I became the Styx, and my clone dominated the wild world

Chapter 124 124 End of the Road and Raise Your Eyebrows

Chapter 124 124. End of the Road and Raising Eyebrows

Hongjun shouted, and the entire group of prehistoric creatures flew out in a stream of light, including Hongjun, Qiankun, Yinyang, Cangqiong, Jinchan, Qingtian, Xuantian, Huangtian and Hunkun, a total of nine people.

At this time, the spiritual veins and mountains and rivers of the entire northern continent have been destroyed. Under this piece of heaven and earth, creatures with weak cultivation cannot survive.

As everyone attacked again, the wanton spiritual energy storm directly flattened the dangerous places left by the powerful attack, or the dead places formed by the resentment of some powerful beasts after the self-explosion, and the residual power left by the self-explosion of various prehistoric creatures, making the originally dangerous place, which would make the north more depressed, become a smooth road.

But under the sweep of the spiritual energy, the land of the entire northern continent also turned into endless yellow sand. Even if everyone stopped at this time, without a long time of recovery, the entire northern continent would still not be able to survive.

But will everyone stop? Obviously not, at least not before killing Shen Ni.

At this time, on the prehistoric continent, the only fierce beasts left were Shen Ni and Lun Hui, who were in the top layer, and the entire prehistoric creatures lost nearly 80%. It is conceivable that the fighting power of the fierce beasts, after all, the fierce beasts have nearly half of the power, and entered the fierce beast world created by the Styx. If those fierce beasts did not leave, what kind of situation would it be!

No one will know, and Shen Ni will not let others know.

After all, the fierce beasts are now extinct. Although they have brought great harm to the prehistoric creatures, making the entire prehistoric creatures participating in the battle, only one in ten survived, and nine out of ten creatures died in the war.

And the prehistoric creatures who came to exterminate the fierce beasts accounted for eight-tenths of the entire prehistoric.

It can be said that the creatures that died in the entire prehistoric at this moment accounted for nearly 70%.

It is conceivable that this is a huge number.

In addition, the dynasties were in a three-way confrontation before. Although it was only the top figures of the dynasties fighting against each other, the eggs would not be intact if the nest was destroyed. The forces of all sizes were fighting against each other. At this time, compared with the most prosperous time, only one out of a hundred creatures survived in the prehistoric world.

Although the Styx was in seclusion at this time, after all, the Styx had a clone in the prehistoric world, so he naturally knew the situation in the prehistoric world.

At the same time, the Styx also made a lot of money from the war. As long as the race where the Styx clone was located, after slaughtering some fierce beasts, they were all brought to the vicinity of the Blood Sea by the Styx clone.

Even those races that were on the verge of extinction seen on the road would be rescued by the Styx clone.

It can be said that in the prehistoric world today, only one out of a hundred creatures survived, and they all gathered near the Blood Sea. The rest of the prehistoric world was desolate, without any prehistoric creatures.

The Styx also knew what his clones did. This was also the order of the Styx. After all, the Blood Sea was so big, how could there be so few creatures? More creatures came to work for you!

At the same time, Minghe also knew that after Hongjun and others had decided the winner with Shenni, the next step would be the end of the quantitative calamity, and then the Heavenly Dao would be completely born, and it would be the beginning of another prosperity, a prosperity that belonged to the prehistoric Heavenly Dao.

Because after the Heavenly Dao replaced the Great Dao, the prehistoric creatures who did not achieve the peak of the Golden Immortal of Daluo, did not pick the Great Dao Fruit, and planted in the long river of the Great Dao, could no longer comprehend the Great Dao.

It was for this reason that the Heavenly Dao had to launch a quantitative calamity to cleanse the prehistoric creatures, which was why Hongjun and other innate gods and demons ignored the prehistoric creatures at the bottom.

But in the same way, without half a quantitative calamity to recover, the entire prehistoric world would not be able to return to the previous prosperous period, and the loss was too great.

This was still because Minghe was in the middle, and a lot of changes had been made. Otherwise, according to Minghe's memory, in the first quantitative calamity of the prehistoric world, the entire prehistoric creatures were almost extinct.

In the recent half a quantitative calamity, 99% of the creatures were lost, which had frightened countless people.

It seems that the prehistoric world has returned to the beginning of the sixth catastrophe, and the number of creatures is almost the same as that of that time.

There is no joy of victory, and the faces of all creatures are full of grief.

Even if they have reached the vicinity of the blood sea and their safety has been guaranteed, it is still the same.

