The Styx also understood the operation of the tunnel. To put it bluntly, it was to reincarnate some souls of the prehistoric world and then begin to annex Nuwa's small world.

However, the tunnel's operation was just because Nuwa was kind-hearted and would not kill those creatures. At the same time, it did not understand that when the souls containing the origin of the prehistoric world reached a certain scale in the world, the entire small world would fall into the control of the tunnel. Otherwise, no matter how kind Nuwa's heart was, she would still make a decision to become a great power in the prehistoric world and a saint.

However, the Styx did not tell Nuwa these things. After all, Nuwa was now a saint of the Heavenly Dao. The tunnel eroded the authority of the Heavenly Dao, which was not a bad thing for the Styx. After all, Pangu Daoguo, to put it bluntly, was the prehistoric world, that is, the three ways of heaven, earth and man, and the authentic Pangu.

As long as these were suppressed by himself, Pangu Daoguo would naturally be his own at that time.

At the same time, after the operation of the tunnel, the Styx also understood the future development of the prehistoric world.

That is, the three paths of heaven, earth and man came into being, constantly annexing other worlds, as well as the chaotic world, so that the prehistoric world continued to grow.

At the same time, everything in the prehistoric world will be fixed, such as the places where the innate spiritual energy is distributed, such as the spiritual roots, spiritual plants, spiritual treasures, and spiritual materials that can be contained in the spiritual mountains and rivers.

This is the natural evolution of the prehistoric world, which divides the prehistoric creatures into different levels and separates them.

Just like the legend of the previous life of the Styx, the immortals and mortals are forever separated.

Of course, this separation is not to divide the world into several states and islands, but to divide it into different spaces, but that will be developed in the future. At this time in the prehistoric world, the human path has not yet appeared, and the heavenly path itself is not perfect. Hongjun is needed to complete the heavenly path, that is, the earthly path is successfully born. Although it is a little premature and malnourished, it is always complete and can evolve.

In today's prehistoric world, the three paths of heaven, earth and man, the human path has not yet appeared, the heavenly path is the strongest but not perfect, and the earthly path is weak, but it is perfect. Therefore, the evolution of the prehistoric world can only rely on the earthly path.

That is why there is no merit from Heaven in the prehistoric world today, only merit from Earth has descended.

As for the original history, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors all obtained merit from Heaven, thus achieving the peak of Quasi-Saints in one fell swoop. That is because Heaven stole the authority of Earth and Humanity, thus possessing the power to bestow merit. Otherwise, relying on the current Heaven, how could it have the ability to help the prehistoric world evolve? If the prehistoric world does not evolve, how could merit descend?

You must know that merit is the origin of the prehistoric world. In the original history, the prehistoric sky pillar was broken, and the innate spiritual energy was degraded due to the war between witches and demons. Countless immortal mountains and blessed places in the prehistoric world were shattered, and countless creatures fell.

What is Heaven? It is the rules.

And there are not many countless creatures in the prehistoric world. How many people follow the rules? At that time, what authority and power did Heaven have?

It is precisely because of the weakening of the power of Heaven that Hongjun had an opportunity to take advantage of, so he is no longer Heavenly Dao Hongjun, but Hongjun Heavenly Dao.

Then came the Conferred God Calamity, and the Four Saints fought, which made the origin of the prehistoric world even weaker, allowing Hongjun to invade the origin of the Heavenly Dao more and more. When Hongjun finally retired after completing his mission, the prehistoric world became the Dharma Ending Age and finally collapsed.

Of course, it is also possible that before the destruction of the prehistoric world, Pangu returned again with the help of Pangu Dao Fruit, completely destroyed Hongjun, and re-created the world and reincarnated again.

But this time it was different, because of the Styx, although the Heavenly Dao was still imperfect and needed Hongjun to complete it, the prehistoric world was different now.

Not to mention anything else, because of the Styx, the Western Continent was not completely shattered, and Mount Buzhou did not collapse now, but the tunnel was already born.

The ancestor witches all had their primordial spirits, and at the same time, because of a drop of blood from the Styx, they had their physical bodies. They were not unable to get out of reincarnation in the original trajectory, and could only sleep continuously to resist the erosion of reincarnation on Hou Tu.

At this time, Hou Tu was like Hongjun, or even stronger than Hongjun.

Because Hongjun is in harmony with the Way of Heaven, while Houtu controls the Way of Earth, these are two different concepts.

If the Way of Heaven is also perfect, then relying on Hongjun's achievements will also be controlling the Way of Heaven.

Of course, the so-called control is to rely on its own rules and power to strengthen its own strength, rather than to arbitrarily show its power like the Styx controls the world.

