside world yet. They had long wanted to go out and see it. This time they had this opportunity, and they packed up without saying a word. I took Du Le, the tour guide, and Jian Yang, who was also going to the military academy, to go together.

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