"Wang Shu has met Dao Zu, but I don't know what the reason for his coming here is?" Wang Shu looked at Hongjun with a wary expression, and his whole body was full of momentum.

Hongjun looked at Wangshu, sighed and said: "Fellow Taoist Wangshu, long time no see. Pindao came here just to meet with fellow Taoist, and there is no harm at all!"

After hearing this, Wang Shu looked at Hongjun with a sarcastic face and said, "Do you believe what you said, Daozu?

Pindao remembers very clearly what happened in the God-killing Sword Formation. "

After hearing Wang Shu's words, Hongjun was silent for a moment and then said: "The past is over, fellow Taoist, it's better not to take it to heart.

Pindao came here this time to meet his fellow Taoist, and by the way, he wanted to ask his fellow Taoist why he had returned to the prehistoric times. "

Wangshu was silent for a moment, and wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth twice, but in the end he remained silent.

Seeing this scene, Hongjun seemed to understand something, and said no more. He moved and disappeared into the lunar star.

But before leaving, he said to Wang Shu: "Since my fellow Taoist has entered the ancient world, he must know the rules of the ancient world. Small trends can be changed, but major events are irreversible."

Wangshu looked at Hongjun who had drifted away, turned around and glanced at Chang Xi who was stretching out the lunar star, sighed leisurely, and then disappeared.

After both Hongjun and Wangshu disappeared, Ming He sent a message to the hidden person: "Since my fellow Taoist has returned to the wilderness, why not show up and see him!"

"Haha, Fellow Taoist Ming He really has good eyesight. I thought I was hiding enough, but I didn't expect that I was noticed by you, fellow Taoist." An old Taoist wearing a green robe and white hair appeared in the sea of ​​blood. He looked at Styx with a smile and said.

Ming He smiled faintly and ignored the meaning of Yangmei's words, but said: "Yangmei Dao is so friendly and carefree!"

Just as Styx and Yangmei were talking to each other, in the heaven...

Emperor Jun returned to Heaven and very implicitly expressed the truth he had realized in Styx, hoping to gain the support of the demons.

The general meaning is that when fighting a lich, after understanding the cause and effect of this calamity, you can exit with dignity and fulfill the great trend of the world.

He originally thought he would get the opposition from the demons, but unexpectedly, he got the consent of the demon clan's top leaders. The purpose of their gathering was luck, jumping out of the chess pieces, and getting rid of the cause and effect.

Since the Demon King said this, it seems that it is not without benefits. At least there will be merit in following the general trend, even if it is a bit unwilling.

But this unwillingness is also based on the premise of being able to survive the Lich War safely.

If he died in a disaster during the war, then what Di Jun said at this moment would be useless. What kind of decent ending would it be for him to die?

Heaven is fair. As a high-ranking member of the Demon Clan for endless years, he has enjoyed the Demon Clan's luck and protection, and naturally has formed a lot of karma.

The test of this cause and effect is the Lich War. After the war, you can survive and get rid of the cause and effect. Even if you cannot come out from the world, at least you will be safe.

And if you die in a battle, it means that your Taoist heart is not stable, the cause and effect is too huge, and you can only use everything to repay your luck.

Therefore, all the senior officials supported Di Jun's words.

Like the Monster Clan, after Di Jiang returned, he also implicitly stated the reason for the existence of his Witch Clan, the contribution he would need in the future, and how to ensure the Witch Clan's longevity.

Even if the top leaders of the Wu clan are shocked, as Styx said, there is no so-called injustice. The injustice now is the compensation in the future, and the source of blessing now may not be what will happen in the future?

What's more, this was God Father's decision. How could we still blame God Father Pangu?

Therefore, the Wu clan supports Di Jiang's words and decision.

Just like the demon clan, those with big karma will die within the calamity. If the Taoist heart is firm and the cause is small, there will be no more causation after the calamity is over, and they can still get compensation.

However, unlike the top leaders of the Monster Clan, the Witch Clan is more worried about what will happen to so many of their own clansmen. If, as the second brother said, the Lich retreats after the disaster, the Saint will not easily let go of their territory, so many clansmen will What should I do, just give it up to the damn Saint Sect?

The Witch Clan is very concerned about this, after all, they are all members of the clan.

But Xing Tian suddenly said very cruelly: "You are overthinking. After the calamity is over, there will not be so many witch clans left."

This sentence worked really well, and the higher-ups of the witch clan fell silent, probably because they were too uncomfortable to say anything.

Similarly, the Monster Clan is also facing such a situation, but the Monster Clan doesn't care. The reason why it doesn't care is that after all, the Monster Clan is a gathering of all races, and the non-Witch Clan is so single.

