Chapter 214 214. Agreed

"Third brother!"

Di Jun and Tai Yi looked at the visitor excitedly and shouted.

“Eldest brother, second brother.

It seems like you guys have been having a rough time lately! "Di Yi laughed and teased Di Jun and Tai Yi.

Di Jun shook his head and said: "Yes, under the calamity, the demon clan can only try its best to find a way to escape, and finally ended up like this."

What Di Jun said was that he had finally managed to achieve transcendence, but in the end the saint came to pick peaches.

Di Yi reached out and patted Di Jun on the shoulder, then took a step forward and appeared in front of the saints.

"Are you coming to rob my eldest brother's demon clan?"

The sound wasn't loud, but it was extremely frightening.

Without him, Di Zhou's aura was so terrifying that even saints like them felt a sense of oppression.

"Scream, what are you doing?

Are you fighting? I'm here to join in the fun. "

A very domineering voice also sounded from the side.

The person who came was none other than Zijia.

Now that the Lich Calamity Tribulation has ended, a group of saints actually want to divide the spoils. How can that be done?

Therefore, Styx had already informed the two of them early on that he would come back after the Lich calamity to bring justice to the two clans.

Sure enough, with the arrival of the two people, the entire prehistoric world seemed to fall into silence for a while.

No matter it was Lao Tzu, Yuan Yu, Tong Tian, ​​or Jie Yin, the four of them did not dare to speak.

There is no way, the current situation is very delicate.

Not to mention anything else, first of all, Lao Tzu's sect is a human religion. The Wu clan has no soul and is not considered. The demon clan is not a human clan and does not match other religions;

Tongtian really wants some members of the demon clan. After all, his interception religion is to intercept a glimmer of life. These demon clans have survived the calamity, which is obviously in line with his teachings, but Tongtian has a bold nature, and You can't do anything like taking advantage of others;

But Yuan originally looked down on the monster race that was covered with scales and horns and turned into wet eggs, so he didn't consider it.

So among the four saints, only Jieyin really wanted to carve up the demon clan. After all, their Western religion was too poor.

But the current situation is giving the lead a headache, and it’s really hard to beat!

Although he had never fought before, feeling the aura of Zijia and Di Yi, he knew that he couldn't beat them.

This may be the talent that he has never won in a fight or lost in an argument for many years.

Therefore, several people stopped talking.

But the matter still needs to be resolved. Although now that Di Yi is back and the Yao Clan has a backer, both Di Jun and Tai Yi understand that Di Yi intervened because of their brotherly feelings, not because of the Yao Clan.

Otherwise, Di Yi would not have joined the Yao Clan and would not have accepted any position in the Yao Clan.

But before Di Jun could speak, Nuwa suddenly said: "Friend Di Dao, I lack some available people in the Emperor Wa's heaven. I wonder if it is possible to transform the spirit of vegetation, mountains, rivers, clouds, mist, flowers and rain from the demon clan. Give the demon of form to me?”

When Nuwa suddenly spoke, Di Yi did not reply, but looked at Di Jun.

But before Di Jun could speak, I suddenly said: "I also need a mount. A few demon kings from the demon clan would be good."

"My sage's Jiejiao is the destination of the demon clan. I guarantee that there will never be any killing of the demon clan in the jiejiao." Tongtian saw me speak and followed closely, but he did not force him directly. Instead, a promise was given.

"This Holy Western Religion needs the contribution of the demon clan." Jie Yin also said.

Like dismemberment, following the words of the saints, it seemed that the entire demon clan was disintegrated.

Nuwa also didn't expect that her words would have such a big reaction.

Nuwa said this without any selfish motives. If it weren't for the Lich War, she would have gone to the Monster Clan to ask for it.

After passing through the various Sai people in the tunnel, there are now many creatures in Emperor Wa's sky.

When there are too many creatures, someone needs to manage them.

Nuwa has a cold temperament and usually retreats in seclusion when she has nothing to do. Therefore, there are not many creatures in Emperor Wa's heaven, so Nuwa wants to have a few demon clans to manage it.

As a disciple of Styx, she knew very well what arrangements Styx would have for the Lich and Lich clans.

It must be a world given to each of the two races and allowed to play by themselves.

And in this case, it would be difficult to find the demon clan.

In addition, the situation just now was very embarrassing, so it was like speaking to break the awkward anger.

Whenever he spoke, his tone was always one of discussion.

