The thick dark green liquid in the stone pot was rolling gurglingly and large bubbles were emerging. Bai Qianchun finally had time to sit down and take a look at the task assigned to her.

[Ding dong—Command Department Candidate No. 19005 Bai Qianchun’s tasks are as follows:

A required task: In order to reflect the personality charm of the command department as an excellent commander, candidates are required to form three or more teams during the martial arts examination, and ensure that all team members complete the task and pass the assessment to become the first military academy student;

Four tasks to be selected: (You can choose three of the tasks to be selected to complete)

1: Subdued or killed 10 B-level ferocious beasts, now 1/10 completed;

2: Collect 10 officially rated B-grade or above medicinal herbs, now 1/10 completed;

Three: Subdue or kill 1 S-level ferocious beast, now completed 0/1;

Four: Snatch 30 candidate number plates, now 0/30 completed;]

After Bai Qianchun finished reading, her cold brows furrowed slightly. The four optional tasks were not too difficult. It would not be a problem for her to complete them all. However, the required task was a bit difficult. She was here. There was only one familiar person in Examination Room No. 1, Quan Lang, and the others were not. It was not an easy task to draw others into his team and ensure that he would lead them through the level together.

First of all, she had to make sure that the characters of the people who entered her team were good, so that she would be willing to help them pass the entrance exam together.

Secondly, someone must be willing to join her team.

In this case, except for people she knows who can join her team unconditionally, how can other people who have the ability to pass the level on their own easily let themselves go to multiple commanders, unless those people are too low-level to pass the level alone? Only then would I choose to hug my thighs.

And those who choose to hug their thighs probably need her help in their tasks.

So no matter how you look at it, this required task is troublesome!

Bai Qianchun frowned, pinned the number plate with her candidate number on her waist, and then continued to stir the bubbling stone pot with branches. When the water began to boil and the juice began to thicken, Slowly inputting the wood power, the green halo was glowing, and he started rolling the balls through a layer of green light.

In a stone pot larger than the head, a total of ten poison balls were mixed with swamp flowers to fight poison with poison. Bai Qianchun picked one of them and threw it into her mouth while it was hot - crunchy!

[Zhan Tianxia: Damn, I really ate it! 】

[The assignment was given to the boy next door: Why does this dark green color look like poison? If you dare to eat it, nothing will happen to you. 】

[Lemon Tea: Come on, come on, is there any medical student who can come out and speak out? 】

[I have been studying pharmacy for three years: I’m sorry, even a regular pharmacy major can’t answer this question. This dark green pill is out of line, but I’m sure it’s what the second-placed student in the liberal arts exam just put into the pot. Some small flowers and grasses have slight toxins. Only the blood of forest crocodiles is of some use. Forest crocodiles live here all year round and have developed antibodies to the toxicity of swamp flowers. After research by our pharmacy department teacher, the blood of forest crocodiles has Certain detoxification effect. 】

[Pickled Pepper Chicken Claws: So, if she only drinks the blood of forest crocodiles, maybe she can detoxify? 】

[Oh my god: Let’s just say, she cooked a pot of stuff at random and really thought that she could be as talented as the Muyuan Star Master and casually make detoxifying pills. Hmm, it’s just sensational, now the potion is The teacher is not allowed to analyze all the herbs ten or eight times with precision instruments in the laboratory before starting to figure out the formula, and then carefully prepare it step by step. How could it be possible that she was so casual and started boiling the pot without even analyzing the herbs? success. 】

[Peanut butter: Having studied pharmacy for a year, I know how difficult it is to prepare a new medicine. I agree with what the person above said and just wait for her to be poisoned. 】

[My brother is the best in the world: Hahahaha. Sit back and wait +1]

[Passing by to watch a good show: sit and wait +1]

As the screen scrolled, the other onlookers before the live broadcast were also a little shaken. In addition, they were not fans of Bai Qianchun in the first place. They were just watching the fun, or were attracted by Bai Qianchun's second place in the literary exam, so After the above analysis, the hope he had for Bai Qianchun suddenly disappeared.

However, a small number of fans who were attracted by Bai Qianchun's dashing and heroic appearance of smoking a forest crocodile did not lose their fans. Instead, they plausibly started a fierce war of words with the doubters upstairs and unswervingly expressed their support for Bai Qianchun.

[Lemon Tea: Haha, just because you can’t make an antidote so quickly doesn’t mean that I, Goddess Bai, can’t. Why are you all so anxious to make a conclusion so quickly? 】

[Zhan Tianxia: That’s right. There is always no shortage of geniuses in this world. If you can’t do it, it doesn’t mean that others can’t. Just like the pervert next door to me, I had a cantilever on my head and a spike in my buttocks. I trained hard for several days without sleeping and couldn't learn the advanced action of Thomas' spin, a mecha attack. But the pervert next door learned it at a glance. Damn, genius. It’s so irritating! 】

[Excellence in mecha manufacturing: So I have such an infuriating genius around me. I learned mecha manufacturing from my teacher for two years. Now it’s difficult to even make a mecha independently. As a result, the elementary school student who just entered school last year After only one day of studying with my teacher, he showed his amazing talent. He read the relevant books in one week, started to master it in one month, and in two months he was able to make a mecha independently. Now he is still discussing with the teacher. Innovation has been loaded with weapons. You think it’s annoying or not? It’s so fucking annoying.

Sometimes this kind of genius is born to attack people. After my junior student successfully made a mecha, my teacher praised him every day, praising him vigorously, as if he were his own son, and he even sprayed me with blood and said that I As stupid as a pig, mmmp, if the school hadn't been equipped with surveillance cameras and the junior students stayed in the laboratory every day and rarely went out, I was afraid that I could no longer control my evil hands and would have set up sacks for the junior students. 】

[Mecha Manufacturing Genius: Horror jpg, which senior is that upstairs? 】

[The student was beaten until he obeyed: Hong Yanghui╰_╯! ! ! You little brat, you still want to put a sack on your junior brother. Just wait for me. I think you need to be dealt with again. 】

[Mecha Manufacturing Bar: Shocked jpg, Teacher, why are you watching this live broadcast too? I'm not, I didn't, I didn't say anything, teacher, please listen to my excuses——]

[The student obeyed after being beaten: Hum, you are in the laboratory, right? Ha, wash your neck and let me wait. 】

[Mecha manufacturing lever: Damn it, w(Д)w! ! ! Oh no, no, no, brothers, I am afraid that my life is in danger, so I dodge first, then dodge first]

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