Chapter 150 150. The establishment of the witch and lich

Compared to Di Jun, Taiyi prefers to fight. He leads almost all external wars, while Di Jun controls the control of all monsters and the planning of alliances.

The two brothers are very clear.

"What does Bai Ze mean?" Di Jun asked?

"Your Majesty, the reason why you did not take the initiative to publicize the establishment of the monster clan and the title of Monster King is nothing more than to let the great gods relax their vigilance, but Your Majesty, you must know that no matter how low-key we are, it is impossible for the great gods to relax their vigilance.

So, instead of doing this, it is better to make a big show, so that you can deter all monsters and make them surrender. As for those who are still not submissive, Your Majesty Taiyi will beat them to submission."

After listening to Bai Ze, Di Jun pondered for a while and said, "Doing that? It may be uneven. Some dispensable monsters, or even monsters that do evil, what use is this emperor to come?"

"Hehe, it seems that Your Majesty has not yet changed. You must know that no matter whether his cultivation is low or high, no matter whether his character is good or bad, when you get the title of the Demon King, it means that you are the master of all demons in the world..."

Bai Ze said again: "You need to guide those with bad character, and those with low cultivation also need your guidance. Only in this way can the demons be convinced and gather more luck;

And now is the best time, no one is competing with us, so even if we are "big but not refined, it doesn't matter"?

As long as the status is determined first, we can slowly train them later. Removing the dross and keeping the essence is a matter for the future. Now, we pursue expansion. "


Di Jun was silent, and it was obvious that he was persuaded.

Compared with Di Jun in the original trajectory, Di Jun in this life had many concerns because of his third brother's voice transmission, so when dealing with the prehistoric demons, he hoped to take the essence and discard the dross.

But Bai Ze's words are right. Now is not the time to think about these things. Now is the main thing to expand. As for removing the dross and keeping the essence, that is to be done later. Expansion is the best solution.

So after considering it, Di Jun agreed with Bai Ze's words.

Therefore, the prelude was opened.

Soon after, Di Jun and Tai Yi became the emperors of all monsters, and the title of Monster Emperor spread throughout the prehistoric world in an instant.

Indeed, as Bai Ze said, after Di Jun and Tai Yi made such a statement, many big and small monsters came to surrender one after another, and they also recognized Di Jun as the Monster Emperor. As for Tai Yi, he was called the Eastern Emperor.

Although at this moment it was only the recognition of the monsters themselves, and it was not recognized by all the creatures in the prehistoric world like later when they entered the heaven, it must be said that Di Jun took the first step to become the emperor.

Moreover, Di Jun found that after such a statement, things were indeed much simpler.

Before, he was hesitant, even if some big monsters and resources made him jealous, he could not attack rashly, otherwise he would make enemies everywhere.

But now it is different. After he stated his status as the Monster Emperor, those who came to surrender were his own people, and those who did not come to surrender, or even did not recognize that he was the Monster Emperor, were enemies.

Because of his statement, the enemies and his own people were completely clear at a glance, which made it much clearer.

Moreover, he also had a great title. After all, he was the Demon King. This was a title that he had set himself, and it was also a title recognized by the Heavenly Dao.

With this title out, why don’t you, the little demons and the big demons, come and pay homage to him? Don’t you agree?

Well, since you don’t agree, then I’ll beat you until you agree.

After occupying the title and making the enemy and us clear at a glance, Di Jun and Tai Yi acted more decisively.


Since the demons at this time were not hunted by the witches, and some of them were mortal enemies, they were used to being free and undisciplined, so they were naturally unwilling to be ruled.

Therefore, many big demons just didn’t recognize Di Jun’s status as the Demon King. For a while, the whole prehistoric world was a bit chaotic. Di Jun had to attack those who didn’t obey, and those who didn’t obey had to resist, so the prehistoric world slowly became chaotic.

Moreover, Di Jun’s blatant rule over the demon race must have made many powerful people unhappy, and they began to worry.

If the two brothers Di Jun completely ruled the demon race, wouldn’t I have to look up to these two brothers in the future?

Moreover, with so many people joining him, such a powerful force, even if he is powerful, he cannot defeat the crowd. If Emperor Jun gives an order, he will be in danger.

Therefore, many powerful people began to worry about the future.

For example, Kunpeng in Beiming Sea also began to slowly cultivate his subordinates, and even began to secretly or openly understand the North Sea and the Northern Continent. After a period of time, he really established a considerable force.