The top leaders of the demon clan can't control this.

So after the overlord comes to an end, what will happen to his little demons?

What can be done?

If he survives, if the saint lets him go, he will continue to retreat with Di Jun and others. If he doesn't survive, it only means that this little monster has no luck.

Just like that, the Lich made his plan.

And the entire great powers and forces in the ancient world are looking forward to the moment when the Lich is completely lost and they will take advantage of the trend.

They didn't know that the Lich had already considered a retreat after passing through the layout of the River Styx.

There is still huge merit behind this retreat. If the saints and powerful forces knew that the lich did this, would they regret it?

Of course, maybe the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn would admire and admire: the lich is indeed not simple. It has calculated the way of heaven just like them. If it survives, there will be a time when it can rise again.

The only difference is that Hongjun did not exist when the three tribes were there. The three tribes did calculate the Heavenly Dao, while the witches and liches cooperated with the Heavenly Dao, but wanted to go against Hongjun. This is the biggest difference, the difference between having a spokesperson for the Heavenly Dao or not.

The three tribes are called calculations, and the witches and liches are another kind of "calculations" under the coordination of the Styx.

One calculates the Heavenly Dao, and the other calculates Hongjun.

The difference between the two is great, but not great.

As time passed, the friction between the witches and liches became greater and greater. As time passed, the war between the witches and liches was getting closer and closer.

During this period, the entire prehistoric world was not always peaceful. Although the calamity was dominated by witches and liches, it did not mean that there were no other creatures.

They were also blinded by the arrival of the calamity and fell into a crazy fight. Only those with strong cultivation and firm Dao heart survived the killing calamity and resolved the cause and effect.

However, those with unsteady Dao heart and huge cause and effect died in the prehistoric world.

This includes the great powers who have become quasi-saints, as well as more idle Daluo Jinxian and Taiyi creatures.

In short, the entire prehistoric world was in a bloody storm, with fighting and contention everywhere.

Moreover, because of the opening of the catastrophe, a group of miserable second-generations were unlucky and were imprisoned in the dojo by the saint master, who did not allow them to go out.

For hundreds of thousands of years, there were constant wars and heavy casualties.

At this time, nearly half of the creatures in the prehistoric world died in these hundreds of thousands of years, and those who understood cause and effect understood cause and effect.

Only after the decisive battle between the witches and the lich, the world will be restored to clarity, and the new era of cause and effect and sin will be eliminated.

Finally, the moment of the witches and the lich decisive battle has come, and all beings are looking forward to it. The saints' breathless battle has begun.

The witches and the lich clans, which account for more than half of the prehistoric creatures, were ready when other creatures began to pass the catastrophe in the past hundreds of thousands of years.

With the guidance of the Styx, both clans are full of confidence, and they ask themselves that even if they lose, they can get merit and transcend.



The big star fell, silver light paved the way, the Zhou Tian stars began to move, and the endless demons were densely packed and ready to die.

And the witches, with their murderous aura, strong bodies and upright bodies, dared to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky.

The collision of the two torrents surpassed the power of all previous catastrophes.

The battle between the quasi-saints was the main force, and only a few ancestors in the Dao Demon era reached that level, and at this moment, the top of the witches and liches were all quasi-saints.

"Boom!" Donghuang Taiyi held the Tiandi Bell in his hand, absorbed the power of the world, and with a sound of attack, he instantly tore a hole in the witch army.

"Taiyi little bird, this ancestor witch is here to meet you." Zhurong and Taiyi are old rivals. They are not much different in single combat. What makes Donghuang Taiyi stronger than Zhurong is that he has a lot of spiritual treasures.

The witch clan has become much stronger in this life due to the factors given by the Styx. If there is only Zhu Rong in the original trajectory, Donghuang Taiyi can beat four or five of them. After all, Taiyi in the original trajectory holds the Chaos Bell.

"Zhu Rong, you will definitely die here this time."

"Humph, it's still uncertain who will die. Roar——"

Zhu Rong holds the magic staff, and the attack with the Nine Flames True Fire is fleeting. Kings fight kings, generals fight generals, and the witches and liches of all levels are fighting to the death.

The Styx and Yangmei, comparing the water mirror technique, watching the witches and liches fight, can't help but sigh: "This witch and lich is already the backbone of the prehistoric world, fearless and fearless.

It has the style of the fierce beasts, the dynasty, the three innate tribes, and the battle between the Tao and the demons."

Yangmei listened to the sigh of the Styx, and thought about the creatures when the cause and effect were settled before, and nodded in agreement.

The two tribes are indeed the backbone of the prehistoric world.