But he didn't expect that Laozi and several other saints would use his words to dismember the demon clan.

Nuwa also understood that I was using her as a gun.

So Nuwa smiled apologetically at Di Jun, then stepped away from the ranks of saints to stand with Bai Zhan and Pingxin.

When Di Jun saw Nuwa's actions, he also understood what Nuwa meant. After considering the situation on his side, he said: "It's not good for you saints. After all, I am a demon clan..."

Di Jun just started to speak, but was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

The person who interrupted him was Yuanshi Tianzun, who had not made any conditions just now, but was extremely aggrieved.

"Di Jun, do you have the right to speak here? Just listen to the discussion I'm waiting for."

This sentence completely angered Di Jun. He had already tolerated everything, but you actually wanted to dismember the demon clan in front of him. He didn't even have the right to speak.

What's the matter, you are saints, so we demon clan have no backers.

He glanced at his fourth brother Di Yi and saw that Di Yi was giving him a good look. He also understood that his fourth brother was very confident, and then he said again: "Dear saints, Di Jun does not have the right to negotiate, but what about our demon clan? . It’s still up to me, the Demon King, to decide, or you’ll have to kill me.”

Di Jun's angry words completely tore his skin apart.

"You?" Jieyin and the other saints immediately became angry. The powerful pressure was too strong for Di Jun to bear. Fortunately, at this time, Di Jun let go of the previously unrefined merit, and saw a golden wheel of merit appear. , and thus resisted the oppression of the saint.

And Di Yi also appeared in front of Di Jun in an instant, resisting the pressure of the saint for him.

When the saints saw this scene, they also understood that it was impossible to kill Di Jun.

Without mentioning the merits and virtues on his body, he just said that when the emperor is around, they have no confidence.

After all, the prehistoric world has just broken, and they are fighting in the prehistoric world. If they are not careful, they will be like primitives!

But it is impossible for the saints to compromise like this. After all, the demon clan must be restricted. After all, the witch clan is going to the underworld, but the demon clan has nowhere to go, and will definitely live in the wilderness by then.

The demon clan is so tyrannical, and Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian is sitting there, how can they rest assured.

After all, even if the demon clan is not the protagonist of the world, it is still an extraordinary force!

It is precisely because of this that even Lao Tzu and Yuan Yuan, who do not want the demon clan, have become supporters.

"Di Jun, think clearly, do you want to be right with us?"

The saints ignored Di Yi and all looked at Di Jun.

They also understand that the real decision-maker is Di Jun, and it is Di Jun who Di Yi cares about.

I don’t care too much about the Demon Clan Emperor Yi.

After listening to the saints' words, Di Jun couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Just as the saints were worried about the demon clan's power, Emperor Jun was also worried about the demon clan's future path.

He didn't know that Styx or Di Yi had already found a way out for the demon clan, so Di Jun said: "I don't dare to tell all the saints, but even though my demon clan has declined, I have to hide in the world. , but he was always a overlord before and needed some rights to survive. If he didn't even have this right, it wouldn't matter if he died.

Emperor Jun is not opposed to handing over the previous territory, but my previous subordinates cannot hand it over at will, unless they voluntarily follow the saints. If they are not willing, please saints please don't make it difficult for me. I still have the courage to fight to the death. Courageous. "

The saints were startled, and when they saw that Emperor Jun was looking forward to death, they all nodded. After all, the Emperor Jun of today is no longer the Emperor Jun of the past. No saint dares to look down upon the demon clan with the presence of Emperor Yi.

Especially Sanqing, they knew that their eldest brother had a good relationship with Di Yi, and it would be difficult for them to provoke their eldest brother.

What's more, once Di Jun said this, they believed there would be a good result.

After all, in their opinion, the Monster Clan is already a broken ship. How many reasons are there for following Di Junde?

Besides, no matter how much they were divided, they couldn't satisfy themselves and others, so Di Jun's offer to follow voluntarily was indeed a good idea.

"Okay, in that case, it depends on whether they are willing. I agree." Bai Zhan directly set the tone.

After seeing Di Jun make the promise, Nuwa, Bai Zhan and Pingxin also came over, and Bai Zhan was the first to give the answer.

Nuwa also said: "My Holy Mother has no objection."

As Bai Zhan and Nuwa finished speaking, this matter was confirmed. After all, the strength comparison was now very clear.