However, the rise of Emperor Jun and Taiyi was much faster than his, and Kunpeng even touched the interests of the demon clan. He originally planned to develop slowly step by step and finally control the demon clan.

As a result, just after establishing a small force in Beiming Sea and the north, he was defeated by the demon king who suddenly appeared.

To prevent others from becoming a Taoist is a life-and-death enemy. Kunpeng wanted to control the demon clan to condense their luck and practice, but Emperor Jun broke his plan, which was the most obvious way to prevent others from becoming a Taoist.

Therefore, the seeds of hatred and cause and effect between the three people were planted unknowingly.


In the following period of time, countless creatures came to the demon clan established by Di Jun and Tai Yi.

Six of the ten demon kings have gathered, and the remaining four are still trying to establish their own mountain. According to Tai Yi, if they don't surrender, they will be killed.

However, Bai Ze once again proposed a plan.

"The majesty of the two majesties has been established through this period of time, but then we need a certain degree of gentleness. We will beat those who do not surrender into submission, without killing them, and ask them to change their minds and join our forces. In this way Only by combining kindness and power can countless demon clans in the wild see a majestic and benevolent demon emperor."


Bai Ze's plan was accepted by Di Jun again. According to Bai Ze's words, Di Jun and Taiyi soldiers divided into two groups and began to sort out some big demons who were famous but did not yet belong to their own camp.

But, when they were in full swing, they didn’t know?

Balance is the main purpose of heaven and earth. Since the demon has slowly risen, their opposing existences also need to rise.

Their opponents are the ancestral witches entrenched near Zhoushan Mountain.

With Zijia's presence, the ancestral witches have always been cautious and appear to be very wise.

However, that seems to have changed not long ago.

In Pangu Hall, the Twelve Ancestral Witches were sitting cross-legged, and the scene looked very depressing.

"This is a kind of fateful reincarnation, or a means of balancing, and it is also the beginning of confrontation. After the demon clan emperor was recognized by heaven and earth, it has been difficult for us to make a choice." Zijia said to the twelve ancestral witches.

"Could it be that after inheriting the continuation and bloodline of God the Father, we can only sacrifice ourselves? Such an unfair way of life!"

"Haha, there is never any fairness. Father God dared to sacrifice to create the world. As the descendants of Father God, what does our sacrifice count?"

"But I'm not willing to give in!"

"So what, we still have to face it!"

Zijia naturally heard the conversation of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but he remained silent.

But it was after Di Jun and Tai Yi established the Demon Clan and became Demon Emperors that Zijia felt a kind of heavenly aura and urged them to found the Wu Clan and multiply their people.

Zijia naturally knew that the lich measured calamity, so he had already told the Twelve Ancestral Witches long ago.

And today was also the day that thirteen of them discussed this matter.

After a while, Zi A said: "Although it is a sacrifice, it is not a dead end. If we remember one thing, then we will naturally become the winners!"

"Brother, what are you talking about?" Hou Tuwen asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Zijia said: "Yes, there is a unique place in the ancient wilderness, called the Sea of ​​Blood, and there is an expert in the sea of ​​blood, called the Styx.

There is everything that all living beings want there, and presumably there will also be things that we, the Witch Clan, need.

At the same time, this so-called lich calamity is also a test. You must know that any living being has a test.

Just like in the ancient times and the ancient times, there were also tests.

Like the ancient battles between three clans for hegemony and the battle between Tao and demons, they are tests. Only those who win will be immortal.

Don't be as pessimistic as it sounds, as if the world is unfair.

You must understand that there is always a test in seeking Tao and truth. Confrontation with demons is our test. But as long as we pass the test and never owe anything to heaven and earth or others, we can achieve eternity. "

The law of heaven is supreme, and there must be checks and balances. Even if the three corpses of Hongjun and Hedao were left behind by the law of heaven, Luohu, let alone them.

If Minghe thought before that it was because Heaven was afraid of Pangu's power, so he killed them, then after getting Zijia's memory, Minghe no longer thinks so.

There is no need to be afraid of the ancestral witches as the Heavenly Way is about to be perfected. They cannot threaten the Heavenly Way even if they are given time, so the Heavenly Way's arrangements are only for balance and for testing.

It can even be understood as the process that must go through for the perfection of the way of heaven.

In short, the rise of the demon clan will also lead to the rise of the witch clan, which is inevitable.

