Chapter 5

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, it was me who mentioned the breakup first.”


“It’s only natural for an adult man and woman to meet and then settle down, and no one will take his Dukeness Evans just because he broke up? That seems to be taking a step too far.”

I drooped my eyebrows as if I was sorry.

The forsythia’s expression changed visibly, including the facial expressions of the surrounding dress corps.

At first, they looked vaguely unintelligible, then shocked, following that with their open mouths as if they couldn’t believe what I had just said.

I kindly waited until they understood the situation. How long has it been since then?

Finally, the forsythia color regained consciousness.

“Haha, ha… So you’re saying that his Dukeness Evans was dumped by My lady? Do you think we’re going to believe that now?”

There’s a difference….. He’s still a Duke.

I shrugged slightly at the vulgar term. Well, it didn’t matter to me whether they believe it or not. It’s just enough to spread the rumor that Cedric and I broke up. Whoever was sleeping and awake.

“No matter how worried you are about your breakup, you’re telling such absurd lies! I’ve seen you again, My lady!”

“If you don’t believe it, you don’t have to. Oh, by the way, you seem to be very passionate about my breakup, so why don’t you introduce me to a nice man?”

“What, what?”

I wore a twinkling, mischievous smile.

“I prefer a bit more rounded and cute personality than a sharp cold-hearted man like the Duke. He should have a nice personality and only look at me. Well, he should look like a puppy.”

Come to think of it, my ideal type is the exact opposite of Cedric. That was fortunate.

“If you have a kind-hearted soul, My lady, please introduce me to someone.”

The forsythia quivered at my words.

I didn’t know you would react this much. The forsythia was at a loss for what to do with the thoughtless jokes.

“Are… Are you making fun of me?”

“No, I asked for matchmaking.”


As if the forsythia could not find a reply, she folded and unfolded the fan fiercely to the point where it was distracting. Soon she folded up her fan and exclaimed,

“I’ll remember what happened today!”

What do you mean remember.

Not feeling the need to respond, I gave a slight silent salute without erasing my smile. Then the forsythia shook and turned her back.

“Let’s go, girls!”

“P, Patricia!”

“Come with me!”

The dress corps followed the forsythia girl like a flock of chicks.

She was called Patrica. It didn’t seem worth remembering, so I let go of the name.

Ariel Winston seemed to have quite a few enemies in society.

‘Well, that’s understandable…’

No matter how crazy she was in love, she was the woman who presented the male lead with the anixia scent. It would have been amazing if she had not made an enemy.

However, if the enemies were all at the level of the dress corps, I don’t think we need to worry. I can’t believe they ran away shivering after a couple of words.

With a shrug, I buried my nose in the bouquet. It was still fragrant.

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“There we go!”

I shouted with joy.

Rina, who was grinding petals at the side auxiliary table, raised her head.

“Hyuk, are you finished?”


I stared at the perfume I had just finished with a proud look. Honestly, I was a little worried. I’ve never conducted perfume since I lost my sense of smell. No, it should’ve been true that it could not be done.

That was five years ago, so I was worried that my skills might have gone rusty. Fortunately, after adjusting to the unfamiliar tools of this world, I was able to make perfumes quickly.

“So, this perfume is effective…”

I picked up Ariel’s fragrance notes. It stated that the perfume I made following the recipe had the effect of ‘dissolving fatigue at once.’

Perhaps because it was a different world from where I lived, Ariel’s notebook had many perfume recipes with enormous efficacy. A perfume that heals an inner wound or a perfume that attracts people.

Is it because it is a world where magic and spirits exist? Ariel’s notes seemed to belong to a wizard, not a perfumer.

Anyway, I think the scent is good… but will it work as written? With a suspicious look, I dropped the spices and ingredients into the flask, mixed them, and poured the liquid into the perfume bottle.

And sprayed.


“Are you alright?”

Rina asked with a nervous look. I sniffed and was lost in thought.

I’m a little tired. Is it working out? Maybe not?