The parties that agreed were Nuwa, Bai Zhan, Pingxin and Di Yi.

Four saints stand.

And there are four of them.

But among the four of them, two and a half have been beaten by the opposite person, so they can't disagree.

"Okay." Seeing that it was already like this, I agreed.

After all, this is indeed good. I am quiet and inactive, and I have the luck of the human race. I don’t need to recruit any masters. They are just ants. However, the prerequisite for not recruiting is that the other saints are not too strong. If they are too strong, I will not recruit. Also destroy.

"This leader agrees." Tongtian said.

He has the best reputation among the demon clan, and he has the most disciples among the demon clan. In his opinion, those who voluntarily follow him must be the most numerous.

"Hmph, just follow what Di Jun said." Jieyin snorted coldly.

He had great ambitions and wanted to annex them all, but the others would not allow him to do so and could only follow what Di Jun said.

"That's it." Yuanshi Tianzun said.

Although he looked down on the demon clan, he had just caused his sect to be burdened with karma and needed to find a way to solve it.

The best way is to recruit some monsters that he is extremely disgusted with, and let these guys share the cause and effect of his disciples, which is to find some scapegoats to die.

As proud as he is, he has always looked down on the demon clan, but because of this mistake, he began to take the demon clan's attention as a scapegoat.

Just like that, all the saints agreed.

After that, only a few saints began to radiate their holy power.

"The demon race is in the past. You and I have committed serious sins. Fortunately, you have returned from your lost ways. Now I will give you a chance to join my teachings and become a subordinate to repay your sins. From now on, you will be protected by this saint."

The original one is more anxious than the lead, but it can't be done if you don't hurry. The cause and effect of breaking the sky is a bit big. If you don't find some scapegoats, your own disciples will be finished.

And just after Yuan Yuan finished speaking, the Demon Clan really had a lot of heartbeats. Just as Yuan Yuan said, the Demon Clan was indeed going to decline. It seemed that this was the end of following the Demon Emperor. It would be better to embrace the lap of a saint.

Of course, only the lower-level demon clan thinks this way. The real middle and high-level people don't think this way. They know to some extent the demon emperor's plan.

What's more, even if you don't know, you can tell with a little wisdom. Although it seems that the demon clan has failed miserably, you can also see how smart the demon emperor is.

Saving the situation from complete destruction, Da Yili's dignified exit left the Monster Clan with a chance to make a comeback.

What's even better is that the demon clan's withdrawal is accompanied by merit, not sin. This is even better. If you have merit, you won't have to bear sin like the previous three clans.

This is the smartest thing about Demon Emperor Jun. He has resolved all the hidden dangers. Although there are labor pains, the future is also bright.

What's more, His Majesty the Demon Emperor has a brother who is already the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. As long as this brother is here, how could the Demon Clan be defeated, or how could the Demon Emperor be defeated?

Therefore, anyone who thinks of this and some senior officials who know the plan are unmoved. They feel that it is better to follow the Demon Emperor.

Saints are indeed powerful, but after all, they are not as good as the Demon King who treats him like this. He has always been a Demon Clan, and being a Demon Clan means he is destined to do a lot. Not to mention that there are several saints who are tired of the Demon Clan, and they just follow the Saints who are not tired of the Demon Clan. , can you live a good life?

It's just a matter of living under someone else's roof. It's not worth it. It's better to continue to follow the Demon Emperor.

Therefore, some little demons who didn't understand anything or who couldn't stand the temptation stood up, but most of the senior officials and experts were unmoved.

This scene made Yuanshi Tianzun dumbfounded: "Hmph, don't make a mistake, your demon clan's territory and resources will be handed over in the future, do you still want to follow Di Jun?"

Yuanshi Tianzun never dreamed that he would be able to tempt the masters of the demon clan to join him in teaching like this. However, he had always looked down on the demon clan. However, he was unlucky enough to bear a huge sin. Otherwise, it would not work. Where else would he go? Looking for a scapegoat.

Sure enough, Yuanshi Tianzun's words shocked many demon clans. It turned out that their own territory was gone. In this way, it seemed that His Majesty the Demon Emperor was really defeated, and it seemed useless to follow the Demon Emperor.

And just when Yuanshi Tianzun was excited and thought that he could recruit many masters.

"Ahem, I am the leader of the Taoist Tongtian Cult. I teach all kinds of religions. Is there anyone among you who is willing to follow me?"


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