"But even though we are powerful, we are still too few. There are only thirteen of us, how can we defeat the endless prehistoric demon clan?" Di Jiang asked.

Zijia smiled and said: "After the establishment of the Demon Clan, a memory was unsealed in my sea of ​​consciousness, which is exactly the way to create our people."

"Oh, brother, tell me quickly!" everyone asked in unison.

Zijia stood up and came to the blood pool where they were conceived, and said: "It's very simple. If we conceived from here, then we can continue to conceived our tribe from here, just like this, you see!"

With a sound of "wow--", Zijia forced out a drop of his own blood essence, and saw the blood essence shot into the blood pool.

Suddenly, the blood pool began to churn, looking particularly mysterious. It was not until a long time later that Zijia's blood essence slowly merged with the essence of the blood pool and began to form a huge blood cocoon.

There was a sound of "Bang -", and there seemed to be a living being hidden in the blood cocoon. The wave just now was like the sound of a heartbeat.

Zijia said: "Our blood essence and the blood pool gathering the evil spirits and spirits of heaven and earth can continue to give birth to our descendants, which can also be said to be our clansmen." He added: "Look, this blood cocoon That's it, my blood and essence, combined with the essence of the blood pool and the wisdom of heaven and earth, slowly give birth to a new life, and this life is our descendant."

The ancestral witches, after watching the elder brother's demonstration, they investigated again and found that it was indeed the case. The blood cocoon was giving birth to a new life, which was still the same life as them.

The ancestral witches were very excited. Each of them forced out a drop of blood essence and began to give birth to their descendants as Zijia said.

For a time, thirteen blood cocoons were suspended in the blood pool. It only took a mere forty-nine years to give birth to new tribesmen, which made them excited.

After calming down for a while, Hou Tu said: "Brother, what do you think the race we created should be called?"

After Hou Tu asked, the remaining ancestral witches opened their eyes wide and stared at Zi Jia closely.

But Zijia said: "Today, we are different from those prehistoric creatures who have been inherited by heaven. We not only cultivate the soul, but also cultivate the body. At the same time, we only respect Father God Pangu and do not respect heaven and earth. Our existence is different from other creatures. , and ninety-nine percent of the creatures in the primitive world at this moment are monsters. Since we are destined to compete with the monsters, we must have a different way, so our names must also change. "

The thirteen ancestral witches of this period were still called Pindao. The name Taoist was not the title of ancestral witches at first sight.

Just like when Emperor Jun and Taiyi did not establish the Monster Clan, all the creatures in the ancient wilderness were collectively called Wan Clan, and there was no unified name. It wasn't until Di Jun and Taiyi established the Yao Clan that the name Yao came into being.

"Brother, what do you think our name is?" Zijia saw all the younger brothers and sisters looking at him expectantly. He immediately drew a stroke with his hand, and saw a golden horizontal line appeared in the sky. Zijia said: "One horizontal line is the sky. , one horizontal line is the earth, and the middle vertical line is the Father God standing on the sky and the earth. The Father God's Dao body is the "man", and we are guarding the Father God, so this word is called "Witch". From now on, we are the Thirteen Ancestral Witches. , from then on called themselves Wu Clan.”

I saw that as Zijia slowly described and wrote the word "witch", the golden word "witch" shone brightly.

Fortunately, it is a place like Pangu Hall that isolates heaven and earth. If Zijia did this outside, Heaven might be angry. This would be disrespectful to it.

But it is also possible that the law of heaven will send down merits, because the witch clan has been determined, and the balance of opposition between the prehistoric lich and the lich has been determined, and merit rewards need to be sent down.

"Witch clan, ancestral witches!" The ancestral witches murmured excitedly.

I feel like what my eldest brother said is so good. One horizontal line is the sky, the other horizontal line is the earth, and the center is Father God. They guard the left and right sides of Father God, and follow Father God to fight against heaven and earth and fight against chaos.

"What a witch character, what a witch clan, haha... From now on, our brothers and sisters will be the Thirteen Ancestral Witches."

"Haha, yes, yes, we are the Thirteen Ancestral Witches."


After the ancestral witches understood it, they were extremely excited. They finally had a unique title and a root.

Zijia smiled and said: "And the thirteen people born from our blood are the first generation under the ancestral witches. They are called great witches."

"Okay, Great Witch!" The Twelve Ancestral Witches shouted loudly.

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