Is it just a placebo effect? As I snorted my head, Rina asked, twinkling her eyes.

“May I have a sniff, My lady?”

“Of course. Half of it was made by Rina.”

“Well, all I did was grind the petals.”

Rina walked up to me, blushing red. I sprayed the perfume into the air near her. Another fragrant smell filled the room.

“What do you think?”

“Well, first of all, it smells good…uh?”

Rina suddenly opened her eyes wide.

“Lady Ariel! I’m suddenly so energized!”


“It’s just rising out of control!”

Exclaimed Rina with an excited face. It was the first time that Rina, who was always intimidated by me, was like this.


“I think I have something to complete!”

Rina, running to the auxiliary table, began to grind the petals furiously.

I gazed down at the mix with a bewildered and disbelief face. Is Rina exaggerating for me on purpose? How could it work so immediately…?

However, Rina since then has crushed numerous petals.

She only asked for more petals, saying that she couldn’t control her energy even if I asked her to rest.

I hurriedly lowered the percentage of Alana in the recipe, that was said it was helpful for energy.

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“Your Majesty, the package has arrived.”

“Is it urgent? Leave it anywhere.”

“This is the package sent from Lady Winston.”

The feather pen, which had scrawled without hesitation, halted. Cedric raised his head.

‘Ariel Winston.’

He thought of the calendar in his head. The last time I met her… Yeah, four days ago.

The day remained quite distinct in Cedric’s head. It sounds funny, but it was the first time I had my broken heart.

“Is it that you keep your promises?”

Cedric mumbled with a laugh.

That day Ariel had certainly said so. Even if they broke up, she’d send perfume, to not worry.

“bring it.”

“Yes, My lord.”

A moment later a small box was delivered in front of Cedric.

It was a box packed with pretty ribbons. When I turned off the ribbon and opened the box, a fragrant smell arose.

“Oh, is this the Anixia scent?”

Rigion raised his head with curiosity. Cedric pushed his forehead instead of answering.

“Go away. Your smell will be mixed.”

“You are too much, Your Dukeness….”

Cedric lifted the perfume bottle in the box. His eyes casually glanced into the empty box.

There was only one perfume bottle in the box.

Other than that, there were no cards.

“Wait a minute, Your Dukeness.”

When Cedric picked up the perfume bottle, Rigion stopped him with an anxious look.

“Are you going to use it right away? Let’s check it out first.”


“What if she sent you another strange perfume? How many times has My lady pretended to send the anixia scent and instead gave you a strange scent? Like the perfume that makes you fall in love when you smell…”

“No, it never worked.”

“That’s true…”

Though Rigion stepped back, muttering at the end of his words, his gaze at the perfume remained doubtful.

Cedric ignored him and sprayed the perfume. The reaction was immediate.


A sensation that starts from the tip of the nose and penetrates around the blood vessels, feeling a breeze sitting all over the body.

Cedric closed his eyes and sighed deeply. I felt the cursed beings, who had started making noise in the cell a few days ago, become quiet at once.

“Are you all right, Your Dukeness?”

Region asked, anxiously examining Cedric. Instead of answering, Cedric lowered his eyes and stared at the perfume bottle.

The only talent was an insanely outstanding woman.

There were many perfumers in the system. Some were famous for being geniuses and some were popular in the salons of ladies.

Yet none of them succeeded in creating the scent of Anixia.

‘What kind of recipe do you use?’

Even this scent seemed to have a better effect than last time. Cedric slowly pulled his head to both sides. His misty, hazy head instantly cleared up.

“Oh, Your Dukeness. This box, it’s a two-tier box.”

Rigion opened the bottom of the box. He used a box separated into two layers just in case the scent would mix.

The box below contained a small perfume bottle and a note. Cedric hardened his forehead.

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Rigion gently offered the note and perfume bottle. Cedric grabbed the note and read it out instantly. There had been nothing to read for a long time. There were only two sentences on the note.

[The enclosed perfume has the effect of relieving fatigue. I hope it helps.]

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