There was a lot of discussion on the live broadcast barrage, and everyone was speculating whether the school was deliberately setting up a trap to increase the difficulty by giving priority to the top ten. Bai Qianchun, who was already in it, was completely unaware. At this moment, he was being attacked by a ferocious forest crocodile. The chasing ones were jumping around and dodging.

It wasn't that she didn't want to kill the giant forest crocodile with one slap. She completely let go of the ancient martial arts and slapped the forest crocodile to death and shattered its skull. She had the ability.

But considering that the live broadcast is happening now, all her actions are under the attention of countless people. Slapping the forest crocodile to death without using any external objects is too exciting and also exposes her strength, so she has to restrain herself. .

Bai Qianchun pursed her lips, stepped onto another hanging vine with light steps, and looked down at the forest crocodile that was chasing her.

The forest crocodile raised its head, and its mouth with jagged teeth opened wide, with corrosive and stinky saliva sticking to it. Its scarlet vertical pupils looked at the prey above, which was even more cruel and irritable than before. It was obvious that it had failed to eat it again and again. The delicious snacks delivered to the door made it feel extremely bad, and its temper became even worse. Its powerful tail destroyed the surrounding vines, like a typhoon passing through, with broken limbs everywhere.

It stared at Bai Qianchun with its eyes raised, its limbs scratching the ground and scratching out heavy scratches, as if it was brewing a fierce storm.

It's getting real!

Bai Qianchun's eyebrows were cold and her cold eyes narrowed. It just so happened that she didn't want to deal with this forest crocodile anymore.

The forest crocodile opened its bloody mouth and jumped up, higher than ever before. The sight was obscured and a shadow fell. The ferocious crocodile came with a gust of fishy wind.

[Lemon Tea: Be careful! ! ! 】

[Hua Kai: Damn, it’s over. This giant forest crocodile is really angry. This Bai Qianchun is fast. He could run away just now, but now he is an idiot.]

Before he finished typing, he was frightened by the sudden reversal of the situation in the live broadcast, and subconsciously uttered this sentence with a movement of his fingers.

At the edge of the dark green water pool in the live broadcast, Bai Qianchun, who originally only knew how to dodge and was chased by the forest crocodile, fought back. Then she raised her hand and threw it, and a green seed sprouted and grew rapidly in mid-air. A green seed like a A thorny vine as thick as an arm grew, and one end was held in her hand and swayed.


There was a violent whipping sound, and the sharp thorns like steel needles were directly thrust into the belly of the flapping forest crocodile, which had the lowest defense. Suddenly, the skin was torn open, blood splashed everywhere, the breeze blew, and there was a strong smell beside the pool. The foul smell of blood.

The forest crocodile screamed in pain and fell down from mid-air with a loud bang.

【A hundred miles of stretch: hiss——】

[Lemon Tea: Hahaha, this blow is beautiful, the timing is just right. Who said Bai Qianchun was stupid just now, stand up. 】

[Flowers are blooming] Silently pretending to be dead means that the person is in the underworld and will burn paper if something happens, and it is impossible to stand up alive.

[Zhiyue: That’s not right. Where did she get the thorn vine seeds? I remember she is from the command department. Only those from the planting department are given mutant vine seeds. 】

[My beloved fruit house: I know this, I know it. The seeds Bai Qianchun got just now when she was hiding from the forest crocodile, and the somewhat dead red thorn vine by the pool, she just grabbed it while standing here to avoid it. Got a handful. Hahaha, I've known for a long time that there was a reason why she deliberately hid here and there instead of fighting head-on. No, it was just to show her weakness to the enemy and give the enemy a fatal blow. 】

[Zhan Tianxia: It’s so cool. The crocodile in the forest suspected that the crocodile had given birth. Hahahaha. This school girl is amazing. She pumped hard. Damn, it made this forest crocodile so arrogant. I almost died in this forest crocodile back then. Under its big mouth, three strips of flesh were bitten off before escaping from its mouth. 】

[Did you pass the exam today: What, brother, did you encounter this forest crocodile before in the martial arts exam? 】

[Zhan Tianxia: Well, don’t you think so, brother?]

[Did you pass the exam today? Your face is covered with bullshit, and you shake hands. We are all in trouble. Brother, the shallow scar on the eyelids of this forest crocodile was caused by me. It is very easy to identify. I was also chased by it at that time, even my mother didn’t know. After getting to know him, I finally mustered up the courage to fight it for 300 rounds. I only managed to escape with a broken arm and countless blood marks. Speaking of which, besides this forest crocodile, there is another crisis in this deep pool. 】

[Zhan Tianxia: What is it? When I met this forest crocodile, I was not at this pool. It was in a small forest not far away. I originally planned to come to this small pool to get water, but when I met this blocking crocodile, I couldn't beat it, so I went in another direction. Escaped. 】

[Did you pass the exam today: Fortunately you didn't come over, otherwise your little life would have been in danger. There was a small patch of swamp flowers blooming by this pool. I killed the forest crocodile and escaped, and then I was sitting there. I rested here for a while. Who knew that there were forest crocodiles in the light and swamp flowers in the dark. The smell of the flowers was very light and very similar to the rotten smell coming from this deep pool. When my hands and feet became soft, my whole body felt hot. It was like a stove, and the toxins in the body exploded out of control. I almost spontaneously combusted before I realized there was such a dangerous thing in this place.

Fortunately, the martial arts test at the First Military Academy was not as strict as this time, and the candidates were asked to choose three things they had prepared to bring in. One of the things I chose was the antidote made by the president of the Pharmacist Association. At that time, I realized something was wrong with my body. He immediately took it out and drank it, thus saving the dog's life from being too poisoned. After the martial arts test, he went to the hospital to get a detoxification injection that specifically removes the swamp flower toxin, and then the toxin was eliminated. 】

[Zhan Tianxia: Ah, then this school girl has been here for a long time. She won't be killed by the game. That would be a pity. She slapped the forest crocodile, and her force value has actually reached the standard. 】

The rest of the people watching the live broadcast also became worried, and the excitement they originally felt because the forest crocodile was beaten to pieces was gone.

Fanchun Hotel.

Aunt Huang who was watching was also anxious after seeing these comments, "What should I do? It's a pity that Xiaochun has such good results and is eliminated. Why is her luck so bad?"

Xu Shuhan comforted her dryly, "Don't, don't worry. Maybe Xiaochun has a way. She knows the inside information, and she must have a close relationship with the upper management of Muyuanxing. She also has a lot of pills on her body, and she has something to do with the Muyuanxing Experimental Park." There is a high possibility of a relationship, maybe she also has the ability to roll balls and can make her own antidote."

Aunt Huang turned her head and looked at her husband in surprise, her eyes shining, "Hey, I didn't expect you to have a bright mind this time and your analysis was good. What you guessed might actually be possible."

Uncle Xu twitched the corners of his lips and showed a happy giggle.

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