“Well, Your Grace.”

Rigion brought the matter carefully as he organized the documents.

Cedric rested his chin instead of answering. Beyond the window, Ariel Winston’s wagon could be seen advancing outside the residence.

“Lady Winston, does she still hold a sincere heart towards Your Grace?”

Rigion continued rambling as he collected Ariel’s papers.

“She must’ve come to visit Your Grace, using this matter as justification.”


Cedric opened his mouth, his eyes lingering towards the window.

Rigion didn’t miss the unpleasant vibes penetrating from his voice. His shoulders turned stiff.

“I believe you require more education. Rigion.”

Cedric only then removed his eyes from the window and faced Rigion. Rigion swallowed his saliva.

“Have you listened to the master plan?”

“No, of course, I looked it over, Your Grace. I thought it was an impeccable proposition…”

Ariel’s business plan was audacious but rather flexible and innovative. He did not miss the realistic segment of the whole point, which turned the idea plausible.

It was a considerable project. It was as if she transpired to build the idea for a long time now.

“But was there any other reason why she came here to ask you specifically for investment?”

Cedric wasn’t the kind of person to ‘invest’ into anyone. For him, it was typically buying the whole idea rather than investing in it. Cedric Evans was an obvious predator as a businessman.

So, Ariel Winston visited Cedric Evans with no bad intentions, although knowing of his hideous reputation?

This was Rigion’s guess.

“…I would’ve also thought so. In the past.”

Cedric replied.

But now…

Cedric recalled Ariel’s gaze a while ago.

Her fresh turquoise eyes didn’t contain any emotion like before. No affection, no desperation, no obsession.

‘Well, when I handed over the investment money, they shone with joy.’

Cedric smiled as he recalled Ariel’s bright face when she witnessed the gold coins.

Cedric was a businessman. He could see through the opponent sitting on the other side of the negotiating table with no more than one glance.

In Cedric’s eyes, Ariel was nothing more than a young businesswoman eager for investors. Ariel was solely occupied with her business.

‘However, I…’

Genuinely speaking, Cedric had still been suspicious of Ariel until a while ago.

Did she give up her old passion for him?

Wasn’t this a new trick for her to attract his attention?

But today, as he confronted her, Cedric was able to surely conclude.

‘Perhaps… No, it is definite.’

Ariel Winston no longer loved Cedric Evans.

Her deep, excessive feelings faded away like one of the many dreams she woke from, early in the morning.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

“Hmm~ Hmhmm-hmm~”

I hummed blissfully as my feet advanced forth. My steps seemed so delicate and light, I could fly away any moment.

Lina laughed pleasantly as she observed my uplifting mood.

“My lady, did something good happen? You seem very delighted!”

Yes, there was. A good occurrence.

I recalled the gold coins sleeping soundly in the safe and hummed even more.

I closed my eyes and asked Lina a different question.

“Will Lina follow me if I leave the Winston Residence?”

“Pardon? My lady is leaving the house?”

Lina’s eyes widened. Soon, her small head firmly shook up and down.

“If that happens… Of course! I am your exclusive attendant. Where else would I go if not with my lady?”

“Yes, thank you. You promise to follow me?”

“Of course, milady! If you keep asking the obvious, I’ll be disappointed! Anyhow, where are we heading? This is not the normal market we visit…”

“You’ll know in a minute when we get there. Lina.”

I grinned and took my steps with confidence.

Our destination was the Imperial Land Office. As we entered the building, A woman dressed in attire befitting an imperial official greeted us.

“Welcome. What brings you here?”

“I’d like to buy a shopping store in Senon.”


Lina produced a strange noise as she stood beside me. She gazed at me with wide eyes.

On the other hand, the official replied with a smile that seemed to have been drawn without much emotion.

“I’ll take you this way.”

What followed was a series of exploring.

Introduction to buildings continued throughout the time, and conversations ensued inside the carriage while most offers were rejected.

It was a long and great ordeal, but I was finally able to find it.

A perfect new home.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

Ern reached out to me politely.

I was more than willing to receive his escort and left the wagon.

The dazzling sunlight poured down my shoulders. The temperature, humidity, everything was perfect weather.


Lina exclaimed in awe.

I looked up to where she fixed her gaze.

156 Senon District 3rd Street, or my new home, which had been renovated for the past few days, filled my view.

The pale beige exterior walls, the ivy covering the bricks, and the building, in general, presented a unique and elegant atmosphere in the Senon district.