Therefore, in this life, with the existence of the Styx, the prehistoric world has undergone fundamental changes, and thus has entered a different path of evolution.

This path is:

The heaven rises, the mortal world sinks, and the underworld is at the bottom.

The immortals and mortals will be separated, and even the small world after the annexation is the fusion of the immortal world of the small world and the immortal world of the prehistoric world, and the mortal world of the small world and the mortal world of the prehistoric world.

The entire prehistoric world will become a giant world with three layers in the future, with the immortal world at the top; the human world in the center; and the underworld hell at the bottom.

This change is the most correct evolutionary path in the mind of the Styx.

Of course, some worlds that are too low-end will become the lower world of the prehistoric world, and the cultivators will continue to practice, and then slowly practice to the prehistoric world.

Because of the existence of the Chaos Burning Heaven Soul Transformation Array, even though the prehistoric world had experienced a great war and an explosion of living beings, the innate spiritual energy was still sufficient.

And because of this sufficient innate spiritual energy, the prehistoric world was constantly expanding. At the same time, the Chaos Burning Heaven Soul Transformation Array could also continuously transform chaos, making the prehistoric world's own growth faster.

In fact, there was a state of confrontation between the prehistoric world and the chaos, which was also Pangu's idea.

You know, Pangu split the chaos and opened up the wildness. In Pangu's cognition, the wildness is to completely replace the chaos. Only by completely replacing the chaos can he become a true great master.

After understanding these, Minghe deduced and found that the way of the wildness seemed to be correct.

There are three realms in heaven and earth, among which the heaven is the fairyland.

The fairyland is not the heaven in the legend of later generations. The heaven will only be a building in the fairyland in the future, symbolizing the highest power in the fairyland. The people in it can control the various directions of the fairyland.

Located on the top of Buzhou Mountain, the highest point of the fairyland.

Buzhou Mountain will be a pillar connecting the fairyland, the mortal world, and the underworld in the future.

The world that can be divided into three layers of the three realms is also supported by Buzhou Mountain.

In this case, many memories of Minghe's previous life are useless. After all, the face of the prehistoric world has completely changed. However, Minghe is now strong enough, and there are countless clones to help Minghe control the prehistoric world. There is no need to worry about the possibility that he cannot control.

As for the changes in the prehistoric world, it started from this reincarnation and the combination of the prehistoric world and the earth. As for the situation mentioned before, it is estimated that it has reached the period of conferred gods, because no matter how it changes, the prehistoric world needs to be controlled by gods.

And these creatures are the opportunity for the perfection of the heavenly way.

The heavenly way is the rules, but the rules have loopholes, so someone needs to fill the loopholes, so there is Hongjun Hedao.

But when the gods are born, the heavenly way can send down the heavenly rules to fill the loopholes of the heavenly way, and the gods are the creatures who go to perfect the loopholes.

It has been said before that if the prehistoric world is likened to a computer, the heavenly way is the operating system, the earth is the material of the computer, and the human way is the software of the computer.

Computer materials must continue to get better and better, and software is also becoming more and more useful through learning. As for the system, unless you change the system, you can only keep patching it, and this patch is like a sealed god.

At the same time, Minghe also knows that as the prehistoric world continues to grow, there will be more and more saints, and even more powerful saints will appear.

Thinking of this, Minghe looked at his clones again, and began to think about how to get more Hongmeng purple qi to make the clones holy.

Although Minghe is already at the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at this time, Minghe knows that it is still too early for him to break through to Hunyuan Wuda Daluo Jinxian.

There is no way, who let Minghe be a fellow practitioner of three thousand laws.

Therefore, Minghe set his sights on the clones.

You know, the reason why his cultivation is growing so fast now is because there are clones who constantly help him control the laws.

While the Styx was constantly comprehending the changes in the prehistoric world and thinking about how to gain more benefits, all the prehistoric beings felt the changes brought about by the birth of reincarnation.

With the birth of reincarnation, those with low cultivation in the prehistoric world were very happy about the emergence of reincarnation, because they could not be immortal. Before, they were finished after death. Now, their souls are immortal and they can be reincarnated again. This is a great surprise. Of course, there are also disadvantages, such as those who are entangled in cause and effect and have done many evil things, so they should pay attention.

Those with high cultivation, those above the Golden Immortal, are shocked by the changes in the prehistoric world, because reincarnation is of little use to them.

If the changes in the prehistoric world are perceived by the ancient and ancient beings who have lived for a long time, they will find that it is just like the retreat of the Great Dao and the birth of the Heavenly Dao.

