Chapter 116 116. War Begins

Minghe looked at the giant white egg and realized that in this sea of ​​blood, apart from the mosquito, who else could devour the origin of the sea of ​​blood?

Minghe's mind was spinning, and he was about to separate the true spirit particles to turn the giant egg into his own clone, but a sudden inexplicable feeling appeared in his heart. This was the warning from the soul.

The creatures of the prehistoric world can disbelieve what they see with their eyes and hear with their ears, even what they scan with their spiritual consciousness. After all, there are countless wonderful methods in the prehistoric world, and each has its own magical powers and techniques. If you are not careful, you will be blinded by your mind.

But you must not disbelieve the warning from the soul, the warning from the true spirit, which is used to save lives.

Minghe realized that he had a warning from the soul, so he stopped his action immediately, and then summoned a clone to come here.

After the clone arrived, Minghe commanded the clone to explore the situation of the giant egg.

The clone did not delay and directly extended the power of the soul into the giant egg.

Just as the clone used the soul to explore it, Minghe felt a pressure from the Heavenly Dao appearing in the sea of ​​blood.

Minghe was shocked, but soon relaxed. After all, the prehistoric world was not ruled by the Heavenly Dao at this time, and he had not concluded a cause and effect with the Heavenly Dao, so naturally there was no relationship.

It was just a pity for his clone!

Sure enough, when Minghe felt sorry for the clone, the clone turned into ashes from head to toe.

In the blink of an eye, a clone of the peak of Taiyi Jinxian fell into the rules of the Heavenly Dao, and even his true spirit particles were directly wiped out by the Heavenly Dao.

When Minghe saw this scene, he also understood that this was the calculation of the Heavenly Dao, or it was a bit inappropriate to say that the calculation should be an anti-virus program.

If the prehistoric world is compared to a computer, the Heavenly Dao is like a computer program, and the prehistoric creatures are like various software in the computer or part of the program.

As for those creatures that are not controlled by the Heavenly Dao, they are like computer bugs or viruses.

The Heavenly Dao will naturally eliminate these viruses.

Just like just now, destroy them directly.

After Minghe realized that this was the calculation of the Heavenly Dao, he also completely understood that he was too high-profile. He, a creature that was not under the control of the Heavenly Dao, was constantly changing everything in the prehistoric world, whether it was the fierce beasts or the three tribes of dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns, or even the Qingqiu fox tribe, they had already settled in the blood sea.

Now that half of the seventh calamity has passed, the Heavenly Dao has already gained some power, otherwise it would not be possible to directly control the prehistoric world in the eighth calamity.

Of course, it can also be said that there are already a large number of creatures in the prehistoric world, actively intersecting with the Heavenly Dao, thus greatly increasing the strength of the Heavenly Dao.

But countless creatures have intersected with the Heavenly Dao, but only the creatures in the blood sea do not embrace the Heavenly Dao, but instead constantly change the existing pattern in the prehistoric world, which will naturally trigger the error correction program of the prehistoric Heavenly Dao.

The Styx came from the later generations and has the memories of the later generations. If you look at the setting of the prehistoric heavenly way with the memories of the later generations, you will find that there is actually no problem with the planning of the prehistoric heavenly way.

First, the battle between the dynasty and the fierce beasts at the end of the seventh calamity directly swept away countless grievances of the Chaos Demon God and the creatures evolved with the inheritance of the Chaos Demon God;

Then there was the war between the three innate tribes and the people who determined the unity of the Tao in the eighth calamity, which was to perfect the laws in the prehistoric world;

The battle between the witches and the demons in the ninth calamity, and the six saints were born, which was to be able to completely control the prehistoric world.

The twelve great ways are perfect, and the nine great ways are perfect.

In other words, after the battle between the witches and the demons, there were six saints in the prehistoric world to govern the prehistoric world. There should not have been another calamity, but it was these six saints who directly smashed the prehistoric world to pieces. Although the prehistoric world was finally refined again, the origin of the prehistoric world had been lost, and it was naturally going to the end of the law era.

Minghe was thinking about the development of the prehistoric world, and at the same time, he did not forget to carefully check the situation of the giant egg.

After killing Minghe's clone, the giant egg scanned the blood sea again, but it did not get anything. It could only disappear into the blood sea with the giant egg after bursting out the pressure of the Heavenly Dao.

Minghe looked at the giant egg that had disappeared, and couldn't help muttering in his heart: "Isn't this the mosquito? Why did it run away?"