After all, countless races of creatures thought that this was an easy way to earn merits, but now they are facing huge losses and the death of countless fellow tribesmen or Taoist friends.

It can be avoided at the beginning, but as the hatred between the two warring parties continues to increase, for the sake of the tribe and for revenge, in the last three thousand years, even the prehistoric creatures who did not intend to participate before came to the battlefield.

This led to the current situation.

The prehistoric tribes suffered heavy losses, but the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn were different. Their ancestors Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shi Qilin were all innate gods and demons. They had restrained them early on and could not go to war too early. Until the end, the three tribes began to participate in the battlefield. In an instant, they became the pillars on the battlefield and the vanguards on the battlefield.

It is precisely because of this that the reputation of the three innate tribes at this time skyrocketed after the war, achieving the prestige of the three innate tribes, and also harvesting countless luck.

As the luck entered their bodies, Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shi Qilin suddenly realized what path they would take in the future. After all, they had no idea before they were above the Daluo Jinxian.

But at the same time, Shi Qilin, Zulong and Yuanfeng looked at each other and began to feel anxious. After all, this battle was not only a journey to gain merit, but also an opportunity to reshuffle the forces.

Yuan Feng, Zu Long, and Shi Qilin all understood that the next era would be the rise of all races.

After the fierce beasts were completely wiped out this time, some veterans would definitely go into seclusion. As creatures within the Heavenly Dao, they knew the changes after the Heavenly Dao controlled the prehistoric world. If the veterans could not adapt to the rules of the Heavenly Dao, they could only go into seclusion, otherwise their best outcome would be death, or even the destruction of their bodies and souls.

After all, this was the prehistoric world, a place where the strong were respected. There were only some innate gods and demons. Didn't the Chaos Gods and Demons also get killed by Pangu?

While countless creatures were thinking, the battlefield of Shen Ni and others changed again.



"Shen Ni, the ancestor surrenders to you. Don't kill me!"

"Shen Ni, I will fight you..."


It was originally a battle of ten people who were evenly matched, but in a flash, the two ancestors Qing Tian and Huang Tian and the ancestor Cang Qiong were stabbed directly in the forehead by Shen Ni.

But what surprised Shen Ni was that this time, the God-killing Spear did not absorb the spirit and the most important power of the dead.

You know, although the quality of the God-killing Spear is now an innate treasure, it is essentially an innate treasure. It has no rank, but it can devour the origin of all things to evolve itself, just like the auspicious clouds of the heavens, which can also devour the auspicious clouds of countless creatures to improve its own rank.

And just when Shen Ni was curious, he soon got the answer.

I saw that the Qingtian and Huangtian ancestors, who were pierced through the eyebrows by Shen Ni, their origins actually devoured their true bodies directly, and then they did not disperse, and turned into a stream of light that went away from the body of the Cangqiong Ancestor.

The two origins devoured the Cangqiong Ancestor just like they devoured themselves before, and then the two origins actually merged into one and fell directly into the Star Seal in the hands of the Xuantian Ancestor.

This Star Seal is not a simple thing, it is also an innate treasure.

At this time, Xuantian ignored all this. He just stared at the Star Seal in his hand. After a long time, Xuantian looked at Shen Ni with hatred, then looked up at the sky, and then said with a shaky step: "The way of heaven is unfair!

Since this is the ending, then I will fulfill your wish!"

After that, with a "boom", Xuantian actually exploded.

This self-explosion made all the innate gods and demons look puzzled. Even though it was a hostile situation now, they still looked at Shen Ni.

After all, among the crowd, Shen Ni has the highest cultivation.

"Just watch!" Shen Ni looked at everyone's eyes, laughed, and then said.

After hearing Shen Ni's words, everyone could only look at the place where Xuantian exploded. When the chaotic airflow dissipated, they saw that the Star Seal began to tremble, and sucked the origin of Xuantian's self-explosion into it.

At this time, everyone's eyes were red.

Especially Luo Hou, he didn't have an innate treasure, and he didn't know who stole the Zhuxian Sword he had sacrificed.

Now, looking at the innate treasure Star Seal and the spiritual treasures left by several other people, their eyes were wide open.

But now all the top powers in the prehistoric world are here, and Shen Ni and Lun Hui are standing in the air. The top powers in the prehistoric world naturally cannot snatch the spiritual treasures left by their allies in this way.

But just as countless thoughts flashed through everyone's minds, they saw that the Star Seal actually made a "humming" sound!

