“Cedric Evans!”

As Cedric looked back, the organizer of the masquerade, Marquis Heinen of Kruger, sighed dejectedly.

“I came here to find you, as you hadn’t returned for a while.”

“Ah, I apologize. I had business to attend to for a while.”

Cedric spoke.

Business. Heinen narrowed his eyes.

About half an hour ago, Cedric and Heinen were leaning against the second-floor railing, discussing the stocks of the newly built Rainer Department Store. However, Cedric’s eyes abruptly halted as he indifferently glanced at the landscape.

‘Cedric? Where are you going?’

‘Wait a moment.’

Cedric, who said so, strode down to the banquet hall.

Heinen observed Cedric approach the woman standing alone amidst the ballroom and begin speaking to her out of the blue.

She was a woman holding a graceful figure. Her acquisitive honey hair was splendidly imposing. At that very moment, an uncalled for name crossed Heinen’s mind. It wasn’t long after he quickly shook his head in denial.

‘No no. It couldn’t be her.’

It couldn’t have been Ariel Winston. Aren’t the rumors that they finally parted ways circulating in society?

Cedric began to waltz with the woman resembling Ariel, seeming to be in her early twenties. He rubbed his eyes, finding the situation unfolding in front of his eyes unbelievable.

Cedric Evans, dancing? The man who refused even the request from a foreign princess?

Surprisingly, Cedric led the woman with perfect manners. The two seemed like a prepossessing portrait.

Heinen admitted the Duke’s skills amidst his absolute shock.

After reminiscing the scene, Heinen spoke the following in a quiet voice.

“Dancing with Lady for business?”

“What, you’ve been watching.”

Cedric frowned. It was the moment Heinen opened his mouth to proceed prying into the mysterious woman.

“Heinen, please carry out this request for me.”

“Uh? Me to you? What?”

Heinen blinked. Then, unexpected words left Cedric’s mouth.



Heinen’s eyes widened even the more.

“Why the hell do you want me to investigate?”

“I have a request. Please do me a favor.”

“Haa, yes… Alright, I understand. I will do my best to investigate your request.”

Cedric turned his head only after he heard Heinen’s answer of approval.

Heinen followed Cedric’s gaze. His gaze remained at the entrance to the ballroom, where a while ago, the mysterious woman had disappeared from.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

[ Dear Ariel. It is already a fresh, green summer. It had been a while since I last met Ariel.

If you don’t mind, could you spare me some time soon?

I await your reply.

Sincerely, Charlotte.]


I smiled softly, folding the letter that had been sent from Charlotte.

Come to think of it, it had been quite a while since I last met Charlotte.

Charlotte was a benefactor, promoting my perfume to the young social figures, nonetheless, she was also the first friend I earned ever since falling into this world.

‘Is it alright to think of her as a friend? Um, perhaps not yet.’

I shyly scratched my cheek.

Speaking of which, I couldn’t leave to meet Charlotte empty-handed. I recalled the lilac perfume which had left stock.

‘It’s been a while since I went shopping.’

I nodded my head, soon heading out shopping for ingredients along with Lina and Ern, who followed me like a shadow as always.

The Senon district remained the same. I immersed myself in the scents penetrating amidst the streets after leaving the carriage. The various flowers distributed smelled purely ecstatic. Roses, peonies, lilies, lilacs, tulips, lilacs, and lilacs…? …What is that?

“Lina, was the lilac scent originally this strong in this street?”

“Yes, my lady. Perhaps your production in the scent of lilac is making the scent fashionable and popular?”

Hm? Don’t tell me. I glanced around in case. My perfume was well received by the young aristocrats in society, but I don’t think it’s enough for the streets to hold such a strong smell of lilac…


As I glanced around, a store caught my eye.

“That’s… that’s a new shop, isn’t it?”

I tilted my head.

In the distance, I read a sign which I hadn’t seen before. The large building was a well-designed shop, remodeled from floor to floor.

When did this street have such a big building?

“Let’s go check it out, Lina.”

“Yes, my lady!”

My heart jumped unknowingly at the large size, resembling a large department store. Lina and I hurried inside. Ern also seemed to be following well, as a crackling sound of steel clanked against the ground from behind us.

As we stood in front of the building, I opened my mouth in admiration. As a newly opened shop, the interior was very bright and beautifully decorated.

The crowd of people, who approached the store like I did, were also crowded.

“The name of the store is… Hmm…?”

I tilted my head slowly as I read the sign.