Minghe thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out. In desperation, he could only return to the Blood God Palace to continue his retreat.

While Minghe was in retreat, all the creatures who were connected with the Heavenly Dao received a message, that is, killing the fierce beast would gain the merit of the Heavenly Dao.

Minghe naturally did not get this news, but Minghe had a clone. Whether it was Zijia or Xuanqing, or Ao Ming, Fengning, Lin'an and other clones, they all told Minghe about this.

After getting this news, Minghe naturally told Shenshi.

After experiencing the investigation of the Heavenly Dao just now, the Styx has decided to be a safe person in the Dao from now on, so the Styx directly sealed the Blood Sea, and no one can enter the Blood Sea again.

Of course, the Styx will naturally not close the mall he built.

The Styx, who has thirteen small worlds, can move the mall to the small world! There is chaos there, no matter how powerful the Heavenly Dao is, he can't go to his own small world!

After Styx notified God Eater of the news sent by Heaven to kill the ferocious beasts, he also informed God Eater about the relocation of the shopping mall to the small world.

Styx believed that the ferocious beast clan would naturally think of a way to deal with it once they were reminded of Styx. Of course, if they couldn't think of it, could they rent their own little world? He was not afraid of the evil spirit of this ferocious beast.

I just don’t know if this ferocious beast has so many merit coins to pay the rent!

After all, Styx really couldn't imagine how to earn merit in this small world.

Besides, the Divine Devourer on the northern continent, after receiving the message from the Styx River, immediately came to Shenni's side, and without any hesitation, he directly ordered the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao to kill the ferocious beasts. Every ferocious beast was informed by merits. God's rebellion.

After hearing what Shen Ni said, Shen Ni laughed and said directly: "I have known for a long time that after the coming of Heaven, I will definitely deal with my family of ferocious beasts. After all, today's Heaven does not have the ability to purify the ferocious aura. You can slowly rely on time to eliminate evil spirits.”

After saying this, Shen Ni spoke again: "Did Styx say anything else?"

"Styx said that their mall has moved to the small world he created. He also said that if we, the ferocious beast clan, need a small world, he can rent it to us, the ferocious beast clan, for only a thousand years. Just 50,000 merit coins," Shen Shi said hurriedly.

"One thousand and fifty thousand merit coins is really a high price for rent!" Shen Ni muttered, and then he said: "Go to Styx and rent a small world first.

Although I am confident that I can withstand it, who knows if there are tyrannical beings in this primitive world, so I must be careful. "

"Okay, my emperor, I will make arrangements.

But why doesn’t my emperor go to find Rahu? Our ferocious beast clan helped Luo Hu resist the invasion of Qiankun and others. Now it is his turn, the Demon Ancestor, to help. "

God Eater said to Luo Hu.

After Luo Hu heard what Shen Yan said, he nodded immediately, saying that Shen Yan was right, and he would contact Luo Hu right away.

The reason for God's rebellion was not because of the huge difference in combat power, but because he wanted Luo Hu to isolate himself from the creatures of the ancient world and stand on the opposite side from other creatures.

The Divine Devour has roughly the same meaning. It is just a push to push Rahu and let it rise quickly. Otherwise, if this prehistoric world is not chaotic enough, how can the Styx collect merits.

Yes, at this time, after experiencing the temptation of heaven, Styx not only moved his mall to Small World No. 13, but also prepared to make a war fortune.

As for how to make money from this war.

It's too simple. In war, what can be better than a powerful spiritual treasure, an elixir that can restore damage, and a safe territory that can protect oneself.

So, after being instructed by Shen Shi, Shen Ni quickly came to Mount Sumeru and informed Luo Hu of his intention.

Luo Hu naturally understood Shen Ni's plan, but unfortunately, he had to pay back the favors he owed, and he also had to pay back the karma he owed in the prehistoric times. At the same time, Luo Hu was also very happy. After all, there was no war in the ancient world, and it was very difficult for him to erase the seals of the Four Swords of Killing Immortals.

After Rahu agreed, Shen Ni left Mount Sumeru happily and returned to the Fierce Beast Mountain in the northern continent.

Shen Ni, who returned to the Fierce Beast Mountain, immediately called out the four ferocious beast kings and ferocious beast warriors, and at the same time, he also sent a message to Samsara.

Then Shen Ni arranged various tasks in the Ferocious Beast Mountain, allowing all the Ferocious Beast Sons to start preparing for war.

