Chapter 11 11. Taoism


A sound of water came out from above the blood sea.

Styx was wearing a blood-colored robe, and his black hair was casually draped over his shoulders. On his handsome face, there was a drop of blood-red mole between his eyebrows, which looked even more sinister.

"Come out, the prehistoric Wu Minghe is here."

After murmuring something in Minghe's mouth, he took one step forward and headed towards the edge of the sea of ​​blood.

The Blood Sea is located outside the Great Continent and on the edge of the Four Seas. In other words, the Blood Sea is actually the junction between the Great Continent and the Infinite Four Seas.

Walking above the sea of ​​​​blood, Ming He looked at the three innate tribes in his body that had already transformed once among the twelve-level karma red lotus.

It was also decided to go to the East China Sea first.

Although today's Dragon Clan has not yet become one of the overlords that dominated the ancient world, their power is not small now.

Zulong is in the late stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and is only one step away from reaching the peak stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Of course, this realm is determined by Styx itself.

In today's prehistoric era, there are no martial arts, only one inheritance. All innate gods and demons follow the teachings of heaven and earth and follow their own path.

Today's prehistoric era is a prehistoric era of all spirits, a prehistoric era of all spirits and methods.

The River Styx has legends from previous lives, so when you comprehend the Great Dao, you will naturally follow the path of legends from previous lives.

But what kind of Tao Zulong cultivated and what methods he practiced, I am afraid that no one except Zulong himself would know.

However, Styx infers from the timeline that if the Ancestral Dragon can now reach the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal, or the realm of Daluo Golden Immortal, then the extremely domineering ancestor of the dragon clan will directly launch a war against the ferocious beast.

Based on this inference, the current Ancestral Dragon is estimated to be the late Taiyi Golden Immortal, and does not even have the cultivation level of the late Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Styx has always believed in the supremacy of Taoism. Since he dared to walk out of the sea of ​​​​blood, it must be because the creatures in the wilderness are no threat to him.

After all, there is only one Great Luo Golden Immortal in the prehistoric era, and that is the Shen Ni who retreats to the Fierce Beast Mountain in the northern continent. The other prehistoric creatures, even Hongjun, are only the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

While thinking, he headed towards the East China Sea.

Along the way, Minghe also realized two Taoist methods.

Possessing nine Dao Seeds, as well as various legends and moves in novels from later generations, Styx created an escape method called Five Elements Escape, which is based on the Five Elements Dao Seeds and the Golden Escape. Created from the five avenue seeds of wood, water, fire, and earth;

There is also a method called wind control, which is a flying method developed from the seeds of the avenue of wind.

The Five Elements Escape is just like the legend of later generations. As long as you have the power of the Five Elements, you can move forward without any hindrance;

As for the wind control technique, although its name is simple, as long as there is a fluctuation in the wind within the reach of the spiritual consciousness, it can come instantly, just like teleportation. As for the distance, it all depends on the strength of one's spiritual consciousness. If one thought It can cover the prehistoric world, and the Styx River can travel all over the prehistoric world with a single thought, and it still ignores the restrictions. After all, the restrictions and defenses are living beings, not the unconscious wind.

After possessing two top-notch running skills, Styx is more confident to go to the East China Sea, is faster, and his body is more concealed.

Styx didn't know how big the ancient world was, but it took Styx a hundred years to come out of the sea of ​​blood and travel to the East China Sea.

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