<Magnus’ Perfume Department Store>


Perfume department store? I’ve never heard of such a huge perfume store before now.

No. Rather, the starting name.

… It’s unpleasantly familiar.

“Sir Ern, by any chance.”

“Yes, my lady. Please go ahead.”

“That Magnus… Isn’t that Baron Magnus, right?”

“Looking at the brown owl, I believe it to be Baron Magnus’ unique engravement.”

Ern said, pointing to the sign presented proudly next to the sentence.

So the owner of this shop is Baron Magnus, right?

‘I forgot for a second; this is how he spreads the firewood for fuel.’

I inevitably grind my teeth.

Ponta Magnus, the guy who offered me a perfume business and included ridiculous proportions.

I understand he wasn’t much interested in my perfume business until he came to know of me…

No way, did he steal my idea?

I opened my eyes, suspicious.

“Let’s head inside, Lina.”

“Yes. My Lady.”

Lina also confidently nodded her head.

As soon as I entered the store, a strange smell pierced the tip of my nose.

My head turned dizzy due to the mix of various scents.

‘It smells so strong from the entrance to the store, what could have become of the scents?’

However, contrary to my concerns, the people around me strolled the store, holding satisfactory faces as they brought the perfume to their noses.

“This is the scent Lady Melissa used last time, right?”

“I think so. Isn’t it the same perfume since it holds the same material as ‘The Law of First Love’?”

I returned to my observation of the shop filled with individuals as a conversation happened to catch my ears.

I encountered an amazing sight as I turned my head towards the voices.

‘Lilac perfume. Lilac lip balm. Lilac cream, bath bomb…?’

The young ladies, who seemed my age, stood with products filled with the scent of lilac.

It wasn’t just them. Other customers were hurrying to purchase lilac products.

They seemed to have distinguished the scent held at the salon a few days ago.

I sighed, astonished at the scene before my eyes.

‘All the lilac scents will become extinct.’

I approached the shelf and tried on the lilac perfume.


I narrowed my forehead.

There was a similar side this one held when compared to my perfume. The perfume smelled like lilac.

However, there was no other resemblance. Comparing it with my perfume in itself was an insult towards me.

A cool breeze. Sunbeams against grass. Moist and light petals. The fragrance one wishes to present their first love.

All the senses and feelings I intended to include in the scent weren’t incorporated inside this perfume at all.

‘No, how can they confuse this?’

I marveled at the rushing customers.

However, I soon decided to calm down. The names are similar, so it could have seemed confusing for people who never smelled my version properly.

“Lady Ariel, isn’t this completely different from your perfume?”

Lina picked up the perfume and opened her mouth.

“Isn’t that right, Sir Ern?”

“I don’t know much about scents.”

Ern answered bluntly, nonetheless, Lina did not mind and placed the bottle of perfume on his *gauntlet.

TL/N: a glove worn with medieval armor to protect the hand. -Merriam Webster

Eventually, Ern reluctantly opened the pitch and sniffed the incense.

Soon he replied.

“It’s different.”

“Right? It’s different, right?”

“It seems similar, but it’s completely different.”

“As expected! Lady, even Sir Ern says so. Oh, my god. Tch… Hmm. I can’t believe they’re selling imitation products so openly. They are obviously imitating my lady’s perfume, aren’t they? We have to protest!”


I pondered.

It seemed certain Ponta Magnus stole my idea.

Magnus also coveted my perfume as a business item, and the most divisive fact was the name of the perfume, <Memories of First Love.> No matter how I perceive this, isn’t that a name indiation the imitation of my product?

The circumstances are clear, but protesting…

Will that be possible?

I slowly looked around. It was a rather vast shop, even if one stretched their head to the fullest, they wouldn’t be able to make out the end.

A businessman with dozens of these stores and a small-scale door-to-door seller who had just begun to build up their reputation.

Was it worth a fight?

Maybe I’d better just focus on my work in my own place.

As Lina said, Magnus’ perfume is just a hotbed of my version.

It was the moment I thought so.

“Oh my, there seems to be a precious young lady walking in such a shabby place.”

A voice I’ve heard before. I looked back.

Ponta Magnus was approaching me.

I repeated his name in a low voice.

“… Lord Magnus.”

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“How did you visit such a shop? I am now nervous as the lady, who is well versed in perfume, is standing here.”


“How do you like the perfumes I distribute?”

Magnus smiled as he looked around.

I gazed straight through his pretense.

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