A great era of changing the world is about to begin. This kind of opening of a new era is the most worrying because it is very dangerous, but it is also accompanied by opportunities.

Thinking of what the Venerable said before that it was not time for the two tribes of witches and liches to become saints, many people understood that this change might be the time for the witches and liches to become saints.

It’s just that I don’t know how many saints there are.

This opportunity is the saint, and the crisis may be the same disaster as the beasts and dynasties before.

In general, there are three great eras in the prehistoric world that changed the world.

The first is: the great era change after the disappearance of the dynasty and the extinction of the beasts, and the birth of the Heavenly Dao.

The second great era is the era after the end of the three tribes and the Tao Demon, when the Taoist ancestors became saints and saints were born.

And the third era is coming, and the third era has already begun, but I don’t know what the third era will become, so some powerful people are very worried.

For these, the Styx does not know, and at this time, the Styx has returned to the Styx world and started to practice its own world.

While everyone was constantly discussing the changes in the prehistoric world, the demons in the heavenly court were discussing it.

Hou Tu became reincarnated, and the demons were very worried about it.

But when they came to their senses and found that Hou Tu was no longer a witch, didn't it mean that the Twelve Capitals of Heavenly Gods and Demons Great Array that the witch clan worried about the most was also incomplete?

In this way, the demon clan had the Zhoutian Star Fighting Great Array, and the witch clan had no formation to fight against it, didn't it mean that the demon clan finally had the upper hand.

The demon clan was very excited about this.

In the demon clan heaven, Di Jun did not lose his mind because of excitement. Di Jun in this life has changed a lot.

"Everyone, Hou Tu has reincarnated, and our chance has come. Without the Twelve Capitals of Heavenly Gods and Demons Great Array, even if Di Jiang has the treasure Pangu Palace in his hands, the witch clan is no match for our Zhoutian Star Fighting Great Array, but we must not be proud and complacent;

Although Hou Tu, um, Lady Pingxin, is no longer a witch clan, but if she is pushed to the edge, she may take action, so we must be cautious about this;

Besides, Lady Pingxin has done such a great deed, and His Holiness has personally helped. I don’t believe that the Wu Clan has not put forward any conditions to His Holiness. His Holiness is dedicated to the public and should agree to some reasonable requests made by the Wu Clan;

That is to say, although it may seem that the Wu Clan has lost its formation, with the help of His Holiness, they may have a new trump card, which needs attention;

Finally, and most importantly, the present prehistoric world is not simple. It is not just our Wu Li clan, but also dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, human race, and sects, which are also eyeing us covetously;

Once one of us and the Wu Clan shows a weakness, these brutal guys will definitely pounce on us in an instant, so the situation is still very complicated. ”

Everyone nodded after hearing what Di Jun said.

Fuxi said: “Not only that, Lady Pingxin will be in charge of the underworld in the future, and the creatures born and raised by nature are becoming increasingly scarce. Have you noticed this?

What does this mean? You should understand it very well. From now on, this netherworld hell will be the most important place in the prehistoric world;

The cycle of hell, the end is also the beginning, to be exact, it is a stopover. With this stopover, the witch clan has more means to contain us;

Fortunately, the punishment of reincarnation is the rule set by the Venerable, and her witch clan dare not act recklessly, not to mention that there are several judges arranged by the saints to assist. "


Fuxi's words, everyone pondered for a while.

There are fewer and fewer people who are born and raised by nature, and the birth and nurturing of living beings almost all come from the nurturing of their parents.

Although they are a demon clan, they are not.

Di Jun, Fuxi, including the ten great demon saints and some big demons, are not considered a demon clan.

They are born and raised by nature, born by heaven and earth, and their clans are rare. The more such people are, the stronger they are.

For example, the three-legged golden crow clan only has Di Jun, Taiyi and Zijia, and they belong to the demon gods of heaven and earth.

It's just called the demon clan, but it's not true.

However, there are fewer and fewer people who are born and raised by nature, and the master The underworld that controls reincarnation is much more important.

What's even more infuriating is that the demon race was named: the animal path.

This made them very angry. Animals are beasts without intelligence, not creatures born and raised like them.

Although 90% of the demon race is made up of "animals".

Beasts are the helpers of the demon race. Beasts are called demons only after they have cultivated successfully and opened their intelligence.

Of course, the demon race did not regard the animal path as their own path. They believed that they were the immortal path.

After a period of silence, everyone kept silent. Di Jun looked at Bai Ze who had been silent all the time, and asked: "Bai Ze, do you have any opinion?" (End of this chapter)

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