A ferocious beast with a divine bite will naturally not engage in single combat or passive defense. The strategy of the ferocious beast is to shoot and change places. If a creature is found resisting the ferocious beast, the ferocious beast's army will come to the area and slaughter it directly.

At the same time, whether it is the King of Ferocious Beasts, the General of Ferocious Beasts, or the Divine Devourer, Divine Rebellion, and Reincarnation, they will all be hiding in the sky above their army of ferocious beasts. Whenever the Ferocious Beast Clan encounters a difficult bone to chew, they will immediately take action.

Therefore, although Heaven issued a mission, because there was no one to organize the creatures in the ancient world, nearly three billion creatures were slaughtered by ferocious beasts in a short period of 100,000 years. It seemed to be dyed red by the blood of ancient creatures.

Luo Hu looked at the four swords of Zhu Xian that were almost completely wiped out with a look of surprise and was also very happy.

Just when Luo Hu was about to continue to retreat and wait for the seal to be completely erased, Shen Ni asked him to come out to deal with Qian Kun and others.

Yes, after going through all kinds of killings by ferocious beasts, the primitive creatures are not fools and will also look for a suitable leader.

And the loose cultivator alliance of the three ancestors of Qiankun, Yinyang, and Five Elements fell into the eyes of the primitive creatures.

As for Qiankun and the other three ancestors, they were naturally very happy. After all, this was a good way to improve the reputation of the ancient world. Killing the ferocious beasts would bring merits to their account, so the three of them quickly stood up and began to command the creatures of the ancient world and fight against the evil beasts. The beast blew the horn of counterattack.

After Shen Ni learned that it was Qiankun, Yinyang, and Five Elements who opposed the ferocious beast this time, he immediately contacted Luo Hu.

After listening to Shen Ni's narration, Luo Hu's old grudges suddenly came to his mind. He didn't care about the four swords of Zhu Xian hidden under Mount Xumi. He immediately ordered all the demons and headed towards the South China Sea. .

Just as Luo Hu set off, the six-eared macaque who had been listening to Mount Xumi immediately sent a message to Styx.

Styx, on the other hand, moved and disappeared into the sea of ​​blood, quickly heading towards Mount Sumeru.

Just as the Styx was on the way, fierce beasts had already started fighting with the creatures of the South China Sea.

The fierce beasts had thick skin and flesh, and every attack was accompanied by evil spirits.

For the prehistoric creatures, although they also practiced both the Dharma and the body, the physical body was always a little worse. At the same time, the prehistoric creatures practiced more of the Yuanshen, and they were most afraid of evil spirits.

Not everyone had the means of the Styx, who made the clone into a physical body to absorb evil spirits, but did not affect the Yuanshen's absorption of innate spiritual energy.

Therefore, the creatures of the South China Sea were beaten back step by step by the fierce beasts, and there were constant deaths.

The boundless water of the South China Sea was also directly dyed red, and the water was full of evil spirits.

But even though the creatures of the South China Sea were in such a miserable state, Qiankun and others still did not take action. They knew very well that it was no longer necessary for them to take action now, because if they took action, they would immediately meet opponents who were similar to them, and they might be directly killed in the end.

As for the dead South China Sea cultivators or prehistoric creatures, they were nothing more than cannon fodder for them and were of no use.

In this way, a war lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. The entire South China Sea was dyed like a sea of ​​blood. At the same time, the sea was filled with evil spirits, and it was no longer suitable for a dojo.

Just when Qiankun and others were thinking about where to set up a dojo, a black magic attack suddenly attacked them. It was Luohou's attack.

"Luohou, dare you!"

The Yin-Yang Patriarch immediately held up the Tai Chi diagram and blocked the attack. After seeing the person coming, he couldn't help but roared.

"What is there for me to be afraid of? You dare to attack my Mount Xumi, so you must be prepared to be remembered by me."

While Luohou was speaking, he summoned the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Wanmo Tower and pressed towards the three people.

However, these attacks were blocked by the Tai Chi diagram. But in an instant, a spear shadow as fast as lightning pierced straight into the Tai Chi diagram, directly tearing through the Tai Chi diagram's defense. At the same time, the Yin-Yang Patriarch also roared loudly: "Ah..."

The person who came was Shen Ni, and the weapon of attack was naturally the innate treasure, the God-killing Spear.

"Luo Hou, you actually colluded with Shen Ni, I will definitely publicize it in the prehistoric world!" The Qiankun Patriarch sacrificed the Qiankun Cauldron and placed it on his head for defense, and shouted loudly at the same time.

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