I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 366 Muyuan Star Citizen Activities

It just so happened that Bai Qianchun wore a fairy-like white dress that matched her temperament today in order to highlight her cool persona. It was very memorable, and her aunt recognized her at a glance.

Bai Qianchun: You were careless!

But fortunately, her main thought was just to reduce her sense of presence, not to make people lose their memory, so although she was a little depressed, it didn't put her in a bad mood.

As for the invitation from the warm-hearted Aunt Huang, since she couldn't get rid of it, she had no choice but to join.

Bai Qianchun maintained a cool persona to the outside world. Although she didn't talk much, she was not arrogant or rude. She listened carefully to Aunt Huang's words and occasionally responded with a few words, and she soon became familiar with Aunt Huang. .

An hour later, Bai Qianchun was resting in the room for a while when she heard the doorbell ringing from outside.

When she opened the door, she saw that the person outside was Aunt Huang's son, Xu Can. Xu Can showed her a friendly and shy smile, looked at her with bright shy eyes, called her "Sister", and then Inviting her to participate in the star citizen activities of Muyuan Planet.

"Muyuan Star Citizen activities?" Bai Qianchun looked at him with question marks on his forehead.

"Yeah, doesn't Xiaochun know?" Aunt Huang changed into something a little more glamorous and squeezed over from the side, squeezing her son aside.

Bai Qianchun shook her head, she really didn't know this.

Aunt Huang's smiling face showed a bit of surprise, then she stared at her cold face and took the initiative to find an excuse for her, "Maybe Xiaochun, you don't like to hear gossip, so you didn't listen. I said it. Xiaochun, do you know Du Le? He is the young man in charge of the sales of our Muyuanxing pills. I heard recently that he resigned and was replaced by someone else. He is also going to take the entrance exam for the First Military Academy. .”

Bai Qianchun nodded suspiciously. Of course she knew that the person who replaced Du Le at the Muyuanxing official specialty store was named by her personally. But what does this have to do with Muyuanxing activities?

"It's good to know Du Le." Aunt Huang explained with a proud look on her face, "Speaking of Director Du Le, according to the earliest star citizens on Muyuan Planet, Director Du Le came with the Star Master. The person who came to Jupiter was the first person on Jupiter to know the Star Master. He said that when he and the Star Master came to Jupiter to ride on the starship, they earned star coins by selling fruit along the way. He earned the first pot of gold for Muyuan Planet. Therefore, we star citizens of Muyuan Planet will sell fruits and vegetables every time we take the starship to experience the feeling of the star master earning the first pot of gold, in order to pay tribute to the great Star Lord pays tribute.”

Star Lord Bai Qianchun: Even the embarrassed toes can dig out a small villa.

Is her image deified in the eyes of the stars?

In the end, Bai Qianchun, who was pretending to be an ordinary Muyuan star citizen, walked out of the house and followed the mother and son to participate in the Muyuan star experience event.

Yes, Bai Qianchun used her real name this time.

As for the name of Muyuan Star Master, Gu Yi, what does it have to do with Bai Qianchun? Anyway, except for Feng Youyu, Yao Wenxian and the Imperial Prince Qin Yuchen, no one outside knows that Muyuan Star Master Gu Yi’s real name is Bai Qianchun. Chun is the only heir to the Baidu Palace.

Bai Qianchun had been careful not to reveal her original name when she started the Muyuan Star sightseeing tour. She always called herself an ancient doctor, so her original name could be used. As for whether this name would attract Bai Zhuangquan's attention, Bai Qianchun's lips curled up slightly. She was eager to do so. She deliberately attracted Bai Zhuangquan's attention.

As long as the faces are different, she can refuse to admit it. After all, there are many people with the same name!

"Hey, here, here, are you three here to rent a stall? I can help you introduce the stall."

When the three of them arrived at the door of the vegetable market where wood-type superpowers gathered, a simple-looking young man jumped out from the door. He had a flattering smile on his wheat-colored face, and his eyes were particularly smart. Turned around twice.

Bai Qianchun raised her eyebrows. What a coincidence. She knew this person. He was not the same Gao Yang who had reserved the place and managed the starship vegetable market when she and Du Le were selling fruit on the starship!

This kid looks a little fatter than a year ago. It seems that he has a good life this year and is living a healthy life.

"How do you know we are here to rent a stall?" Aunt Huang looked at him suspiciously, carefully protecting the two children, Xu Can and Bai Qianchun, behind her.

Gao Yang was not angry, and explained with a smile, "Because I just happened to pass by Mu Yuan Planet an hour ago, and Auntie, you look like a star citizen of Mu Yuan Planet with your temperament, and now you have come to report to my market not long after you boarded the starship. Well, 90% of them are here to participate in your event on Muyuan Planet, so I guessed that you were going to rent a stall, and it seems I was right."

Aunt Huang breathed a sigh of relief and stared at him, "You guessed it right. I don't know how the young people today grew up. They all have flexible and smart minds, but they are definitely not as good as the star masters of our Jupiter planet. That’s it.”

Gao Yang grinned, showing his white teeth, "Then I really can't compare with Master Muyuan. I'm not even worthy of carrying the boss's shoes."

He hangs out on the starship almost every day, so he naturally knows that these Muyuan star citizens know the best virtues of their star master. Not long ago, he happened to meet Du Le and confirmed the boss who sold fruit with Du Le. It’s Muyuan Star Lord. If you’re not convinced, just kneel down.

Then Aunt Huang said again, "As for renting a stall, there is no need. I asked my friend to come over and rent it first."

As he spoke, he turned around and looked at Bai Qianchun, "Xiao Chun, I asked your Uncle Xu to rent two stalls, which are adjacent to each other. You don't need to rent any more. Of course, if you don't plan to set up a stall, Then we can use it ourselves, and it just so happens that Xiao Can is also good at it, so it’s no problem for him to create and support a stall on the spot.”

Bai Qianchun's eyes flashed with surprise, "No, I'm also a wood-type superpower, so I can set up a stall."

Aunt Huang's simple face showed a loving smile, "That's it, let's go in."

Then she turned to Gao Yang and said kindly, "Young man, you can continue to entertain other guests, our stall has been rented."

"Okay, then I wish Auntie a great success in setting up a stall." Gao Yang had a big smile on his face and waved to them enthusiastically.

Aunt Huang led the two people to walk in the crowd, still praising Gao Yang, "That young man has a good temperament, and he is smooth in dealing with people. Even if the business is ruined, he can still smile and bless us warmly. He is such a good young man, Xiaocan, you Learn a little, if you can learn the smooth temperament of that young man just now, I won’t have to worry.”

Xu Can nodded obediently.

Bai Qianchun raised her eyes and glanced at Aunt Huang. Maybe Auntie could think in another direction. For example, this place belongs to Gao Yang, and as long as she rents the stall, she will take care of his business!

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