The store seemed modest on the outside, but if you looked inside, it boasted a fairly spacious area. The vertically long store seemed comfortable enough for customers to leisurely wander around and smell the incense with ease.

I produced a simple evaluation.

“It’s very fitting.”

“Very? It is such a fabulous building, my lady! Sir Ern, you think so, don’t you?”

“I think so.”

A calm answer left his mouth. I didn’t know if he had sincerely thought so, or if his words were mere flattery directed to his employer.

No, I’m not exactly his employer. Ern was the article Cedric bestowed upon me…

‘Ah, why am I thinking of him right now.’

I shook my head. If I continue pondering investors throughout this business, my momentum will be weakened. I should think about something else.

Suddenly, a young man came into view.

A bright and young blonde man was looking this way with his mouth wide open.

‘Oh, that young florist!‘

I recalled the young fellow at once and smiled brightly. Ever since I first visited his florist shop to buy perfume ingredients, I’ve already become a regular.

“Good morning!”

When I raised my hand and waved towards him, the young man seemed surprised and flustered.

We haven’t seen each other only for a day or two, but he’s still as shy as ever.

“G, greetings, Lady Ariel. Did you move here by any chance?”

“Rather than moving, I’m opening a new store.”

The young man seemed confused.

I approached him and smiled softly.

“It’ll be a perfume shop.”

“Oh, I see! Lady Ariel is a master of perfumery, I’m sure your business will turn successful…!”

“Yes, thank you. But isn’t there something else we need to talk about, besides encouraging remarks?”

“Yes? Wha, what do you wish to speak of?”

The young man’s face turned red.

It was a bit surprising how the medium bright tone of pink filled from his forehead to his cheeks and nose.

“Yes, a flower and perfume shop. Can you think of anything?”

“Uh, uh…”

“Oho, that means I will continue to be a regular customer of your store in the future.”


The young man nodded only then.

His understanding was a bit slow, but he was essentially a good lad.

There would be even more icing on the cake if I could coax him thoroughly. I continued with a subtle smile.

“So why don’t we try to strengthen each other’s trust since we will continue doing business?”

“T, Tru, trust…”

“Yes, for example…”

I beckoned the young man. He gazed at me absent-mindedly, before belatedly realizing my gesture and leaning his head towards me.

I whispered in a voice that couldn’t be heard by others.

“You only sell your products to me.”

“Ah… Pardon?”

“I don’t mean all of your products. Only one item. I want the Lilac to be sold to me exclusively.”

“L… Lilac?”

“Yes, is that possible?”

The young man blinked. My proposal seemed to be bewildering. I threw more bait to keep the young lad from his embarrassment.

“Instead, I’ll pay exactly twice the current price.”

“Tw, Twice…!”

The young man’s eyes widened. I smiled deep inside my heart without the young man’s knowledge. Fortunately, he was the type that could be easily beguiled.

“Yes, besides, I’m going to buy many, many lilacs. Then your margin will also increase exponentially.”

The flowers sold by this gentleman were generally of better quality than any other flower shop. Especially the Lilac.

The young man spoke in a confused tone.

“A, aren’t lilacs a craze within the capital these days? I thought it was bewildering how the demand for lilacs increased recently…”

Magnus also stopped by here.

I smiled sweetly, pretending to be oblivious to the fact.

“Well, is it a trend? Anyhow, if you accept my contract, I will give you an advance payment as a sign of gratitude. This much?”

I stretched out all five fingers. The young man’s eyes widened once again.

“F, five-hundred bis?”

“Yes? No, what are you talking about? We’ll be on the same page. For it to be that much?”

I tilted my head and replied.

“Half a million bis, of course.”

“Yes, yes?”

The young man covered his mouth with both his palms.

I laughed internally. You are so innocent, unlike a young man who owns a shopping mall in Senon.

“What do you say? Is the deal established?”

“Five hundred thousand bis for lilacs… Lady Ariel, do you require that many lilacs?”

“Yes, of course.”

I laughed and nodded.

“I need it. Very, very much.”

To crush Magnus’ nose.

As if the young man had made up his mind, he presented a firm expression.

“Deal. I will venture with this agreement.”

“All right, partner.”

I reached out to the young man.

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As he proceeded to hold my extended hand, I asked, “What’s your name, partner?”

“Ah, my name is Raphael Edmund…!”

“All right, Sir Raphael, let’s do our best in the future.”

I waved my hand up and down vigorously.

Raphael lowered his eyes and responded to the handshake, ashamed.

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