Then they saw that the Star Seal actually turned into a stream of light and went towards the prehistoric sky. Not only that, at this moment, the Star Seal actually automatically showed the greatest power of the innate treasure.

Its pressure, even Shen Ni and Lun Hui, the two Hunyuan Jinxian strongmen, felt tremendous pressure, not to mention Hongjun and Luo Hou, a group of Daluo Jinxian cultivators.

Everyone spontaneously sacrificed their own spiritual treasures for protection.

And the stream of light transformed by the Star Seal went forward through the void, through the nine layers of Tiangang, and went to Zhoushan in the center of the prehistoric world.

"What is this?"

Seeing this scene, Luo Hou, Hong Jun and others were stunned. They didn't understand what was going on. They immediately began to deduce, but there was a cover that hindered their deduction.

Only Minghe, who was far away in the sea of ​​blood, understood that the origin of the three heavens and the sky and the star seal would be hidden on the top of Zhou Mountain, slowly transforming and evolving until the next catastrophe, when it turned into the thirty-three-story heaven.

Just when everything returned to calm, Shen Ni said, "Okay, now that the excitement is over, let's decide the winner!

How about you, fellow Daoist, join me in the fight?"

After Shen Ni finished speaking, he looked at the Samsara on the side and said.


Samsara did not refuse. The Samsara Plate appeared in his hand, and the power of the innate treasure could not help but spread to the entire void.

Lunhui casually threw the Samsara disk away, and with a flick of his finger, he shouted: "Seal!"

After the word "Seal" appeared, the whole void seemed to have something more, but before the prehistoric creatures could react, Shen Ni had already stabbed the Ancestor Hun Kun and the Ancestor Jin Chan with the God Killing Spear.

This time, the God Killing Spear did not let go of the original power of the two, but Shen Ni's movements were too fast, so he did not completely devour the Ancestor Hun Kun, but only devoured the Ancestor Jin Chan.

"Everyone be careful, the spiritual treasure in Lunhui's hand can imprison everyone." Hongjun just surged with magic power, but found that he could not move, and hurriedly shouted loudly.

"Haha, I just realized it now, it's too late!" Shen Ni laughed loudly, but the God-killing Spear in his hand was not idle at all.

Daluo Jinxian can attack thousands or even hundreds of millions of times in one second, and what about Hunyuan Jinxian?

In an instant, 52 innate gods and demons on the side of the prehistoric creatures were killed by Shen Ni.


Just as Shen Ni was preparing for the next kill, a sigh reached everyone's ears.

Then there was a shrill scream, but it was the scream of Samsara.

I saw a willow branch directly pull the Samsara disk away, and then it was directly hit Samsara.

With Samsara's scream, the imprisonment force sealed on all living beings also relaxed. Seeing this opportunity, how could Hongjun miss it? Hongjun did not use the so-called heaven and earth dust, but showed Pangu Banner in his hand, and used a chaotic sword energy directly on Samsara.

Afterwards, Hongjun did not say anything more, and the Pangu Banner in his hand was not idle at all. One after another, the chaotic destructive energy rushed straight towards Lunhui, and the speed was so fast that even Shen Ni did not react. At this time, Shen Ni was attracted by the figure of the old Taoist in the air.

With a "bang", Lunhui's embarrassed body was knocked away.


Lunhui, who was knocked out, was endlessly desolate at this time. From Lunhui's laughter, it can be heard that this was a kind of unwillingness.

Lunhui's body was shattered at this time, and his soul was almost broken.

It was just that Hongjun didn't know how much chaotic destructive energy he had just shot out at that moment.

But Lunhui did not hate Hongjun. After all, as a person who was reincarnated from the Chaos Demon God, he was born to be incompatible with Hongjun and other primitive creatures. At this time, Lunhui stared at the Taoist who had just appeared.

"Raise your eyebrows!" Lunhui roared at the Taoist.

"I, Yangmei, greet you, fellow Daoist Lunhui. It's been a long time since we last met!" Yangmei also landed on the ground and saluted to the broken Lunhui.

"Yes, it's been a long time since we last met.

I don't know why the Venerable treats me like this?" Lunhui put away the hatred he had just felt when he saw Yangmei, and asked Yangmei with a respectful look.

"Don't mention the title of Venerable, the past is over.

I came here to repay the cause and effect of the prehistoric world. I know what you two planned, so I didn't break the agreement!" Yangmei took a deep look at Lunhui, and after he said a word, he disappeared in front of everyone.

As Yangmei disappeared, Lunhui and Shenni both slowly exhaled, and the fear in their eyes also dissipated for the most part!

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