At this moment, the endless hatred and cause and effect of the two races of witches and liches began to be settled.

A single move can affect the whole body. Although the battlefield of the witches and liches’ decisive battle is in the east, it does not mean that it is only here.

All battlefields that the witches and liches can contact are undergoing this kind of decisive battle.

Therefore, it is not only the witches and liches that are implicated. The human race also feels huge pressure. There are many witches and liches fighting, and the battle is transferred to the human race. In order to protect their people, the masters of the human race began to go all out.

This is a disaster for the human race, but also an opportunity for the human race to rise.

Originally in history, the human race had to endure the slaughter of the human race by the demon race to obtain the witch-killing sword, and the witch race slaughtered the human race to forge the demon-slaying sword.

But because of the intervention of the Styx, the existence of Zijia and Emperor Yi, the witches and liches did not have this.

In fact, the cause and effect of the two races of witches and liches is more of the cause and effect of some low-level creatures. After all, only low-level creatures will have various fights.

After all, although the battle between the two tribes of witches and liches still lasted three times, it was not like the original history, I didn't kill you this time, and then I was saved, and the hatred grew bigger and bigger, but both tribes believed that they had no confidence in winning.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the three battles between witches and liches would be completely launched after the heavenly way, the two tribes of witches and liches would dare to continue this confrontation for an infinite number of calamities.


Such a war lasted for a full 100,000 years, which made the prehistoric creatures feel the danger of the calamity.

The hundreds of thousands of years before were just appetizers, and the decisive battle between witches and liches was the node of the calamity.

Even the reincarnation was almost paralyzed by the rush of countless souls.

Pingxin had to follow the requirements of the underground way and began to reincarnate countless demon souls into the world of Wahuangtian and even the world of the Styx.

The Styx naturally discovered this, but did not stop it.

At the same time, he couldn't stop it either. After he opened up a small reincarnation, this reincarnation was tainted with his own aura, thus connecting his world with the prehistoric world.

Of course, the Styx didn't think about stopping it.

After all, if the prehistoric earth tunnel wants to swallow up other worlds, it needs its reincarnated creatures to occupy more than half of the world.

According to the concept of the prehistoric world, any small world, even the middle thousand world, can't stop it.

But the Styx is different!

As the Styx with three thousand avenues, how could it not understand what the purification avenue is.

The prehistoric creatures transferred into their own world, and they used the purification avenue to purify the original aura on their bodies, so that they could directly transform into creatures in their own world from the root.

It was precisely because of this that this time's witch and demon catastrophe cleansing provided the power for the rapid evolution of the Styx's small world.

With so many souls reincarnated in small worlds, the evolution of small worlds has accelerated a lot.

It's just a pity for the witch clan. Those who have not cultivated their primordial spirits have no souls, and they really become empty after death. Pingxin is very uncomfortable for this.

On the other side...

The major sects and the three tribes were also paying attention to the decisive battle between the two tribes. Although the strength of the two tribes was deeply rooted in people's hearts, everyone admired the two tribes of witches and liches when they saw this kind of decisive battle with their own eyes.

In addition, this was also a turning point for their rise. The witches and liches were too strong. Without some losses, there would be no room for the other forces and tribes to survive.

Just like the Phoenix, Qilin, and Dragon tribes, although they have been born now and have risen again for a while, no one dared to cause trouble for the two tribes.

They were just waiting for the rise of the two tribes after their decline. When the two tribes were at their peak, they were really not good enough.

The saints were oppressed and uncomfortable, let alone them.

Time continued to flow...

Twelve thousand years later, the witches and liches finally reached the important point of the final decisive battle.

Minghe calculated that the two tribes would fight for the number of Yuanhui, which is 129,600 years.

Now that the 120,000th year has arrived,



"The Zhoutian Xingdou formation rises!"

"The Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons formation rises!"

The bottom-of-the-box formation appeared, and the saints began to look forward to it, but Minghe was ready to take action.

The destructive power of these two formations was too great. If he did not take action, the entire prehistoric world would suffer. Then the prehistoric earth tunnel, which was originally perfect, might become imperfect. At that time, it would be possible for Pingxin to supplement the earth tunnel with himself like Hongjun.

Similarly, if he took action, the earth tunnel would owe him karma. At that time, he would have the control of the small cycle, and after the earth tunnel owed karma, the prehistoric earth tunnel would be in his pocket in the future.

After all, after owing karma, you still have to pay interest.

What, you said you are an earth tunnel and don't pay interest.

It's okay, I trade the avenue and contract the avenue. Anyway, the earth tunnel can't speak, it's just a concept, you can write it at will, as long as the avenue recognizes it, then the interest is given. (End of this chapter)

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